Preliminary Results
Close Brothers Group PLC
28 September 2000
The specialist merchant banking group
the 25th consecutive year of increasing profits
for the year to 31st July, 2000
HIGHLIGHTS 2000 1999
* Profit before taxation,
exceptional costs and up 103% to £155.1m £76.3m
goodwill amortisation
* Earnings per share before
exceptional costs and up 85% to 77.8p 42.1p
goodwill amortisation
* Profit before taxation up 90% to £144.8m £76.3m
* Earnings per share up 71% to 71.9p 42.1p
* Dividends per share up 56% to 25.0p 16.0p
* Total assets up 55% to £2.6bn £1.7bn
* Market-making operating profits treble, with some 50 per cent.
arising from the recent stock market boom.
* Rest of the group's operating profits up 31 per cent.
* Corporate Finance: increases international reach;
Loans and Deposits: increase markedly;
Asset Management: a rapidly growing profit centre.
Commenting on the results, Sir David Scholey, Chairman, said:
'We are proud to celebrate 25 years of unbroken profit growth at a compound
rate of 25 per cent. per annum under the same leadership. The new financial
year has started well and we see continuing organic growth ahead. Close
Brothers has a robust and clear strategy.'
Enquiries to:
Rod Kent/Peter Winkworth
Close Brothers Group plc 020 7426 4000
John Sunnucks
Brunswick Group Limited 020 7404 5959
The following is the full text of the preliminary announcement of results for
the financial year ended 31st July, 2000. The financial information in
relation to 31st July, 2000 has been extracted from the statutory accounts of
the company, which have yet to be adopted by shareholders at general meeting
and have yet to be filed with the Registrar of Companies.
For the year ended Year
31 July, 2000 ended
31 July
Ordinary Except- Total
activi- ional Ordinary
ties costs activi-
before and ties
except- goodwill
ional amorti-
costs and sation
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Interest receivable 166,123 - 166,123 121,277
Interest payable (90,609) - (90,609) (61,422)
--------- -------- -------- --------
Net interest income 75,514 - 75,514 59,855
--------- -------- ------- --------
Dividend income 479 - 479 398
Fees and commissions
receivable 122,048 - 122,048 66,162
Fees and commissions payable (25,708) - (25,708) (9,367)
Net dealing income -
market-making 203,954 - 203,954 67,162
Other operating income 6,764 - 6,764 1,341
--------- -------- -------- --------
Other income 307,537 - 307,537 125,696
--------- -------- -------- --------
Operating income 383,051 - 383,051 185,551
--------- -------- -------- --------
Administrative expenses 209,724 8,040 217,764 97,709
Depreciation 5,688 - 5,688 3,472
Provisions for bad and
doubtful debts 12,533 - 12,533 8,028
Amortisation of goodwill - 2,305 2,305 24
--------- -------- -------- --------
Total operating expenses 227,945 10,345 238,290 109,233
--------- -------- -------- --------
Operating profit on ordinary
activities before taxation 155,106 (10,345) 144,761 76,318
Taxation on profit on
ordinary activities 49,239 (2,382) 46,857 24,473
--------- -------- -------- --------
Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation 105,867 (7,963) 97,904 51,845
Minority interests - equity 2,789 (121) 2,668 982
--------- -------- -------- --------
Profit attributable to
shareholders 103,078 (7,842) 95,236 50,863
--------- -------- -------- --------
Interim dividend 8.0p per
share (1999 - 5.3p) 10,659 6,410
Proposed final dividend 17.0p
per share (1999 - 10.7p) 22,697 14,365
-------- --------
Total dividends 25.0p per
share (1999 - 16.0p) 33,356 20,775
-------- --------
Retained profit for the year 61,880 30,088
Earnings per share before
exceptional costs and
amortisation of goodwill 77.79p 42.10p
======== ========
Earnings per share on profit
attributable to shareholders 71.88p 42.08p
======== ========
Diluted earnings per share 71.28p 41.88p
======== ========
All income and profits are in respect of continuing operations.
At 31st July, 2000
2000 1999
£'000 £'000
Cash and balances at central banks 235 64
Loans and advances to banks 631,824 395,512
Loans and advances to customers 895,334 701,233
Debt securities - gilts long positions 23,521 18,473
Debt securities - other 486,488 208,860
Settlement accounts 301,340 215,628
Equity shares - long positions 52,917 36,549
Equity shares - investments 21,100 19,345
Intangible fixed assets - goodwill 50,264 1,083
Tangible fixed assets 20,817 12,560
Other assets 136,529 81,797
Deferred taxation 6,949 1,610
Prepayments and accrued income 17,508 9,004
--------- ---------
Total assets 2,644,826 1,701,718
Deposits by banks 67,382 89,189
Customer accounts 1,066,388 535,715
Bank loans and overdrafts 453,685 330,043
Debt securities in issue - loan notes 36,281 54,422
Debt securities in issue - gilts short
positions 25,891 20,297
Settlement accounts 249,741 177,119
Equity shares - short positions 10,657 10,822
Other liabilities 243,745 150,386
Accruals and deferred income 63,302 43,518
Subordinated loan capital 51,937 21,937
Minority interests - equity 7,975 2,111
------------ -------------
2,276,984 1,435,559
------------ -------------
Shareholders' funds
Called up share capital 33,760 32,142
Share premium account 185,243 138,879
Profit and loss account 148,839 95,138
------------ -------------
Total equity shareholders' funds 367,842 266,159
------------ -------------
Total liabilities and shareholders' funds 2,644,826 1,701,718
1. The calculation of earnings per share on profit attributable to
shareholders is based on profit after taxation and minority interests of
£95,236,000 (1999-£50,863,000) and on 132,501,000 (1999-120,859,000)
ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue
during the year, excluding those held by the employee benefit trust.
2. The final ordinary dividend of 17p per share is proposed to be paid on
7th November, 2000 to holders of ordinary shares on the register at the
close of business on 13th October, 2000.
3. The financial information included in this announcement as regards the
group does not constitute statutory accounts for the relevant periods
within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory
accounts of the company for the financial year ended 31st July, 1999,
upon which the auditors of the company have given an unqualified report,
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
For the year ended 31st July, 2000 2000 1999
£'000 £'000
Profit attributable to shareholders 95,236 50,863
Net investment loss for the year after taxation - (212)
Exchange adjustment (80) (78)
--------- ----------
Total recognised gains and losses 95,156 50,573
For the year ended 31st July, 2000
2000 1999
£'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 117,306 67,201
--------- ---------
Returns on investments and servicing of finance:
Dividends paid to minorities (719) (650)
--------- ----------
UK corporation taxation paid (36,983) (32,513)
--------- ----------
Capital expenditure and financial investment:
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (13,033) (6,654)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 1,014 735
Purchase of equity shares held for investment (6,279) (6,406)
Sale of equity shares held for investment 7,505 1,983
--------- ----------
(10,793) (10,342)
--------- ----------
Acquisitions and disposals:
Minority interests sold/(acquired) for cash 2,443 (11,015)
Purchase and sale of subsidiaries (15,103) 132
--------- ---------
(12,660) (10,883)
--------- ----------
Equity dividends paid (25,024) (18,136)
--------- ----------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 31,127 (5,323)
Issue of ordinary share capital including premium 2,906 45,849
Issue of subordinated loan capital 30,000 -
--------- ----------
Increase in cash 64,033 40,526
========= =========
In the directors' view, cash is an integral part of the operating
activities of the group, since it is a bank's stock in trade.
Nevertheless, as required by Financial Reporting Standard No. 1 (Revised),
cash is not treated as cash flow from operating activities but is required
to be shown separately in accordance with the format above.
The year ended 31st July, 2000 showed excellent growth and produced another
record set of results. Our Market-Making division, Winterflood Securities,
performed remarkably, mainly due to the high level of activity in small to
medium sized UK stocks. This result should not overshadow the overall growth
achieved in the rest of our business where operating profits grew by over 31
per cent. with notable performances from our Corporate Finance and Asset
Management activities.
These results represent our 25th consecutive year of increasing profits which
have grown in excess of 25 per cent. per annum compound over that period - an
outstanding record.
The operating profit on ordinary activities before taxation, exceptional costs
and goodwill amortisation increased from £76.3 million last year to £155.1
million, and earnings per share, on the same basis, increased by 85 per cent.
from 42.1p to 77.8p.
After deducting a charge for exceptional costs of £8.0 million (1999 - £Nil),
which relate mainly to the reorganisation of Rea Brothers Group, and goodwill
amortisation of £2.3 million (1999 - £Nil), the operating profit on ordinary
activities before taxation was £144.8 million (1999 - £76.3 million), and
earnings per share, on the same basis, increased by 71 per cent. from 42.1p to
The board is recommending a final dividend of 17p per share which, together
with the interim dividend, gives a total dividend for the year of 25p per
share (1999 - 16p). This represents an increase of 56 per cent. over last
year's total dividend and is covered some three times.
The year was dominated by the exceptional increase in the revenues and profits
of our Market-Making division, Winterflood Securities ('WINS'). This core
business is one of the leading market-makers in small to medium sized stocks
in the UK, and its profits are largely influenced by the number of bargains
transacted in this sector of the market. This year there has been a marked
step-change in such bargain activity, which has been caused, we believe, by
the greater amount of information available to private clients and the easier
access provided by the execution-only brokers. Average bargain levels for
WINS over the past year, other than the five boom months referred to below,
were some 100 per cent. above the comparable period last year.
On top of this buoyant position, WINS experienced a quite exceptional increase
in trading activity in its sector of the market between November 1999 and
March 2000. Total volumes of business during this boom period were some three
times the level which would have been achieved at the average growth rate of
the remainder of the year.
We estimate that this period gave rise to additional profits in WINS of
approximately £50 million.
We are now entering another period of structural change in the European
securities markets and, whilst the overall direction towards more
international and pan-European markets seems reasonably clear, the precise
steps for getting to the objective are very uncertain and we are playing our
part in this debate.
Amidst this confusion, WINS is well placed and has continuing opportunities
for further growth.
Our Corporate Finance activity has built up a strong position in the UK middle
market continuing to focus on technology/media/telecommunications, business
services, leisure and manufacturing. We have broadened the sources of revenue
by expanding our UK debt advisory group and establishing a private placement
We have also increased the international scope of our operations. In Europe,
we are seeking to extend our middle market position into France and Germany,
and have increased our holding in Dome Close Brothers S.A. to 50 per cent.
Last month we were joined by an experienced team specialising in the Middle
Eastern region and we have strengthened our network of associates in other
overseas markets, including a fee-sharing and staff-exchanging arrangement
with Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin in the United States.
The new year has started with a strong business pipeline.
Our Asset Management activity, which is building up a series of specialised
fund management businesses, has now emerged as an important and rapidly
growing profit centre for the group. With the purchase and successful
integration of Rea Brothers last year and the substantial profits growth from
our other investment businesses, this activity is completely transformed from
a year ago.
Our long established businesses in private equity and tax sheltered products
both achieved a good performance, and our quant-based team launched the
successful Close FTSE techMARK Fund last autumn and has further new products
in the pipeline. We are now managing some top performing Investment Trusts,
particularly technology based trusts under the Close Finsbury name and the
Close Beacon fund which invests in AIM-listed companies.
Our offshore private client operations, based in Guernsey, Isle of Man and
Geneva, also made strong progress and our onshore wealth management service is
progressing well through its start-up phase.
Our Banking activity had a good year. On our Treasury side the level of
deposits almost doubled as a result of our acquisition of Rea Brothers and
continued organic growth. Our debt factoring and credit management operations
both increased profits in line with ambitious plans. PROMPT, our insurance
premium financing business, also performed well, as did our property lending
operation, the latter being bolstered by the acquisition of Granville Bank.
The outlook for these businesses is positive.
Our Asset Finance division had mixed fortunes. The commercial side, which
includes financing for printing equipment, contractor's plant and commercial
vehicles, encountered a difficult patchy market although growth was picking up
in the last quarter. In our consumer car finance company, profits fell as a
result of the structural changes in the pricing of new cars in the UK. There
are now signs that the worst of this situation in the car market may be past.
At Warrior, a specialist provider of financial services to the Armed Forces
which we purchased last October we are tackling, as sign-posted earlier,
inherited problems. This process will continue for the next six months. The
prospects appear distinctly brighter for the asset finance division next year.
Whilst we are proud to celebrate 25 years of unbroken profit growth at a
compound rate of 25 per cent. per annum under the same leadership, we are not
complacent about the future. Each new year presents its own separate
challenge. It is unlikely that the hectic stock market conditions seen for
five months of our last financial year will recur this year, but leaving the
effect of that on one side, the new year has started well and we see
continuing organic growth ahead. Close Brothers has a robust and clear
strategy, a proven and well supported management team and the motivation to
achieve its goals.
Sir David Scholey