Final Results - Year Ended 31 March 2000

Edinburgh Investment Trust PLC 24 May 2000 THE EDINBURGH INVESTMENT TRUST plc PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR TO 31 MARCH 2000 Share price, NAV and dividend outperformance Discount narrowed The £1.8 billion Edinburgh Investment Trust plc is the UK's largest investment trust focussed solely on UK quoted companies. The objectives of The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc are the achievement of capital growth at a higher rate than the FTSE All-Share Index and dividend growth above the rate of UK inflation. Highlights Share price: up 15.1 % to 534.50p, double the rise in the FTSE All-Share Index Net asset value (NAV): up 11.0 % to 618.29p per share, substantially ahead of the 7.5% rise in the FTSE All-Share Index, the trust's benchmark Dividend: up 2.5 % to 12.15p for the year Discount: successfully narrowed from 16.6 % to 13.6 % at the year end following an active marketing and share buy-back campaign Private shareholders and savings schemes: The percentage of shares in the company held within Edinburgh Fund Managers' savings schemes and products rose from 5.6 % to 6.4 % Share buybacks: the company bought back 29.98 million shares (10.2 % of equity capital), enhancing NAV by 1.7 % Gearing: 112 % at year end Investment performance: weightings in technology/new economy' shares and smaller companies sector, and tactical use of gearing, contributed substantially to overall outperformance Website: For details of the company's savings plans available from Edinburgh Fund Managers plc For further information, please contact: Mike Balfour 0131 313 1000 Chief Investment Officer, Edinburgh Fund Managers plc Julian Polhill 0207 369 9333 Polhill Communications Please note that past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future and that the value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise. Investors may not get back the amount they originally invested. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am pleased to report a successful year. The company's objectives of achieving capital growth at a higher rate than the FTSE All-Share Index and dividend growth above the rate of UK inflation have both been met. During the year, the net asset value grew by 11.0% compared with a rise of 7.5% in the FTSE All-Share Index. The share price rose by 15.1%. The board is recommending a final dividend of 8.25p per share which, if approved, will lead to a total distribution for the year of 12.15p per share, an increase of 2.5%. The UK's underlying rate of inflation over the same period has been 2%. Portfolio Performance The UK equity market remained highly volatile during the year and the 7.5% increase in the index conceals significant movements in individual sectors. Against this difficult background the manager has done well to outperform. Companies involved in the so-called 'new economy' sectors, typically Telecoms, Media and Technology, dominated the performance charts during the year. Many traditional UK companies in the consumer and industrial areas have effectively been in a bear market despite satisfactory trading results. This polarisation of performance was compounded in February and March of this year when Vodafone bought the German telecommunication and engineering company Mannesmann. This all-paper bid increased Vodafone's weighting in the index by around 5 percentage points and led institutional investors to increase their holdings to ensure an appropriate balance in their portfolios. In order to fund this they had to sell existing investments so exaggerating the underperformance of the 'old economy' stocks. The FTSE Smaller Companies index (excluding Investment Trusts) rose by no less than 39.5% during the year. For some time the company had been building up its exposure to this sector of the market and this, along with the manager's highly effective stock selection process, made a meaningful contribution to the performance of the fund as a whole. Gearing It is the company's policy to increase its exposure to equities through the investment of its existing borrowings, thus increasing the opportunity for growth of assets in rising markets but also the risk when markets fall. However, the manager has discretion, within defined limits, to reduce the gearing should their shorter term view of the market warrant it. This would normally be achieved by selling equities to increase the cash balances or by the use of derivatives. Gearing had a positive impact on net asset value. On two occasions gearing was reduced by the sale of FTSE Futures contracts and these hedging operations added 0.1% to net asset value. At 31 March 2000 the company had 112% of shareholders' funds invested in UK equities. Discount to Net Asset Value In last year's annual report I described two principal initiatives which the board was pursuing with the objectives of increasing demand for the company's shares and bringing the company's share price more closely in line with the underlying net asset per share. These were firstly, the introduction of a share buyback programme to help align supply more closely to demand for shares, and secondly the support of both the AITC Marketing campaign and the Edinburgh Fund Managers Marketing Initiative. Partly as a result of these initiatives the discount narrowed to 13.6% at the end of this financial year, compared with 16.6% previously. This narrowing of the discount, combined with the net asset value performance, led to a rise in the share price of 15.1% during the period, double the rise of 7.5% in the FTSE All-Share Index. Share buyback programme The company bought back 29,978,827 shares during the year, amounting to 10.2% of the equity capital. These purchases were carried out at discounts to net asset value ranging from 12%- 18% and enhanced the net asset value by 1.7%. The board believes that the buyback process will continue to be useful in adding to the company's performance and reducing the discount volatility. A Special Resolution proposing an extension of this facility will be put to the annual general meeting on 5 July 2000. Marketing initiatives The board has decided to support the AITC its' campaign for another year. The contribution for the second year of the campaign will be £0.6 million plus VAT, a significant reduction from last year's £1.1 million plus VAT. So far the its' campaign has been successful in increasing the investing public's awareness of the benefits of investment trusts and the board looks to the campaign to build on this success in the future. The combination of the AITC generic advertising campaign with the more specifically targeted Edinburgh Fund Managers Marketing Initiative aims to increase demand for the company's shares. Edinburgh Fund Managers provides a series of savings schemes through which potential investors can invest in The Edinburgh Investment Trust. The percentage of shares in the company held within these savings scheme rose from 5.6% at the end of last year to 6.4% at the end of March 2000. The manager's updated website,, is a most convenient way of finding out more about these savings products.. Dividends The board is recommending a final dividend of 8.25p which will make a total for the year of 12.15p, a rise of 2.5%. Earnings per share for the year amounted to 9.15p and therefore revenue reserves are again being used to enable the company to meet its dividend policy. The increased weightings within the UK market to growth sectors, where typically companies are reinvesting surplus cash flow back into their expanding businesses rather than paying significantly higher dividends, has led to a reduction in the dividend yield of the benchmark index. Whilst this has in turn caused a fall in the company's income, it should give greater capital growth in the future as share prices reflect profits earned on the increased capital employed. In recognition of this change in the UK equity market structure and more accurately to reflect the source of future returns, the board has decided to revise the allocation of costs between the revenue and capital accounts. Previously this has been on a 50:50 basis, but from next year this will change to 30:70. Robert Fleming Holdings (RFH) At the end of the financial year, the company's investment in RFH amounted to £38.1 million or 2.3% of shareholders' funds. On 11 April 2000, and hence after the year-end, it was announced that, subject to various regulatory approvals, Chase Manhattan Corporation had reached agreement with the board of RFH to purchase the entire share capital of RFH. At the date of the announcement the offer valued each RFH share at £27.44, boosting the value of the investment at that date to £90.55 million. The date at which the transaction will be completed is still to be finalised and the exact price will be dependent on exchange rates and the price of Chase Manhattan shares. Prospects Strong economic growth in the US and the UK has led to increases in interest rates. Until recently these rises had occurred despite any material rise in inflation. If inflation, particularly in the US, were to rise materially from here then interest rates would have to be increased more than is presently anticipated by equity markets. If this were to happen, the outlook for the UK equity market would not be promising. On the other hand, evidence is just beginning to emerge that economic growth in the US and the UK is likely to slow over the next twelve months. Given the mild correction in equity markets since the end of the financial year, and the probability that interest rate rises are beginning to have their desired effect, I believe the prospects for the UK equity market in the second half of this calendar year are reasonably good. Against this background The Edinburgh Investment Trust, the largest investment trust focused solely on UK quoted companies, can anticipate, with the benefit of gearing, another year of progress. STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2000 1999 (restated) RevenueCapitalTotal RevenueCapitalTotal £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Realised gains on investments - 203,110 203,110 - 43,734 43,734 Decrease in unrealised appreciation- (37,117)(37,117) - (39,260)(39,260) __________________________________________ Total Capital Gains on Investments - 165,993 165,993 - 4,474 4,474 Currency Gains - 13 13 - 24 24 Income from Investments 39,707 - 39,707 47,420 - 47,420 Interest Receivable on Short Term Deposits 1,010 - 1,010 690 - 690 Underwriting Commission 62 - 62 53 - 53 Rental Income - - - 136 - 136 Investment Management Fee (3,232) (3,232) (6,464) (3,038)(3,038)(6,076) Administrative Expenses (1,806) - (1,806) (871) (35) (906) Share Buyback Expenses - (31) (31) - - - __________________________________________ Net Return Before Finance Costs and Taxation 35,741 162,743 198,484 44,390 1,425 45,815 Interest Payable and Similar Charges(9,751) (9,751) (19,502) (9,766) (9,766)(19,532) __________________________________________ Return on Ordinary Activities before Taxation 25,990 152,992 178,982 34,624 (8,341) 26,283 Taxation (1) - (1) (143) - (143) __________________________________________ Return on Ordinary Activities after Taxation 25,989 152,992 178,981 34,481 (8,341) 26,140 Preference Stock Dividends - Non Equity (10) - (10) (62) - (62) __________________________________________ Return Attributable to Equity Shareholders 25,979 152,992 178,971 34,419 (8,341) 26,078 Dividends in respect of Equity Shares (32,829) - (32,829) (34,818) - (34,818) Transfer from /to Reserves (6,850) 152,992 146,142 (399) (8,341) (8,740) __________________________________________ Return per Ordinary Share 9.15p 53.86p 63.01p 11.71p (2.83p) 8.88p __________________________________________ Total Dividend per Ordinary Share 12.15p 11.85p _______ _______ The Revenue Column of this Statement represents the Revenue Account of the Company. All Revenue and Capital items in the above Statement derive from Continuing Operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the year. BALANCE SHEET 1999 1998 £000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed Assets Investments 1,830,650 1,832,780 Current Assets Debtors 26,259 24,420 UK Treasury Bills - 9,890 Cash and short term deposits 13,625 2,329 _______ _______ 39,884 36,639 Creditors: amounts falling due within one tear 39,244 31,060 _______ _______ Net Current Assets 640 5,579 _________ _________ Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 1,831,290 1,838,359 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 194,348 194,097 _________ _________ 1,636,942 1,644,262 _________ _________ Capital and Reserves Called up share capital - non equity - 1,700 Called up share capital - equity 65,960 73,455 Share premium 6,639 6,639 Capital redemption reserve 7,495 - Capital reserve - realised 850,419 812,072 Capital reserve - unrealised 664,955 702,072 Revenue reserve 41,474 48,324 _______ _______ Total Equity Shareholders' Funds 1,636,942 1,642,562 _________ _________ 1,636,942 1,644,262 _________ _________ Net Asset Value per Ordinary 25p Share 618.29p 557.03p CASHFLOW STATEMENT for the year ended 31 March 2000 1999 £000 £000 £000 £000 Net Cash inflow from Operating Activities 36,135 36,871 Servicing of Finance Interest paid (19,250) (19,308) Preference dividends paid (10) (62) _______ _______ Net Cash Outflow from Servicing of Finance (19,260) (19,370) Taxation UK corporation tax recovered 480 661 Overseas tax paid (2) (141) _______ _______ Net Cash Inflow from Taxation 478 520 Financial Investment Purchase of investments (516,312) (417,769) Sale of investments 688,559 327,031 Net proceeds from the sale of Dunedin House - 3,979 _______ _______ Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Financial Investment 172,247 (86,759) Equity Dividends Paid (34,714) (33,937) _______ _______ Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) before use of Liquid Resources and Financing 154,886 (102,675) Net Cash Inflow from Management of Liquid Resources 9,890 81,810 Financing Repayment of debenture stock - (1,640) Repayment of preferred stock (1,700) Buyback of ordinary shares (151,793) - Expenses relating to the repayment of preference stock - (35) _______ _______ Net Cash Outflow from Financing (153,493) (1,675) _______ _______ Increase/(Decrease) in Cash 11,283 (22,540) _______ _______ Notes : 1.The directors recommend that a final dividend of 8.25p (1999 - 8.05p) per ordinary share be paid. The final dividend will be paid on 6 July 2000 to shareholders on the register on 9 June 2000. The ex dividend date is 5 June 2000. 2.The financial information for the year ended 31 March 1999 has been extracted from the annual report and accounts of the company which has been filed with the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors' report was unqualified. The accounts have been prepared under the same accounting policies used for the year to 31 March 1999 other than in relation to the adoption of Financial Reporting Standard 16', Current Tax. The figures for 1999 have been restated accordingly. 3.The statutory accounts for 2000 contain an unqualified audit report and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the company's Annual General Meeting which will be held at The Caledonian Hotel, Princes Street, Edinburgh on Wednesday 5 July 2000 at 12.00 noon. 4.The statement of total return (incorporating the revenue account), balance sheet and cashflow set out above do not represent full accounts in accordance with Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The accounts have been prepared in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies'. 5.The annual report will be posted to shareholders on 5 June 2000 and copies will be available at the head office of the Secretary - Edinburgh Fund Managers plc, Donaldson House, 97 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5HD
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