Final Results
27 September 1999
The specialist merchant banking group
record results for the year to 31st July, 1999
Highlights of the year
* Profit before tax up 10% to £76.3m (£69.6m)
* Earnings per share up 10% to 42.1p (38.2p)
* Dividends per share up 11% to 16.0p net (14.4p)
* Total assets up 3% to £1.70bn (£1.65bn)
* Twenty-fourth consecutive year of increase in profits.
* Winterflood Securities - dealing income increased to
record levels with strong second half.
* Corporate Finance - acted on record number of public
* Asset Management - funds under management substantially
* Asset Finance - continued growth in a patchy market.
* Acquisition of Rea Brothers and Warrior since the year
end furthers growth opportunities.
Commenting on the results, Michael Morley, Chairman, said:
'The economic outlook has continued to improve and this
has been reflected in a particularly buoyant and active UK
stock market. Accordingly, the results for our second
half showed considerable improvement.
Our established businesses have started the new year
encouragingly and we remain confident for the future.'
Enquiries to:
Rod Kent/Peter Winkworth
Close Brothers Group plc 0171 426 4000
John Sunnucks
Brunswick Group Limited 0171 404 5959
The following is the full text of the preliminary
announcement of results for the financial year ended 31st
July, 1999. The financial information in relation to 31st
July, 1999 has been extracted from the statutory accounts
of the company, which have yet to be adopted by
shareholders at general meeting and have yet to be filed
with the Registrar of Companies.
For the year ended 31st July, 1999
1999 1998
£'000 £'000
Interest receivable 121,277 117,234
Interest payable (61,422) (61,380)
-------- --------
Net interest income 59,855 55,854
-------- --------
Dividend income 398 406
Fees and commissions receivable 66,162 61,559
Fees and commissions payable (9,367) (10,229)
Net dealing income - market-making 67,162 55,618
Other operating income 1,341 3,061
------- -------
Other income 125,696 110,415
------- -------
Operating income 185,551 166,269
------- -------
Administrative expenses 97,709 85,769
Depreciation 3,472 3,121
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts 8,028 7,795
Amortisation of goodwill 24 -
------- -------
Total operating expenses 109,233 96,685
------- -------
Profit on ordinary activities before 76,318 69,584
Taxation on profit on ordinary 24,473 22,410
activities ------- -------
Profit on ordinary activities after 51,845 47,174
Minority interests - equity 982 931
------- -------
Profit attributable to shareholders 50,863 46,243
------- -------
Interim dividend 5.3p per share 6,410 5,862
(1998 - 4.8p)
Proposed final dividend 10.7p per 14,365 11,726
share (1998 - 9.6p) ------- -------
Total dividends 16.0p per share 20,775 17,588
(1998 - 14.4p) ------- -------
Retained profit for the year 30,088 28,655
======= =======
Earnings per share 42.08p 38.19p
------- -------
Diluted earnings per share 41.88p 37.97p
------- -------
At 31st July, 1999
1999 1998
£'000 £'000
Cash and balances at central banks 64 28
Loans and advances to banks 395,512 228,201
Loans and advances to customers 701,233 653,470
Debt securities - certificates of 208,860 305,937
Debt securities - gilts long 18,473 61,871
Settlement accounts 215,628 218,152
Equity shares - long positions 36,549 24,290
Equity shares - investments 19,345 15,025
Intangible fixed assets - goodwill 1,083 -
Tangible fixed assets 12,560 9,736
Other assets 83,407 120,160
Prepayments and accrued income 9,004 8,157
--------- ---------
Total assets 1,701,718 1,645,027
========= =========
Deposits by banks 89,189 108,529
Customer accounts 535,715 496,233
Bank loans and overdrafts 330,043 284,587
Debt securities in issue - loan notes 54,422 54,422
Debt securities in issue - gilts 20,297 62,530
short positions
Settlement accounts 177,119 156,659
Equity shares - short positions 10,822 9,040
Other liabilities 154,581 210,981
Accruals and deferred income 39,323 31,714
Subordinated loan capital 21,937 21,937
Minority interests - equity 2,111 2,042
--------- ---------
1,435,559 1,438,674
========= =========
Shareholders' funds
Called up share capital 32,142 30,538
Share premium account 138,879 94,634
Other reserves - 1,984
Profit and loss account 95,138 79,197
--------- ---------
Total equity shareholders' funds 266,159 206,353
--------- ---------
Total liabilities and shareholders' 1,701,718 1,645,027
funds ========= =========
1. The calculation of earnings per share is based on
profit after taxation and minority interests of
£50,863,000 (1998 - £46,034,000) and on 120,859,000 (1998
- 120,535,000) ordinary shares, being the weighted average
number of shares in issue during the year. The earnings
per share for 1999 have been calculated using Financial
Reporting Standard No.14 and comparative figures have been
restated accordingly.
2. The final ordinary dividend of 10.7p per share is
proposed to be paid on 8th November, 1999, to holders of
ordinary shares on the register at the close of business
on 8th October, 1999.
3. The financial information included in this
announcement as regards the group does not constitute
statutory accounts for the relevant periods within the
meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
Statutory accounts of the company for the financial year
ended 31st July, 1998, upon which the auditors of the
company have given an unqualified report, have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
The year ended 31st July, 1999 was another successful and
busy one for the group. Profit before taxation increased
by 10 per cent. to £76.3 million from £69.6 million last
year and earnings per share increased by 10 per cent. to
42.1p from 38.2p. These results represent our twenty-
fourth consecutive year of increase in profits.
The board is recommending a final dividend of 10.7p net
per share which, together with the interim dividend, makes
a total distribution for the year of 16.0p net per share
(1998 - 14.4p). This represents an increase of 11 per
cent. over last year's total dividend per share and is
covered some 2.6 times.
Our trading for the year to 31st July, 1999 was a tale of
two halves. The period started with signs of a distinct
economic slowdown and we were cautious about the outlook.
However, by the end of our first half in January 1999
trading was better than we had expected. Since then, the
economic outlook has continued to improve and this has
been reflected in a particularly buoyant and active UK
stock market. Accordingly, the results for our second
half showed considerable improvement.
These results included a sparkling performance from our
market-making division and, consequently, the mix of
operating profits between our three main divisions (as
shown below) was rather less even than in the previous
year. The recent acquisitions of Rea Brothers and Warrior
will rebalance this in the medium term.
Operating profit 1998 1999
Asset Finance 30% 28%
Market-Making 39% 44%
City Merchant Banking 31% 28%
Our Asset Finance division continued to be the largest
component of our lending activities, representing 70 per
cent. of our group loan book of £701 million, which itself
increased by 7 per cent. during the year. On the
commercial side, the market for printing equipment
continued to be dull although that for other assets,
notably commercial vehicles, showed improvement.
On the consumer side, our used car finance business
accelerated its development of new branches, particularly
in the southern part of the country. More importantly, we
have recently made a major strategic move with the
acquisition of Warrior, into which we have injected our
Armed Services Finance operation. Both of these
businesses specialise in the provision of loans and other
financial services to the Armed Forces and, together with
our new partners, the NAAFI, we intend to re-organise and
expand these operations.
Our Market-Making division, Winterflood Securities
('WINS'), had a slow start and a strong finish. Dealing
income increased by 21 per cent. to £67 million with the
second half providing some two-thirds of the total. Since
the turn of the year the UK stock market has been active
and volatile. The activity fed into the smaller stocks,
our chosen sector of the market, where the small cap index
has outperformed others since February. In addition, our
retail gilts business grew strongly in the second half.
With the advent of our corporate finance and IPO
capabilities in Europe, WINS is now reviewing the
opportunities for its skills in the continental markets.
Furthermore, into the new Millennium the influence of
technology on financial services will escalate and share
dealing on the Internet will open up the retail market
further. This, coupled with our expanding automatic
execution trading, bodes well for WINS.
Our City Merchant Banking division continued to progress.
Our Corporate Finance activity had a strong second half
acting on a record number of public bids although the year
as a whole did not quite match the exceptional performance
of 1998. We are now a leading adviser in the UK mid-cap
growth market and we are increasingly specialising in
certain business sectors, particularly technology and e-
commerce, leisure, support services and engineering, where
we have a group of fast-growing clients. In addition, we
have put in place the structure to develop similar
businesses in France and Germany.
Our Asset Management activity had a productive year.
Funds under management, having repaid some £270 million of
maturing Business Expansion Scheme funds on schedule,
increased by over £200 million, or 33 per cent., to £835
million. We showed substantial growth in our protected
Escalator range of unit trusts, we raised £135 million for
our FTSE 100 split level investment trust and we increased
significantly the funds managed on our tax sheltered side.
Our development capital funds performed well and will
shortly be raising further funds. We have initiated a
major expansion into the private client market with the
launch of Close Wealth Management although, as with all
start-ups, this will take some time to mature. Since the
year end we have acquired Rea Brothers, which more than
doubles our funds under management in the complementary
areas of private clients and investment trusts and also
provides us with an important entree into the offshore
Our Treasury operation again showed growth in deposits and
bank facilities and Commercial Lending performed strongly,
particularly in the first half. PROMPT showed growth in
its loan book to over £100 million for the first time,
with some evidence that the soft market for business
premiums may at last be turning. The launch of PROMPT
into the personal lines market is also a significant move.
Our Credit Management companies both produced record
results and continue to benefit from strong sales and a
favourable trading environment. Our factoring company,
Close Invoice Finance, produced a particularly fine set of
The past year has been a strategically active period for
the group and we have initiated a number of developments
and add-on acquisitions. In particular, we have:
* launched Close Wealth Management, a private client
investment management business specialising in the mass
affluent market, where we manage portfolios of £25,000 and
* launched PROMPT Personal, a business providing
instalment finance for insurance premiums paid by
individuals which is complementary to our existing
operation covering insurance premiums for businesses;
* expanded our Corporate Finance operation in Europe by
the acquisitions of:
- Freyberg Hambros (now Freyberg Close Brothers) in
- the Paris office of Hambrecht & Quist (now Close
Brothers Equity Markets);
* entered into a lease for additional office space at 10
Crown Place, London EC2.
In addition, since our year end we have:
* Acquired the Rea Brothers group, which has
significantly increased our funds under management and
added an off-shore banking, investment management and
trust business;
* Acquired Warrior, which provides loan facilities and
other financial services to the Armed Forces, particularly
in Germany and Cyprus, in conjunction with its other
shareholder, the NAAFI.
While each of these and some other initiatives are
relatively small, in aggregate they significantly expand
our business. The cost of such developments will exceed
£90 million and has been financed partly by a share
placing in July, which raised £45 million, and partly by
the issue of some £48 million of new shares for the
acquisition of Rea Brothers.
As reported in our interim announcement, I will be
retiring early at the end of the forthcoming Annual
General Meeting on 3rd November, 1999 and Sir David
Scholey CBE will be replacing me.
Sir David is so well-known as to need little introduction.
He was previously the chairman of SBC Warburg (and is
still an adviser to Warburg Dillon Read) and he is
currently a non-executive director of J Sainsbury and
Vodafone AirTouch. I am both delighted that he has
accepted this appointment and confident that his wise
counsel will be invaluable in the continued development of
Close Brothers in the years ahead.
The outlook at the beginning of this financial year is
more favourable than it was last year. Our established
businesses have started the new financial year
encouragingly and we remain confident for the future. We
shall have much work to do to integrate our promising new
acquisitions, Rea Brothers and Warrior, in order to
position them for further growth. The results from these
efforts, as well as from our new start-ups, will take time
to come through. We shall also continue to review further
development and acquisition opportunities.
Michael Morley