Interim Results - Turnover Up 287%

Mondas PLC 14 December 1999 Mondas PLC e-Commerce software house announces turnover up 278% and strategic focus on the securities and banking sector Mondas PLC ('Mondas' or 'the Company') announces interim results for the six months ended 31st October 1999. Mondas also announces that it will focus its UK efforts on the securities and banking sector. This move capitalises upon the financial sector experience within the Company and its successful client relationships including Brewin Dolphin Securities Limited and Christiania Markets, of Norway. Key points: * 287% increase in turnover to £641,678 (1998: £223,945) * 12% reduction in pre-tax loss (before amortisation and interest) to £137,839 (1998: £153,846) * New clients include BBC Worldwide * Larvik kommune (Norwegian Local Authority) recently launched its Intranet and Internet site based upon IntraLink ST (sale through Ephorma AS) which was hailed as a milestone in kommune services to Norwegian citizens Commenting, Chairman, Tim Simon, said: 'The dramatic increase in our turnover and the number of well known names on our client list demonstrates our progress. In addition, had it not been for the one-off recruitment costs we incurred, we were almost at break-even point in the last three months of the period. 'Our products and skills are ideally suited to the securities and banking sector and I believe that our focus on this market will continue our plan for controlled expansion' For further information: Tim Simon, Mondas PLC: 01932 334 600 Richard Sunderland, GCI Focus: 0171 398 0800 MONDAS PLC INTERIM REPORT FOR THE SIX MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 OCTOBER 1999 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Consolidated Unaudited Financial Results During the period, turnover grew by 287% to £641,678 (1998: £223,945) accompanied by a 11.7% reduction in pre-tax loss before amortisation of goodwill and interest to £137,839 (1998: £156,174). There was a lower cash outflow than in the comparative period and the loss per share was reduced to 3.1p (1998: 3.4p). Goodwill amortisation increased to £258,000 (1998: £54,185) due to the acquisition of Reality Communications Scandinavia AS in November 1998. During the period a substantial contract was agreed with Ephorma AS (see below). It is expected that significant deliveries of product will take place in the second half of the year and therefore the majority of the revenue received from Ephorma in this period has been treated as deferred income. The Directors have not declared a dividend for the period. The Company was on the verge of breaking even in the final three months of the period excluding recruiting fees relating to the expansion of the sales and technical teams. SALES & MARKETING The Financial Markets and E-Commerce In the first quarter of the current financial year the Company conducted an in-depth review of its sales and marketing strategy. This led to an increased focus on the UK securities and banking sector, as our bridge-head strategy, to increase revenues in the financial vertical market. This market is particularly attractive to us, leveraging both our pedigree and core competences. We have found through existing clients like Brewin Dolphin Securities Ltd and Christiania Markets, that our solutions, products and skills are ideally suited to address key business and IT requirements within medium to large securities and banking clients. Whilst we have the core technology components required for e-business and e- commerce in any market, (Internet / intranet / extranet, business process control, workflow, computer telephony integration, and business applications), the financial sector is the first we intend to develop as a vertical market with industry-specific applications such as Web and Intranet Publishing, Straight Through Processing and Operational Risk Management. Sales Activity In the UK, Brewin Dolphin Securities Limited, a long-term client of Mondas PLC, continued to use Mondas' consulting, systems integration / migration and development expertise, managed by a dedicated project director, and to increase its competitive edge through our Client Relationship Management solution. We are delighted to add BBC Worldwide to our client list. Mondas provided senior management consultancy on technical and commercial issues involving the BBC Worldwide's Web presence. Norway is a strengthening region for the Company, with progress in several key areas. Our relationship with Ephorma AS, a subsidiary of Telenor AS (the Norwegian Telecommunications company), has positioned Mondas as the market leader for Intranet solutions for the kommune (Norwegian Local Authorities) market. Ephorma is the largest Norwegian software house addressing the Government sector. In the last few days Larvik kommune has launched its Intranet and Internet site, based upon IntraLink ST. The event was hosted by the local Councillor (Lord Mayor) and was very well received by the local press and featured in two television programmes, hailing it a milestone in kommune services to Norwegian citizens. Progressing the securities and banking strategy, we continue to develop our relationship with Christiania Markets, the investment banking branch of K- Bank, Norway's second largest bank. Christiania Markets uses our products as a platform for its Internet strategy, to provide an intranet and extranet service for its client executives, clients and investors to receive market and investment reports produced by the research analysts of Christiana Markets. Since the end of the period under review, Mondas has established a working relationship with Visma Intraview, to promote IntraLink ST, alongside its project management packages, TimeEase and TimeEase Web, into large Norwegian and international corporations. Visma Intraview is a division of Visma Group, one of Scandinavia's leading software houses with a global presence providing control systems adapted to commerce, shipping and the public sector. PRODUCTS The focus during this period has been the integration of the products and developing applications for the financial sector. The new Web and intranet publishing module, however, is of particular note. It enables non-technical users to publish news and information to their intranet or website directly from desktop applications, such as Microsoft's Word, controlled by a workflow process, such as authorisation. It is this module that is deployed at Christiania Markets. RECRUITMENT We have recruited a number of sales and technical personnel during the period with proven expertise in e-Commerce, securities and banking. We shall continue to recruit in line with our expansion programme both in the UK and Norway. DIRECTORS Matthew Crook joined the team just prior to the start of the period as Director of Sales & Marketing. He was appointed to the Board of Mondas PLC on 14 September 1999. Since the end of the period Tony Marienthal, who wishes to return to his native California, resigned as a director but continued as a consultant to the company, working on the BBC Worldwide contract. His intention is to establish a business which will act as a Mondas software products reseller in the USA. In light of this development, we do not intend to maintain our own presence in the USA but will instead transfer ownership of IntraLink ST Inc to Mr Marienthal for a consideration of £1 so that this company can act as our reseller. YEAR 2000 ISSUES The Company's products, Intralink ST, Radica and Radicall were all created with a clear understanding of the Year 2000 issue and were built with the millennium in mind. The Company has been advised by the relevant third parties that the products which work alongside ours, such as the object database, ObjectStore from Object Design Inc, are Year 2000 compliant. It is the Directors' belief that the risks of the Year 2000 issue to the Company are minimal and there are no associated costs foreseen at this time. FUTURE PROSPECTS We are in the process of a sales campaign targeted to organisations in the financial sector which we have identified as likely to benefit the most from our products and services. The combined skills and finance industry- specific experience of Mondas's consultants make a formidable team whom we believe are more than capable of achieving a satisfactory market share. The Directors are confident that the rapidly growing e-business and e- broking market, within the financial sector, will reap benefits from the tailored solutions and applications developed on the building blocks of Mondas's skills and Internet, workflow and telephony technologies. We plan steady growth through this clearly defined focus. As we pick up momentum, we intend to address additional new markets in a controlled programme of expansion. Geographically, we shall continue to exploit our position as market leader in intranet software to Norwegian local authorities and focus on market share within the UK. We will remain in touch with the US market but any business secured will be serviced from the UK office until we can expand our presence safely across the world. We will continue to look for joint venture opportunities and growth through the acquisition of complementary skills, technologies and clients. You may like to visit the Mondas web site In the new year we will be launching a new Investor Relations section in the website. As ever we welcome feedback through the site. Tim Simon Chairman 14 December, 1999 INDEPENDENT REVIEW REPORT TO MONDAS PLC FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 OCTOBER 1999 Introduction We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information set out on pages 6 to 9, and we have read the other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the interim financial information. Directors' responsibilities The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors. The Listing Rules of the London Stock Exchange require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any changes, and reasons for them, are disclosed. Review work performed We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board. A review consists principally of making enquires of group management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards. Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information. Review conclusion On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months ended 31 October 1999. The Wells Partnership Chartered Accountants The Old Rectory Church Street Weybridge Surrey KT13 8DE Date: 14 December 1999 MONDAS PLC CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE 6 MONTHS ENDED 31 OCTOBER 1999 6 months 6 months 12 months ended ended ended 31 October 1999 31 October 1998 30 April 1999 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £ £ £ Turnover 641,678 223,945 955,301 Cost of sales (244,756) (149,941) (244,056) Gross profit 396,922 74,004 711,245 Distribution and administrative expenses (792,761) (284,363) (1,242,004) Operating loss (395,839) (210,359) (530,759) Interest receivable 5,749 2,355 9,989 Loss before taxation (390,090) (208,004) (520,770) Taxation - - 692 Loss for period (390,090) (208,004) (520,078) Profit and loss account brought forward (1,425,592) (905,514) (905,514) Profit and loss account carried forward (1,815,682) (1,113,518) (1,425,592) Loss per share (3.1p) (3.4p) (5.7p) There are no recognised gains or losses for the above periods other than the trading losses. None of the group's activities were acquired or discontinued in the current financial period. MONDAS PLC CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AT 31 OCTOBER 1999 At 31 October At 31 October At 30 April 1999 1998 1999 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £ £ £ £ £ £ FIXED ASSETS Intangible 1,782,481 298,033 2,040,481 Tangible 43,728 35,133 60,961 1,826,209 333,166 2,101,442 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 4,132 9,684 1,177 Debtors 290,647 143,859 242,721 Cash at bank and in hand 117,377 40,406 245,286 412,156 193,949 489,184 CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year (262,013) (156,788) (225,218) Net current assets 150,143 37,161 263,966 NET ASSETS 1,976,352 370,327 2,365,408 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 1,261,185 611,175 1,257,740 Share premium account 2,530,849 872,670 2,533,260 Profit and loss account (1,815,682) (1,113,518) (1,425,592) SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 1,976,352 370,327 2,365,408 The interim accounts were approved by the Board of Directors on 14 December 1999 and signed on its behalf by: Tim Simon Chairman MONDAS PLC CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 OCTOBER 1999 6 months 6 months 12 months ended ended ended 31 October 1999 31 October 1998 30 April 1999 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £ £ £ RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING LOSS TO NET CASH OUTFLOW Operating loss (395,839) (210,359) (530,759) Depreciation 14,052 10,695 27,451 Amortisation 258,000 54,185 289,687 Movement in stocks (2,955) (9,628) (1,121) Movement in debtors (47,926) (79,666) (150,135) Movement in creditors 36,795 92,851 (40,319) Net cash outflow from operating activities (137,873) (141,922) (405,196) CASH FLOW STATEMENT Net cash outflow from operating activities (137,873) (141,922) (405,196) Returns on investments and servicing of finance 5,749 2,355 9,989 Capital expenditure 3,181 (5,251) (34,651) Acquisitions and disposals - - 13,267 Cash outflow before financing (128,943) (144,818) (416,591) Financing - issue of shares 1,034 - 476,653 (Decrease)/increase in cash (127,909) (144,818) 60,062 ANALYSIS OF MOVEMENTS IN CASH AT BANK AND IN HAND Balance at beginning of period 245,286 185,224 185,224 Net cash (outflow)/inflow (127,909) (144,818) 60,062 Balance at end of period 117,377 40,406 245,286 MONDAS PLC NOTES TO THE INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE 6 MONTHS ENDED 31 OCTOBER 1999 1. RESULTS The results for the period have been prepared on a historical cost basis using the accounting policies adopted by the group in its financial statements for the year ended 30 April 1999, and in accordance with the Statement on Interim Reports issued by the Accounting Standards Board. 2. CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS The consolidated accounts represent the results of Mondas Plc and its 100% wholly owned subsidiaries Mondas Information Technology Limited, Reality Communications Scandinavia AS (a company registered in Norway) and Reality Communications (Internet) Limited for the six months ended 31 October 1999. The interim results are unaudited, but have been reviewed by the auditors in accordance with the guidance set out in Bulletins 1999/4, 'Review of Interim Financial Information,' issued by the Auditing Practices Board. 3. DIVIDENDS The directors are not declaring a dividend for the six months ended 31 October 1999. 4. LOSS PER SHARE Basic loss per share is based on the loss attributable to the members at Mondas PLC and on the weighted average number of shares outstanding throughout the 6 months ended 31 October 1999 of 12,577,963 (1998 - weighted average number of 6,111,731 shares). No material dilution of loss per share would arise if all outstanding share options were exercised. 5. GOING CONCERN The Directors have reviewed the sales pipeline in conjunction with a review of working capital sources and are satisfied that sufficient funds are available for the companies' operations until beyond the end of the current accounting period. The financial statements have therefore been prepared on a going concern basis. 6. POST BALANCE SHEET EVENTS There have been no material post balance sheet events.
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