Operational Update

Condor Resources PLC 27 June 2007 Condor Resources Plc 1 Warwick Row London SW1E 5ER 27th June, 2007 Condor Resources plc (''Condor'' or ''the Company'') Operational Update Condor Resources, (AIM: CNR), the mineral exploration Company, today announces an operational update on licences in Nicaragua and El Salvador Significant Regional Rock Chip Results at San Albino-Murra, Nicaragua Regional rock chip sampling on the San Albino Licence in north-western Nicaragua has defined a number of prospects with similar geological characteristics to the old San Albino Mine, where high grade gold intercepts were recently returned from a trench programme (including 18 metres at 6.77g/t Gold, RNS release 18 May 2007). Five areas with mineralization exceeding 1g/t Gold in rock chips have now been identified, including the San Albino and San Lorenzo prospect areas, along a 20 kilometre section of a north-east trending belt of metamorphic rocks known as the Guayape Suture Zone. The three additional areas are described below. Las Conchitas area - rock chip samples of up to 14.5g/t Gold define mineralization at a 1g/t Gold cut off over an area of at least 1.5km(2) with up to four parallel mineralized structures striking north-west. These appear to be parallel systems to the San Albino mineralization approximately 1km to the north. A trenching program is underway and positive assay results are anticipated. Cerro El Perico - Approximately 10km northwest of the San Albino Mine A line of three rock chip samples assaying between 3.7g/t and 26.9g/t gold appear to define a north-north-west trending zone of mineralization with at least 500m strike length along the eastern flank of a hill (Cerro El Perico). The samples are all grab samples from old adit entrances. Follow-up trenching and drilling is planned. Santo Domingo area - Located approximately 15km northwest of the San Albino mineralization. Widespread rock chip sampling of old adits and rare outcropping quartz veins has returned half a dozen rock chips assaying over 1g/t gold over an area of greater than 1.5km2. These include up to 18.9g/t gold in a grab sample and 7.4g/t gold in a channel sample. Mapping is underway in this area to establish the geological controls of mineralization and plan the most effective method of further exploration. Condor Resources considers the potential for the discovery of significant lode gold deposits on the Guyape Suture Zone very high. The San Albino Licence is well located on this highly prospective metamorphic belt and Condor Resources is actively pursuing the acquisition of further exploration concessions in this geological terrain. El Pescadito and La Calera Projects, El Salvador A total of 2318.5m of RC and Diamond drilling has been completed on the El Pescadito Licence to date. Drilling was completed at Santo Tomas (204m), Protectora (403.9m) and Pepe (397.5m) Prospects along the main Divisidero Structure in the east; Virginia (666m) Prospect in the centre, and at Loma del Caballo (647.1m) deposit in the southwest of the Licence. The holes drilled along the main Divisidero Structure intersected quartz veining, silicification and alteration, but did not produce any significant gold or silver assay results. A re-interpretation of the data is currently underway with a focus on structural controls to the mineralization. Drilling at Loma del Caballo (JORC Inferred Resource of 117,000oz gold, 3Moz silver) twinned previous holes drilled by Bema-Intrepid and tested some down-dip extensions of trench structures with anomalous results. The results generally supported the earlier data that was used for the resource calculation, though some new areas of mineralization were identified. The best intersection was in LODDH002, which returned 42.08 meters at 2.3g/t gold, 69.3g/t silver (from 18.2m). Drilling at the Virginia Prospect produced mixed results with only one hole (ACRD009) returning significant results for gold and silver mineralization. Recent geological mapping indicates a more complex vein geometry than initially thought and suggests that some holes may have missed intersecting the main northwest trending 10m thick structure. Drill hole ACRD009 did intersect this main structure, and returned 16m @ 1.04g/t Au (from 20.0m) in samples from the Reverse Circulation pre-collar. The diamond tail intersected 20m (36-56m) of strongly silica +chlorite +pyrite altered vein breccia similar to that observed at Loma. Assay results from the diamond tail samples are still pending. Virginia is located approximately 3 kilometres northwest of the Montecristo Mine (104,000oz gold historical production), and may represent a fault displaced continuation of the Montecristo structure. The prospect is a 400 metres x 200 metres northwest trending zone of epithermal textured quartz veins and silicified vein breccia. Rock chips of vein outcrop and float returned assays of up to 35.9 g/t gold and 1043 g/t silver. The results are encouraging, and further drilling is planned. Trenching to define the main zone is underway, with geological logging to date confirming the continuation of the main breccia zone over 180m along strike to the southeast of ACRD009. At the La Calera Concession, a third phase of trenching has commenced, with approximately 1,319 metres of a 4,000 metre program completed. The third phase of trenching is designed to in-fill Phase 1 and Phase 2 trenches and to test the southern continuation of the Rosa, Rosa West and Calichal vein systems. Results from the first 3 trenches from the southern extension of the mineralized zone (LCTR040, 041, 042) have been received. The trenches tested ground between the 3 main vein systems and results indicate that minor mineralized veins continue to be found, further supporting the option of a shallow open-pittable resource. Trench ID Width gold Grade silver Grade LCTR040 0.7 metres 5.39g/t 2.4g/t LCTR041 2.0 metres 1.08g/t 0.4g/t LCTR041 4.0 metres 1.50g/t 1.2g/t LCTR041 2.0 metres 2.65g/t 1.7g/t LCTR042 0.8 metres 2.48g/t 0.9g/t Trenches along strike but 300m southeast of the main Rosa Vein System exposed quartz veining and stock work zones with weak alteration beneath deep transported cover, confirming the continuation of the main Rosa Vein system over 1000 metres of strike length. An extensive RC drilling program to test depth extensions of the several, well mineralized zones is planned. Condor has planned a 5,000m drilling programme at La Calera, which has been delayed because an Environmental Permit has not been granted by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources ('MARN') the delay is not in accordance with the Mining Laws and Bye Laws of El Salvador. Recent enquiries have revealed that all mining and exploration companies operating in El Salvador are experiencing similar delays and have started lobbying the Government. Condor is strongly lobbying the Government to issue the Environmental Permits that will allow drilling to commence on La Calera. Condor has lobbied with the support of the British Embassy in Guatemala and prominent Ministers and Congressmen of the ruling Arena party. The Company will keep shareholders updated on any material developments. In the meantime, Condor has demobilized a drill rig from El Salvador and is presently mobilizing the drill rig to Nicaragua to drill test the Cacao vein and the San Albino prospects where Condor has identified several high grade structures. Condor anticipates a two week mobilisation period and expects to commence drilling on these prospects in Nicaragua in the next few weeks. Qualified Person's Declaration The information in this announcement that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by and reviewed by Nigel Ferguson, CEO, who is a Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and a geologist with over 21 years of experience in the exploration and definition of precious and base metal Mineral Resources and has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposit under consideration and to the type of activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Qualified Person as defined in the March 2006 Edition of the AIM Guidance Note for Mining, Oil and Gas Companies. He consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which they appear and confirms that this information is accurate and not false or misleading. - Ends - Enquiries: Condor Resources Plc Mark Child, Chairman +44 20 7408 1067 Nigel Ferguson, CEO +44 20 7808 7222 Nabarro Wells & Co. Limited Hugh Oram +44 20 7710 7400 Anthony Rowland +44 20 7710 7419 Mirabaud Securities Limited Rory Scott +44 20 7878 3360 Parkgreen Communications Limited Clare Irvine +44 20 7851 7480 Chain of Custody Condor enforces a strict chain of custody, with all field samples being collected under the supervision of a qualified senior geologist. Samples are sealed in larger bags and kept under lock and key until being delivered to BSI Inspectorate Laboratories, Guatemala for completion of the sample preparation phase. Prepared samples are then forwarded by courier to BSI Laboratories in Sparks, Nevada, USA for final assay determinations. About Condor Resources Plc: Condor Resources Plc was admitted to AIM on 31st May 2006 raising £4.9m. Condor is a mineral exploration company focused on El Salvador and Nicaragua. The Company has 100% ownership of four licenses and is earning 100% interest in a fifth licence contained in three project areas in El Salvador. Condor also has four 100% owned licences and the option to earn an 80% interest in a further four licences contained within four project areas in Nicaragua. An independent competent person's report prepared by Ravensgate and included in the Company's Admission Document combined with a subsequent mineral resource calculation statement in December 2006 reported Inferred Mineral Resources, as defined by the JORC standard of some 467,104oz gold and 18.4Moz silver within two project areas in El Salvador. The Company's objective is to prove up significant gold and silver resources of between 1 to 2 million ounces of gold and 30 to 50 million ounces of silver to JORC reportable standards by the 31st May 2008. The Company intends to continue to drill test targets within its Project areas. The drilling programme is planned to be between 20,000m and 40,000m of combined reverse circulation and diamond drilling. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Condor Gold (CNR)
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