Interim Results
19 August 1999
(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's
Republic of China with limited liability)
* The net operating revenue for the six months ended 30th
June, 1999 was approximately RMB2,582,123,000,
representing an increase of 1.15%.
* Profit after taxation was approximately RMB645,765,000,
representing an increase of 8.28%.
* Earnings per share were RMB0.125 (1998 same period:
* During the Period, the Company had sufficient cash
reserve and did not have foreign currency debts.
The Board of Directors of Beijing Datang Power Generation
Company Limited (the 'Company') is pleased to announce the
unaudited interim results of the Company and its subsidiary
for the six months ended 30th June, 1999 (the 'Period'),
prepared in conformity with International Accounting
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account (Condensed)
Six months ended
30th June,
Note 1999 1998
and its subsidiary Company
RMB'000 RMB'000
Operating revenue, net 42,582,123 2,552,729
Profit before taxation 964,828 882,614
Taxation 5(319,063) (286,217)
Profit after taxation 645,765 596,397
Earnings per share (RMB) 6 0.125 0.116
Consolidated Balance Sheet (Condensed)
Note30th June, 31st December,
1999 1998
and its subsidiary Company
RMB'000 RMB'000
Property, plant and equipment, net 10,570,759 10,444,022
Long-term investment in NCPG Finance
Company Limited 46,020 46,020
Current assets 4,187,901 4,027,324
Current liabilities (1,432,968) (1,414,328)
Net current assets 2,754,933 2,612,996
Long-term bank loans
(net of current portion) (1,819,000) (2,053,100)
Long-term loans from shareholders (net of current portion)
(142,758) (310,749)
Minority interest (150,000) (125,000)
Net assets 11,259,954 10,614,189
Share capital 5,162,849 5,162,849
Reserves 86,097,105 5,451,340
Shareholders' equity 11,259,954 10,614,189
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Condensed)
Six months ended
30th June,
Note 1999 1998
and its subsidiary Company
RMB'000 RMB'000
Net cash from operating activities 1,113,700 922,103
Net cash used in investing activities (296,796) (728,088)
Net cash used in financing activities (403,691) (133,964)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 413,213 60,051
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of Period 669,696 1,083,227
Cash and cash equivalents, end of Period 1,082,909 1,143,278
1. The Company was incorporated in Beijing, the People's
Republic of China (the 'PRC'), on 13th December, 1994 as
a joint stock limited company. Subsequent to the listing
of its H shares on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Limited and the London Stock Exchange Limited on 21st
March, 1997, the Company was registered as a sino-foreign
joint venture on 13th May, 1998. The Company currently
owns and operates four power plants in Hebei Province and
Beijing City of the PRC. The Company's 75%-owned
subsidiary is Tianjin Datang Punshan Power Generation
Company Limited ('Punshan Power Plant').
2. Unit 5 of Zhang Jia Kou Power Plant Phase II commenced
commercial operation on 5th March, 1999.
3. The principal accounting policies adopted for the 1999
figures are consistent with those adopted for the
preparation of the 1998 financial statements.
4. Operating revenue represents amount of tariffs billed,
net of discounts, for electricity generated and
transmitted to NCPGC. Tariff revenues are recognised upon
billing and transmission of electricity to the power grid
controlled and owned by NCPGC. The sales discount was
determined based on the excess generation of the Period.
5. The PRC income tax for the six months ended 30th June,
1999 was calculated at the rate of 33% on the estimated
assessable profits of the Period determined in accordance
with relevant income tax rules and regulations.
6. The calculation of earnings per share for the six months
ended 30th June, 1999 was based on the profit after
taxation of approximately RMB645,765,000 and on the
weighted average number of 5,162,849,000 shares which is
calculated on the basis of 3,732,180,000 Domestic Shares
and 1,430,669,000 H Shares.
7. No profit appropriation has been made for the six months
ended 30th June, 1999. Such appropriation will be made at
year end in accordance with the prevailing regulations.
8. Reserves
Movements of the reserves during the Period were:
Six months ended 30th June,
1999 1998
Company and its subsidiary Company
Capital Statutory Statutory Discretionary Retained Total Total
reserve surplus public surplus earnings
reserve welfare reserve
RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000
Beginning 3,652,706 259,364 259,364 1,279,906 --- 5,451,340 4,482,447
of Period
Profit --- --- --- ---- 645,765 645,765 596,397
End of 3,652,706 259,364 259,364 1,279,906 645,765 6,097,105 5,078,844
II. Directors' Report
1. Business Review for the Period
During the Period, China's economy continued to grow and the
value of RMB remained stable. The GDP growth rate in Beijing,
Tianjin and Tangshan, the major areas served by the Company
and its subsidiary, continued to be above the national average
of 7.6%, which provided a solid foundation for business
development of the Company and its subsidiary.
Although the Asian financial crisis has severely affected the
economic development in the region, the Company's operations
and results were not significantly affected owing to its
sufficient cash reserve and the absence of any foreign
currency debts.
(1) Steady Production and Increase in Output
During the Period, the Company's installed capacity was 3,750
MW. The total electricity generated was 10,133,079 MWh,
representing a 1.64% increase as compared to the same period
of last year. On-grid electricity output was 9,456,717 MWh,
representing a 2.51% increase as compared to the same period
of last year. The equivalent availability factor of its
generating units was 92.28%, representing an increase of 3.61
percentage points as compared to the same period of last year.
Unplanned stoppage was 11 times, representing a decrease of 7
times as compared to the same period of last year. Average
utilization hours for all generating units were 2,730 hours;
of which the average utilization hours of Zhang Jia Kou Power
Plant Unit 5 (300 MW), which commenced commercial operation
during the Period, were 1,495 hours and the average
utilization hours of the remaining units (3,450 MW) were 2,800
(2) Cost Control and Profit Growth
The net operating revenue of the Company and its subsidiary
for the Period was approximately RMB2,582,123,000,
representing an increase of 1.15% as compared to the same
period of last year. Profit after taxation was approximately
RMB645,765,000, and earnings per share were RMB0.125, both
representing an increase of 8.28% as compared to the same
period of last year.
The main reasons for the growth in the Company's profit were:
(1), reduction in fuel consumption, coal consumption for
electricity generated in January-June period was 367 g/KWh,
representing a decrease of 5 g/KWh as compared to the same
period of last year. (2), reduction in coal purchase costs so
that the unit price of standard coal reduced by RMB10/tonne.
(3), more effective utilization of funds resulting in an
increase in interest income and a decrease in interest
expense; and (4), strengthening budgetary control of fixed
costs to keep the fixed cost items within budget.
(3) Smooth Progress of Infrastructure Projects
Construction works in relation to Zhang Jia Kou Power Plant
Phase II Units 5--8 (300 MW x 4) and Punshan Power Plant Phase
II (600 MW x 2) are expected to be completed by 2002. During
the Period, approximately RMB290,041,000 was invested in the
construction of Zhang Jia Kou Power Plant Phase II. Unit 5 was
integrated with the power grid on 19th November, 1998 and was
put into commercial operation on 5th March, 1999. The
hydraulic tests for Unit 6 were completed during the Period
and it is expected that Unit 6 will be put into commercial
operation by the end of this year. Punshan Power Plant Phase
II is under construction, with RMB60,000,000 invested during
the Period.
The feasibility study report of Tuoketuo Power Plant A Phase I
is awaiting the approval from the State Development Planning
(4) Implementation of Key Technological Improvement Projects
The Company aims at conserving energy, reducing consumption,
enhancing the reliability of equipment and improving the
standard of environment. During the Period, approximately
RMB80,820,000 was invested in technological improvement
2. Business Outlook for the Second Half of the Year
The Company's directors believe that following the
implementation of the State's measures to increase domestic
demands and to further speed up the pace of industrial reform,
the national economy shall continue to develop steadily and
healthily. As a result, demand for electricity shall continue
to grow. The Company will also benefit from the favourable
development of economic environment and the continued growth
in electricity demand. The Company will continue to improve
its management work, improve equipment efficiency, continue to
work on energy conservation, reducing consumption and resource
allocation, and exercises tight control over costs with a view
to achieve the Company's plans to increase profitability and
to realise the return to shareholders.
3. Share Capital and Dividends
(1) Share Capital
During the Period, the Company had not issued any new shares.
As at 30th June, 1999, the total share capital of the Company
was RMB5,162,849,000 divided into 5,162,849,000 shares of RMB1
(2) Substantial Shareholders
During the Period, the substantial shareholders holding more
than 10% of the Company's shares were as follows:
Name of shareholder Domestic/ Number of Percentage
shares of share
Foreign capital
shares (%)
North China Power Group Domestic 1,828,768,20 35.43
Company shares
Beijing International Power Domestic 671,792,400 13.01
Development and Investment shares
Hebei Construction Domestic 671,792,400 13.01
Investment Company shares
Tianjin Jinneng Investment Domestic 559,827,000 10.84
Company shares
Total 3,732,180,000 72.29
For the purpose of the Securities (Disclosure of Interests)
Ordinance, each of the above four shareholders is deemed to be
interested in all the 3,732,180,000 domestic shares.
(3) Dividends
Pursuant to the resolution of the Board of Directors' meeting
held on 4th March, 1999 and as approved at the Annual General
Meeting on 29th April, 1999, the Company's dividend for 1998
of RMB0.048 per share, totalling approximately RMB247,817,000
would be distributed to the shareholders whose names appeared
on the shareholders register of the Company as at 29th March,
1999. Such dividends were distributed before 30th June, 1999,
of which those for domestic shares were declared and paid in
RMB while those for H Shares were declared in RMB but paid in
Hong Kong dollars.
The Board of Directors does not recommend any interim dividend
for 1999.
4. Use of Proceeds
The shares of the Company were listed on The Stock Exchange of
Hong Kong Limited and the London Stock Exchange Limited on
21st March, 1997. The net proceeds raised were approximately
RMB3,702 million. As at 30th June, 1999, approximately
RMB2,644 million has been utilized as follows:
* approximately RMB1,033 million for the acquisition of
Zhang Jia Kou Power Plant Unit 1;
* approximately RMB1,103 million for the construction of
Zhang Jia Kou Power Plant Phase II;
* approximately RMB435 million for the investment in
Tianjin Datang Punshan Power Generation Company
Limited; and
* approximately RMB73 million for the advance payment for
Tuoketuo Power Plant Phase I.
The balance is currently deposited with commercial banks in
foreign currencies and will be used in equity investment in
other power projects which are in line with the Company's
development strategies.
There was no trust deposit and overdue fixed deposit for the
5. Housing Sale Scheme
The Company plans to sell staff quarters, currently under
development, to its staff. The selling scheme will be
formulated in accordance with the housing reform policies of
the State and various provinces and municipalities. During the
Period, the Company has not sold any quarters to its staff.
The Company will promptly make an announcement if the scheme
will have any significant impact on the operating results or
financial position of the Company.
6. Measures to deal with the Year 2000 Computer Problem and
their implementation
The Year 2000 ('Y2K') computer problem arises mainly because
most of the system engineers use double digits to represent a
year in the database to save storage space. As a result, some
information system cannot accurately process transaction
extending beyond the year 2000.
The Company has set up a Y2K problem steering group. A
comprehensive Y2K resolving programme has been developed and
is being implemented as scheduled.
Y2K tests on the production systems of the Company's power
plants have been completed. In respect of the Company's and
its power plants' computer system hardware, software,
applications and communication interfaces with outside
organisations which are susceptible to Y2K, system software
and hardware are being upgraded and acceptance tests of the
upgraded systems are being conducted. The Company expects to
complete its Y2K programme by 30th September, with the
exception of the upgrade of data collection system for Duo He
Power Plant Unit 7 which is planned to be completed in
November this year. The Y2K problem is not expected to have a
significant impact on the Company's production and operation
as the Y2K problem is planned to be resolved before the end of
1999 and the estimated expenses will be approximately
All the Company's computer systems at the headquarters have
passed the tests for Y2K compliance. All the hardware and
software are Y2K compliant.
To ensure that the Y2K computer problem will not have a
significant impact on the Company's operation, the Company
has developed a series of contingency measures. Major
measures include a back up of the production system, safety
and isolation measures for production systems and manual
recording of measuring systems.
During the Period, the sum of RMB8,520,000 were spent by the
Company in resolving the Y2K problem including the acquisition
of fixed assets.
As far as the Company is aware, North China Power Group
Company, the purchaser of the Company's electricity generated,
has made smooth progress in Y2K compliance. Y2K tests on the
electrical controls for the power grids have been completed
with no major safety problem identified.
III. Purchase, Sale and Redemption of Listed Securities of the
During the Period, no listed securities of the Company were
purchased, sold or redeemed.
IV. Code of Best Practice
In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 14 of the
Code of Best Practice set out in Appendix 14 of the Rules
Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of
Hong Kong Limited, it was resolved at the directors' meeting
of the Company on 18th August, 1999 to establish an audit
committee. During the Period, the Company has complied with
all the provisions of the Code of Best Practice except
paragraph 14.
V. Significant Matters
(1) The Company's 1998 Annual General Meeting was held in
Beijing on 29th April, 1999. Shareholders attending the
meeting (in person or by proxy) in aggregate held
4,335,134,412 shares, representing 83.97% of the total
shares of 5,162,849,000 of the Company. At the meeting,
the report of the directors for 1998, the report of the
supervisory committee for 1998 and the profit
appropriation plan for 1998 were considered and approved.
(2) The transfer of part of the shareholding in the Company
held by North China Power Group Company, the Company's
major shareholder, to Beijing International Power
Development Investment Company, Hebei Construction
Investment Company and Tianjin Jinneng Investment Company
was approved by the relevant government authorities on
20th May, 1999. The Company's shareholding structures
before and after the transfer are as follows:
Name of shareholder Domestic/ Percentage
Foreign shareholding (%)
Before After the
the change
North China Power Group Domestic 69.81 35.43
Company shares
Beijing International Power Domestic 1.86 13.01
Development and Investment shares
Hebei Construction Domestic 0.62 13.01
Investment Company shares
Tianjin Jinneng Investment Domestic --- 10.84
Company shares
H Shares Foreign 27.71 27.71
Total 100 100
By Order of the Board
Huang Jinkai
Beijing, 18th August, 1999
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting
of Beijing Datang Power Generation Company Limited (the
'Company') will be held according to the Articles of
Association of the Company and a resolution of the Board of
Directors at the Company's Conference Room at 8/F, No. 482
Guanganmennei Avenue, Xuan Wu District, Beijing, People's
Republic of China at 9:00 am on Tuesday, 12th October, 1999
for the following purposes:
1. to consider and approve the appointment of Mr Yu Hongji
as the Company's executive director and authorise the
Board of Directors to determine his remuneration; and
2. to consider and approve, as a special resolution, the
amendment of Article 85 of the Company's Articles of
Association as:
'The Company shall establish a board of directors, which shall
consist of 17 directors. The board shall have one Chairman,
two Vice-Chairmen.'
By Order of the Board
Yang Hongming
Company Secretary
Beijing, 18th August, 1999
1. Holders of the Company's H Shares are reminded that
pursuant to Article 37 of the Articles of Association of
the Company, the register of members of the Company's H
Shares will be closed from 11th September, 1999 to 11th
October, 1999, both days inclusive, during which period
no transfer of H Shares will be registered. Holders of
the Company's H Share, whose names appear on the register
of members of the Company on 11th September, 1999 are
entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting and
to vote thereat.
2. Any shareholder entitled to attend and vote at the
Extraordinary General Meeting is entitled to appoint one
or more proxies to attend and vote on his behalf. A proxy
need not be a shareholder of the Company.
3. Where a shareholder appoints more than one proxy, his
proxies may only vote in a poll.
4. To be valid, the form of proxy and, if such proxy is
signed by a person on behalf of the appointor pursuant to
a power of attorney or other authority, a notarially
certified copy of that power of attorney or other
authority must be delivered to the Company at 8/F, No.
482 Guanganmennei Avenue, Xuan Wu District, Beijing
100053, People's Republic of China not less than 24 hours
before the time appointed for the holding the
Extraordinary General Meeting.
5. Shareholders who intend to attend the Extraordinary
General Meeting are required to send the Notice of
Attendance whether by hand, post, cable or fax to the
office of the Company at its registered address on or
before 22nd September, 1999. Completion and return of the
Notice of Attendance will not affect the right of
shareholders to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting.
6. The Extraordinary General Meeting is expected to last for
one day. The attending shareholders and proxies shall be
responsible for their own travelling and accommodation
Registered address of the Company:
No. 482 Guanganmennei Avenue
Xuan Wu District
People's Republic of China
Tel: (8610) 83581905 Fax: (8610) 83581907 Post Code: 100053
(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's
Republic of China with limited liability)
Notice of Attendance
Name of shareholders (Note 1):
Number of shares held (Note 2): Domestic Shares/ H Shares
I/We intend to attend or appoint a proxy (proxies) to attend
the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company to be held at
the Company's Conference Room at 8/F, No. 482 Guanganmennei
Avenue, Xuan Wu District, Beijing, People's Republic of China
at 9:00 am on Tuesday, 12th October, 1999.
1. Please insert full name(s) (as shown in the register of members) in block
2. Please insert the number of shares registered under your name(s).
3. This completed and signed notice should be delivered to the Company at its
registered address on or before 22nd September, 1999. This notice may be
delivered to the Company by hand, post, cable or fax (fax no. (8610) 83581907).
Signature of shareholder:
19 August 1999