Solartron Disp. - Replacement

Roxboro Group PLC 25 August 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The following replaces the 'Prop. Disposal of Solartron' announcement released today at 7:00 am THE ROXBORO GROUP PLC PROPOSED DISPOSAL OF THE SOLARTRON GROUP, RETURN OF CASH OF 150 PENCE PER SHARE TO ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS, CHANGE OF NAME AND NEW EMPLOYEE SHARE SCHEME The Roxboro Group PLC, the international specialist electronics group, announces the proposed disposal of the Solartron Group, its electronic measurement business, to Ametek Inc. Roxboro also announces that it intends to propose a return of cash of 150 pence per Ordinary Share to Ordinary Shareholders totalling a maximum of £46.6 million as well as a change of name, changes to the Board and the adoption of the New Employee Share Scheme. This Disposal follows the sale of Mobrey in July 2005 and of Weston Aerospace in 2003 and focuses the Group on Dialight, its applied LED technology and solid state lighting business. Since 2003, Roxboro has realised in excess of £120 million from disposals. Highlights: • Disposal of the Solartron Group to Ametek for £42.1 million payable in cash by Ametek at Completion • Profit after expenses and taxation on the Disposal of approximately £23.3 million • Conditional on Completion, the Company expects to return 150 pence per Ordinary Share to Ordinary Shareholders • Post Completion, the Group will be focused on its applied LED technology and solid state lighting company, Dialight, and consequently the remaining business will be renamed Dialight plc • Dialight is a market leader in the application of LED technology and anticipates strong growth in the emerging solid state lighting market where LED technology is increasingly replacing conventional light sources • The Board believes that the consideration for the Solartron Group fully reflects the prospects of the Solartron Group's business and that the Disposal will benefit both Roxboro and its Shareholders by enabling a significant return of capital to be made to Ordinary Shareholders, whilst also providing Roxboro with the funding to continue to invest in, and to take advantage of, the opportunities within Dialight • The Disposal, the change of name of Roxboro to Dialight plc, the Return of Cash and the adoption of the New Employee Share Scheme, are conditional, inter alia, on the approval of Ordinary Shareholders, which will be sought at two EGMs to be held in September 2005 • A circular containing, inter alia, further details on the Disposal and the proposed Return of Cash will be sent to Shareholders shortly Commenting on the Disposal, Harry Tee, Roxboro's Chief Executive, said: 'I am delighted to be announcing this Disposal as it represents a significant realisation of Shareholder value, and, together with proceeds of the Mobrey disposal we announced in June, enables us to make a significant return of cash to Shareholders. Over the past two years we have raised over £120 million from disposals and importantly our activities are now focused on the high growth opportunities in Dialight. Dialight applies LED technology into a wide range of products and applications and in particular the emergence of high brightness LEDs as a disruptive technology in the lighting sector creates very significant opportunities for the Company. Already a leader in the road and rails signals, bus and truck, and obstruction segments, Dialight is now investing in the illumination market where LEDs will increasingly replace conventional light sources. We believe LEDs are the lights of the future and Dialight plans to be a key player in the field.' Roxboro Harry Tee 01480 447 490 Alf Vaisey 01480 447 490 Close Brothers Andrew Cunningham 020 7655 3100 David Wardrop 020 7655 3100 JPMorgan Cazenove Julian Cazalet 020 7588 2828 Patrick Magee 020 7588 2828 gcg hudson sandler Alistair Mackinnon-Musson 020 7796 4133 Philip Dennis 020 7796 4133 E-mail: A circular (the 'Circular') containing further details relating to the matters discussed in this announcement and the convening of the EGMs will be sent to Shareholders shortly. Close Brothers Corporate Finance Limited, which is regulated in the United Kingdom by The Financial Services Authority, is acting exclusively for The Roxboro Group PLC and for no one else in relation to the Disposal and will not be responsible to anyone other than The Roxboro Group PLC for providing the protections afforded to clients of Close Brothers Corporate Finance Limited or for providing advice in relation to the Disposal or on any matter referred to herein. JPMorgan Cazenove, which is regulated in the United Kingdom by The Financial Services Authority, is acting exclusively for The Roxboro Group PLC and for no one else in relation to the Return of Cash and will not be responsible to anyone other than The Roxboro Group PLC for providing the protections afforded to clients of JPMorgan Cazenove or for providing advice in relation to the Return of Cash or on any matter referred to herein. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE THE ROXBORO GROUP PLC PROPOSED DISPOSAL OF THE SOLARTRON GROUP, RETURN OF CASH OF 150 PENCE PER SHARE TO ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS, CHANGE OF NAME AND NEW EMPLOYEE SHARE SCHEME 1. Introduction The Board of Roxboro announces that it has entered into a conditional agreement to sell the Solartron Group, Roxboro's electronic measurement business, to Ametek for £42.1 million, subject to Adjustments, payable in cash on Completion. Following the Disposal, the ongoing Roxboro Group will comprise solely the Dialight division and consequently the Board is proposing that, following and conditional upon Completion, the Company be renamed Dialight plc and the Board be reorganised. The Board announced on 17 June 2005 that it would continue to review the Group's capital requirements with a view to proposing a return of cash to Ordinary Shareholders within a reasonable period. As a result of the disposal by Roxboro of its Mobrey business to Emerson in July of this year and the Disposal (subject to and conditional upon Completion), the Board is of the view that the Group will have generated sufficient net cash to enable Roxboro to propose a return of 150 pence per share to Ordinary Shareholders totalling a maximum of £46.6 million. Further details on the Return of Cash to Ordinary Shareholders will be set out in the Circular to be sent to Shareholders shortly and the Board expects that the proposed Return of Cash will take place before the year end. The Board is also proposing to introduce the New Employee Share Scheme as the Company's existing Share Option Schemes have matured. Due to the size of the transaction, the Disposal is conditional, amongst other things, on the approval of Ordinary Shareholders, which is to be sought at the 1st EGM. The change of name of Roxboro to Dialight plc (which is conditional on Completion) and the adoption of the New Employee Share Scheme are each subject to the approval of Ordinary Shareholders, which will be sought at the 2nd EGM. 2. Background to, and reasons for, the Disposal The circular to Shareholders in connection with the Mobrey Disposal, dated 27 June 2005, explained that, since the disposal of Roxboro's aerospace sensors business, Weston Aerospace, in 2003, the Board has continued to review how additional value in Roxboro could be generated and has continued to develop a strategy focused on niche, high-growth opportunities. The Board concluded that there was limited strategic rationale for Solartron (including Mobrey) and Dialight being part of the same group and that additional shareholder value could potentially be generated by disposing of Solartron (including Mobrey) through several transactions. As a result, the Board initiated sale processes in respect of Solartron and Mobrey. This culminated in the Mobrey Disposal, which was announced on 17 June 2005 and was completed on 15 July 2005, and now the Disposal to Ametek, the terms of which the Board is recommending to Ordinary Shareholders. The Board believes that the consideration for the Solartron Group fully reflects the prospects of the Solartron Group's business and that the Disposal will benefit both Roxboro and its Shareholders by enabling a significant return of capital to be made to Ordinary Shareholders, whilst also providing Roxboro with the funding to continue to invest in, and to take advantage of, the opportunities within the Continuing Group's applied LED technology business, Dialight. 3. Information on the Solartron Group The Solartron Group is a manufacturer of measurement and instrumentation equipment and is primarily focused on the oil and gas, metrology and materials analysis sectors. Solartron supplies electronic measurement systems to the oil and gas sectors under the Solartron ISA brand. Additionally, Solartron Analytical sells a range of analytical instruments into the materials research sector whilst Solartron Metrology produces gauging sensors for the quality control industry. The Solartron Group has approximately 280 employees based in the UK, Europe and North America and its senior management team led by managing director, Mr. Allan Imrie, will continue with the Solartron Group following Completion. In the financial year ended 31 December 2004, the Solartron Group (excluding Solartron Analytical) generated gross profit of £6.8 million and operating profit of £3.1 million on turnover of £16.5 million. Not included within these financial results are gross profits of £3.7 million and turnover of £8.5 million relating to Solartron Analytical the business and assets of which are being acquired by Ametek under the terms of the Agreement. Prior to the Mobrey Disposal, Solartron Analytical was a product line within the Mobrey Companies sold under the terms of the Mobrey Disposal and, consequently, appropriate financial information to present an analysis of the operating profit of Analytical is not available. However, overhead costs directly attributable to the Analytical Product Line of £1.6 million have been identified for the financial year ended 31 December 2004. The net assets of the Solartron Group, including Solartron Analytical, at 31 December 2004 were £16.9 million. 4. Information on Ametek Ametek is a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electric motors. Ametek consists of two operating groups: Electronic Instruments, a leading manufacturer of advanced monitoring, testing, calibrating, measurement and display instruments sold to the process, aerospace, power and industrial markets worldwide; and Electromechanical, the world's largest manufacturer of air-moving electric motors for floor-care, aerospace, military, mass transit, business equipment and medical devices. Ametek has approximately 8,300 employees at more than 70 plants and operations in the United States and 18 other countries worldwide and had revenues of approximately US$1.2 billion in the financial year ended 31 December 2004. 5. Principal terms and conditions of the Disposal Under the terms of the Agreement, the aggregate consideration for the Disposal of £42.1 million is payable in cash, subject to Adjustments. The Agreement contains certain warranties and indemnities given by Roxboro and its subsidiaries to the UK Purchaser and the US Purchaser, which the Board considers to be appropriate for a transaction of this type. The Disposal is conditional upon Roxboro obtaining the approval of its Ordinary Shareholders at the 1st EGM and a mandatory regulatory competition clearance in Germany and is subject to there being no material adverse event in relation to the Solartron Group before Completion. Completion is expected to occur on the same date as (or shortly after) Ordinary Shareholder approval has been obtained. 6. Financial effects of the Disposal and use of proceeds The proceeds of the Disposal before expenses and taxation are expected to be £42.1 million before Adjustments. The net proceeds of the Disposal before Adjustments but after expenses and taxation are expected to be £33.1 million. Based on the Solartron Group's net assets (excluding intra-Group balances) of £7.4 million as at 31 December 2004 and after the charging of goodwill contained in the Roxboro Group balance sheet of £2.4 million, the Disposal would result in a profit after expenses and taxation of approximately £23.3 million on a pro forma basis. The aggregate proceeds for the Mobrey Disposal and the disposal of the Solartron Group before expenses and taxation are £68.1 million and after expenses and taxation £53.6 million. The Board proposes to return 150 pence per Ordinary Share to Ordinary Shareholders totalling a maximum of £46.6 million. The Board also proposes to pay approximately £7.0 million to eliminate the estimated deficits in the Group's UK defined benefit pension schemes calculated under FRS 17. Pending the Return of Cash, the proceeds from the Disposal will be held on deposit. The Board expects that the aggregate net proceeds after tax and expenses from the disposals of Solartron Group and Mobrey of approximately £53.6 million will be fully utilised in making the proposed return to Shareholders of up to £46.6 million and the pension contribution of £7.0 million. All 936,333 options granted under the existing Share Option Schemes are already exercisable. Depending on the number of these options that are exercised prior to the entitlement to the Return of Cash, the total cash returned to Ordinary Shareholders will be between £45.2 million and £46.6 million and the Company will receive up to £2.1 million from the payment of the exercise price on the options. Based on the closing middle market price of 392 pence per Ordinary Share on 24 August 2005 (being the latest practicable date before the publication of this announcement), the proposed Return of Cash equates to approximately 38 per cent. of Roxboro's market capitalisation at that date. 7. Information on the Continuing Group Overview Since 2003 the Board of Roxboro has realised in excess of £120 million from disposals and created a fully focused business. Following Completion, Roxboro's electronic measurement businesses (Weston, Mobrey and Solartron) will have been divested to US corporations, leaving Roxboro focused entirely on Dialight, its applied LED and solid state lighting business. Consequently, the Board considers it appropriate that The Roxboro Group PLC be renamed Dialight plc and going forward the Continuing Group will have a very clear, focused strategy based upon applied LED technology particularly into the emerging solid state lighting sector. Dialight has operations in the United States, where currently 79 per cent. of its turnover is generated, Mexico and Europe. The Continuing Group employs approximately 900 people with the majority located at two production facilities in Ensenada, Mexico. Dialight's European operations are in Munich, Germany and Newmarket, UK. The registered office is in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire and the USA administration centre is in Farmingdale, New Jersey. A summary of the trading results of Dialight for the three years ended 31 December 2004 is set out below: Year ended 31 December 2002 2003 2004 (£ million) (£ million) (£ million) Turnover 59.8 57.9 55.3 Operating profit 1.0 1.1 5.9 Source: Extracted, without material adjustment, from Roxboro Group statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2002, 2003 and 2004 In local currency, sales growth of approximately 13 per cent. has been achieved over the period as set out below: Year ended 31 December 2002 2003 2004 (US$ million) (US$ million) (US$ million) Turnover 89.9 94.6 101.4 Operating profit 1.5 1.8 10.8 Source: The US$ amounts are translated at the prevailing average exchange rates of US$1.503 to £1 for 2002, US$1.634 to £1 for 2003 and US$1.833 to £1 for 2004. The 2002 profits of Dialight suffered from weakness experienced in the telecoms sector at that time and were also impacted by a slowdown and new competitive pressures in the conversion of road signals in the US market to solid state lighting technologies. In 2003 the profits were affected by the impact of moving Dialight's operations to the low-cost facilities in Mexico where the majority of operations are now located. The results for 2004 reflect the turnaround in the performance in Dialight as a result of improving end-markets and the impact of the cost reduction measures introduced by Roxboro. The technology LEDs have been in existence since the 1970's but it was not until the late 1990's that high brightness LEDs were developed. High brightness LEDs opened up new opportunities and progressively they are replacing conventional light sources in many applications in which LED technology has significant advantages. LED technology, or solid state lighting as it is becoming known, absorbs only a fraction of the electrical power of more conventional light sources and can last approximately ten times longer. There continues to be significant political and environmental pressure to reduce the demand for electrical power, thereby reducing polluting emissions. Solid state lighting is already making significant energy savings for coloured lighting applications such as traffic signals, railway signals and obstruction lighting. As the cost of producing LED lighting reduces, further and substantial energy savings are expected to be possible by the replacement of conventional white lights. LED technology has significant advantages over conventional incandescent or halogen lighting products that use coloured lenses. Firstly, LEDs have significantly greater longevity, eliminating the need for constant bulb replacement, and secondly they consume a fraction of the power of these traditional light sources, thereby saving on electricity and reducing the overall need for power production. In the context of white light, current market estimates are that LED technology will be competitive with fluorescent light in terms of lumens per watt by 2007, being already superior to incandescent and halogen light sources on this basis. At present the cost per lumen restricts the application base of LED lighting but as the Board expects this cost to fall over the next 5 to 10 years, it expects that LED technology will gradually erode the market base of traditional light sources for niche applications and will begin to take a greater share of the general lighting market as it is increasingly seen as a disruptive technology within the lighting industry. Products and opportunities Dialight focuses on value-added applications of LED technologies rather than the development of the base technology, which is undertaken within the semiconductor industry and is led by low-cost producers. Dialight therefore has total flexibility in sourcing the many millions of LEDs which it purchases each year. Dialight has developed strong relationships with a few key suppliers who work with Dialight's engineering and marketing teams, allowing the company to plan ahead for the introduction of new LED architectures. Dialight operates through three major product lines: • Indication; • Signalling; and • Illumination. Within Indication, Dialight has for many years been one of the world's leading producers of value added LED based indicator products for the electronics industry. Equipment used in telecommunications, networking, data transmission and many other applications use a large number of LEDs to indicate the status of a particular element of the equipment. The most obvious use of the LED is to give the red/green, off/on indication on any piece of electronic equipment from a television to a supercomputer. However, there are a wide variety of other LED applications providing channel status or other types of visual indication on servers, routers, laptops and most other electronic equipment. Dialight customers in this sector include Cisco, Nortel, Dell, Apple, Ericsson, Nokia and many other OEMs. The Indication business has been the profitable foundation of Dialight over the past 15 years. The Signalling product line is a growing part of the company in which solid state technology, in the form of high brightness devices, is applied to traffic signals, rail signals, obstruction lighting and many other areas. Wherever red, amber, green or blue light can be seen on roadways, railways and at airports, oil refineries, construction sites and elsewhere, the Board's expectation is that LED technology will be increasingly used in the future. In the USA, it is estimated that LED traffic signals have already achieved a 50 per cent. adoption rate and are expected to replace conventional lamps completely within the next few years. Europe and Asia lag behind significantly in the adoption of LED traffic lights but the same fundamentals of reliability and energy saving still apply. Railway signals and obstruction lights for broadcast/cellular towers and wind towers are following on from traffic lights. Dialight has been a pioneer in these markets and is well placed to take advantage of the adoption of LED technology in these segments. Already, a significant contract with New York City Transit for rail wayside lights is being supplied and Dialight is supplying LED obstruction lights and beacons to major tower operators around the world as well as to the Federal Aviation Authority in the United States. Anywhere that coloured light is used for signalling is an ideal application for LED technology. Illumination using solid state technology is the most recent capability developed within Dialight and the Board believes that some of the greatest opportunities for Dialight exist within this activity. Solid state LED technology is a disruptive technology that is expected to alter the lighting sector dramatically over the next decade or so. The adoption of solid state (or electronic) lighting will be driven by the significant advantages the technology brings, including greater efficiency, lower power consumption, greater reliability and longer life. The technology also brings the added advantage of providing the possibility of infinite colour control throughout the entire colour spectrum. This brings exciting architectural and entertainment possibilities, as over the next few years new buildings should begin using solid state lighting with dynamic colour mixing technology. Theatres, cinemas, hotels, restaurants, retail outlets and studios are expected increasingly to use this form of illumination which applies advanced developments in LED technology using red, green and blue LEDs which in combination can produce any colour required including different shades of white. Although the energy efficiency of LEDs is good, the cost per lumen is still too high compared to alternatives other than for some specialist applications. However, this is expected to change over the next 5 to 10 years as new LED technology develops. White light produced by mixing red, green and blue LED light has the added advantage of virtually infinite dynamic colour variation through digital control. It is in this area that the early advance of solid state lighting is taking place. As a result of its experience in applied LED technology developed through its leadership in Indication and Signalling, the Board believes that Dialight is well placed when compared with competitors and is in an excellent position to develop a worldwide position in these emerging markets of specialised lighting and colour mixing. It is expected that Dialight's products will increasingly be assembled at BLP's operations in Newmarket to support growing demand in Europe. Dialight Strategy In addition to continuing to develop the existing strong market positions in the Indication and Signalling product lines, Dialight plans to exploit the disruptive solid state lighting technologies now emerging in the Illumination segment. The Board will seek to develop the Illumination product line to exploit the opportunities that exist for that business in a number of ways: • organic growth in markets - Dialight will develop its markets organically through investment in new product development and new customers on a global basis. Building on Dialight's existing strong positions in both the USA and Europe, these new products will be channelled to new and existing customers; • partnerships - these will be developed where Dialight chooses not to invest directly. This could involve licensing Dialight's know-how and patented technology to other qualified companies; and • acquisitions - Dialight will adopt a positive and proactive acquisition policy identifying companies that can potentially be acquired to give a local footprint in key markets and bring new products into the Company. Finally, a key objective of the Continuing Group will be to improve the balance of the activities of the Continuing Group between the USA, Europe and Asia. 8. Board composition Following the Completion of the Disposal Sir Alan Cockshaw will have chaired the Board of Roxboro for almost eight years. Sir Alan now believes this is an appropriate time to retire as Chairman, having presided over the Board during a period of significant return to Shareholders, and will step down at the 2nd EGM. Following the refocusing of the Group, Roxboro founder and Chief Executive, Harry Tee, will succeed Sir Alan as Chairman. Roy Burton, who is currently CEO of Dialight Corporation, will join the Board and become Group Chief Executive of the re-named Dialight plc. Mr. Burton, 58, has been Chief Executive of Dialight for the past 3 years and has led Dialight into the emerging LED illumination market. He has many years experience in the electronics industry and has previously held positions with ITT, Amphenol, Thomas & Betts Corporation and Coraza Systems Inc. Alf Vaisey, Group Finance Director, who has played an important role in the execution of the Group's strategy, has remained with the Group to see through the divestment programme. In accordance with his revised service contract Mr. Vaisey proposes to give notice to resign from the Board following completion of the Disposal to enable him to fulfil his desire to pursue other new opportunities. He will retire as a director following the 2nd EGM. He will be succeeded by Cathy Buckley who has been Company Secretary and Group Chief Accountant for the past six years. Ms. Buckley will join the Board as Finance Director following the 2nd EGM. In his role as Chairman, Mr. Tee will initially spend approximately two days per week working with the executive management team whom the Board believes will benefit significantly from Mr. Tee's knowledge and experience, particularly in the initial period following completion of the Disposal. Mr. Tee will assume a non-executive Chairman role following the next AGM in May 2006. Jeff Hewitt, who has been a non executive director for four years, will become non executive Deputy Chairman, whilst Robert Jeens and Bill Whiteley will continue as non executive directors. These board changes are conditional on the Completion of the Disposal. 9. Long term incentive arrangements The Remuneration Committee has reviewed what the appropriate long-term incentive arrangements would be for executive directors and senior managers in light of the proposed structure of the Continuing Group following the Disposal in conjunction with its independent advisors, Kepler Associates. The Remuneration Committee has recommended to the Directors that a new Performance Share Plan ('' New Employee Share Scheme'') be introduced following the maturity of the Roxboro Share Option Schemes. The aim of introducing the New Employee Share Scheme is to ensure that the Company's executive incentives provide a strong link between pay and performance, align executive and Shareholder interests, and reflect current best practice. It is proposed to use relative total shareholder return (''TSR'') as the performance measure for the New Employee Share Scheme as it is considered to be an objective measure of the Company's success which will align the interests of executives and Shareholders. TSR performance will be measured relative to two indices (FTSE All-Share Electronic/Electrical Equipment Index and the FTSE Small Cap Index) to ensure the benchmark is both relevant and robust. All the Ordinary Shares would vest if the annualised TSR performance exceeds the blended index by at least 15 per cent. per annum and 20 per cent. of the shares would vest if the performance equals the index (with pro rata vesting in between). The number of Ordinary Shares that may be issued under the Plan in any 10-year period may not exceed such number of Ordinary Shares as represents 10 per cent. of the Ordinary Shares in issue and it is the Remuneration Committee's intention that individual awards will not normally exceed 100 per cent. of basic salary. 10. Current trading and prospects of the Continuing Group At the Annual General Meeting of Roxboro on 10 May 2005 and in the circular to Shareholders dated 27 June 2005 it was reported there had been no significant change in the markets serviced by the Group since the preliminary results announcement in March 2005. This remains the case. Within Solartron, good demand has continued in the oil and gas sector with new Dualstream contracts secured and there has been a steady performance at Solartron Metrology and Solartron Analytical. Dialight continues to trade in line with management's expectations and, overall, order books have strengthened from the beginning of the year. Within Indication, volumes have increased from the second half of 2004 although they have not yet recovered to the levels achieved during the first half of 2004 when the market was particularly strong. Trading within Signalling is encouraging notwithstanding delays in the receipt of regulatory approvals for Eclipse, the new LED road signal for the European market which are now expected later this year. Encouraging progress has been made within the Illumination sector with a number of new products introduced into the high end of the market. Overall, the Board views the prospects of Dialight with confidence as it pursues its strategy focused entirely on applied LED technology and the high growth opportunities it brings, particularly in the emerging market for solid state lighting products. 11. Dividend Policy Following the Disposal of the Solartron Group and the Return of Cash to Ordinary Shareholders, the Board intends that the dividend policy adopted by Roxboro going forward will be adjusted to reflect the new profile and growth potential of the Continuing Group. The opportunities within the emerging solid state lighting market could lead to a period of strong investment led growth as Dialight seeks a market leadership position. Consequently the Board will review the on-going dividend policy taking account of these opportunities and the Continuing Group's achievements. 12. Circular to Shareholders The Circular containing further details on the Disposal and the proposed Return of Cash will be posted to Shareholders shortly. DEFINITIONS The following definitions apply throughout this announcement: 'Adjustments' the adjustments to the purchase price of the Solartron Group for net cash and certain tax liabilities in the period to Completion, to be made pursuant to the Agreement; 'Agreement' the sale and purchase agreement relating to the Disposal dated 25 August 2005 between Roxboro, Solartron Analytical Limited, Solartron Analytical Inc., ISA Controls Limited, Solartron Metrology Inc., the UK Purchaser and the US Purchaser; 'Ametek' or 'US Purchaser' Ametek, Inc.; 'Articles of Association' the articles of association of Roxboro from time to time; 'Analytical Transfer Documents' the agreements entered into on 6 June 2005 (as amended on 27 June 2005) and 16 June 2005 collectively effecting the transfer of the trade and assets of the Analytical Product Line out of the Mobrey Companies; 'B Shares' redeemable, non-cumulative preference shares of 75p each in the capital of Roxboro; 'BLP' BLP Components Limited, a subsidiary of Roxboro which supplies electromagnetic devices; 'Board' or 'Directors' the directors of Roxboro for the time being; 'Close Brothers' Close Brothers Corporate Finance Limited; 'Completion' completion of the Disposal; 'Continuing Group' Roxboro and its subsidiary undertakings following Completion; 'Dialight' Roxboro's solid state lighting business; 'Disposal' the proposed disposal of the Solartron Group on the terms set out in the Agreement; 'Emerson' Emerson Electric Company, Inc.; '1st EGM' the extraordinary general meeting of Roxboro to seek approval for the Disposal; '2nd EGM' the extraordinary general meeting of Roxboro in relation to amending Roxboro's Articles of Association, the change of name of Roxboro and the New Employee Share Scheme; 'EGMs' or 'Extraordinary both the 1st EGM and the 2nd EGM; General Meetings' 'Illumination' Dialight's illumination product line; 'Indication' Dialight's indication product line; 'LED' light emitting diode; 'Mobrey' the business undertaken by the Mobrey Companies prior to the Mobrey Disposal; 'Mobrey Companies' Solartron Group PLC and Solartron Inc. and their respective subsidiaries which were sold by Roxboro pursuant to the Mobrey Disposal; 'Mobrey Disposal' the sale by the Roxboro Group of Mobrey, a business unit of the Group's Solartron division to Emerson pursuant to a sale and purchase agreement dated 16 June 2005; 'New Employee Share Scheme' the Performance Share Plan, proposed to be introduced following the maturity of the Roxboro Share Option Schemes; 'Ordinary Shares' ordinary shares of 1.89 pence each in the share capital of Roxboro; 'Ordinary Shareholders' the holders of Ordinary Shares; 'OEM' Original Equipment Manufacturer; 'Performance Share Plan' the New Employee Share Scheme; 'Remuneration Committee' the remuneration committee of the Company; 'Return of Cash' the return of a maximum £46.6 million of cash to Ordinary Shareholders; 'Roxboro' or the 'Company' The Roxboro Group PLC; 'Roxboro Group' or 'Group' Roxboro and its subsidiaries; 'Roxboro Share Option Schemes' the Roxboro No. 1 Executive Share Option Scheme, the Roxboro No. 2 or 'Share Option Schemes' Executive Share Option Scheme, the Roxboro No. 3 Executive Share Option Scheme and the Roxboro Group UK Sharesave Scheme; 'Shareholders' the holders of Ordinary Shares and/or B Shares as the context may require; 'Signalling' Dialight's signalling product line; 'Solartron' or 'Solartron Group Solartron Metrology Limited and its subsidiaries and the assets and ' businesses of Solartron Metrology Inc., Solartron Analytical Limited, Solartron Analytical Inc. and ISA Controls Limited; 'Solartron Analytical' or ' Solartron's Analytical product line, the trade and assets of which Analytical Product Line' were transferred out of the Mobrey Companies prior to the Mobrey Disposal into Solartron Analytical Limited and Solartron Analytical Inc. pursuant to the Analytical Transfer Documents; 'Solartron ISA' Solartron's business involved in the design and supply of flow-metering products and solutions for the oil and gas market; 'Solartron Metrology' Solartron's business involved in the design and supply of gauging and position measurement sensors; 'UK Purchaser' EMA Holdings UK Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ametek. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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