Interim Results

Carphone Warehouse Group PLC 06 November 2002 Strictly embargoed until 0700 hours Wednesday 6 November 2002 The Carphone Warehouse Group PLC Interim Results for the 26 Weeks Ended 28 September 2002 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 29 52 weeks ended 28 September 2002 September 2001 30 March 2002 £m £m £m Total Turnover 861.2 539.6 1,152.7 Turnover (ex-Wholesale) 433.8 364.2 809.7 EBITDA 27.9 21.6 72.8 Profit before tax 12.0 9.6 46.8 Headline earnings per share 1.08p 0.89p 4.41p (Stated before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill) Exceptional items 13.2 (3.1) (55.1) • 19% growth in turnover (ex Wholesale) to £433.8m • 26% growth in profit before tax to £12.0m • 21% growth in headline EPS to 1.08p • 10.3% growth in like for like retail revenue and 4.8% growth in like for like gross profit • 47% growth in contribution from continental Europe. Losses halved in Germany • 20% growth in recurring revenue, comprising 48% of group contribution • 25% growth in connections (including SIM-free), 4% growth in subscription connections • Acquisition of Opal Telecom PLC ('Opal'), a leading UK fixed line network provider • 21% growth in connections (inc SIM-free), 4.9% growth in like for like retail revenue and 5.1% growth in like for like gross profit in the five weeks to 2 November 2002 Commenting, Hans Snook, Chairman, said: 'This is a very good set of numbers, accompanied by continued positive current trading and an encouraging outlook for the rest of the year. The Carphone Warehouse is benefiting from the powerful platform and increased market share we have built, and from our strategy of serving our customers throughout their mobile lives, both at and beyond the point of sale. This is growing both the size of our customer base and its average lifetime value, as well as improving the quality of our earnings. 'Today, we are also announcing the acquisition of Opal, a leading UK fixed line network provider. This evolution of our strategy will materially expand our UK operations and enable us to deliver added value to our customers and shareholders alike. We expect the deal to be earnings enhancing in its first full year.' Charles Dunstone, Chief Executive, said: 'The first half-year has been a period of welcome stability in many of our markets and encouraging progress for The Carphone Warehouse, with growth in connections and like-for-like retail revenue exceeding our expectations. 'We have continued to enjoy market share gains in our key markets across Europe over the last six months. Last year, the volume of mobile handset sales across Europe fell by 40-50%. Our scale and proposition enabled us to strengthen our position as others withdrew in this difficult environment. This year, volumes have stabilised, and with the arrival of new generation colour screens, new services and new content, the market is now seeing a modest uplift. We believe that there is still significant scope to grow our market share in the UK and particularly in some continental European markets, where we continue to build our presence and our brand. 'Growth in pre-pay connections has been comfortably ahead of our expectations. This is mainly due to a renewed interest on the part of the networks in attracting higher-tier pre-pay customers with handsets that have not previously been available at mass market prices in pre-pay packages. In addition, we have continued to have notable success in our SIM-free offer. Since introducing this segment ahead of Christmas 2001, we have grown it into a business achieving 7,500 handset sales a week. Our leverage with handset manufacturers and our wholesale expertise are both key elements of our dominance of this part of the market. 'The contribution from our Continental European businesses is up by over 47% to £17.5m. In Germany the run-rate of losses has been halved. We continue to work to improve operational performance and remain committed to finding a solution in Germany by the time we report our preliminary 2003 results. 'Our strategy of developing our high quality recurring revenue streams beyond the point of sale continues to reap rewards. Our Insurance and Telecoms Services customer bases continue to grow, and profits from recurring revenues represent 48% of group contribution. In recent months we have changed our terms of trade with a number of network operators, exchanging a lower upfront commission for a greater share of ongoing customer ARPU. These developments will have a beneficial effect on recurring revenues in the future. 'Today, we are augmenting our strategy through the acquisition of Opal, which will enable us to offer a better value fixed line service as well as a 'better mobile life'. There are strong revenue synergies between the two companies' customer bases, and between our stores and Opal's growing corporate sales force. At the same time the deal adds to our management strength and depth. We believe the acquisition amounts to a significant and value-creating expansion of our UK business and its potential. 'For the full year, much as always depends upon the Christmas period; but we are quietly confident, and this adds to our optimism for the current year. Further ahead, we see continuing opportunities in imaging, MMS, Java games and colour screens, and the introduction of new mobile applications. We believe The Carphone Warehouse is well positioned to benefit from these opportunities.' Group Performance Turnover for the period ending 28 September 2002 increased 59.6% to £861.2m and EBITDA before exceptionals increased 29.4% to £27.9m. Headline EPS in the period increased by 21.3% from 0.89p to 1.08p. Distribution 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 29 52 weeks ended 28 September 2002 September 2001 30 March 2002 £m £m £m Distribution Turnover 807.7 497.3 1,063.4 Retail 331.6 279.9 623.3 Insurance 29.0 26.4 60.4 Online 19.7 15.6 36.7 Wholesale 427.4 175.4 343.0 Gross Profit 128.7 117.2 261.9 Contribution* 39.4 32.8 93.1 * Including Mviva losses of £2.4m in interim and full year comparatives Total Connections (000s) 1,922 1,537 3,615 Subscription 878 847 1,767 Pre-pay 846 690 1,613 Pre-pay SIM-free 198 - 235 Distribution operations generated total revenues of £807.7m (2001 £497.3m), an increase of 62.4%, and contribution of £39.4m (2001 £32.8m after Mviva losses of £2.4m), an increase of 20.1%. Excluding our wholesale business, which had a strong first half in terms of sales, growth in revenue and contribution was 18.2% and 16.2% respectively. Connections growth was strong throughout the period from May, when the impact of the networks' withdrawal of subsidy on pre-pay packages first annualised. Overall, connections in the first half grew by 25.1%. We witnessed 3.6% growth in subscription connections (after 30% growth in the equivalent period last year), 22.7% growth in pre-pay and continued success for our SIM-free offering. As a result, our subscription mix fell to 45.7%, compared to 55.1% in last year's first half. Excluding the impact of SIM-free, the mix was 50.9%. Like-for-like revenue growth in the retail business was 10.3% and like-for-like gross profit growth was 4.8%, reflecting the changing terms of trade with certain network operators, and a change in the mix of the networks to which we connected compared to last year. The gross profit generated on each connection remained steady in pre-pay and declined slightly on subscription in line with expectations following the change in terms of trade. Our total share of handset sales across all our markets increased to 7.6% in September 2002 (source: GfK), up from 4.8% 12 months earlier. Most importantly our share of high value products and subscription connections is significantly higher than this and continues to grow. In Europe, our Retail business continued to demonstrate a strengthening position while gaining significant market share in most of our markets. The mobile market overall has been mixed across Europe, with some countries seeing a further contraction in handset sales this year while others recover. There have been some early signs of improvement in the operating environment in Germany, where losses last year were at an unacceptable level, but there is still much to do to take this business to profitability. We remain committed to finding a solution in Germany by the time we report our preliminary results in 2003. The store portfolio increased from 1,085 at September 2001 to 1,117 at September 2002, despite our ongoing rationalisation of underperforming stores. Our retail space has increased by 4.7% to 62,900 square metres as we continue to migrate to larger stores in more prime locations. This has inevitably had an impact on retail operating costs, which grew 9.8% year-on-year. Whilst direct payroll costs increased in line with our growth in activity, our fixed store costs increased more than the additional space as a result of the store portfolio upgrade. Insurance revenues grew 10.0% as we continued to increase penetration of our customer base and roll out our insurance product in our international markets. Customer numbers grew 14.6% year-on-year to 1,019,000. Our Wholesale activities produced revenues of £427.4m (2001 £175.4m), and a contribution of £5.2m (2001 £3.3m). Activities within Wholesale include the bulk distribution of handsets and vouchers to other retailers across Europe, and using our expertise to trade handsets between geographical markets to take advantage of pricing differences. This high level of growth was achieved by taking advantage of increased opportunities and reduced competition in the wholesale handset and voucher markets. However, the revenue streams remain volatile and low margin in nature. Furthermore, the business is a net consumer of working capital, resulting in an increased level of interest expense. Telecoms Services 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 29 52 weeks ended 28 September 2002 September 2001 30 March 2002 £m £m £m Telecoms Services Turnover 53.5 42.2 89.3 On-going Revenue 12.7 10.7 22.0 MVNO 22.4 21.8 40.9 FMS 18.4 9.7 26.4 Contribution 19.8 16.1 35.9 Total Customers (000s) 1,123 915 1,019 MVNO 178 131 155 FMS 945 784 864 In Telecoms Services we achieved a 26.5% increase in revenue to £53.5m (2001 £42.2m) and a 23.1% increase in contribution to £19.8m (2001 £16.1m). This reflects continuing increases in both our share of customer spend and in the number of customers we manage. Renewed network interest in pre-pay, and some aggressive pricing by Virgin Mobile, have hampered progress in our MVNO business, Fresh, which has had a slower first half after a strong trading period in the latter part of our last financial year. However, these developments have clearly benefited our retail business, and Fresh continues to generate good returns. Meanwhile our FMS business has made excellent progress, with contribution almost doubling to £4.3m (2001 £2.2m) and our customer base growing by 20.5% to 945,000. We continue to seek opportunities to grow our presence in Telecoms Services in existing and new markets, thus further aligning our interests with the networks, and improving the quality of our earnings. Support Costs Support costs rose by 14.5% to £31.3m (2001 £27.4m). The increase reflects the impact of the rental costs incurred as a result of the sale and leaseback of our support centre, as well as the centralisation of certain functions previously managed at a country level and the commitment of additional resource to developing certain UK initiatives in our other markets. Exceptionals We made an exceptional gain on the sale and lease back of our London offices of £13.2m, based on a cash consideration of £36.6m. Cash Flow The cash movements in the period reflect capital expenditure of £16.0m (2001 £21.5m) and the proceeds from the property sale described above. The level of capital expenditure is significantly less than that incurred last year and is reflective of the anticipated run rate for the future. Working capital was affected by a movement in the VAT debtor of £35m as a result of Wholesale activities, which also absorbed working capital through day to day trading. We expect the VAT position to unwind in the second half. As a result, we incurred an interest charge of £1.3m in the period (2001 £0.7m interest income). Current Trading In the five-week period to 2 November 2002 we made 393,000 connections (including 22,000 SIM-free handset sales), up 21% on the prior year. The growth in subscription and pre-pay connections (ex SIM-free) was 3% and 44% respectively, and the subscription mix was 50% (ex SIM-free). Like for like revenues have grown by 4.9% and like for like gross profit by 5.1%. Our Insurance base has now risen to 1,026,000 and our Telecoms Services base to 1,132,000. Outlook and Strategy After the severe contraction in handset volumes across the market as a whole last Christmas, we expect the market to show steady growth over the next few months, driven by a strong product pipeline, the take-up of colour screens and the launch of new services by a number of networks. The impact of new entrants providing 3G services in some of our markets may provide a further positive stimulus although we do not expect this to have a material impact at this early stage. We believe that The Carphone Warehouse is well placed to take advantage of these and other developments in the wider communications market both now and over the coming years, by leveraging our brand and our retail asset. We continue to focus our strategy on providing continuing service over the lifetime of our customers' mobile phone ownership, and in so doing we are cementing strong relationships with customers, network operators and mobile phone manufacturers alike. Looking forward, we see excellent opportunities for The Carphone Warehouse to continue to build its brand across Europe through a widespread and growing retail network and a strong customer proposition. In particular, there is still significant scope for us to grow our market share of handset sales and replicate the success of our Telecoms Services business in the UK and France across our other continental European markets. The successful execution of this strategy will also result in a continuing improvement in the quality of our earnings. As we expect recurring revenue streams to represent a growing proportion of overall group profitability, we will become increasingly less reliant on connections growth alone as a driver of earnings growth. Ends For Further Information The Carphone Warehouse Group PLC Charles Dunstone 07771 868 601 Roger Taylor 07715 170 090 Tristia Clarke 07771 868 601 For analyst and institutional enquiries 07909 907193 Roger Taylor Peregrine Riviere Citigate Dewe Rogerson 07973 611 888 Anthony Carlisle 020 7638 9571 Consolidated profit and loss account For the 26 weeks ended 28 September 2002 Before Exceptional After exceptional items items and Exceptional and amortisation amortisation items and amortisation 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 26weeks ended 52 weeks ended 28 28 September 28 29 30 September 2002 2002 September September March 2002 2001 2002 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 2 861,247 861,247 539,590 1,152,717 Cost of Sales (696,527) (696,527) (399,527) (834,413) Gross Profit 164,720 164,720 140,063 318,304 Operating Expenses (136,823) (136,823) (119,696) (270,363) EBITDA 27,897 27,897 20,367 47,941 Depreciation (14,573) (14,573) (12,719) (26,335) Amortisation - (7,527) (7,527) (6,570) (14,736) Operating profit 13,324 5,797 1,078 6,870 Exceptional items 3 - 13,199 13,199 (1,898) (30,227) Net interest (payable) (1,292) (1,292) 720 342 receivable Profit on ordinary 12,032 17,704 (100) (23,015) activities before taxation Tax on profit on ordinary 4 (3,009) (3,009) (1,664) (6,162) activities Profit on ordinary 9,023 14,695 (1,764) (29,177) activities after taxation Minority interests - - 407 915 Retained profit (loss) for 10 9,023 14,695 (1,357) (28,262) the period Earnings per Share Unadjusted 5 - 1.76p (0.16p) (3.39p) Headline 5 1.08p - 0.89p 4.41p All material gains and losses are included in the Consolidated profit and loss account. Consolidated balance sheet As at 28 September 2002 28 September 29 September 30 March 2002 2001 2002 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 272,405 271,953 274,798 Tangible assets 114,320 131,497 111,654 Other investments 30,190 44,851 30,130 416,915 448,301 416,582 Current assets Stock 66,795 63,939 50,088 Debtors 180,750 144,609 139,238 Investments 35,424 47,907 67,637 Cash at bank and in hand 44,635 41,504 20,684 327,604 297,959 277,647 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (208,729) (262,668) (199,669) Net current assets 118,875 35,291 77,978 Total assets less current liabilities 535,790 483,592 494,560 Creditors: amounts falling due after one year (63,769) (10,517) (39,050) Provisions for liabilities and charges (45,999) (40,890) (47,483) Net assets 426,022 432,185 408,027 Capital and reserves Called-up share capital 839 833 835 Share premium 362,723 356,290 359,305 Capital redemption reserve 30 30 30 Profit and loss account 62,430 73,752 47,085 Equity shareholders' funds 10 426,022 430,905 407,255 Minority interests - 1,280 772 Total capital employed 426,022 432,185 408,027 Approved by the Board of The Carphone Warehouse Group PLC 6 November 2002 Consolidated cash flow statement For the 26 weeks ended 28 September 2002 26 weeks 26 weeks 52 weeks ended ended ended 28 29 30 September September March 2002 2001 2002 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash (outflow) inflow from operating activities (29,972) 2,013 29,352 Net cash (outflow) inflow from returns on investments and servicing of (1,292) 720 342 finance Net cash inflow (outflow) from taxation 4,805 (3,989) (9,398) Net cash inflow (outflow) from capital expenditure and 9 33,569 (21,534) (48,742) financial investment Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals (152) (41,005) (42,846) Net cash inflow (outflow) before financing 6,958 (63,795) (71,292) Net cash inflow from financing 15,633 39,914 34,669 Increase (decrease) in cash in the period 8 22,591 (23,881) (36,623) Reconciliation of net cash flow from operating activities to operating profit 26 weeks 26 weeks 52 weeks ended ended ended 28 29 30 September September March 2002 2001 2002 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating profit excluding exceptional items 5,797 2,268 31,733 Operating exceptional items - (1,190) (24,863) Operating profit 5,797 1,078 6,870 Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 14,573 12,719 26,335 Amortisation of goodwill 7,527 6,570 14,736 EBITDA 27,897 20,367 47,941 Loss (profit) on disposal of tangible fixed assets - 72 (646) (Decrease) increase in provisions (1,700) (822) 9,533 (Increase) decrease in stock (16,227) (11,376) 2,700 (Increase) decrease in debtors (39,573) 19,544 26,422 Decrease in creditors (369) (25,772) (56,598) Net cash (outflow) inflow from operating activities (29,972) 2,013 29,352 Notes to the accounts For the 26 weeks ended 28 September 2002 1 Basis of preparation and accounting policies The interim financial information has been prepared on a basis consistent with the basis of preparation and accounting polices set out on pages 30 to 31 of The Carphone Warehouse Group PLC annual report for the 52 weeks ended 30 March 2002. The information set out in this interim report for the 26 weeks ended 28 September 2002 does not compromise statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of The Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the 52 weeks ended 30 March 2002, incorporating the unqualified auditor's report, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 2 Segmental analysis Group results are analysed as follows: 26 weeks 26 weeks 52 weeks ended ended ended 28 29 30 September September March 2002 2001 2002 Turnover Profit (loss) Turnover Profit (loss) Turnover Profit (loss) before tax before tax before tax £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 By division: Distribution 807,758 39,414 496,411 35,222 1,061,646 95,460 Telecoms Services 53,489 19,830 42,272 16,114 89,321 35,872 Data Services - - 907 (2,398) 1,750 (2,398) Common costs - (31,347) - (27,381) - (56,130) 861,247 27,897 539,590 21,557 1,152,717 72,804 By geographical location: United Kingdom 648,141 41,750 366,650 37,050 777,872 96,700 Continental Europe 213,106 17,494 172,940 11,888 374,845 32,234 Common costs - (31,347) - (27,381) - (56,130) 861,247 27,897 539,590 21,557 1,152,717 72,804 Depreciation (14,573) (12,719) (26,335) Amortisation (7,527) (6,570) (14,736) Exceptional items 13,199 (3,088) (55,090) Net interest (payable) receivable (1,292) 720 342 Profit (loss) before tax 17,704 (100) (23,015) There is not a material difference between turnover by destination and turnover by origin. Group net assets are analysed as follows: 28 September 29 September 30 March 2002 2001 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 By division: Distribution 394,793 351,629 351,223 Telecom Services 31,229 31,157 28,875 Data Services - 49,399 27,929 426,022 432,185 408,027 By geographical location United Kingdom 352,304 390,465 329,639 Rest of Europe 73,718 41,720 78,388 426,022 432,185 408,027 The results and net assets of the Data Services division have been incorporated into those of the Distribution division, further to the reorganisation detailed in 3(d). 3 Exceptional Items 26 weeks 26 weeks 52 weeks ended ended ended 28 29 30 September September March 2002 2002 2002 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 Cost of operational reorganisation Store closures (a) - - (11,956) Business closures and reorganisation (a) - (1,190) (12,907) Exceptional operating items - (1,190) (24,863) Profit (loss) on disposal of fixed assets (b) 13,199 (748) (6,336) Amounts written off fixed asset investments (c) - - (18,681) Cost of fundamental reorganisation (d) - (1,150) (5,210) Total exceptional costs 13,199 (3,088) (55,090) (a) Costs of operational reorganisation During the period ended 30 March 2002, the Group incurred costs in reorganising its operations across Europe. This reorganisation comprised: -the withdrawal from certain non-key territories; -the closure of a significant number of under- performing retail outlets; -the reorganisation of back office operations across the Group, including the establishment of shared services centres in the UK and Portugal. (b) Loss on disposal of fixed assets In August 2002 the Group completed the sale and leaseback of its freehold offices in London, generating a net profit on disposal of £13.2m. During the period ended 30 March 2002 fixed assets with a net book value of £6.3m were written down principally as a result of the withdrawal from non-key territories and store closure noted in 3(a). (c) Amounts written off fixed asset investments During the period ended 30 March 2002 a total of £18.7m was written off the Group's holding in Wireless Frontiers, an independently managed internet fund, to reflect the diminution on the value of the fund at 30 March 2002. (d) Cost of fundamental reorganisation A charge of £5.2m, reflecting the write-down of fixed assets and other restructuring costs, was made during the period ended 30 March 2002, principally in respect of the fundamental reorganisation of the Group's Data Services division, involving a significant downscaling of wireless internet portal activities. 4 Tax on profit on ordinary activities Taxation has been provided using the estimated effective rate of taxation for the 52 weeks ended 29 March 2003 of 25% (52 weeks ended 30 March 2002 22%), amounting to a charge of £3.0m. 5 Earnings per share The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the following profits or losses and number of shares; 26 weeks 26 weeks 52 weeks ended ended ended 28 29 30 September September March 2002 2001 2002 Weighted average number of shares ('000) 835,687 832,646 833,382 Basic earnings for the financial period (£'000) 14,695 (1,357) (28,262) Headline earnings for the financial period (£'000) 9,023 7,439 36,766 Earnings per share - basic: Unadjusted 1.76p (0.16p) (3.39p) Headline (before amortisation of goodwill and exceptional items) 1.08p 0.89p 4.41p 6 Dividends No interim dividend is proposed. 7 Acquisitions On 28 August 2002, the Group acquired the remaining 15% of the issued share capital of MViva Limited, a company in which it already had an 85% stake, from AOL Europe S.A. in exchange for 3.3 million shares in the company, giving rise to goodwill of £2.0m. 8 Analysis of change in net debt At 30 Cash flows At 28 September March 2002 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash at bank and in hand 20,684 23,951 44,635 Overdrafts (213) (1,360) (1,573) 20,471 22,591 43,062 Debt due within one year (10,432) 10,432 - Debt due after more than one year (24,713) (26,040) (50,753) Net debt (14,674) 6,983 (7,691) 9 Capital expenditure and financial investment 26 weeks 26 weeks 52 weeks ended ended ended 28 29 30 September September March 2002 2001 2002 £'000 £'000 £000 Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (16,037) (21,478) (41,377) Receipts from sale of tangible fixed assets 36,600 - 3,102 Payments to acquire fixed asset investments - - (604) Net inflows (outflows) on short-term investments 13,006 (56) (9,863) Net inflow (outflow) from capital expenditure and financial 33,569 (21,534) (48,742) investments 10 Shareholders' funds The reconciliation of shareholders' funds is as follows: 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 28 29 30 September 2002 September 2001 March 2001 £'000 £'000 £000 Profit (loss) for the period 14,695 (1,357) (28,262) Foreign exchange movements 723 (559) (302) Issue of new shares 3,349 4 3,002 Net movements in shareholders' funds 18,767 (1,912) (25,562) Opening shareholders' funds 407,255 432,817 432,817 Closing shareholders' funds 426,022 430,905 407,255 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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