Restructure Proposals

Beijing Datang Power Generation Com 07 March 2003 BEIJING DATANG POWER GENERATION COMPANY LIMITED (A Sino-foreign Joint Stock Limited Company incorporated in the People's Republic of China) Restructuring of the power generation industry in the PRC and proposed change of controlling shareholder The Company wishes to inform the shareholders of the Company and the public of recent developments relating to the restructuring of the power generation industry in the PRC, pursuant to which the controlling shareholder of the Company will be changed. The board of directors of Beijing Datang Power Generation Company Limited (the 'Company') wishes to make this announcement to inform the shareholders of the Company and the public of recent developments relating to the restructuring of the power generation industry in the People's Republic of China which will involve a change in the controlling shareholder of the Company (the 'Restructuring'). In accordance with Document Guo Han (2003) No. 16 issued by the State Council on 2 February 2003 entitled 'Approval from the State Council on issues concerning the establishment of China Datang Corporation', China Datang Corporation (an entity which will be wholly-owned and managed by the State) will hold 1,828,768,200 domestic shares in the Company in place of the existing controlling shareholder of the Company, North China Power Group Company (an entity wholly-owned by the State and managed by the State Grid Corporation), accounting for approximately 35.43% of the total number of shares of the Company. At this stage, China Datang Corporation has not completed its registration at the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (the 'Registration'. Before China Datang Corporation has completed the Registration, the relevant party will seek a ruling from The Securities and Futures Commission that the Restructuring will not result in China Datang Corporation incurring any general offer obligation to acquire all the issued shares of the Company. As the Restructuring has not been completed, the Company cannot estimate the impact of the Restructuring on the Company at this stage. Currently, China Datang Corporation is applying for the Registration. A further announcement will be made to disclose further details relating to the Restructuring and its impact on the Company after China Datang Corporation has completed the Registration. By Order of the Board Yang Hongming Company Secretary Beijing, the People's Republic of China, 6 March 2003 The directors of Beijing Datang Power Generation Company Limited jointly and severally accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this announcement and confirm, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge, opinions expressed in this announcement have been arrived at after due and careful consideration and there are no other facts not contained in this announcement the omission of which would make any statement in this announcement misleading. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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