2001 Preliminary Stmnt Pt 2

De La Rue PLC 23 May 2001 PART 2 1 SEGMENTAL ANALYSIS 2001 2001 2001 2000 2000 2000 Turnover Profit Net Turnover Profit Net Before Assets Before assets tax tax (restated)(restated)(restated) Class of business £m £m £m £m £m £m Continuing operations Cash Systems 239.0 15.8 56.0 257.3 4.4 47.3 Reorganisation - (19.2) 239.0 15.8 56.0 257.3 (14.8) 47.3 Acquisitions 23.4 1.0 - - - - Reorganisations (0.8) - 23.4 0.2 - - - - 262.4 16.0 56.0 257.3 (14.8) 47.3 Security Paper and 212.8 50.4 108.5 214.0 45.7 96.3 Print Reorganisation - (4.4) 212.8 50.4 108.5 214.0 41.3 96.3 Global Services 55.3 (0.8) 14.3 50.5 5.1 7.0 Arbitration costs - (2.0) Less inter-segment (5.7) (2.9) sales 524.8 65.6 178.8 518.9 29.6 150.6 Discontinued operations Cash Systems - - - 13.5 - (2.6) Card activities - - - 84.7 5.1 (7.0) - - - 98.2 5.1 (9.6) 524.8 65.6 178.8 617.1 34.7 141.0 Associated companies 4.8 43.3 14.7 61.0 (analysed below) Non-operating items (3.0) 57.0 (note 2) Net Interest 3.2 - including associates Profit before 70.6 106.4 taxation Unallocated (44.6) (41.0) liabilities Capital employed 177.5 161.0 Net funds 36.1 2.1 Net assets 213.6 163.1 Geographical area by operation United Kingdom and 335.2 44.2 91.8 357.9 16.5 59.5 Ireland Rest of Europe 162.5 19.4 44.3 214.8 13.3 37.6 The Americas 101.8 0.3 19.9 116.9 1.1 19.5 Rest of world 49.8 1.7 22.8 59.5 3.8 24.4 Less inter-area (124.5) (132.0) sales 524.8 65.6 178.8 617.1 34.7 141.0 The profit before tax in 2001 is shown after reorganisation costs of £0.8m (2000 : £25.6m) comprising UK and Ireland £Nil (2000 : £15.7m), Rest of Europe £0.8m (2000 : £8.3m), Americas £Nil (2000 : £1.5m), Rest of World £Nil (2000 : £0.1m). Geographical area by destination United Kingdom and Ireland 66.0 85.8 Rest of Europe 170.0 213.7 The Americas 135.2 163.2 Rest of world 153.6 154.4 524.8 617.1 Associated companies are analysed as follows Security Paper and print (2.2) 14.9 3.9 19.1 UK lottery 7.0 28.4 10.8 41.9 4.8 43.3 14.7 61.0 Geographical area by operation United Kingdom and Ireland 7.0 28.4 10.8 42.0 Rest of Europe (2.7) 14.7 3.9 18.1 The Americas - - - 0.6 Rest of world 0.5 0.2 - 0.3 4.8 43.3 14.7 61.0 The Group's cash and borrowings are managed centrally and therefore interest is not attributable to individual classes of business or geographical segments. Unallocated net liabilities, which consist of assets and liabilities relating to non-divisional operations, are controlled centrally and cannot be allocated meaningfully to individual classes of business or geographical segments. 2 NON-OPERATING ITEMS 2001 2000 £m £m Loss on the disposal of continuing operations (3.0) - Profit on the disposal of discontinued operations - 56.1 Profit on sale of investments - 2.0 Scheme of arrangement costs - (1.1) (3.0) 57.0 The loss on disposal of continuing operations of £3.0m arose on disposal of the assets of Cash Systems' South Africa business for net proceeds of £0.6m. The loss was after charging £3.8m of goodwill to the profit and loss account. This was written off directly to reserves when the business was originally acquired. The profit on disposal of discontinued operations of £56.1m in 2000 arose from the following: the disposal of the Card activities business which generated a profit of £ 57.4m after writing off goodwill of £71.9m previously eliminated against reserves; the disposal of plan object, which designed and manufactured bank branch furniture, generating a loss of £1.3m. The profit on the sale of investments in 2000 of £2.0m comprised: a profit of £1.1m on the sale of preference shares in Cromptons, a tea bag paper manufacturing company; a profit of £0.9m on the sale of shares in Ingenico, terminals manufacturer. The costs of the scheme of arrangement in 2000 were primarily advisor's fees. 3 TAXATION 2001 2000 £m £m Tax on profit on ordinary activities United Kingdom Corporation tax at 30% (2000 30%) 29.0 10.4 Double taxation relief (7.3) (2.0) ACT write back (6.4) (2.7) 15.3 5.7 Overseas Taxation payable 3.3 5.7 Deferred taxation (1.3) 0.9 2.0 6.6 Total UK and Overseas 17.3 12.3 Adjustment in respect of prior years (4.0) (0.4) Tax on share of profits of associated companies 4.7 5.2 18.0 17.1 Exceptional items (13.4) 0.6 Total taxation charge 4.6 17.7 A Group tax provision of £3.2m was released against the tax on share of profits of associated companies, reducing the tax charge from £7.9m to £4.7m to offset amounts paid by an associate in respect of a tax dispute. The exceptional tax credit of £13.4m, comprises £0.9m relating to Camelot win-bid costs, (bringing the total tax on share of profits of associated companies to £7.0m) and £12.5m reflecting the write back of provisions following settlement of various tax disputes. The other exceptional items did not have a material impact on the tax charge for the year. The taxation charge on exceptional items in 2000 was £0.6m comprising tax credits relating to reorganisation costs of £2.1m and a charge of £2.7m relating to the profit on the Card activities disposal (the prior year comparatives have been restated to reflect these items). PRINCIPAL EXCHANGE RATES 2001 2001 2000 2000 Average Year end Average Year end US dollar 1.48 1.42 1.61 1.60 Euro 1.64 1.61 1.57 1.67 Swiss Franc 2.52 2.45 2.51 2.65 4 EARNINGS PER SHARE 2001 2000 Basic 34.6p 39.9p Fully diluted 34.1p 39.6p Earnings per share are based on the profit for the year attributable to ordinary shareholders of £65.8m (2000 £87.7m) as shown in the Group profit and loss account. The weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the calculations is 190,152,358 (2000 220,023,945) for basic earnings per share and 193,177,069 (2000 221,762,065) for diluted earnings per share after adjusting for dilutive share options. Reconciliation of earnings per share Pence per Pence per share share As calculated under FRS14 34.6 39.9 Loss on the disposal of continuing operations 1.6 - Profit on the disposal of discontinued operations - (24.3) Profit on sale of investments (0.1) (0.9) Loss/(profit) on the disposal of fixed assets and 0.1 (0.1) assets held for resale Scheme of arrangement costs - 0.5 Amortisation of goodwill 1.1 0.7 Headline earnings per share as defined by the 37.3 15.8 IIMR Reorganisation and arbitration costs 0.4 10.7 Share of associated company's exceptional items 1.3 - Exceptional release of tax provision (6.6) - Headline earnings per share before items shown 32.4 26.5 above The Institute of Investment Management and Research (IIMR) has published Statement of Investment Practice No. 1 entitled 'The Definition of Headline Earnings'. The headline earnings per share shown above have been calculated according to the definition set out in the IIMR's statement. The reconciling items between earnings per share as calculated according to FRS 14 and as calculated according to the definition of the IIMR's headline earnings include the underlying tax effects. The directors are of the opinion that the publication of the IIMR's headline earnings figure is useful to readers of interim statements and annual accounts. 5 NOTES TO GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2001 2000 a Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities Operating profit 65.6 34.7 Depreciation and amortisation 24.3 25.0 (Increase)/decrease in stocks (2.4) 7.9 (Increase)/decrease in debtors (4.9) 13.8 Decrease in creditors (7.4) (11.3) Decrease in reorganisation provisions (7.6) (1.9) Other items 1.0 (0.2) Net cash inflow from operating activities 68.6 68.0 b Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 3.0 4.0 Interest paid (4.2) (7.5) Interest element of finance lease payments (0.1) (0.2) Dividends paid to minority shareholders (0.3) (1.3) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing (1.6) (5.0) of finance c Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (27.9) (25.3) Purchase of intangible fixed assets (0.3) (2.9) Sale of tangible fixed assets 1.8 3.2 Purchase of investments (0.9) (1.4) Sale of investments 6.5 10.6 Purchase of own shares - (6.2) Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and financial (20.8) (22.0) investments d Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (4.8) - Net cash acquired with subsidiary undertakings 0.4 - Sale of subsidiary undertakings 0.2 183.9 Net overdrafts sold with subsidiary undertakings - 0.8 Sale of assets held for disposal - 1.2 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from acquisitions and disposals (4.2) 185.9 e Management of liquid resources Net increase in short term deposits 0.3 (55.6) f Financing Debt due within one year: Decrease in short term borrowings - (0.2) Loans raised 3.6 - Loans repaid (20.5) (47.5) Debts due beyond one year: Loans raised 1.5 53.1 Loans repaid (18.3) (60.7) Capital element of finance lease rental repayments (0.5) (1.6) Scheme of arrangement - (103.3) Preference shares repaid - (0.5) Scheme of arrangement costs - (1.1) Share capital issued 2.8 0.4 Net cash outflow from financing (31.4)(161.4) NOTES 6 The consolidated accounts have been prepared as at 31 March 2001. The comparatives for the 2000 financial year are for the year ended 1 April 2000, being the nearest Saturday to 31 March 2000. 7 Following approval of a Scheme of Arrangement, the Company acquired the previous parent of the Group on 1 February 2000. The acquisition was accounted for as a merger, the true and fair override being applied such that the fair value acquisition accounting requirements of the Companies Act 1985 were not adopted as, in the opinion of the directors, this would not have given a true and fair view as the Scheme of Arrangement, in substance, represented a change in identity of holding company rather than an acquisition of a business. Share capital and reserves comparatives in the consolidated balance sheet were restated to reflect the nominal value of shares in issue of the Company immediately prior to the reorganisation. Differences between this amount and the previously reported capital and reserves, represent the merger difference, and are reflected in other reserves. 8 The 1999/2000 comparatives have been restated to reflect the reporting of Global Services as a separate division with effect from 2 April 2000. 9 The Institute of Investment Management and Research (IIMR) has published Statement of Investment Practice No 1 entitled 'The Definition of Headline Earnings'. The headline earnings per ordinary share shown in this preliminary statement have been calculated according to the definition set out in the IIMR's statement. Also shown are the reconciling items between earnings per share as calculated according to FRS14 and as calculated according to the definition of the IIMR's headline earnings. 10 The financial information set out above (Group profit and loss account, Group balance sheet, Group cash flow statement, Group statement of total recognised gains and losses and notes thereto) and extracts from the financial review (set out in the following pages), do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2001 will be posted to shareholders on 14 June 2001 for subsequent approval at the annual general meeting and copies will be available from the Company Secretary at De La Rue plc, De La Rue House, Jays Close, Viables, Hampshire RG22 4BS. The report of the auditors on these accounts is unqualified and does not contain a statement under either section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for the year ended 1 April 2000 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.


De La Rue (DLAR)
UK 100

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