AGM Statement

FBD Holdings PLC 26 April 2006 FBD HOLDINGS PLC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, April 26th 2006 HIGHLIGHTS OF CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT TO AGM UNDERWRITING •Insurance underwriting the main driver of performance •Measures to reduce the incidence of claims and to reform the over-costly claims regime have been key to the underwriting turnaround of recent years •Reforms yet to be implemented can bring further significant benefits •Change of mindset by motorists and adequate enforcement needed NON-UNDERWRITING •Political and economic factors dampen performance of Leisure-Property interests •Intrinsic value of property and leisure assets evidenced by recent conditional agreement for property sale at La Cala •Intention to distribute net proceeds of sale by way of two special dividends CAPITAL ALLOCATION •Appraised on an ongoing basis CURRENT YEAR •Overall business targets being achieved in year to date •Urban and city markets key elements in growth strategy Speaking on road safety and reforms yet to be implemented at the AGM, the Chairman, Michael Berkery, said: 'I welcome recent moves by the government on this front but caution that introducing penalty points, per se, will not deliver the desired improvement in road accident statistics. What needs to be brought about is a change in mindset by all motorists, especially younger drivers, underpinned by adequate enforcement of the new and the old traffic laws. Sufficient resources must be deployed by Government to achieve this. I would suggest that the 2% Government Levy on insurance premiums, which amounted to approximately €80m. in 2005, be applied specifically in support of this objective'. CHAIRMAN'S ADDRESS As I have stated in our Annual Report, 2005 was another highly successful year for the FBD Group. It was a year in which we surpassed all previous performances, with •Operating profit up by 30.3% to €162.6m. •Operating earnings per share, up by 41.9% to €3.64 •Net assets per share up by 29% to €12.51 In view of the excellent results, the Board is recommending a final dividend of 37.5c, which brings the total dividend for the year to 57.5c. This represents an increase of 43.75% on the 2004 figure and is a further indication of the Board's commitment to increase dividend payout relative to the earnings achieved by the Group. As you are aware, INSURANCE UNDERWRITING is the core activity of the Group. It has been the main driver of our excellent overall performance. Shareholders and policyholders alike have benefited from the favourable turnaround in our underwriting experience which has been a feature of FBD's and other Irish insurers' performance in recent times. As a result, FBD shareholders have enjoyed higher returns whilst policyholders have benefited from significant reductions in premiums. As most people are aware, the critical catalyst in delivering the turnaround in underwriting performance was the concerted effort made by all interested parties to introduce measures to reduce the incidence of claims and to reform the over-costly claims regime which hitherto had operated in Ireland. It is widely accepted that reforms yet to be implemented have the potential to deliver further significant benefits. One immediately thinks of the savings, not only in broad economic terms but in human trauma also, that would emerge from an improvement in road safety throughout the country. I add my voice, once again, to the ongoing calls that are being made on Government to attend to this matter as a critical national priority and to resolve all of the issues that have impeded delivery. I welcome recent moves by the Government on this front but caution that introducing penalty points, per se, will not deliver the desired improvement in road accident statistics. What needs to be brought about is a change of mindset by all motorists, especially younger drivers, underpinned by adequate enforcement of the new and the old traffic laws. Sufficient resources must be deployed by Government to achieve this. I would suggest that the 2% Government Levy on insurance premiums, which amounted to approximately €80m. in 2005, be applied specifically in support of this objective. In relation to the Group's LEISURE and LEISURE-PROPERTY businesses, we all know that global and domestic political and economic factors impact particularly on them. In 2005, these pressures continued to feature adversely and dampened the performance of our interests both in Spain and in Ireland. Given these circumstances, a key consideration for the Board is the intrinsic value of these property and leisure assets. In this regard, shareholders will have been pleased to learn that post year end, the conditional sale of the major portion of our building land at La Cala in Spain was agreed at a significant premium to carrying value. The Board has also informed shareholders of its intention to distribute the net proceeds of this sale, which would be up to €120m, by way of two special dividends. The utilisation of capital generated in the Group, which has not been specifically allocated to one of our existing operating businesses, is a matter which the Board appraises on an ongoing basis. Shareholders will recall that, in March 2005, €81m. of shareholders' funds was used in a share buyback when KBC placed their 23% shareholding on the market. The remaining non-allocated capital and the funds subsequently generated and retained constitute, what the Board terms, a 'capital fund'. How best to maximise this capital for the benefit of shareholders is kept under ongoing review. At this particular juncture, apart from the dividend payouts already mentioned, the Board has decided to retain this capital in the Company and to investigate all possible opportunities to invest some or all of it in the Group's primary business of insurance underwriting, or in related financial service activities. Whilst it is investigating such possibilities, the Board does not rule out other options for use of capital if it deems them to be in the best interests of shareholders. On the CORPORATE front, the placing in the market by KBC of its entire shareholding in our Group in March 2005, which I referred to earlier, constituted a significant change in the shareholding structure of the Company, with many new institutional shareholders coming on board. The sale by KBC marked an historic milestone in the life of FBD. KBC had been a substantial shareholder in FBD since FBD's foundation in the late 1960s. Their decision to dispose of their stake was undertaken for KBC's own strategic reasons and with the full knowledge of FBD. I wish to record my personal thanks, and that of the Board, to KBC for the role they played and the solid shareholding position they maintained in FBD down through the years. Their shareholding bridged our Group's pre and post Stock Exchange Listing and I am pleased that Johan Thijs, KBC's Non-Life General Manager, agreed to remain on the FBD Board as a Non-Executive Director. As I have alluded to, the departure of KBC created an opportunity for new investors to acquire stock in the Company. I wish to take this opportunity to welcome them to FBD and to acknowledge their confidence in our Group. In February of this year, Mr. John Dillon resigned as a Director. I wish to thank John for his valuable contribution to the Board during the four years he served as a Director. In March of this year, Mr. Padraig Walshe, the recently elected President of The Irish Farmers' Association, was co-opted onto the Board. I welcome Padraig and I am sure he will make a valuable contribution as a Board Member. In looking to the FUTURE, we draw confidence from the past year, when FBD expanded its core business base significantly. Customer numbers grew and the Organisation has strengthened, structurally and resource wise. New markets were sourced and the momentum for growth was advanced. I am pleased to say that this progress has continued in the year to date and that we are achieving our overall business targets. As we have previously signalled, urban and city markets are key elements in our growth strategy. With clearly defined objectives and appropriate plans being pursued to achieve them, I am confident that FBD's success will continue. In conclusion, I want to sincerely thank the Board, Management and Staff for their hard work and dedication which have yielded the results I am so pleased to report on. Their commitment and ability are vital in the success we have achieved, and in maintaining profitable growth in the future. For Further Information, please contact: Mr. Philip Fitzsimons, FBD Tel: +353 1 409 3200 Mr. Joe Murray, Murray Consultants Tel: +353 1 498 0300 Mobile: 086 253 4950 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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