Schedule 6, Block Admission Period to 15 April 2008
Name of the company: Craneware plc
Names of the schemes Approved Share Option Plan 2006;
Approved Share Option Plan 2007
Period of return: 15/10/2007 to 15/4/2008
Number and class of securities 1,835,900 Ordinary Shares @1p each
not issued under the scheme at the
beginning of the period:
Number of securities issued under 156,900 Ordinary shares @ 1p each
the scheme during the period:
Balance under the scheme of 1,679,000 Ordinary shares @ 1p each
securities not yet issued at the
end of the period:
Number and class securities 24,929,950 Ordinary Shares of 1p each
originally admitted at the date of on 13 September 2007
Number of shares in issue at the 25,086,850 Ordinary Shares of 1p each
date of this announcement
Contact name and telephone number: Alexander McDougall +44 (0) 1506 407 673