Interim Results

Harrier Group PLC 4 September 2000 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am pleased to report that we successfully completed the acquisition of Zeuros Limited on 12 May 2000. This has firmly positioned the Group as a leading provider and enabler of secure e-business solutions. The turnover for the six months to 30 June 2000 amounted to £4.87 m (1999:£2.53 m) and the loss before tax and goodwill was £173,785 (1999:£20,488 profit). The loss for the half year reflects the increase in the Group's overheads comprising a move to larger premises and the recruitment of additional employees to cope with increased organic opportunities in a rapidly growing market, the benefits of which will be reflected in the second half of the year and 2001. The first quarter's trading was disappointing with many projects being deferred, but this was followed by a significant improvement in order intake in the second quarter, which has continued during the third quarter, particularly in respect of managed and professional services. The current level of business under negotiation is at an all time high having grown continuously month on month throughout the period. The operating business of Zeuros Limited and the smaller Renet Limited acquisition have been fully integrated together with Harrier Network Solutions and Harrier Storage Solutions into a new operating entity, Harrier Zeuros Limited, with a consequent saving in management costs giving a total focus on our chosen market sector of e-business and internet security. Harrier Zeuros Limited is focussing on developing a higher margin managed and professional services business and building an increasing contract base, with deferred income having grown to £984,900 as at 30 June 2000 (1999:£288,700). The Board is focussing on organic growth and has decided with effect from 4 September 2000, to promote the key directors of Harrier Zeuros Limited to the Group Board, namely David Cheesman, Chief Operating Officer; Colin Bradley, Sales Director and Sarah Carter, Marketing Director. Trevor Meredith, a co- founder of the Group, is retiring from the Board with effect from 4 September 2000 and we are all indebted to him for his hard work and support in helping create the exciting future, which the Group enjoys today and wish him every success and good health in the future. Our employee numbers have grown from 43 as at 31 December 1999 to 79 as at 30 June 2000 and will continue to grow in line with the organic development of the business. We have made significant progress since our flotation in November 1999 and will continue to grow the business organically utilising strategic alliances and acquisitions where appropriate. Current trading is excellent and well ahead of last year and we look forward to the future with confidence. A L R Morton Chairman 1 September 2000 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2000 Unaudited Six months to 30 June 2000 Audited Audited Continuing Six months Year ended Activities Acquisitions TOTAL to June 1999 December 1999 £ £ £ £ £ Turnover 2,827,454 2,040,983 4,868,437 2,534,314 5,437,201 Cost of sales (1,774,300) (1,165,749) (2,940,049) (1,415,966) (3,146,552) Gross profit 1,053,154 875,234 1,928,388 1,118,348 2,290,649 Administrative 1,873,145 250,438 2,123,583 961,273 2,229,011 expenses Exceptional 30,000 - 30,000 - - Redundancy costs Operating (loss) (849,991) 624,796 (225,195) 157,075 61,638 /profit Interest receivable 52,780 - 14,832 Interest payable (1,370) (135,470) (229,148) (Loss)/Profit on ordinary activities before taxation (173,785) 21,605 (152,678) Taxation - - - (Loss)/Profit on ordinary activities after taxation (173,785) 21,605 (152,678) Additional finance costs - (1,117) (1,851) of non-equity minority interest Loss on ordinary (173,785) 20,488 (154,529) activities before goodwill Goodwill (136,073) - - Retained (loss)/profit (309,858) 20,488 (154,529) for the period BASIC LOSS PER SHARE (1.36p) N/A (0.5p) DILUTED LOSS PER SHARE (1.26p) N/A (0.49p) CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE 2000 30 June 30 June 31 Dec 2000 1999 1999 Unaudited Audited Audited £ £ £ Fixed Assets Tangible assets 659,798 358,317 346,333 Goodwill 19,366,749 - - 20,026,547 358,317 346,333 Current Assets Stock 94,913 23,400 55,538 Debtors 4,940,746 1,364,504 2,133,925 Term deposit 14,000,000 61 2,106,779 Cash and bank balances 1,753,003 - - 20,788,662 1,387,965 4,296,242 Creditors Amounts falling due (4,533,338) (1,386,780) (1,532,488) within one year Net Current assets 16,255,324 1,185 2,763,754 Total assets less current 36,281,871 359,502 3,110,087 liabilities Creditors Amounts falling due (14,015,119) (1,541,373) (10,731) afterone year Net assets/(liabilities) 22,266,752 (1,181,871) 3,099,356 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 285,650 428,980 206,617 Share Premium account 23,946,311 104,724 4,548,112 Capital redemption 268,972 - 268,972 reserve Profit and loss account (2,234,203) (1,749,328) (1,924,345) Minority interest 22 33,753 - Equity Shareholders' Funds 22,266,752 (1,181,871) 3,099,356 CONSOLIDATED CASHFLOW SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2000 Unaudited Audited Audited Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 June 2000 30 June 1999 31 Dec 1999 NOTES £ £ £ Net cash outflow from operating activities 4 (678,592) (88,051) (320,074) Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 52,780 - 14,832 Interest paid (1,370) (65,957) (229,148) 51,410 (65,957) (214,316) Taxation Corporation Tax paid - - - Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchases of tangible fixed (214,822) (127,376) (131,651) assets Sales of tangible fixed asset 80,586 23,446 17,500 Purchase of minority interests - - (34,487) Net cash outflow from investing (134,236) (103,930) (148,638) Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of subsidiary (112,500) - - undertaking Net cash acquired with 578,476 - - subsidiaries 465,976 - - Net cash outflow before (295,442) (257,938) (683,028) financing Financing Issue of Ordinary Share Capital 14,758,343 450,000 5,459,621 Costs of Issue (581,111) - (519,624) Issue of shares to minority 22 - - Issue of discounted capital - 284,295 284,295 bond Other loans - - (400,000) Repurchase of Discounted - - (1,436,439) Capital Bond Hire purchase loans repaid - (19,690) (3,078) (133,238) net 14,157,564 731,217 3,254,615 Increase in cash 13,862,122 473,279 2,571,587 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds/(debt) Increase in cash in the period 13,862,122 473,279 2,571,587 Cash inflow from increase in (14,000,000) - - debt Cash outflow from decrease in lease 19,690 - - financing Change in net equity resulting from (118,188) (51,846) 1,685,382 cashflows New finance leases - - (62,955) Finance leases acquired with (19,276) - - subsidiaries Movement in net funds in period (137,464) 421,433 4,194,014 Net funds/(debt) at start of 1,871,803 (2,322,211) (2,322,211) period Net funds/(debt) at end of 1,734,339 (1,900,778) 1,871,803 period NOTES TO THE INTERIM RESULTS 1. The interim figures for the six month period to 30 June 2000 are unaudited and do not constitute statutory accounts. 2. The financial information set out in the interim statement has been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards. The accounting policies have been consistently applied both in 1999 and 2000 and are described in the 1999 financial statements. 3. The basic loss per share figure is based on the loss for the period and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period of 22,828,725. Fully diluted loss per share includes share options and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in the period is 24,681,222. 4. Reconciliation of (loss)/profit to net cash flows from operating activities after taking into account the acquisition of subsidiary undertakings detailed in note 5. 6 months to 6 months to Year ended June 2000 June 1999 Dec 1999 £ £ £ Operating(loss)/profit (225,195) 157,075 61,638 Depreciation 58,334 80,688 164,382 Loss on sale of fixed assets 30,420 6,022 7,488 Decrease/(increase in stock 573,780 13,839 (18,299) (Increase)/decrease in debtors (2,600,928) 283,252 (486,169) Increase/(decrease in creditors 1,484,997 (628,927) (49,114) Net cash outflow from operating (678,592) (88,051) (320,074) activities 5. Subsidiary undertakings were purchased in the period to 30 June 2000: £ Net assets acquired Fixed assets 267,982 Stock 613,155 Debtors 205,893 Cash at bank and in hand 578,476 Creditors (1,719,052) Finance leases (19,276) (72,822) Goodwill 19,502,822 19,430,000 Satisfied by Cash 112,500 Deferred consideration 17,500 Consideration shares 5,300,000 Loan notes 14,000,000 19,430,000 6. Minority interests represent new voting, non-participating shares in the subsidiary company Harrier Corporation Limited. 7. The interim report was approved by the directors on 1 September 2000. A copy of the interim report will be posted to shareholders and will also be available from the Company's registered office at Pacific House, Imperial Way, Reading, Berks RG2 0TD.
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