CLS Holdings plc
(the "Company")
Holdings in Company
Following the announcement made on 11 November 2013 regarding the sale of treasury shares and the corresponding total voting rights, the Company was notified on 20 November 2013 that:
1. Sten Mortstedt's, Executive Chairman and Director of the Company, percentage interest in ordinary shares of 25 pence each in the Company ("Ordinary Shares"), including those held by the Sten Mortstedt family and charity trust and connected persons, has reduced from 53.08% to 51.15% (22,481,118 Ordinary Shares); and
2. Bengt Mortstedt's percentage interest in Ordinary Shares has reduced from 7.12% to 6.86% (3,014,602 Ordinary Shares).
David Fuller
Company Secretary
CLS Holdings plc
020 7582 7766