Interim Results

Edinburgh Worldwide Inv Trust PLC 15 June 2006 EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc Results for the six months to 30 April 2006 Over the six months Edinburgh Worldwide's share price rose by 29% and net asset value increased by 19%. The MSCI All Countries Index in sterling terms rose by 13%. Growth was driven by the strong individual performance of a number of holdings over the period. • Performance. The operational performance of the majority of the holdings over the period was good and in many cases this was reflected in strong share price performance. Turnover of holdings remained low at 14% in line with the aim of keeping turnover below 20% which would give an average holding period for equity investments of 5 years. • Purchases and Sales During the period new purchases included Getty Images (a Seattle based company which owns the world's largest database of photographic images); Straumann, a Swiss listed company which supplies dental implants and Infosys, a world leading and pioneering Bangalore based company which provides software support globally. Sales included BHP Billiton, a diversified mining company, car maker BMW and ABB, a power generation and equipment company. Reductions were made in the size of Russian oil producer Lukoil and HDFC (Indian mortgage bank). While the long term case remains intact both holdings had seen strong share price rises in short periods so some profits were taken. • Dividend. An unchanged interim dividend of 0.5p has been declared. • Prospects. Since the end of the interim period there have been some sharp declines in share prices but the prospect of continued profit growth for Edinburgh Worldwide's investments remains good in the Managers' view. Edinburgh Worldwide aims to achieve long term capital growth by investing in stock markets throughout the world. The Trust has total assets of £155 million (before deduction of loans of £27 million). Edinburgh Worldwide is managed by Baillie Gifford & Co, the Edinburgh based fund management group with around £42 billion under management and advice as at 15 June 2006. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of an investment and any income from it is not guaranteed and may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. This is because the share price is determined by the changing conditions in the relevant stockmarkets in which the Company invests and by the supply and demand for the Company's shares. Investment in investment trusts should be regarded as medium to long-term. You can find up to date performance information about Edinburgh Worldwide on the Baillie Gifford website at - ends - 15 June 2006 For further information please contact: Mark Urquhart, Manager, Edinburgh Worldwide Investment Trust plc 0131 275 2070 Robert O'Riordan, Marketing Manager, Baillie Gifford & Co 07730 412007 Mike Lord, Director, Broadgate Marketing 020 7726 6111 EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc Interim Report Global equity markets made quite startling progress over the six months from November 2005 to April 2006. The net asset value rose by 18.9% over the period which compares to a 13.3% rise in the MSCI All Countries World Index over the same period. The share price rose by 29.0% to 258p representing a discount of 1.5% to the net asset value at 30 April 2006. At the beginning of the period the discount was standing at 9.3%. Such returns over six months are clearly well above the long-run average for equities and will not be repeated often and nor will the size of our outperformance. Indeed the vagaries of reporting on a six month period mean that at the time of writing this report in early June, we have seen noteworthy declines in net asset value, share price and the index level whilst the discount has widened. Equity markets will always be volatile and we view this subsequent pullback as an inevitable development. The Directors have declared an interim dividend of 0.50p per share, unchanged from last year. The interim dividend will be paid on 6 July 2006 to shareholders on the register on 23 June 2006. The final dividend was decreased to 1.50p last year and the Directors will consider this year's payment over the remainder of the financial year. Portfolio The portfolio has been relatively stable since October 2005 with equity turnover of 14% in the six months to April 2006 in line with our aim of keeping annual turnover around 20%. It remains concentrated with 39 equity holdings at the end of period. We have continued to make some occasional additions to stocks when we feel that the market is affording us an opportunity - Pulte Homes is an example in the period under consideration with the market so concerned about the near-term outlook for US housing demand, that it is assuming next to no growth for the company over the next decade which we think is wrong. In constructing the portfolio no reference is paid to the composition of any index - instead we seek long-term growth opportunities anywhere in the world. This approach is reflected in the new purchases made over the last six months which range from the world's largest provider of photos - Getty Images, which is based in Seattle - to a Swiss-based provider of dental implants - Straumann. We have also taken a holding in Infosys - the leader in outsourced Indian software - after a trip to Bangalore convinced us of the sustainability of the company's profitability and reinforced the size of the opportunity which it has. These purchases were funded by sales of ABB and BMW where we felt that share price appreciation had led to more appropriate valuations for the business. We sold out of BHP Billiton after strong share price performance as we are unconvinced by the company's ongoing diversification away from iron ore which is in our view its most attractive asset. We also made sizeable reductions to our holdings in Lukoil - the Russian oil company - and HDFC - the Indian mortgage bank both of which had seen very strong share price moves in a short space of time. We still believe the long-term case is intact in both these companies. Outlook We believe that the current bout of anxiety over the re-emergence of inflationary pressures is overdone for several reasons. Firstly, there is remarkably little evidence that the rises in energy and commodity prices have created a general rise in prices or wages with the market's anxiety caused by numbers being a few basis points over a low figure. Secondly, whilst there may be some marginal decline in the price competitiveness of Chinese labour, there remain substantial disinflationary forces at work in the world through the ongoing development of countries with populations which dwarf those of the largest current economies - there are millions of metaphorical workers at the gates. Thirdly, the pricing transparency created by the internet is unprecedented in its scale, speed and efficiency. It is worth reiterating that the global economy has just enjoyed two of its best consecutive years of growth in decades and 2006 shows no signs of this backdrop changing. With India showing signs of joining China in sustaining GDP growth in high single digits, one has the unprecedented prospect of one third of the human race residing in countries which are growing at this rate which we believe creates more opportunities than threats for the global investor. In addition both Japan and continental Europe are showing healthy rates of growth. However, after such a strong run in markets, an obvious question to pose is what has happened to valuations or put another way is much of the opportunity captured in stock prices? We find great succour in the fact that we can buy businesses such as Pulte on single digit multiples of earnings, Porsche on a huge discount to any other luxury goods maker because it happens to make automobiles or oil companies based in 'emerging' economies still on fractions of the price per barrel of oil which one pays for a 'major'. In general, we see few signs that equity valuations have reached levels which should worry our shareholders although there will always be pockets of the market where greed has triumphed temporarily over fear as may be the case in some commodity prices such as copper. At the beginning of the period equity gearing was 117%. With prospects for continued profit growth for Edinburgh Worldwide's stocks combined with reasonable valuations, the Manager is currently optimistic about the prospects for share price appreciation within the portfolio as reflected in the Company having 113% of equity shareholder funds invested in equities at 30 April. By order of the Board Baillie Gifford & Co 15 June 2006 EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc The following is the interim statement for the six months ended 30 April 2006 which has been neither reviewed nor audited by the auditors. This statement is being printed and will be sent to all shareholders on 23 June 2006. Copies will be available for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company or may be obtained on request from the Managers and Secretaries after that date. EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc INCOME STATEMENT * (unaudited) for the six months ended for the six months ended for the year ended 30 April 2006 30 April 2005 31 October 2005 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Restated+ Restated+ Restated+ Restated+ £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Realised gains/(losses) on investments - 8,901 8,901 - (327) (327) - 1,032 1,032 Unrealised gains on - 12,450 12,450 - 1,313 1,313 - 25,763 25,763 investments Currency gains/(losses) - 507 507 - 880 880 - (243) (243) Income (note 2) 1,100 - 1,100 1,188 - 1,188 2,379 - 2,379 Investment management fee (140) (421) (561) (80) (240) (320) (179) (537) (716) Investment performance - (234) (234) - - - - (937) (937) fee Other administrative (203) - (203) (168) - (168) (359) - (359) expenses Net return before finance costs and taxation 757 21,203 21,960 940 1,626 2,566 1,841 25,078 26,919 Finance costs of (195) (584) (779) (185) (556) (741) (395) (1,183) (1,578) borrowings Return on ordinary activities before taxation 562 20,619 21,181 755 1,070 1,825 1,446 23,895 25,341 Tax on ordinary (128) 63 (65) (173) 84 (89) (341) 184 (157) activities Return on ordinary activities after taxation 434 20,682 21,116 582 1,154 1,736 1,105 24,079 25,184 Return per ordinary share (note 3) 0.89p 42.20p 43.09p 1.19p 2.35p 3.54p 2.26p 49.13p 51.39p Dividend paid and proposed per ordinary share (note 4) 0.50p 0.50p 2.00p + Various changes in accounting policies, as disclosed in note 1, have had the cumulative effect of increasing reported net assets by £628,000 for the year ended 31 October 2005 and by £92,000 for the six months ended 30 April 2005. * The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in this statement derive from continuing operations. A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement. EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc SUMMARISED BALANCE SHEET (unaudited) 30 April 30 April 31 October 2006 2005 2005 Restated+ Restated+ £'000 £'000 £'000 FIXED ASSETS Investments held at fair value 155,741 110,994 136,800 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 613 1,328 454 Cash and short term deposits 389 617 305 1,002 1,945 759 CREDITORS Amounts falling due within one year (1,008) (1,390) (1,698) NET CURRENT (LIABILITIES)/ ASSETS (6) 555 (939) TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 155,735 111,549 135,861 CREDITORS Amounts falling due after more than one year (note 5) (27,318) (26,716) (27,825) 128,417 84,833 108,036 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called-up share capital 2,450 2,450 2,450 Share premium 82,180 82,180 82,180 Special reserve 35,220 35,220 35,220 Capital reserve - realised (38,195) (45,505) (45,920) Capital reserve - unrealised 45,586 9,289 32,629 Revenue reserve 1,176 1,199 1,477 EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 128,417 84,833 108,036 NET ASSET VALUE PER ORDINARY SHARE 262.05p 173.11p 220.46p Ordinary shares in issue (note 6) 49,004,319 49,004,319 49,004,319 + See note 1. SUMMARISED RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS (unaudited) Six months to Six months to 30 Year to 30 April 2006 April 2005 31 October 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 Shareholders' funds at 1 November as previously stated 107,408 83,192 83,192 Prior year adjustments: Revaluation of investments at bid prices (107) (95) (95) Reversal of provision of interim and final dividend 735 833 833 Shareholders' funds at 1 November - restated 108,036 83,930 83,930 Return on ordinary activities after taxation 21,116 1,736 25,184 Dividends paid during the year (note 4) (735) (833) (1,078) Shareholders' funds at 30 April/31 October 128,417 84,833 108,036 EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc SUMMARISED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (unaudited) Six months to Six months to Year to 30 April 30 April 31 October 2006 2005 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities (685) 610 1,475 Net cash outflow from servicing of finance (797) (760) (1,564) Total tax paid (64) (89) (158) Net cash inflow from financial investment 2,365 1,142 1,083 Equity dividends paid (735) (833) (1,078) INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH 84 70 (242) RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period 84 70 (242) Exchange movement 507 888 (221) MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT IN THE PERIOD 591 958 (463) Net debt at start of the period (27,520) (27,057) (27,057) NET DEBT AT END OF THE PERIOD (26,929) (26,099) (27,520) RECONCILIATION OF NET REVENUE BEFORE FINANCE COSTS AND TAXATION TO NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net revenue before finance costs and taxation 21,960 2,566 26,919 Gains on investments (21,858) (1,866) (26,552) Amortisation of fixed income book cost 45 88 141 Change in debtors and creditors (832) (178) 967 NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (685) 610 1,475 DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS at 30 April 2006 (unaudited) 30 April 2006 30 April 2005 31 October Restated+ 2005 Restated+ % % % Equities: United Kingdom 3.6 10.0 7.3 Continental Europe 19.7 19.3 18.3 North America 37.8 35.3 40.4 Japan 3.8 4.0 3.1 Asia Pacific 4.7 7.1 4.5 Emerging Markets 23.7 14.2 19.1 Total equities 93.3 89.9 92.7 Sterling bonds 0.9 1.3 1.0 US$ bonds 4.0 5.6 4.8 Yen bonds 1.8 2.7 2.2 Net current (liabilities)/assets - 0.5 (0.7) Total assets (before deduction of loan) 100.0 100.0 100.0 + See note 1. EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc PORTFOLIO AND EQUITY PERFORMANCE at 30 April 2006 (unaudited) Fair value % of total £'000 assets Performance+ Name Business Absolute Relative Gazprom Gas exploration and production 9,738 6.3 87.0 63.2 Atlas Copco Engineering 7,153 4.6 59.9 39.6 Golden West Financial Savings and loans 6,740 4.3 19.3 4.1 Moody's Bond rating agency 6,558 4.2 13.6 (0.8) Petrobras Oil exploration and production 6,226 4.0 53.9 34.3 Canon Printers, copiers and cameras 5,921 3.8 43.7 25.4 Lukoil Oil exploration and production 5,474 3.5 56.7 36.8 CVRD Iron ore mining 5,426 3.5 20.7 5.4 Samsung Electronics Electronics manufacturer 5,319 3.4 26.1 10.1 Porsche Luxury automobiles 4,682 3.0 35.5 18.3 SAP Business software 4,381 2.8 24.3 8.5 Teva Pharmaceuticals Generic drugs manufacturer 4,010 2.6 3.8 (9.4) Pulte Homes American house builder 3,779 2.4 (3.3) (15.6) Sandvik Engineering 3,390 2.2 31.3 14.6 Progressive Ohio Non-prime auto insurance 3,286 2.1 (8.7) (20.3) Infosys Technologies Software company 3,263 2.1 5.0* 3.0* Carnival Cruise ship operator 3,205 2.1 (7.2) (19.0) Microsoft Software products 3,162 2.0 (8.0) (19.7) Ericsson Telecommunications equipment 3,055 2.0 7.4 (6.3) Wolseley Builders merchant 3,055 2.0 20.3 5.0 eBay Internet auction 3,034 1.9 (15.6) (26.3) Hermes Luxury goods 2,916 1.9 11.3 (2.9) Whole Foods Market Organic food chain 2,905 1.9 (14.9) (25.7) Straumann Medical equipment 2,901 1.9 1.5* 0.3* M & T Bank Retail banking 2,877 1.8 8.8 (5.0) VCA Antech Animal hospitals and 2,736 1.8 17.4 2.4 diagnostics Housing Development Finance Corporation Mortgage bank 2,707 1.7 31.3 14.6 SCP Pool Swimming pool supplies 2,693 1.7 27.0 10.8 McCarthy & Stone Retirement home builder 2,597 1.7 23.1 7.5 Dell PC manufacturer 2,566 1.6 (20.0) (30.2) Walgreen Pharmacy chain 2,403 1.5 (9.9) (21.4) Getty Images Internet based image library 2,393 1.5 (20.1)* (20.0)* L'Oreal Personal care 2,292 1.5 22.9 7.2 Online retailer 2,286 1.5 (14.1) (25.0) Omnicom Advertising agency 2,132 1.4 6.2 (7.3) Iron Mountain Document management services 2,086 1.3 (2.2) (14.7) Patterson Companies Dental products and supplies 2,040 1.3 (23.1) (32.9) William Wrigley Chewing gum manufacturer 1,994 1.3 (16.9) (27.4) Zhejiang Expressway Toll-road operator 1,945 1.2 (0.4) (13.0) Total Equity Investments 145,326 93.3 EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc PORTFOLIO AND EQUITY PERFORMANCE (Ctd) at 30 April 2006 (unaudited) Fair value % of total £'000 assets Name Fixed Interest Sterling denominated bonds Safeway 5.875% 2007 629 AMP Group Finance 7.125% 2019 569 Rentokil Initial 6.125% 2008 224 1,422 0.9 US$ denominated bonds Daimler Chrysler FRN 2006 1,155 Stagecoach 8.625% 2009 591 HSBC Bank USA 3.875% 2009 576 Old Mutual 8% 2008 575 Ericsson 6.5% 2009 560 AIG 5.625% 2007 551 Egg Banking FRN 2006 550 Golden West 4.125% 2007 543 Vodafone Airtouch 7.75% 2010 295 BSkyB 8.2% 2009 295 Household Fin Corp 7% 2012 291 Deutsche Telecom 3.875% 2008 267 6,249 4.0 Yen denominated bonds Toyota Motor Corp 0.75% 2008 1,061 HBOS Treasury Services 0.8% 2008 960 Pfizer Inco 0.8% 2008 723 2,744 1.8 Total Fixed Interest 10,415 6.7 Total Investments 155,741 100.0 Net Current Liabilities (6) 0.0 Total Assets at Market Value (before deduction of loan) 155,735 100.0 + Absolute and relative performance has been calculated over the period 1 November 2005 to 30 April 2006. Absolute performance is in sterling terms; relative performance is against MSCI All Countries World Index in sterling terms. * Figures relate to part-period returns relating to the holding period of the relevant stock. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Source: Baillie Gifford & Co, StatPro EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc NOTES 1. A number of new UK Financial Reporting Standards have been introduced with which the Company must comply by its 31 October 2006 financial year end. These standards are part of the UK convergence programme with International Accounting Standards and as such have required most UK listed companies to restate prior year figures to reflect the new accounting treatment. The financial statements for the six months to 30 April 2006 have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Company's Annual Financial Statements at 31 October 2005 except as detailed below: a) investments have been valued at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with FRS 26, 'Financial Instruments: Measurement'. The effect is to move from a mid price to a bid price basis of valuation, resulting in a reduction in the value of investments and unrealised capital reserves of £88,000 (30 April 2005 - £153,000; 31 October 2005 - £107,000); b) in compliance with FRS 21, 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date', dividends declared after the period end are no longer treated as a liability at the period end. The effect is to reduce creditors and increase revenue reserves by £245,000 (30 April 2005 - £245,000; 31 October 2005 - £735,000); c) the implementation of FRS 25 and the revision of the Statement of Recommended Practice ' Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies' (SORP) in 2005 has resulted in changes in the presentation of total returns. Previously dividend distributions in respect of a year were disclosed on the Statement of Total Return and the revenue column of that statement was deemed to be the profit and loss account of the Company. We now present an Income Statement which does not show the distribution in respect of equity shares and, whilst it still shows information on capital and revenue returns it is the total column which is regarded as the profit and loss account of the Company. Dividend distributions are shown in the Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds and in the Notes to Accounts. The overall effect of these changes on shareholders' funds is detailed below. 30 April 30 April 31 October 2006 2005 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 Investments/Capital reserve - unrealised (88) (153) (107) Creditors: dividends payable/Revenue reserve 245 245 735 157 92 628 2. Income Income from investments and interest receivable 1,100 1,188 2,379 3. Return per ordinary share Revenue return 434 582 1,105 Capital return 20,682 1,154+ 24,079+ Return per ordinary share is based on the above totals of revenue and capital and on 49,004,319 ordinary shares, being the number of ordinary shares in issue during each period. +Restated, see note 1. EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc NOTES 30 April 30 April 31 October 2006 2005 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 4. Dividends Amounts recognised as distributions in period: Final dividend for the year ended 31 October 2005 of 1.50p (2004 - 1.70p), paid 2 February 2006 735 833 833 Interim dividend for the year ending 31 October 2005 of 0.50p, paid 7 July 2005 - - 245 735 833 1,078 Interim dividend for the year ending 31 October 2006 of 0.50p (2005 - 0.50p) 245 245 245 The interim dividend was declared after the period end date and has therefore not been included as a liability in the balance sheet. It is payable on 6 July 2006 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 23 June 2006. The ex dividend date is 21 June 2006. 5. The loan includes US$31.25 million, Y1,313.2 million and £3.8 million drawn down under a multi-currency loan facility with ING Bank N.V. (31 October 2005 and 30 April 2005 - US$31.25 million, Y1,313.2 million and £3.8 million). The loan is due for repayment in July 2008. 6. On 29 January 1999 authority was first granted to the Company to buy back its ordinary shares (equivalent to 14.99% of its issued share capital at that date). The authority has been renewed at each subsequent AGM and was last renewed at the AGM on 30 January 2006 in respect of 7,345,747 ordinary shares (equivalent to 14.99% of its issued share capital at that date). In the six months to 30 April 2006 no ordinary shares were bought back therefore the Company's authority remains unchanged at 7,345,747 ordinary shares. 7. The financial information contained within this Interim Report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the year ended 31 October 2005 has been extracted from the statutory accounts and restated as disclosed in note 1. Those accounts have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and contain an unqualified Auditors' Report and do not contain a statement under sections 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 8. The Interim Report was approved by the Board on 15 June 2006. None of the views expressed in this document should be construed as advice to buy or sell a particular investment. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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