Final Results
Thomson Intermedia PLC
31 March 2003
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 January 2003
Thomson Intermedia, a leading provider of Media Information, today announces
extremely positive preliminary results demonstrating significant gains in market
share and continued dominance in the provision of sophisticated technical
* Gross contracts increased by 68% to £3.5m (2002: £2.1m)
* Turnover up 37% to £3.1m (2002: £2.2m)
* New business increased by 140% to £1.7m
* 90% of client revenue renewed
* Gross profit substantially increased to £1.5m (2002: £0.2m)
* Gross margin increased from 7% to 48%
* Total costs reduced by £1.2m from £5.5m
* Loss before tax reduced from £3.2m to £1.2m
* Net cash funds of £1.0m with net cash outflow cut to £0.2m, down 93%
* Average contract value increased by 34%
* Preliminary discussions with a number of international parties to
capitalise on our intellectual property in other markets
Sarah Jane Thomson, Joint Chief Executive, commented:
'Last year was extremely pleasing. We maintained a strong focus which led to
rapid growth and an outstanding retention rate. This performance highlights the
true value of our products even in difficult market conditions.
This year will see a concentration on maximising our scale and presence in key
targeted sectors and exploitation of our technology in international markets. In
addition our core product development will remain as strong as ever, as we
continue to innovate in the market.'
31 March 2003
Thomson Intermedia Tel: 0208 466 2906
Sarah Jane Thomson, Joint CEO
David Trendle, Finance Director
College Hill Tel: 0207 457 2020
Kate Pope
Adrian Duffield
Chairman's Statement
I am pleased to report that in our second full year of trading since flotation,
Thomson Intermedia has won considerable market share and continues to improve
its multimedia monitoring systems. The substantial improvement in our trading in
the first half has been more than sustained in the second half.
During the year the business has made good progress in all operating metrics, in
a challenging economic environment. Cash burn and costs have been driven down
while our development programme has been maintained, ensuring that our
technology retains its leading position.
The total value of contracts signed in the period rose by 68% to £3.5 million up
from £2.1 million in 2002. However contract values are amortised over each
contract's life span, resulting in a recognized sales figure of £3.1 million
(2002: £2.2 million.) with a significant increase in the deferred income
balance, representing the value of contracts yet to be released .
Of equal importance are the value of new contracts compared to existing contract
renewals. These increased by 140% to £1.7 million. The increase in new business
wins is a result of further product development with a large number of blue chip
companies switching to Thomson Intermedia during the year. Our 90% contract
renewal rate by value of existing clients indicates the quality of our systems
and both measures are a clear endorsement of our technology's competitive
advantage. We are therefore delighted that we enter the new financial year in a
notably stronger position as the total contracts due for renewal in 2003 are in
excess of £3.3 million.
The increase in sales, with a high proportion of fixed costs, has led to a
substantial increase in the level of gross margin to 48% up from 7%. Strict
control of overheads has reduced the costs against contracts signed from £1.63
to £0.76 per £ of revenue booked. With a syndicated business we expect further
improvements to gross margin and cost per £ of revenue booked as more volume is
achieved. The increase in gross margin and the reduction in the average cost of
overheads is extremely encouraging, especially in current difficult market
The improved margin and reduction in our cost base have resulted in a 62%
decline in loss before tax to £1.2 million, down from £3.2 million.
The net outflow of cash in the period has been substantially reduced to £0.2
million, a considerable decrease from the net outflow of £3.3 million last year.
Cash balance at year-end was £1.0 million. We will continue to actively manage
cash and working capital in order to maintain a healthy financial position.
In order to strengthen and complete our product range we purchased Radio Monitor
in September 2002. It has contributed profitably to the Group's performance as
well as to the overall product offering. A well-established business, Radio
Monitor provides information on advertising to the major radio sales houses. We
are currently enhancing its offering with our proprietary audio matching
Trading for the new financial year has started well and is in line with the
Board's expectations. The combination of economic uncertainty and geopolitical
risk makes it very difficult to give any firm guidance on the outcome of the new
financial year. Our focus remains on increasing market share, continued product
development and increased volume and margin growth, which the Directors believe
will result in a positive operating profit for 2003/04. The continued importance
also placed on tight cost controls and working capital management will ensure we
continue the trend towards profitability and positive operating cash flow.
We are also in preliminary discussions with a number of international parties to
capitalise on our intellectual property in other markets. We expect these
discussions to progress in the coming months.
John Napier
Non Executive Chairman
Joint Chief Executive's Review
Business Performance
This year has seen the business turn the corner with much improved results
setting the trend to achieve positive operating cash flow and profitability.
With a much stronger revenue base and market leading products, Thomson
Intermedia is now in an extremely strong position to further increase market
share and establish growth opportunities.
We have developed our own sophisticated sales management systems and this,
together with a greater focus and enhanced products, has led to over a hundred
new client subscriptions during the year and an extremely pleasing renewal rate
of 90%.
Thomson Intermedia has attracted major blue chip companies with its impressive
offering. Examples of client wins include:
• Merrill Lynch • E-Sure
• Diageo • Porsche
• Friends Provident • BT Openworld
• McCann-Erickson • John Lewis Partnership
Financial Management
During the year we introduced a new credit control system. This, together with
aggressive management of working capital particularly in the second half,
resulted in a positive cash movement in this period and a 93% decline in net
cash outflow for the year compared to the previous year.
Product Developments
We have made significant advances in our front end and back office technology
and place huge emphasis on the continued enhancements and evolution of our
product range.
The most significant development during the year was the completion of our own
audio matching software, which has provided three key benefits to us. Firstly,
it has reduced our on-going costs; secondly it has provided us with the fastest,
highest quality and most accurate picture of broadcast monitoring in the UK; and
thirdly provides us with the opportunity of utilising our own software in other
We have continued the development of our online systems and in particular the
functionality available to clients, enabling clients to customise their own
system and provide empowering new features.
We have launched a new product in conjunction with our existing Direct Mail
system, which monitors the effectiveness of client's Direct Mail campaigns and
the importance to them of their CRM operations. This is a unique proposition
and has lead to revenues of £150,000 in its six-month trial period.
National News Index (NNI), the UK's news evaluation currency has continued to
gain momentum with further development of the currency and improved technology.
We aim to make significant growth in this area during the coming year. The NNI,
the UK's daily news currency is now quoted by a number of key marketing and
national publications raising its profile as the evaluation measurement tool for
the PR market.
The company has continued with its prudent policy of not capitalising
development costs. It has therefore
expensed a further £0.5 million of development costs during the year.
Management Team
Our senior management team has been strengthened this year with the addition of
a Business Development Director and an Operations Director. These appointments
further enable us to look at opportunities for expansion into other products and
Thomson Intermedia has become a growing force in the UK market and has
established strong business relationships with a number of key industry players.
Our data is now increasingly recognised as a UK currency and is quoted widely
in the industry.
Creative Club
Our Adhoc creative purchasing site, Creative Club, targeted at smaller
advertisers and individuals has amassed a membership in excess of 1,000 members.
In order to maximise its exposure to these markets we have recently secured
its presence in the UK and US on key media related websites. We have seen a
steady growth in income from this area.
We have continued to increase the level of automation technology in operations
to improve processes and achieve efficiency gains. A number of performance
related incentive schemes have also been introduced in order to reward staff.
Whilst the volume of publications and data has dramatically increased during the
year, numbers of operational staff have decreased by 25%.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff, whose
dedication and commitment made the achievement of these results possible.
Sarah Jane Thomson
Stephen Thomson
Joint Chief Executives
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31st January 2003
As restated
Note 2003 2002
£'000 £'000
Turnover 1 3,066 2,245
Cost of sales 6 (1,599) (2,079)
Gross profit 1,467 166
Operating Expenses 6 (2,708) (3,450)
Operating loss (1,241) (3,284)
Interest receivable 27 125
Interest payable (1) (2)
Loss on ordinary activities before and after taxation (1,215) (3,161)
Loss per share 2
Loss per share, pence - basic and diluted (4.2) (11.0)
All amounts relate to continuing activities.
All recognised gains and losses are included in the profit and loss account.
Consolidated Balance Sheet
as at 31st January 2003
As restated As restated
2003 2003 2002 2002
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Intangible fixed assets 55 -
Tangible fixed assets 483 486
538 486
Current assets
Debtors 995 861
Cash at bank and in hand 1,005 1,233
2,000 2,094
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (536) (375)
Net current assets 1,464 1,719
Total assets less current liabilities 2,002 2,205
Creditors: amount falling due after more than one year - (6)
Accruals and deferred income (2,012) (994)
(10) 1,205
Capital and reserves
Share capital 7,155 7,155
Share premium 5,064 5,064
Share scheme reserve - 13
Merger reserve (5,250) (5,250)
Profit and loss account (6,979) (5,777)
Equity shareholders' funds (10) 1,205
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31st January 2003
As restated As restated
Note 2003 2003 2002 2002
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash outflow from operating activities 3 (22) (3,266)
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received 24 119
Interest element of finance lease rental repayments - (1)
Net cash inflow from returns on investments and
servicing of finance 24 118
Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (167) (183)
Sale of tangible fixed assets - 4
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure (167) (179)
Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of business assets (60) -
Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals (60) -
Net cash outflow before management of liquid resources
and financing (225) (3,327)
Management of liquid resources 6
Money invested in short term deposits 161 2,854
Cash inflow from management of liquid resources 161 2,854
Capital element of finance lease payments (3) (4)
Cash outflow from financing (3) (4)
Decrease in cash in the year 4 (67) (477)
Notes to the Financial Statements
for the year ended 31st January 2003
1. Accounting Policies
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable
Accounting Standards under the historical cost convention.
The principal accounting policies are:
Basis of preparation
The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis taking into account the
significant cost cutting exercises carried out during the year, and on the basis
of significant sales growth predicted for the future, as outlined in more detail
in the Chairman's report and Joint Chief Executive's Report. Accordingly the
directors, at the date of approval of these financial statements, consider it
appropriate to prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis.
Basis of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements incorporate the results of Thomson
Intermedia Plc and its subsidiary undertaking, as at 31st January 2003, using
the merger method of accounting.
Merger accounting
Where merger accounting is used, the investment is recorded in the Company's
balance sheet at the nominal value of the shares issued together with the fair
value of any additional consideration paid.
In the Group financial statements, merged subsidiary undertakings are treated as
if they had always been a member of the Group. The results of the subsidiary
are included for the whole period in the year it joins the Group. The
corresponding figures for the previous year include its results for that period,
the assets and liabilities at the previous balance sheet date and the shares
issued by the Company as consideration as if they had always been in issue. Any
difference between the nominal value of the share capital acquired and those
issued by the Company to acquire them is taken to reserves.
2. Loss per share
Basic loss per share, calculated in accordance with FRS 14 'Earnings per share',
is based upon the loss on ordinary activities after tax of £1,215,059 (2002:
Loss £3,160,827) apportioned over the weighted average number of ordinary shares
that were in issue for the period of 28,619,247 (2002: 28,619,247). The
calculation of diluted loss per share is the same as basic loss per share as the
impact of any potential ordinary shares is antidilutive.
Notes to the Financial Statements (Continued)
3. Net cash outflow from operating activities 2003 2002
£'000 £'000
Operating loss (1,241) (3,284)
Depreciation 170 177
Amortisation 5 -
(Increase)/decrease in debtors (133) 426
Increase/(decrease) in creditors 159 (517)
Increase/(decrease) in accruals and deferred income 1,018 (68)
Net cash outflow from operating activities (22) (3,266)
4. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds 2003 2002
£'000 £'000
Decrease in cash in the year (67) (477)
Cash outflow from decrease in debt and lease financing 3 4
Cash inflow from decrease in liquid resources (161) (2,854)
Movement in net fund in the year (225) (3,327)
Net funds at start of year 1,224 4,551
Net funds at end of year 999 1,224
5. Analysis of net funds Opening Cash Closing
balance flow balance
£'000 £'000 £'000
Cash 222 (67) 155
Liquid resources 1,011 (161) 850
Cash at bank and in hand 1,233 (228) 1,005
Finance leases - due within 1 year (9) 3 (6)
1,224 (225) 999
6. Restatement of comparatives
Production staff costs have been re-categorised as direct expenses, previously
classified as operating expenses, with the comparatives being restated.
Deferred income which represents invoiced revenue to be released over the period
of the subscription, has been re-categorised in the balance sheet. In the
opinion of the Directors, deferred income does not represent a short term
creditor on a going concern basis, as these amounts will not be repaid, but
released to the profit & loss account during the coming year. Deferred income
has therefore been presented in the balance sheet immediately after provisions
for liabilities and charges
The Directors believe these adjustments portray a truer and fairer
representation of the nature of the business.
Accruals represent a liability due within one year. In order to comply with the
Companies Act 1985 Accruals and Deferred Income are required to be shown as a
single category. Accruals have therefore been amalgamated with deferred income
and disclosed as described above.
In accordance with FRS1 money invested in short term deposits has been
separately classified as liquid resources within the cash flow statement. The
comparative figures have been restated accordingly.
None of the above changes have affected the reported result for the year or net
assets of the Group. However, certain measurements, such as gross profit margin
and liquidity ratios, would have been affected.
7. The Accounts
The preliminary results for the year ended 31 January 2003 does not constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
The full statutory accounts, which will be available to shareholders shortly,
have been reported on by the Group's auditors but have not yet been delivered to
the Registrar of Companies. Full accounts in respect of the year ended 31
January 2003 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies and the Audit
Report on these accounts is unqualified.
8. The Annual Report and the AGM
The Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders by 18 April 2003,
and the Annual General Meeting will be held on 12 June 2003.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange