Letter to NZ Shareholders

Guinness Peat Group PLC 06 October 2006 GUINNESS PEAT GROUP PLC ANNOUNCEMENT The following is the text of a letter posted today to the shareholders of Guinness Peat Group plc ("GPG") whose shares are registered on the New Zealand Register. Copies, for information, are also being sent to GPG's shareholders registered on the UK and Australian share register. "6 October 2006 Dear Shareholder, I am writing to update you on the issue of the government's proposed changes to the taxation of offshore investments. You will have read that the government has backed off from its original draconian proposal in response to overwhelming opposition from the public including the strong stance taken by GPG and its shareholders. The government had already announced its intention to grant GPG shareholders a five year exemption from the proposed regime. This was to enable the government to complete its review of the controlled foreign company regime and consequently to allow GPG to consider its options when that policy is finalized. The government has now proposed a change to the original Bill which is equally complex and raises a host of issues that have not been appropriately addressed. In short the new proposal for taxing offshore investments is to tax 5% of the opening value of your offshore shares (other than listed Australian shares) in a given year. As I have said publicly, this is a capital gains tax in disguise. Full details about the new proposals can be found on the GPG New Zealand website www.gpg.co.nz along with a selection of media stories relating to the issue. It is GPG's view that now that the government has fundamentally changed the proposal contained in the original Bill it should now engage in a normal consultation process to fully consider the new proposals. A failure to do this will result in a set of rules that do not achieve any of the objectives of the reform and that are complex and potentially full of anomalies and inconsistencies. Through me, GPG has made representation to the government requesting that it take the suggested new rules back to the drawing board and start the consultation process again. We understand that we are supported in our view by the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants, the New Zealand Law Society and various other influential submitters. GPG has sought confirmation that the GPG exemption agreed to with the government remains in place and will apply to any new regime. We expect that the government will honour its commitment to you as a GPG shareholder with the result that all GPG shareholders will be treated as if they owned shares in a New Zealand company for the five year period. The select committee is still deliberating on this issue and it is our hope that it will see sense and return the issue of offshore rules to officials for robust and proper examination. GPG will write again to shareholders when the way forward becomes clearer. However, we will keep the above website up to date with information relating to the issue. Yours faithfully A I (Tony) Gibbs" Richard Russell Company Secretary Guinness Peat Group plc Tel: 020 7484 3370 6 October 2006 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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