Interim Results - 6 Months to 30 September 1999
Falkland Islands Holdings PLC
8 December 1999
Interim Results For The Six Months Ended 30 September 1999
Chairman's Statement
Financial Summary
The interim results for the six month period to 30 September
1999 were broadly similar to those for the same period of the
previous year.
Turnover of £5.2 million (1998: £5.1 million) generated an
operating profit of £560,000 (1998: £583,000). Profit after
interest and tax was £369,000 (1998: £351,000) yielding an
earnings per share of 6.0p (1998: 5.7p). Net assets increased
to £2.4 million from £2.1 million at 31 March 1999. Bank debt
was reduced from £1.75 million to £1.25 million.
The Directors are not recommending an interim dividend,
however if the full year results are in line with expectations
it is anticipated a final dividend of not less than last
year's will be proposed.
Review of Activities
As reported previously, the 1999 fishing season started well
with record catches of Ilex squid. This level of activity
continued for the whole of the season. As a consequence,
fishing support activities with our Far Eastern clients show a
significant increase over the same period last year.
Development of infrastructure projects including housing
construction by the Falkland Islands Government continued.
This impacted positively upon retail sales which increased as
did income from vehicle supply and servicing.
Port services and management suffered a reduction in activity
with the departure of the oil company exploration rig and
support vessels.
Hotel operations experienced a quiet time which is normal
during the South Atlantic winter period and shipping
operations were lower due to a reduction in cargo demand to
the Islands. Three voyages were completed in the period as
compared with four in the same period last year.
Overall the Group's performance was in line with expectations.
Current Trading and Prospects
There are indications that the recovering fortunes of our Far
Eastern clients will ensure their greater participation in the
Falkland Islands fishery during the 2000 season. This will
impact favourably upon our agency services and the level of
revenue collected by the Falkland Islands Government for the
fishing licences.
Resumption of the air links with South America in August 1999
is expected to result in an increase in the number of
tourists visiting the Islands. The full benefits are unlikely
to be seen until the year 2000 austral summer period as the
tour companies plan well ahead. Visitors to the Islands
arriving by sea in this summer period are expected to increase
by up to 10% providing further opportunities for the Group's
hotel and retailing services.
The oil companies which drilled exploratory wells within the
Falkland waters continued to analyse the data acquired, with
early information offering encouraging signs. During the
period the Company completed a Joint Venture Agreement with
Cambridge Mineral Resources and onshore mineral exploration in
the Islands continues.
We have recently been advised that HR Holdings ('HRH') has
been successful in its tender to the Ministry of Defence
('MOD') for the Falkland Islands Re-Supply Contract. The
contract will be a five-year appointment based on three years
from 1 January 2000, with an MOD option for a two year
extension. An extension was achieved on the existing
contract. We expect to gain significant benefits from being
appointed as its sub-contractor in the Islands to service this
contract. We will now be re-starting discussions with HRH
with a view to combining our operations. However, it is
unlikely, even if the talks are successful, that we will be in
a position to put proposals to shareholders before the end of
the current financial year.
The Group continues to seek further opportunities for
commercial expansion within the area of the South Atlantic as
well as within its area of expertise in the UK.
Shareholders Register
As in the previous year, in July 1999 the Company offered a
free dealing service for the holders of 100 shares or less.
This resulted in the shareholder register being reduced by
approximately 400. The Company has now approximately 7,600
shareholders of which 5,700 hold 100 shares or less.
J H Gainham
Falkland Islands Holdings plc 01279 461630
John Gainham, Chairman
Square Mile Communications 0207 601 1000
Kevin Smith
Falkland Islands Holdings plc
Interim Results For The Six Months Ended 30 September 1999
Unaudited Interim Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
30 30 31 March
September September
1999 1998 1999
£000 £000 £000
Turnover 5,194 5,068 10,941
Cost of sales (3,678) (3,562) (7,589)
Gross profit 1,516 1,506 3,352
Administrative expenses (1,141) (1,110) (2,348)
Other operating income 185 187 352
Operating profit (note 1) 560 583 1,356
Net interest (13) (63) (105)
Profit on ordinary
activities before taxation 547 520 1,251
Taxation on profit on
ordinary activities (note 2) (178) (169) (388)
Profit on ordinary
activities after taxation 369 351 863
Dividend - - (244)
Retained profit for the
financial period 369 351 619
Earnings per share (note 3) 6.0p 5.7p 14.1p
1 All significant turnover, profits and net assets are
generated from general trading in the Falkland Islands.
2 The taxation charge has been estimated at 32.5%.
3 The calculation of the earnings per ordinary share is
based on a profit of £369,000 (1998: £351,000) and
ordinary shares of 6,110,037 (1998: 6,110,037) being the
weighted average number of shares in issue during the
period. The fully diluted earnings per share is not
materially different from the basic earnings per share
4 The interim report has been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the Group's 1999 Annual
5 The results for the year ended 31 March 1999 as shown in
the statement do not constitute statutory accounts but are
an abridged version of the Company's 1999 accounts which
have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and upon
which the audit report was unqualified.
Falkland Islands Holdings plc
Interim Results For The Six Months Ended 30 September 1999
Unaudited Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
30 30 31 March
September September
1999 1998 1999
£000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 2,990 2,919 2,948
Current assets
Stocks 2,780 3,110 2,663
Debtors 1,429 1,046 1,655
Cash at bank and in hand 1,354 1,288 1,703
5,563 5,444 6,021
Creditors: amounts falling
due within one year (3,779) (3,771) (4,153)
Net current assets 1,784 1,673 1,868
Total assets less current
liabilities 4,774 4,592 4,816
Creditors: amounts falling
due after more than
one year (1,428) (1,919) (1,857)
Provisions for liabilities
and charges (902) (866) (884)
Net assets 2,444 1,807 2,075
Capital and Reserves
Called up share capital 611 611 611
Other reserves 703 703 703
Profit and loss account 1,130 493 761
2,444 1,807 2,075