Further re Offer for Newbury

Guinness Peat Group PLC 14 January 2008 Not for release, publication or distribution, in whole or in part, in, into or from the US, Canada or Australia or any jurisdiction where to do so would constitute a violation of the laws of such jurisdiction. GPG Acquisitions No. 5 Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Guinness Peat Group plc) FURTHER RE: CASH OFFER FOR NEWBURY RACECOURSE PLC 14 January 2008 Set out below is the extracted text of the letter from Blake Nixon, the Chairman of GPG Acquisitions, which was posted to Newbury Racecourse Shareholders on 11 January 2007: "Dear Shareholder Introduction GPG's formal Offer Document was posted to Shareholders on 7 December 2007. Following an extension announced on 31 December 2007 the Offer remains open to acceptances until 14 January 2008. This letter expands on the reasons for our making of the Offer and why you should accept for all or at least part of your holding. Background to the Offer GPG's 13 year involvement in Newbury Racecourse has been predicated on the two key elements of the Company's business, namely the operation of its prestigious racecourse and its large holding of property surplus to racecourse requirements. In July 2006, the Newbury Board announced a strategy to spend £45 million transforming the Company into a leisure, hospitality, entertainment and events business, financed by the sale of its surplus land to the north of the racecourse. GPG was initially, in principle, receptive to the divestment of surplus property and, also, the concept of further investment in the racecourse to improve returns. However, subsequent to this, as the Newbury Board's development proposal has evolved, GPG has come to have a number of fundamental concerns regarding it: the critical one being whether - as currently contemplated - it would prove beneficial to shareholder value. In consequence, GPG indicated to the Newbury Board that it could not support the project unless it could meet the criterion of generating cash inflows to the Company, net of tax and necessary expenditure (in particular in respect of essential racing infrastructure), equivalent, in today's monetary terms, to at least £7 per Share (approximately £21.31 million in aggregate). The Newbury Board has been unable to confirm that such a minimum net inflow would be achieved. Furthermore, the Newbury Board's ill-considered plans, amongst other things, are likely to involve Newbury Racecourse, notwithstanding its paucity of relevant management experience, being locked into a development partnership for some 10 years. It is the unsatisfactory nature of the final development proposal that has obliged GPG to make the Offer. Unsatisfactory Project Returns Rather than a straightforward divestment of the Company's surplus land, the Newbury Board intends to enter into a development partnership with a property developer. Under the terms of the proposed contract Newbury Racecourse would be entitled to minimum gross cash receipts of £44.5 million over the life of the project. The timing of these payments is uncertain and is likely to depend upon future home sales by the partnership. Based on conservative assumptions GPG estimates these payments have a minimum value, in today's monetary terms, of £29.86 million (or £0.60 million per acre, given the proposed sale of some 50 acres). By way of comparison, a transaction highly relevant to that being proposed by the Newbury Board was the 2002 sale of a smaller plot of land. In that instance Newbury Racecourse sold 8.56 acres of surplus land, to the south of the racecourse, for £8.7 million, equivalent to £1.02 million per acre. The buyer was responsible for obtaining planning permission and settlement was made within seven months of receiving planning permission. Newbury Racecourse Surplus Land Sales August 2002 - South of Racecourse --------------------------------- Sale proceeds £8.70m Land area (acres) 8.56 Average price £1.02m per acre Proposed 2008 - North of Racecourse ----------------------------------- Estimated present value of sale proceeds £29.86m Land area (acres) 49.42 Average price £0.60m per acre Although GPG freely acknowledges the two land deals are not entirely comparable, it is striking that the price of £1.02 million per acre achieved back in 2002 is 70 per cent. greater than the estimated minimum present value of £0.60 million per acre that would be achieved from the Newbury Board's proposed sale of surplus land. This disparity is even starker if allowance is made for the 56.41% increase since 2002 in average residential land prices in the South West of England. While GPG does not have access to information sufficient to undertake an asset valuation of the Company's land which would meet the formal requirements of the City Code, it is apparent that the estimated proceeds, in today's monetary terms, of the Newbury Board's proposed property partnership will be a mere fraction of the price achieved for the land disposed of in 2002. Equally as crucial as the underwhelming gross receipts, the cash received by Newbury Racecourse will be further diminished by necessary expenditure (in particular in respect of essential racing infrastructure), payment of taxation, and payment to Network Rail, which granted the Company the right to build a bridge over its tracks, of an undisclosed proportion of Newbury Racecourse's sale proceeds. The net result is that the Newbury Board has been unable to confirm that the project would meet GPG's minimum criterion of net cash inflows of £21.31 million, equivalent to a mere £0.43 million per acre. GPG's Premium Offer In a glaring omission, the Newbury Board in its document to Shareholders of 18 December 2007 completely neglected to address the most fundamental issue for Shareholders - the ongoing valuation of the Company. Furthermore, it also failed to provide any indication of when the Newbury Board expects the racecourse to return to profitability. The Offer Price of £11 per share, or £33.49 million in aggregate, represents a generous price for Newbury Racecourse. Given the Newbury Board's inability to confirm a minimum return of £7 per Share, or £21.31 million, from the proposed sale of surplus land, GPG's Offer implicitly values the residual racing operations, net of debt and other liabilities of £13.33 million , at in excess of £4 per Share, or £12.18 million. This is broadly equivalent to the Company's entire consolidated shareholders funds, as at 30 June 2007, of £12.14 million. This is a very full price in light of the fact that the racecourse has not generated an operating profit (before exceptional items) for four years. GPG Offer for Newbury Racecouse PLC £ per share £m Offer price 11.00 33.49 Target value of surplus land* 7.00 21.31 Implied minimum valuation of racecourse operations** 4.00 12.18 ----- ----- Total 11.00 33.49 * See prior discussion of criterion put to the Newbury Board by GPG ** Net of debt and other liabilities of £13.33m as at 30 June 2007 The Offer is being made at a demonstrably premium price and exceeds the highest Closing Price of Newbury Racecourse Shares since dealings commenced on the PLUS market in 1995. As at 28 December 2007, 7.66 per cent. of Newbury Racecourse Shareholders had accepted the Offer in respect of part or all of their respective holdings, representing 4.07 per cent. of the Company's issued share capital. GPG continues to believe that its Offer, which provides the certainty of cash at a premium to both the Company's proposed surplus land disposal and it's racing operations, merits serious and immediate consideration by Shareholders. The Offer also provides Shareholders with a further alternative: to accept the Offer for part of their shareholding - thereby assisting GPG to gain control of the business with a view to maximising the value of the racecourse and surplus land for the benefit of all remaining Shareholders. Lowering of acceptance condition GPG has today lowered the level of acceptances required pursuant to the Offer from 75 per cent. to over 50 per cent. (when taken together with Shares acquired or agreed to be acquired by GPG and its concert parties). All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Action to be taken to accept the Offer The procedure for acceptance of the Offer is set out on pages 12 to 15 of the Offer Document sent to Shareholders on 7 December 2007 and in the accompanying Form of Acceptance. Yours sincerely Blake Nixon Chairman GPG Acquisitions No. 5 Limited" ENQUIRIES GPG Acquisitions No. 5 Limited Tel: (020) 7484 3370 Blake Nixon, Director Strand Partners Limited Tel: (020) 7409 3494 Simon Raggett Citigate Dewe Rogerson Tel: (020) 7638 9571 Kevin Smith OTHER INFORMATION Terms defined in the document posted to Shareholders on 7 December 2007 containing the formal Offer for Newbury Racecourse have the same meaning in this announcement. Copies of the Offer Document, the further circular and the Form of Acceptance remain available (during normal business hours) from Strand Partners at 26 Mount Row, London W1K 3SQ and from the offices of Computershare Investor Services PLC, The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 7NH throughout the period during which the Offer remains open for acceptance. Strand Partners, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Services Authority, is acting exclusively for GPG Acquisitions and no one else in connection with the Offer and Strand Partners will not regard any other person as a client in relation to the Offer and will not be responsible to anyone other than GPG Acquisitions for providing the protections afforded exclusively to its clients or for providing advice in relation to the Offer, the contents of this announcement or any transaction or arrangement referred to herein. The availability of the Offer to persons not resident in and citizens of the United Kingdom may be affected by laws of the relevant jurisdictions in which they are citizens or in which they are resident. Such Overseas Shareholders should inform themselves about, and observe, any applicable legal or regulatory requirements of any such relevant jurisdiction. In particular, the Offer is not being made, directly or indirectly, in, into or from or by the use of the mails of or any means or instrumentality (including, without limitation, by means of facsimile transmission, telex, telephone, internet or other forms of electronic communication) of interstate or foreign commerce of, or by any facility of a national, state or other securities exchange of, the United States, or in, into or from Canada or Australia or any other jurisdiction if to do so would constitute a violation of the relevant laws of such jurisdiction, and the Offer will not be capable of acceptance by any such use, means, instrumentality or facility from or within the United States, Canada or Australia or any other jurisdiction where to do so would constitute a breach of any relevant securities laws of that jurisdiction. Accordingly, copies of this announcement and the Offer Document are not being, and must not be, mailed or otherwise distributed or sent in or into or from the United States, Canada or Australia. This announcement does not constitute, or form part of, an offer to sell or purchase or an invitation to purchase or subscribe for any securities or the solicitation of an offer to sell, purchase or subscribe for any securities, pursuant to the Offer or otherwise. The Offer will be made solely by way of the Offer Document and the related Form of Acceptance, contain the full terms and conditions of the Offer. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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