Interim Results

Cropper(James) PLC 16 November 2004 Issued by Citigate Dewe Rogerson Ltd, Birmingham Date: Tuesday, 16 November 2004 Embargoed: 7.30am James Cropper PLC 'Specialist Paper Makers' Interim Results for the 26 weeks ended 25 September 2004 Half year to Half year to Full year to September 2004 September 2003 March 2004 Turnover £30.2m £27.6m £56.6m Group profit before tax £0.8m £0.1m £0.8m Earnings per share 6.8p 0.8p 7.6p Dividend per share 1.9p 1.9p 7.8p Gearing 20% 29% 27% All Divisions traded profitably Sales of Speciality Papers up 9% on same period last year Paper Mill Shop opened 3 new outlets, taking chain to 14 Building of TFP's R&D facilities under way Gas costs projected to increase by 65% over last year 'I am pleased to report that the recovery of the Group in the second half of last year has continued. The Group recorded a profit before tax of £811,000 for the first half of the current financial year compared to £95,000 in the first half of the previous year. The improvement was sales led'. 'The growth in Group turnover is very encouraging and reflects our efforts to develop new products and markets and new routes to markets. TFP's sales in the US market continue to grow and early indications suggest that our plans to grow sales in James Cropper Speciality Papers are being achieved' 'The Paper Mill Shop will continue to expand, extending our strategy of related business diversification'. 'Inevitably the unprecedented rise in the cost of natural gas will dampen profitability in the second half, particularly that of James Cropper Speciality Papers'. 'Despite the impact of high energy costs on profitability in the second half and in the absence of unforeseen circumstances, it is the Board's intention to maintain the level of the full year dividend reflecting both the confidence we have in the future prospects of the Group and the strength of the balance sheet'. J A Cropper, Chairman FULL STATEMENT ATTACHED Enquiries: Alun Lewis, Chief Executive John Denman, Group Finance Director Alan Cooke James Cropper PLC Citigate Dewe Rogerson Today: 020 7282 8000 (8.00am - 11.00am) Today: 020 7282 8000 Thereafter: 01539 722002 Thereafter: 0121 455 8370 Mobile: 07767 771533 ----------------- -2- James Cropper PLC Interim Results for the 26 weeks ended 25 September 2004 STATEMENT BY THE CHAIRMAN, J A CROPPER I am pleased to report that the recovery of the Group in the second half of last year has continued. The Group recorded a profit before tax of £811,000 for the first half of the current financial year compared to £95,000 in the first half of the previous year. The improvement was sales led. Group turnover was £30.2 million against £27.6 million for the same period last year, up 10%. All Divisions traded profitably. The interim dividend will be maintained at 1.9p per share. Paper Division Sales by James Cropper Speciality Papers increased by 9% overall on the first half of last year. Activity was up in packaging, business and industrial paper sectors, with growth in the UK, the USA and China. The cost of Northern Softwood Bleached Kraft pulp, the market benchmark, fell from its first quarter peak of US$680 per tonne to US$620 by the end of the second quarter. It is currently anticipated that there will be a further decrease in the cost of pulp in the third quarter. With US$ and Euro exchange rates relatively stable over the past six months, there was little distortion to margins as a consequence of currency movements. I highlighted earlier in the year the recent escalation in the price of crude oil, natural gas and wholesale electricity. These will have a significant impact on energy costs in the current year, particularly during the winter months. The average cost of natural gas in the first half was 22 pence per therm, against 17 pence per therm in the same period last year. In the second half of the previous year the average cost of natural gas was 25 pence per therm. Forward market projections suggest that the cost in the second half of the current year will be substantially higher. Three new Paper Mill Shop outlets were opened in the first six months in Spalding, Antrim and Ashford. In order to manage the expansion of this business, warehousing and distribution activities were relocated to a larger facility in the autumn. Further store openings are anticipated in the second half. Technical Fibre Products ('TFP') TFP's sales in the first six months were broadly in line with the same period last year in £sterling terms. At the current exchange rate, sales to the US market represent approximately 40% of TFP's turnover. The decline in the value of the US$ over the two periods disguises progress in the US market where US$ sales were 23% higher in the first half of the current year compared with the previous period. The growth in the US market was largely attributable to composite materials containing metal-coated carbon fibres. As reported last year, niche opportunities for highly conductive metal-coated carbon fibre materials have grown steadily in recent years. Applications include the use of these materials in electronic, medical and flexible heating devices. Significant growth potential will also emerge in electromagnetic interference shielding and communication signal management systems. During the past six months several of TFP's key customers have approved the specifications of the initial batches of metal-coated carbon fibre materials manufactured by Electro Fiber Technologies LLC ('EFT'), the joint venture company in which TFP has a 50% share. Once approved by TFP customers, EFT materials will replace those supplied to TFP by third parties. The primary objective of EFT is to provide TFP with control of quality and security of supply. EFT is expected to make a loss for the full year in line with that of the previous year. continued... -3- The Board has recently approved the construction of a dedicated research and development facility to support new product development. Earlier in the year the Department of Trade and Industry awarded funds to assist research and development by TFP, Johnson Matthey and other UK companies to ensure that the UK becomes a world centre for fuel cell technology. Converting Division James Cropper Converting is trading at last year's levels with profitability continuing to be affected by competitive pressure on display board prices and the impact of the weaker US$ on sales of mount board to the USA. The development of the digital imaging product range has progressed. Resources have been committed to enable the introduction of a full range of papers and boards to be marketed in parallel to the trade and the general public, the latter through a dedicated website, This range will be launched in the second half. Outlook In recent years the Group has had to absorb increases in overheads that were largely outside its control. These have included increases in pension contributions, National Insurance contributions, insurance premiums, effluent treatment charges and the cost of regulatory compliance. The growth in Group turnover is therefore very encouraging and reflects our efforts to develop new products and markets and new routes to markets. TFP's sales in the US market continue to grow and early indications suggest that our plans to grow sales in James Cropper Speciality Papers are being achieved. Growth in the USA and other non-European export markets is an important element of our overall strategy. To mitigate the impact of the weak US$ on our growing US$ revenues we continue to optimise our internal hedging strategy in order to lower exposure. As a consequence we have switched the purchase of certain supplies to US$s from Euros. This will reduce the adverse impact on profitability of the weak US$. The annualised effect of these changes will be felt in the current financial year. The Paper Mill Shop will continue to expand, extending our strategy of related business diversification. Increasing energy costs, driven by major distortions in the European natural gas market and international events, are affecting all manufacturing based industries. Inevitably the unprecedented rise in the cost of natural gas will dampen profitability in the second half, particularly that of James Cropper Speciality Papers. Improved trading and relatively low capital expenditure resulted in gearing falling to 20% at the end of the half-year. Cash outflow will increase in the second half as a consequence of increased capital expenditure, special pension contributions and higher energy costs. In an increasingly competitive and uncertain world, our portfolio of niche businesses, built on strong materials technology and technical expertise, places the Group in a good position to develop and exploit future opportunities. Despite the impact of high energy costs on profitability in the second half and in the absence of unforeseen circumstances, it is the Board's intention to maintain the level of the full year dividend reflecting both the confidence we have in the future prospects of the Group and the strength of the balance sheet. -4- James Cropper PLC Group Profit and Loss Account for the 26 Weeks ended 25 September 2004 Half year to Half year to Full year to September 2004 September 2003 March 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover - continuing operations 30,229 27,553 56,565 ----------- ----------- --------- Operating profit - continuing operations 1,074 300 1,283 Share of operating loss in joint venture (59) (38) (93) ----------- ----------- --------- Total operating profit 1,015 262 1,190 Amounts written off investments - - (50) Net interest payable and similar charges (204) (167) (355) ----------- ----------- --------- Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 811 95 785 Taxation (243) (29) (154) ----------- ----------- --------- Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 568 66 631 Dividend (159) (159) (652) ----------- ----------- --------- Retained profit/(loss) for the period 409 (93) (21) ----------- ----------- --------- Earnings per share - basic and diluted (Note 3) 6.8p 0.8p 7.6p ----------- ----------- --------- Dividend pence per share (Note 4) 1.9p 1.9p 7.8p ----------- ----------- --------- -5- James Cropper PLC Group Balance Sheet as at 25 September 2004 Half year to Half year to Full year to September 2004 September 2003 March 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Tangible assets 25,422 25,989 25,836 Investments 395 445 395 Investments in joint venture: Share of gross assets 120 134 129 Share of gross liabilities (3) (5) (11) ----------- ----------- --------- Fixed assets 25,934 26,563 26,349 ----------- ----------- --------- Stocks 7,391 6,389 7,166 Debtors 11,629 11,910 12,507 Cash at bank and in hand 2,216 659 1,240 ----------- ----------- --------- Current assets 21,236 18,958 20,913 Creditors (amounts falling due within 1 year) (9,708) (8,603) (9,409) ----------- ----------- --------- Net current assets 11,528 10,355 11,504 ----------- ----------- --------- Total assets less current liabilities 37,462 36,918 37,853 Creditors (amounts falling due after more than 1 year) (5,789) (5,737) (6,589) Deferred taxation (4,189) (4,155) (4,189) ----------- ----------- --------- Net assets 27,484 27,026 27,075 ----------- ----------- --------- Called up share capital 2,090 2,090 2,090 Share premium account 454 454 454 Revaluation reserve 138 177 138 Profit and loss account 24,802 24,305 24,393 ----------- ----------- --------- Capital and reserves 27,484 27,026 27,075 ----------- ----------- --------- -6- James Cropper PLC Group Cash Flow Statement for the 26 weeks ended 25 September 2004 Half year to Half year to Full year to September 2004 September 2003 March 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 1,074 300 1,283 Depreciation charges 1,573 1,685 3,067 Loss on fixed asset disposals - - 22 Increase in stocks (225) (591) (1,368) Decrease/(increase) in debtors 878 (125) (494) Increase/(decrease) in creditors 571 (78) 1,047 ----------- ----------- --------- Cash flow from operating activities 3,871 1,191 3,557 Interest received 44 22 46 Interest paid (239) (163) (394) Tax paid (29) (103) (316) Purchase of tangible fixed assets (1,159) (1,850) (3,101) Proceeds from disposal of tangible fixed assets - 2 2 Investment in joint venture (58) - (68) Equity dividends paid (493) (468) (627) ----------- ----------- --------- Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 1,937 (1,369) (901) Financing New debt due beyond 1 year - 2,000 4,000 Repayment of bank loans (954) (649) (1,461) ----------- ----------- --------- Increase/(decrease) in cash in period 983 (18) 1,638 ----------- ----------- --------- Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt £'000 £'000 £'000 Increase/(decrease) in cash for the period 983 (18) 1,638 Decrease/(increase) in debt and finance leases 954 (1,351) (2,539) ----------- ----------- --------- Movement in net debt in the period 1,937 (1,369) (901) Net debt at start of period (7,427) (6,526) (6,526) ----------- ----------- --------- Net debt at end of period (5,490) (7,895) (7,427) ----------- ----------- --------- -7- James Cropper PLC Notes 1. The summarised results for the half year ended 25 September 2004, which have not been audited or reviewed, have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies adopted in the accounts for the year ended 27 March 2004. 2. The financial information set out above does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985. The figures for the year to 27 March 2004 are an extract from the full accounts for that year which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors gave an unqualified opinion. 3. Basic and diluted earnings per share for the six months ended 25 September 2004 has been calculated on the profit available for distribution and on 8,359,114 (2003: 8,359,114) Ordinary Shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. None of the potential Ordinary Shares are dilutive. 4. The interim dividend of 1.9p per Ordinary Share (2003: 1.9p per share) is proposed and will be paid on 14 January 2005 to holders on the register at the close of business on 24 December 2004. The dividend for the year to 27 March 2004 was made up of an interim payment of £159,000 (1.9p per share) and a proposed final dividend of £493,000 (5.9p per share). 5. The above information is being sent to all shareholders and is available from the Company's registered office or from our website ( This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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