Interim Results
European Assets Trust NV
2 August 2001
* The Company performed better than the benchmark over the six month period
to 30 June and the discount fell from 17.2 per cent to 5.9 per cent
* The net asset value total return was down 12.1 per cent compared to a fall
of 13.9 per cent in the HSBC Smaller Europe (ex UK) benchmark index
* Dividends under the high yield policy payable at Euro 0.13 per month for
2001. The Company also offers an attractive dividend reinvestment option
Compared with a 13.9 per cent fall in sterling terms in the HSBC Smaller
Europe (ex UK) Index, the Company's net asset value declined by 12.1 per cent
measured in terms of total return (dividend re-invested). In particular the
second quarter of the year brought a strong measure of out-performance thanks
in part to cash takeover bids for two of the larger holdings - Kempen and
Austria Tabak.
In this uncertain environment, the Company's stock-picking approach has been
vindicated by consistent performance relative to the benchmark. The Managers
continue to believe that investment opportunities abound in their chosen asset
Balance Sheet 30 June 30 June
2001 2000
Note Euro 000 Euro 000
Securities 6 221,340 361,931
Net current (liabilities)/assets (2,569) 29,912
SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS 7 218,771 391,843
Net Asset Value per share -
30 June Euro 12.03 15.71p
Expressed in sterling 726p 994p
based on 18,182,794 shares in issue (2000 - 24,937,280)
as at 31 December 2000 (18,141,038 shares in issue) Euro 14.03/876p
Revenue Account - six months to 30 June 30 June
2001 2000
Note Euro 000 Euro 000
Securities 1,845 1,486
Deposit Interest 221 204
Securities lending 2 50
Total Income 1 2,068 1,740
Expenses and interest
Administration expenses 4,5,6 (367) (322)
Interest (372) -
Exceptional expenses - (604)
Net Income 2 1,329 814
Absorbed by dividends 3 13,613 905
Earnings per share (Euro) 0.07 0.03
Dividends per share (Euro) 0.78 0.04
Statement of Cash Flows - six months to
30 June 30 June
2001 2000
Euro 000 Euro 000
Cash flow from investment activities
Interest, dividends and other income 2,435 1,900
Purchases of shares (48,256) (95,270)
Sales of shares 48,717 108,902
Administrative expenses and
interest charges (1,617) (1,326)
1,279 14,206
Cash flows from financial activities
Dividends paid (15,423) -
Tax on repurchase of shares (23,285) -
(38,708) -
Cash at bank
Net increase for the year (37,429) 14,206
Balance as at 31 December 36,411 11,502
Balance as at 30 June (1,018) 25,708
1. Income is stated after deduction of irrecoverable withholding taxes
of Euro 279,048 (2000 - Euro 187,284)
2. Income for the six months period should not be taken as an indication
of the Income for the full year.
3. Monthly dividends of Euro 0.13 per share will continue to be paid to
shareholders until December 2001 when the rate will be reviewed for the
following year.
4. Shareholders agreed to an increase in the investment management fee
from 0.5% to 0.8% at a General Meeting held on 27 April 2001. This will
become effective from 1 January 2001 once a three month waiting period ends on
14 September 2001. As the increase remains conditional until that date, the
Revenue account has been charged at 0.5%. If the revised rate had been
applied, the net revenue of the Company would have been reduced by Euro
108,853 and shareholders funds by Euro 435,414.
5. Administration expenses include an amount of Euro 104,089 in respect
of non-recurring expenditure.
6. The securities are valued at market price.
7. Euro 131,772,822 was paid to shareholders participating in a tender
offer by the Company in November 2000.
8. The accounting policies applied in preparing the half-year figures at
30 June 2001 are consistent with those underlying the 2000 annual accounts
except for a change in the allocation of administrative expenses to capital
from 50% to 75% under revised fiscal requirements.
For further information, please contact
Gordon Humphries tel 0131 465 1000
Friends Ivory & Sime plc, Investment Managers