Final Results

Cropper(James) PLC 21 June 2005 Issued by Citigate Dewe Rogerson Limited, Birmingham Date: Tuesday 21 June 2005 Embargoed: 7.30am James Cropper PLC Preliminary Results for the year ended 2nd April 2005 2005 2004 Turnover £64.6m £58.0m +11% Group profit before tax £1.8m £0.8m +126% Earnings per share 13.8p 7.6p +82% Dividend Final 6.3p 5.9p +6.8% Total 8.2p 7.8p +5.1% Gearing 27% 27% All Divisions traded profitably Energy costs up £0.6m, 28% Operating profit in Technical Fibre Products ('TFP') down 4% to £0.5m Total US sales up 33% Metal-coated carbon fibre materials accounted for 39% of US sales Margins on US sales dampened by weaker US$ Continued progress on fuel cell component development Operating profit in Paper up 301% to £1.7m Sales by Speciality Papers up 11% Seven new Paper Mill Shop outlets opened during the year Operating profit in Converting down 23% to £0.3m Margins on US sales dampened by weaker US$ UK display board market very competitive Trade investment written down by £0.2m 'I am pleased to report that the recovery of the Group continued in the second half of the financial year with all Divisions trading profitably. This has resulted in a profit before tax of £1,771,000 for the full year compared to £785,000 in the previous year. The improvement was sales led with Group turnover increasing 11% to £64.6 million against £58.0 million last year'. 'In view of the Group's improved performance in the past financial year, the Board is proposing a final dividend payment of 6.3p, making a total dividend for the full year of 8.2p compared to 7.8p in 2004, an overall increase of 5.1%'. 'Energy costs are expected to rise further during the course of 2005. Pulp costs are currently on a rising trend, particularly those relating to hardwoods. These factors are likely to depress profitability of James Cropper Speciality Papers in the current financial year to below the levels achieved in the past year'. 'The Paper Mill Shop will continue to expand the number of outlets during the course of the next twelve months building upon its success to date'. 'Given the Group's sound financial position and its portfolio of related niche businesses, I am confident that despite the short-term challenges we can develop and exploit future opportunities in our areas of expertise at home and abroad'. James Cropper, Chairman Enquiries: Alun Lewis, Chief Executive John Denman, Group Finance Director Katie Dale James Cropper PLC Citigate Dewe Rogerson 01539 722002 Today: 0207 282 8000 Mobile: 07770 788624 Thereafter: 0121 455 8370 JAMES CROPPER PLC Preliminary Results for the year ended 2nd April 2005 STATEMENT BY THE CHAIRMAN, MR JAMES CROPPER I am pleased to report that the recovery of the Group continued in the second half of the financial year with all Divisions trading profitably. This has resulted in a profit before tax of £1,771,000 for the full year compared to £785,000 in the previous year. The improvement was sales led with Group turnover increasing 11% to £64.6 million against £58.0 million last year. The improvement in profitability was achieved against the background of significant increases in the cost of crude oil, natural gas and wholesale electricity. In my Interim Statement of November 2004 I indicated that the unprecedented rise in the cost of natural gas would inevitably dampen the Group's profitability in the second half, particularly that of James Cropper Speciality Papers. This statement was based upon forward market projections at the time, suggesting that the cost in the second half of the financial year would be substantially higher than that in the first half. Although the cost of natural gas continued to rise during the second half, that projection proved to be overly cautious. However, it should be noted that the cost of energy consumption increased over the previous year by £587,000 to £2,696,000, up 28%. The cost of natural gas is projected to rise further during the course of 2005. The charge against profit in the year relating to the combined past service pension deficits of the Group's two final salary schemes was £672,000. This reflects the full year charge based upon the accounting standard SSAP 24. The charge in the previous period was £336,000. Although US$ sales grew in all Divisions over the year, profitability from both Technical Fibre Products ('TFP') and James Cropper Converting continue to be adversely affected by the weak US$. Since 1989 the Group has held a 35% holding in Pacofa, a converting company located in northern France. Over recent years the performance of this business has been disappointing and, therefore, the Directors have decided to take the prudent step of writing down the cost of the investment by £200,000 to reflect more closely its current recoverable value. Dividend In view of the Group's improved performance in the past financial year, the Board is proposing a final dividend payment of 6.3p, making a total dividend for the full year of 8.2p compared to 7.8p in 2004, an overall increase of 5.1%. Paper Division The Division's operating profit increased from £415,000 to £1,663,000 over the year. Sales by James Cropper Speciality Papers increased by 11% during the financial year. Activity in the packaging, business and industrial paper sectors was up, reflecting growth in the UK, the USA and China. The price of pulp fluctuated during the course of the year. Northern Softwood Bleached Kraft ('NSBK') pulp, the market benchmark, opened the year at US$640 per tonne and rose to US$680 by the end of the first quarter. Then over the second quarter it fell to US$590, before resuming an upward trend in the second half year to end at US$645. A similar pattern emerged for € priced hardwoods. The weakness of the US$ mitigated the impact of these increases. The € was relatively stable against £Sterling throughout the year. The Paper Mill Shop business continued to grow during the year with seven new outlets opening across the UK taking the total number of stores to eighteen. In order to manage the expansion of this business, warehousing and distribution activities were relocated to a larger facility. Converting Division Converting Division's turnover grew by 1%, with volume up 15%. However, operating profit declined from £394,000 to £302,000. The Division continued to maintain its position as the leading UK manufacturer of display board. The demand for mount board continues to be positive but the weakness of the US$ eroded margins on sales into the USA. The development of digital imaging products progressed during the year leading to the launch of a full range of papers and boards in the second half. This new range is marketed to the trade in parallel to the general public, the latter through a dedicated website, The development and launch costs relating to the digital imaging range affected overall profitability of the Division. Technical Fibre Products Operating profit for the year was £457,000 against £474,000 with turnover up 3% on the previous year. At the current exchange rate, sales to the US market represented approximately 40% of TFP's turnover in £Sterling terms. The decline in the value of the US$ over the two years disguises progress in the US market where US$ sales were 33% higher in the past financial year compared with the previous period. The growth in the US market was largely attributable to composite materials containing metal-coated carbon fibres. As reported last year, niche opportunities for highly conductive metal-coated carbon fibre materials have grown steadily in recent years. Applications include the use of these materials in electronic, medical and flexible heating devices. The majority of these fibres are now supplied by Electro Fiber Technologies LLC ('EFT'), the joint venture company in which TFP has a 50% share. The primary objective of EFT is to provide TFP with control of quality and security of supply in order to service these technically demanding applications. EFT incurred a loss in line with that of the previous year. Early in the year the Department of Trade and Industry awarded funds to assist Research & Development by TFP, Johnson Matthey and other UK companies to ensure that the UK becomes a world centre for fuel cell technology. This was followed by the Board's decision to construct a dedicated Research & Development facility to support new product and market development. I am pleased to report that this facility, which incorporates a state of the art pilot line, has now been commissioned. Outlook In recent years the Group has had to absorb increases in overheads that were largely outside its control. These have included increases in energy, pension contributions, National Insurance contributions, insurance premiums, effluent treatment charges and the cost of regulatory compliance. The growth in Group turnover is therefore very encouraging and reflects our efforts to develop new products, markets and new routes to markets. TFP's sales in the US market continue to grow and early indications suggest that our plans to grow sales in James Cropper Speciality Papers are being achieved. Growth in the USA and other non-European export markets is an important element of our overall strategy. To mitigate the impact of the weak US$ on our improving US$ revenues we continue to optimise our internal currency hedging strategy in order to lower exposure. Increasing energy costs, driven by major distortions in the European natural gas market and international events, are affecting all manufacturing based industries. Energy costs are expected to rise further during the course of 2005. Pulp costs are currently on a rising trend, particularly those relating to hardwoods. These factors are likely to depress profitability of James Cropper Speciality Papers in the current financial year to below the levels achieved in the past year. The Paper Mill Shop will continue to expand the number of outlets during the course of the next twelve months building upon its success to date. Given the Group's sound financial position and its portfolio of related niche businesses, I am confident that despite the short-term challenges we can develop and exploit future opportunities in our areas of expertise at home and abroad. James Cropper PLC Preliminary Results Group Profit and Loss Account for the 53 weeks ended 2nd April 2005 53 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 2nd April 2005 27th March 2004 (as restated - see Note 1) 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 -------------------------------------------------------------- Turnover (including share of Joint Venture) 64,616 58,015 Less share of Joint Venture (48) (5) --------------------------------------------------------------- Turnover - continuing operations 64,568 58,010 Change in stocks of finished goods and work in progress 1 699 Own work capitalised 422 357 Other operating income 235 152 -------------------------------------------------------------- 65,226 59,218 -------------------------------------------------------------- Raw materials and consumables (27,500) (25,547) Energy (2,696) (30,196) (2,109) (27,656) ------- ------ Other external charges (12,351) (11,495) Staff costs (17,001) (15,717) Depreciation (3,256) (3,067) ------------------------------------------------------------- (62,804) (57,935) ------------------------------------------------------------- Group operating profit - continuing operations 2,422 1,283 Share of operating loss in Joint Venture (114) (93) -------------------------------------------------------------- Total operating profit Group and share of Joint Venture 2,308 1,190 Other interest receivable and similar income 136 59 Amounts written off investments (200) (50) Interest payable and similar charges (473) (414) -------------------------------------------------------------- Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,771 785 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (616) (154) -------------------------------------------------------------- Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 1,155 631 Dividends paid and proposed: Interim paid 1.9p (2004 1.9p) (159) (159) Proposed final 6.3p (2004 5.9p) (527) (493) ------------------------------------------------------------- (686) (652) ------------------------------------------------------------- Amount set aside to/(from) reserves 469 (21) ------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings per Ordinary Share of 25p Basic 13.8p 7.6p Diluted 13.8p 7.6p James Cropper PLC Preliminary Results Balance Sheets as at 2nd April 2005 Group Company 2005 2004 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 25,808 25,836 2,546 2,519 Trade investments 195 395 195 395 Investment in Subsidiary Companies - - 7,350 7,350 Investments in Joint Venture Share of gross assets 109 129 - - Share of gross liabilities (26) (11) - - -------------------------------------------------- 26,086 26,349 10,091 10,264 -------------------------------------------------- Current assets Stocks 7,663 7,166 - - Debtors 13,237 12,507 26,841 31,319 Cash at bank and in hand 938 1,240 857 74 -------------------------------------------------- 21,838 20,913 27,698 31,393 -------------------------------------------------- Creditors (amounts falling due within one year) (9,368) (9,409) (5,527) (9,416) -------------------------------------------------- Net current assets 12,470 11,504 22,171 21,977 -------------------------------------------------- Total assets less current liabilities 38,556 37,853 32,262 32,241 Creditors (amounts falling due after more than one year) (6,548) (6,589) (6,548) (6,589) Deferred taxation (4,470) (4,189) (736) (445) -------------------------------------------------- 27,538 27,075 24,978 25,207 -------------------------------------------------- Capital and reserves Called up equity share capital 2,090 2,090 2,090 2,090 Share premium account 454 454 454 454 Revaluation reserve 100 138 23 32 Profit and loss account 24,894 24,393 22,411 22,631 -------------------------------------------------- Equity shareholders' funds 27,538 27,075 24,978 25,207 -------------------------------------------------- James Cropper PLC Preliminary Results Statement of Group Total Recognised Gains and Losses for the 53 weeks ended 2nd April 2005 53 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 2nd April 2005 27th March 2004 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Profit for the year 1,155 631 Currency translation differences on foreign currency investment (6) (23) --------------------------------- Total recognised gains and losses relating to the year 1,149 608 --------------------------------- Note of Group Historical Cost Profits and Losses for the 53 weeks ended 2nd April 2005 53 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 2nd April 2005 27th March 2004 --------------------------------- Reported profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,771 785 Difference between historical cost depreciation charge and the actual depreciation charge for the year calculated on the revalued amounts 38 39 -------------------------------- Historical cost profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,809 824 ---=---------------------------- Historical cost profit for the year after taxation and dividends 507 18 -------------------------------- Reconciliation of Movements in Group Shareholders' Funds for the 53 weeks ended 2nd April 2005 Group Company 53 weeks 52 weeks 53 weeks 52 weeks ended ended ended ended 2nd April 27th March 2nd April 27th March 2005 2004 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 ------------------------------------------- Opening shareholders' funds 27,075 27,119 25,207 26,095 Profit/(loss) for the year 1,155 631 457 (236) Dividends (686) (652) (686) (652) Other recognised gains and losses relating to the year (6) (23) - - --------------------------------------------- Closing shareholders' funds 27,538 27,075 24,978 25,207 --------------------------------------------- James Cropper PLC Preliminary Results Group Cash Flow Statement for the 53 weeks ended 2nd April 2005 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 ------------------------------------------------ Cash flow from operating 3,963 3,557 activities Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 125 46 Interest paid (490) (394) ------- ------- (365) (348) Taxation received/(paid) 385 (316) Capital expenditure Purchase of tangible fixed (3,228) (3,101) assets Asset disposal proceeds 5 (3,223) 2 (3,099) ------- ------- Acquisitions Investment in Joint Venture (85) (68) Equity dividends paid (652) (627) ------ ------- Net cash inflow/(outflow) before 23 (901) financing Financing New debt due beyond a year 1,600 4,000 Repayment of bank loans (1,949) (1,461) ------- ------- (349) 2,539 ------ ------- (Decrease)/increase in cash in the (326) 1,638 year ------ ------- James Cropper PLC Preliminary Results For the year ended 2nd April 2005 1. The 2004 turnover figures of the Paper and Converting Divisions have been restated to reflect the inclusion of delivery costs invoiced to customers. These delivery costs had previously been netted off against the cost of transport in the other external charges section of the Profit and Loss Account. The restatement for 2004 increases turnover and other external charges by £1,445,000 and represents a consistent accounting treatment across the Group. 2. Basic earning per share have been calculated on the profit after taxation of £1,155,000 (2004 £631,000) divided by the weighted average number of Ordinary shares in issue during the period of 8,359,114 (2004 8,359,114). 3. The dividend will, if approved, be paid on 12th August 2005 to all shareholders on the Register on 22nd July 2005. 4. The financial information set out above does not constitute the statutory accounts for the years ended 2nd April 2005 and 27th March 2004. Statutory accounts for 2004 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2005 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on these accounts, their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 5. The Annual Report and Accounts for 2005 will be posted to shareholders on 11th July 2005 and will also be available on request from the Company's registered office, Burneside Mills, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 6PZ. 6. The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 10.30am on Wednesday, 3rd August 2005 at the Bryce Institute, Burneside, Kendal, Cumbria This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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