Final Results - Year Ended 31 Dec 1999, Part 2
Enterprise Oil PLC
2 March 2000
Part 2
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31 December 1999
1999 1998
Notes £m £m
Turnover 850.0 563.1
Cost of sales 2 (427.5) (436.9)
Gross profit 422.5 126.2
Exploration costs (64.0) (142.2)
Administrative and selling expenses (35.9) (41.0)
Operating profit (loss) 3 322.6 (57.0)
Income from fixed asset investments 0.7 0.7
Gain on sales of oil and gas assets 4 1.5 34.8
Interest receivable and similar income 18.3 38.7
Interest payable and similar charges (53.9) (46.8)
Profit (loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 289.2 (29.6)
Tax on profit (loss) on ordinary activities 5 (112.0) 27.3
Profit (loss) on ordinary activities after taxation 177.2 (2.3)
Dividends - preference shares (non equity) (6.9) (6.5)
Dividends - ordinary shares (35.8) (34.0)
Retained profit (loss) for the financial year 134.5 (42.8)
Basic earnings (loss) per ordinary share 6 34.8p (1.8p)
Diluted earnings (loss) per ordinary share 6 34.6p (1.8p)
Dividends per ordinary share 7.3p 6.9p
The result for 1998 has been restated for the effects of applying FRS12
'Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets' (see note 1).
The result for 1998 includes significant amounts relating to ceiling test
write-downs (note 2(iii)), the amendment of a transportation agreement (note
2(iv)), an unsuccessful drilling programme in the Middle East (note 3), a
restructuring programme (note 3), a gain on the sale of oil assets (note 4)
and deferred tax credits (note 5).
Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1999
1999 1998
Notes £m £m
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 7 209.8 199.3
Tangible assets 7 2,106.8 1,883.7
Investments 52.6 41.2
2,369.2 2,124.2
Current assets
Stocks 15.1 20.1
Debtors 208.2 173.1
(liquid resources) 307.7 355.3
Cash at bank and in hand 68.5 36.7
599.5 585.2
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (437.2) (565.2)
Net current assets 162.3 20.0
Total assets less current liabilities 2,531.5 2,144.2
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (1,104.7) (904.9)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (349.0) (299.5)
Net assets 1,077.8 939.8
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 198.9 198.8
Share premium account 100.5 98.6
Capital redemption reserve 103.8 103.8
Other reserves 179.7 179.7
Profit and loss account 494.9 358.9
Shareholders' funds 1,077.8 939.8
Analysis of shareholders' funds
Equity 1,003.5 865.5
Non-equity 74.3 74.3
1,077.8 939.8
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 December 1999
1999 1998
(note 1)
Notes £m £m
Cash flow from operating activities 8 (i) 514.4 360.2
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance 8 (ii) (84.0) (54.0)
Taxation 8 (ii) (38.1) (74.9)
Operating cash flow after tax and finance costs 392.3 231.3
Capital expenditure and financial investment:
- capital expenditure
(including asset acquisitions) 8 (ii) (437.5) (608.5)
- financial investment (14.0) (13.2)
Corporate disposals 8 (ii) - 141.9
Equity dividends paid (13.7) (85.6)
Cash (outflow) before use of liquid
resources and financing (72.9) (334.1)
Management of liquid resources 8 (ii) 51.1 156.5
Financing - issue of shares 8 (ii) 2.0 0.5
- increase in debt 8 (ii) 63.4 180.9
Increase in cash in the year 43.6 3.8
Reconciliation of net cash flow 1999 1998
to movement in net debt Notes £m £m
Increase in cash in the year 43.6 3.8
Cash (inflow) from movement in debt
and lease financing 8 (i) (63.4) (180.9)
Cash (inflow) from movement in liquid
resources 8 (i) (51.1) (156.5)
Change in net debt resulting
from cash flows (70.9) (333.6)
Translation differences (19.2) 7.3
Other differences (0.4) (0.8)
Movement in net debt in the year (90.5) (327.1)
Net debt at 1 January (770.2) (443.1)
Net debt at 31 December 8 (ii) (860.7) (770.2)
Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the year ended 31 December 1999
1999 1998
(note 1)
Notes £m £m
Profit (loss) on ordinary activities
after taxation 177.2 (2.3)
Unrealised currency translation differences 1.5 6.2
Total recognised gains and losses relating
to the year 178.7 3.9
Prior year adjustment 58.8 -
Total recognised gains and losses since the
last financial statements 237.5 3.9
The prior year adjustment arises from the implementation during the year of
the revised accounting policy for decommissioning costs (see note 1).
The currency translation differences shown above are the net result of
retranslation to sterling of significant overseas investments and certain
foreign currency borrowings which provide a partial hedge against the impact
of currency movements on those investments.
for the year ended 31 December 1999
1. Accounting policies
The 1999 accounts have been prepared using the same policies as those adopted
in the accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1998, other than
where changes were necessary to implement FRS12 'Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent Assets'.
Implementation of FRS12 'Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent
This standard, which affects the way the group accounts for decommissioning
costs, has been adopted by the group for the first time in these accounts.
Comparative amounts have been restated as appropriate.
Licensees are generally required to restore oil and gas field sites at the end
of the producing lives of the fields to a condition acceptable to the relevant
authorities. The expected cost of decommissioning, discounted to its net
present value, is provided and capitalised when the installation of facilities
has had an environmental impact. The capitalised cost is amortised over the
life of the operation and the increase in the net present value of the
expected cost is included in interest. In practice the adoption of the new
policy, which has been made by way of an adjustment to previously published
results as though the revised policy had always been applied by the Group, has
had the following effects on prior year figures:
1. Fixed assets at 31 December 1998 have increased by £25.3 million and
provisions have decreased at that date by £33.5 million from the figures
previously published resulting in an increase in shareholders' funds of £58.8
2. The interest charge for year ended 31 December 1998 have increased by £5.2
million and operating profit for the period has increased by £3.9 million.
3. The gain arising on disposal of a package of UKCS North Sea assets in 1998
has reduced by £8.8 million.
1999 1998
(note 1)
2. Cost of Sales £m £m
Depreciation of development costs 203.8 243.2
Operating costs 199.5 175.3
Research and development 1.8 2.6
Royalties 22.4 15.8
427.5 436.9
(i) Following the implementation of FRS12 'Provisions, Contingent Liabilities
and Contingent Assets' during 1999, amortisation in respect of the cost of
decommissioning is included within the depreciation charge for the period.
(See note 1).
(ii) Included in operating costs in 1999 is an amount of £9.0 million relating
to restructuring costs charged to the group by operators of joint ventures.
Also included in 1999, as a reduction in the depreciation charge, is an amount
of £7.1 million reflecting the reversal of past ceiling test provisions.
(iii) The depreciation charge for 1998 includes additional depreciation of
£30.7 million arising from the application of ceiling tests to the Garden
Banks 161 field in the US and the Siri field in Denmark. There was no related
(iv) Operating costs for 1998 includes a charge of £9.0 million relating to a
payment to amend a transportation agreement. The tax charge for the year was
reduced by £2.8 million as a consequence.
3. Operating profit (loss)
Operating loss in 1998 includes a charge of £10.0 million relating to the
reorganisation programme announced during 1998. The tax charge for 1998 was
reduced by £3.1 million as a consequence.
Included within exploration costs charged to income in 1998 is an amount of
£23.1 million in respect of the costs of an unsuccessful drilling programme in
the Middle East. There was no related taxation.
4. Gains on Sale of Oil and Gas Assets
The gain on disposal of fixed assets in 1999 primarily reflects the gain of
£2.2 million on the sale of the group's entire interest in the Johnston field
in the Southern Gas Basin, together with certain appraisal acreage, to Eastern
Natural Gas Offshore.
Gains on asset disposals for 1998 included £30.4 million, as restated (see
note 1), arising from the sale of the group's entire interests in the UK
Piper, Claymore, Saltire and Scapa producing fields together with associated
infrastructure and certain exploration acreage to Intrepid Energy North Sea
Limited. Also included was a 5.7 per cent interest in the Nelson field owned
by Enterprise Oil Production Limited. There was no tax charge associated with
this gain.
1999 1998
5. Tax on Profit (Loss) on Ordinary Activities £m £m
UK petroleum revenue tax charge (credit):
current 57.1 31.5
deferred (5.7) (18.0)
UK corporation tax charge (credit):
current at 30% (1998: 31%) 42.8 (7.2)
deferred 17.9 (15.0)
Overseas tax charge (credit), principally Norwegian taxes:
current 0.1 0.4
deferred (0.2) (19.0)
112.0 (27.3)
UK deferred corporation tax and overseas deferred tax in 1998 include credits
of £9.9 million and £17.2 million respectively arising from revised
expectations of future capital expenditure profiles.
6. Earnings (Loss) per share
The calculation of basic earnings per share is based upon the profit (loss)
attributable to ordinary shareholders for 1999 of £170.3 million (1998: £8.8
million loss) and the adjusted weighted average of 489.8 million ordinary
shares outstanding during the year (1998: 491.8 million ordinary shares).
Profit (loss) attributable to ordinary shareholders is arrived at by deducting
preference share dividends from profit (loss) on ordinary activities after
taxation. The weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding excludes
8.1 million shares (1998: 6.0 million) held by employee share schemes on which
no dividend is payable. Diluted earnings per share differs from basic earnings
per share in that the weighted average number of ordinary shares includes
potential shares, being any financial instrument or right that may entitle its
holder to ordinary shares, such as share options. The weighted average number
of ordinary shares used to calculate diluted earnings per share is 491.9
million in 1999 (1998: 494.6 million). The total number of dilutive potential
ordinary shares is 2.1 million (1998 2.8 million). The total number of
dilutive potential ordinary shares is 2.1 million (1998: 2.8 million),
comprising 0.2 million (1998: 0.9 million) in respect of the Senior Executive
Share Option Schemes, 1.5 million (1998 1.1 million) in respect of the Long
Term Performance Related Share Schemes and 0.4 million (1998: 0.8 million) in
respect of the Savings Related Share Option Schemes.
At At
31 December 31 December
7. Fixed Assets 1999 1998
Capital expenditure comprises: £m £m
Exploration and appraisal expenditure:
Exploration and appraisal 99.9 172.5
Acquisitions 0.1 2.8
100.0 175.3
Development expenditure:
Development 320.0 442.3
Capitalised interest 49.5 52.1
Decommissioning 13.1 -
Acquisitions 7.0 -
389.6 494.4
Other fixed assets 2.1 8.0
491.7 677.7
(i) Development acquisitions in 1999 reflect the acquisition of an additional
3.1 per cent in the Clair field, West of Shetlands.
(ii) Ceiling tests were conducted as at 31 December 1999. Tests were performed
on a field by field basis other than in the case of shared facilities where
groups of fields were considered.
The following assumptions were used in performing the ceiling tests:
At At
31 December 31 December
1999 1998
Oil price
2000 $15.00 $12.80
2001-2003 $15.00 $14.40
2004 Onwards $15.00 $14.40
plus 3%
per annum
Foreign exchange rate $1.6:£1 $1.6:£1
Cost inflation per annum - 3%
Discount rate 10% 7%
In 1998 there were individual deficiencies on two fields totalling £30.7
million and accordingly accelerated depreciation was provided within cost of
sales in that period (see note 2).
In 1999 an amount of £7.1 million was included in cost of sales, as a
reduction of the depreciation charge, reflecting the reversal of past ceiling
test provisions.
8. Cash Flow Statement
1999 1998
(i) Reconciliation of operating profit (note 1)
(loss) to operating cash flow £m £m
Operating profit (loss) 322.6 (57.0)
Depreciation charges 211.4 253.1
Exploration costs 64.0 142.2
Movements in stocks 4.3 (4.1)
Movements in operating debtors (84.0) 54.6
Movements in operating current liabilities (8.8) (35.9)
Other deferrals and accruals of operating cash flows 4.9 7.3
Net cash inflow from operating activities 514.4 360.2
1999 1998
(ii) Analysis of cash flow captions (note 1)
Returns on investments and servicing of finance: £m £m
Interest received 17.5 38.8
Interest paid (94.5) (85.2)
Interest element of finance lease rentals paid (0.1) (1.1)
Preference dividends paid (6.9) (6.5)
Net cash outflow for returns on investments
and servicing of finance (84.0) (54.0)
UK petroleum revenue tax (31.6) (27.3)
UK corporate taxes (6.5) (53.7)
Overseas tax - 6.1
Net cash outflow for tax paid (38.1) (74.9)
Capital expenditure and financial investment:
Capital expenditure:
Development (310.1) (428.9)
Exploration and appraisal (113.3) (176.5)
Sale of licence interests 2.9 29.8
Purchase of licence interests (14.9) (25.0)
Purchase of other fixed assets (2.1) (7.9)
Net cash outflow for capital expenditure (437.5) (608.5)
Corporate disposals:
Disposal of Enterprise Oil Production Limited
and Enterprise Oil Transportation Limited - 141.9
Net cash inflow from corporate disposals - 141.9
Net assets disposed of:
Intangible and tangible fixed assets - 178.5
Net current liabilities - (10.1)
Provisions - (56.9)
- 111.5
Gain on disposal - 30.4
- 141.9
Satisfied by:
Cash - 141.9
Less: Cash transferred on sale - -
- 141.9
Management of liquid resources:
Purchase of investments (1,102.7) (1,994.4)
Sales of investments 1,153.8 2,150.9
Net cash inflow from management of liquid resources 51.1 156.5
Issue of ordinary share capital 2.0 0.5
Debt repaid (143.2) -
Revolving credit facility repaid 35.0 (55.0)
Revolving credit facility drawdown - 70.0
New debt issues 188.2 179.4
Debt issue costs (1.8) (1.4)
Capital element of finance lease rental payments (14.8) (12.1)
Redemption of preference shares - -
Net cash inflow from financing 65.4 181.4
(iii) Analysis of net debt
At At
1 January 31 December
1999 1999
£m £m
Cash at bank and in hand 36.7 68.5
Overdrafts (12.5) (1.7)
24.2 66.8
Current asset investments (liquid resources) 355.3 307.7
Debt due within one year (232.8) (132.7)
Debt due after one year (897.2) (1,097.6)
Finance leases (19.7) (4.9)
(770.2) (860.7)
9. Status of Financial Information
The information contained herein does not constitute the company's statutory
accounts for the years ended 31 December 1999 or 1998. Statutory accounts for
1998 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 1999 will
be delivered following the company's annual general meeting. The auditor has
reported on both the 1999 and 1998 accounts; its reports were unqualified and
did not contain statements under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act
Crude oil Gas Total
(mmbbls) (mmboe) (mmboe)
Net proven and probable oil and gas
reserves at 1 January 1999 967.2 204.3 1,171.5
Changes during year:
Revisions of previous estimates 113.0 3.1 116.1
Purchase, exchange of reserves 8.6 0.0 8.6
Discoveries, extensions and other additions 0.0 50.4 50.4
Disposals, exchange of reserves 0.0 (1.1) (1.1)
Production (66.7) (11.6) (78.3)
Net proven and probable reserves at
31 December 1999 1,022.1 245.1 1,267.2
Of which:
Fields in production 689.2 144.3 833.5
Fields under development 137.7 22.2 159.9
Fields awaiting development 195.2 78.6 273.8
1,022.1 245.1 1,267.2
Note: Crude oil includes natural gas liquids and condensate; 'mmbbls' means
million barrels; 'mmboe' means million barrels of oil equivalent. Gas reserves
are converted to barrels of oil equivalent at the rate of 5,800 cubic feet of
gas per barrel.
The production figures, reserves and results reported in this statement are
prepared in accordance with the group's established reporting and accounting
policies which comply with UK accounting principles. The following
supplementary information is presented under US accounting principles:
1999 1998
(in millions, except per ADS amounts) (restated)
Approximate net income (loss)
(after tax) $125.4 £77.8 $(143.9) £(86.5)
Approximate shareholders equity
at 31 December $1,414.9 £877.9 $1,356.0 £815.0
Approximate earnings/loss per ADS (2)
Basic $0.700 £0.434 $(0.943)
Diluted $0.696 £0.432 - -
Dividends per ADS (2) $0.353 £0.219 $0.344 £0.207
(1) US dollar amounts are shown translated for convenience at the exchange
rate on 31 December 1999 of $1.6117: £1 (1998: $1.6638: £1).
(2)On the basis of one ADS for every three ordinary shares.
The principal recurring differences between UK and US generally accepted
accounting principles ('GAAP') as applicable to the group relate to business
combinations and deferred taxation. Certain business combinations completed
prior to 1990 were accounted for based on historical costs under UK GAAP. US
GAAP requires these combinations to be dealt with under purchase accounting,
based on fair valuations, with consequent adjustments to depreciation charges,
interest capitalised and deferred taxation. Also, US GAAP requires full
provision in respect of deferred tax temporary differences between the tax
basis of assets and liabilities and their carrying values for accounting
purposes, whereas UK GAAP requires provision for deferred tax timing
differences only to the extent it is expected that assets or liabilities will
crystallise in the foreseeable future.
In addition to the recurring difference between UK GAAP and US GAAP, the
group's results under US GAAP for the year ended 31 December 1998 include a
net additional charge of £80.2 million for asset impairments with a related
tax credit of £19.7 million. This charge was calculated in accordance with
Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 121 'Accounting for Long-Lived
Assets and for Long-Lived assets to be Disposed Of'. The fields for which
additional impairment losses were recognised under US GAAP were all previously
recorded at higher carrying values under US GAAP than UK GAAP, as a result of
purchase accounting adjustments.
Production in accordance with US principles (ie. excluding volumes
attributable to royalties payable in cash or in kind) averaged 208.4 thousand
barrels of oil equivalent ('boe') per day for 1999, compared with 189.9
thousand boe per day in 1998.
Oil and gas reserve quantities recorded in accordance with US GAAP comprise
proved developed and undeveloped reserves, rather than the definition of
proven and probable reserves used by the group. The group's total proved
developed and undeveloped reserves at 31 December 1999 were 900.7 million
barrels of oil equivalent compared with 797.4 million barrels of oil
equivalent at 31 December 1998.