Interim Results
Harrier Group PLC
28 September 2006
Harrier Group Plc
Interim results for the period ended 30th June 2006
The Group continued to trade as an investment company for the six months ended
30 June 2006, with an audited surplus of income over expenditure of £43,015.
Cash balances audited as at 30 June 2006 amounted to £4.6 million.
The Group's shares were suspended on 1 June 2006 under Rule 8 of the AIM Rules.
The listing in Harrier Group plc will be cancelled with effect from 7.00am on 4
December 2006 if it has not undertaken an acquisition by that date.
On 2 June 2006 the Board announced it had been in discussions with a potential
acquisition. Those discussions have now been terminated.
The Board continues to consider a number of other potential investment
opportunities as well as keeping other strategic alternatives under review in
order to maximise shareholder value.
The board will update shareholders if and when appropriate.
Audited Unaudited Audited
six months six months year ended
30 June 2006 30 June 2005 31 December 2005
£ £ £
Turnover - 1,358,380 333,062
Cost of sales - (728,320) -
Gross Profit - 630,060 333,062
Administrative expenses (59,852) (879,307) (468,111)
Other income - - 72,002
Operating (loss)/profit
before exceptional costs (59,852) (249,247) (63,047)
Loss on sale of investment in
subsidiary undertakings - - (522,384)
Operating (loss)/profit (59,852) (249,247) (585,431)
Profit on sale of discontinued
operations - 3,287,070 -
Profit/(loss) before interest (59,852) 3,037,823 (585,431)
Interest receivable 103,030 140,500 177,457
Interest payable (163) (1,086) (20)
Profit/(Loss) on ordinary
activities before taxation 43,015 3,177,237 (407,994)
Taxation - - -
Profit/(Loss) on ordinary
activities after taxation 43,015 3,177,237 (407,994)
Basic profit/(loss) per share 0.14p 10.58p (1.33p)
Diluted profit/(loss) per
share 0.001p 9.67p (1.30p)
Audited Unaudited Audited
30 June 2006 30 June 2005 31 December 2005
£ £ £
Current assets
Debtors 11,462 167,742 4,466
Cash and bank balances 4,605,679 4,338,898 4,594,842
4,617,141 4,506,640 4,599,308
Amounts falling due within
one year (10,350) (55,066) (35,532)
Net current assets 4,606,791 4,451,574 4,563,776
Net assets 4,606,791 4,451,574 4,563,776
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 315,294 307,462 315,294
Share premium account 91,233 50,351 91,233
Profit and loss account 4,200,264 4,093,761 4,157,249
Equity shareholders' funds 4,606,791 4,451,574 4,563,776
Audited Unaudited Audited
30 June 30 June 31 December
2006 2005 2005
Note £ £ £
Net cash (outflow)/inflow
from operating activities 4 (92,030) (842,833) 2,041,286
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received 103,030 140,500 177,457
Interest paid (163) (1,086) (20)
Net cash inflow from
and servicing of finance 102,867 139,414 177,437
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Sales proceeds from sale of
subsidiaries - 4,500,000 4,500,000
Net cash disposed with
subsidiary - (969,215) -
Proceeds used in repayment of
intercompany debt - - (3,589,780)
Professional fees on sale - (73,495)
Purchases of tangible fixed
assets - - (8,048)
Net cash inflow/(outflow)
investing activities - 3,530,785 828,677
Net cash inflow before
financing 10,837 2,827,366 828,677
Issue of ordinary share
capital - 64,710 113,424
Net cash inflow from
financing - 64,710 113,424
Increase in cash 10,837 2,892,076 3,160,824
Reconciliation of net cash
flow to movement in net funds
Increase in cash in the
period 10,837 2,892,076 3,160,824
Movement in net funds in the
period 10,837 2,892,076 3,160,824
Net funds at start of period 4,594,842 1,446,822 1,434,018
Net funds at end of period 5 4,605,679 4,338,898 4,594,842
1. The interim figures for the six month period to 30 June 2006 are audited but
do not constitute statutory accounts.
2. The financial information set out in the interim statement has been prepared
in accordance with United Kingdom accounting standards. The accounting
policies have been consistently applied both in 2005 and 2006 and are
described in the 2005 financial statements.
3. The calculation of basic earnings per ordinary share of 0.14p each is based
on the profit on ordinary activities after taxation divided by the weighted
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period of 31,529,405.
The diluted profit per share includes share options not exercised and the
weighted average number of ordinary shares in the period is 32,492,829.
4. Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to net cash inflow/(outflow) from
operating activities:
6 months to 6 months to Year ended 31
30 June 2006 30 June 2005 December 2005
£ £ £
Operating (loss)/profit (59,852) (249,247) (63,047)
Depreciation - 26,158 26,249
Loss on disposal of
fixed assets - - -
Decrease/(increase) in
stock - 7,172 -
Decrease/(increase) in
debtors (6,996) 2,188,398 3,443,956
(Decrease)/increase in
creditors (25,182) (2,815,314) (1,365,872)
Net cash (outflow)/
inflow from
Operating activities (92,030) (842,833) 2,041,286
5. Analysis of net funds:
At beginning Cashflow Other non At end of
of period cash changes period
£ £ £ £
Cash at bank and in 4,594,842 10,837 - 4,605,679
6. The results for the year ended 31 December 2005 as shown in this report do
not constitute statutory accounts but are an abridged version of the
company's 2005 accounts which have been filed with the Registrar of
Companies. The accounts to 31 December 2005 did not contain any statement
under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985 and the auditors'
report was unqualified.
7. The interim report was approved by the directors on the 25th September 2006.
A copy of the interim report will be posted to shareholders and will also be
available from the company's registered office at Lion House, Red Lion
Street, London, WC1R 4GB.
8. The trading subsidiary companies, Harrier Zeuros Limited, Harrier Zeuros
Storage Solutions Limited and Ikan Limited were sold on 10 March 2005
realising a profit of £3,287,070. The profit and loss account for the six
months to 30th June 2005 is consolidated and includes the trading of the
subsidiaries up to the date of sale.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange