TR-1: Standard form for notification of major holdings
NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR HOLDINGS (to be sent to the relevant issuer and to the FCA in MicrosoftWordformatifpossible) i |
1a. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuerof existing shares to which voting rights areattached i i : |
CizzleBiotechnologyHoldingsPlc |
1b.Pleaseindicateiftheissueris anon-UKissuer (pleasemarkwithan"X"ifappropriate) |
Non-UKissuer |
2.Reasonforthe notification (please marktheappropriateboxorboxes withan"X") |
Anacquisition ordisposalofvotingrights |
X |
Anacquisition ordisposaloffinancialinstruments |
Aneventchangingthebreakdownof votingrights |
Other(pleasespecify) iii : |
3.Detailsofpersonsubjecttothe notificationobligation iv |
Name |
ConduitPharmaceuticalsLimited |
Cityandcountryofregisteredoffice(ifapplicable) |
4.Fullname ofshareholder(s) (ifdifferentfrom 3.) v |
Name |
Cityandcountryofregisteredoffice(ifapplicable) |
5. Date on which the threshold was crossed orreached vi : |
16/02/2022 |
6.Dateonwhichissuernotified (DD/MM/YYYY): |
18/02/2022 |
7.Totalpositionsofperson(s)subjecttothenotificationobligation |
% of voting rightsattachedtoshares(totalof8.A) |
%ofvotingrightsthrough financialinstruments (totalof8.B1+ 8.B2) |
Totalofbothin%(8.A+8.B) |
Total number ofvotingrightsheld inissuer(8.A+8.B) vii |
Resulting situationonthe dateonwhichthreshold wascrossedorreached |
8.98% |
0.00% |
8.98% |
25,000,000 |
Positionofpreviousnotification(ifapplicable) |
0.00% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
8. Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed orreached viii |
A:Votingrightsattachedtoshares |
Class/type ofshares ISINcode(ifpossible) |
Numberofvotingrights ix |
%ofvotingrights |
Direct (DTR5.1) |
Indirect (DTR5.2.1) |
Direct (DTR5.1) |
Indirect (DTR5.2.1) |
GB00BNG2VN02 |
25,000,000 |
0 |
8.98% |
0.00% |
25,000,000 |
8.98% |
B1:FinancialInstrumentsaccordingtoDTR5.3.1R(1) (a) |
Typeoffinancialinstrument |
Expiration date x |
Exercise/ConversionPeriod xi |
Numberofvotingrightsthatmaybeacquiredif the instrument isexercised/converted. |
%ofvotingrights |
N/A |
B2:FinancialInstrumentswithsimilareconomiceffectaccordingtoDTR5.3.1R(1)(b) |
Typeoffinancialinstrument |
Expiration date x |
Exercise/ConversionPeriod xi |
Physical orcashSettlement xii |
Number ofvotingrights |
%ofvotingrights |
N/A |
9. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation (please mark theapplicable boxwithan"X") |
Personsubjecttothenotificationobligation isnotcontrolledbyanynaturalperson orlegalentityand doesnotcontrolanyotherundertaking(s)holdingdirectlyorindirectlyaninterestinthe(underlying)issuerxiii |
Full chain ofcontrolled undertakings throughwhichthevotingrightsand/orthe financialinstrumentsareeffectivelyheldstartingwiththeultimatecontrolling naturalperson orlegalentity(pleaseaddadditional rowsasnecessary) xiv |
Name xv |
%of votingrights if itequals or is higherthan the notifiablethreshold |
% of voting rightsthrough financialinstruments if it equalsorishigherthan the notifiablethreshold |
Total of both if itequals or is higherthan the notifiablethreshold |
N/A |
10. In caseofproxyvoting,please identify: |
Name oftheproxyholder |
The numberand %ofvotingrightsheld |
Thedateuntilwhich the votingrightswillbeheld |
11.Additionalinformation xvi |
Placeofcompletion |
CaymanIslands |
Dateofcompletion |
17/02/2022 |