Final Results
First Property Online PLC
25 June 2002
For Year Ended 31 March 2002
25 June 2002
First Property Online plc ('fprop'), which provides financial and Internet
services to the property sector, announces preliminary results for the year
ended 31 March 2002.
Financial Highlights
• Turnover for the year of £372,000 (2001: nil) with the majority generated
in the second half.
• Loss on ordinary activities before taxation and goodwill amortisation of
£575,000 (2001: £363,000, representing only three months of trading).
Corporate Highlights
• Integration of Commercial Property Database (CPD), a commercial property
database and website design specialist, into fprop. This significantly
reduced CPD's total overheads. The division generated revenues of £255,000
for the period.
• Commercial property underwriting activities generated £84,000 for the
Alasdair Locke, Chairman of fprop commented: 'Our strengthening trading
position, coupled with our strong balance sheet, ensures that fprop will be a
long term participant in the online property market. We are well positioned and
I look forward to the future with confidence.'
Ben Habib, Chief Executive of fprop added: 'As predicted at the time of our last
annual results, the Group has generated significant revenues and is moving
positively towards profitability. We consider the outlook for commercial
property in the UK to be buoyant and are positive about fprop's prospects.'
For further information:
Ben Habib Bella Pagdin / Marylene Guernier
First Property Online plc Tavistock Communications Limited
Tel: 020 7731 2844 Tel: 020 7600 2288
I am delighted to present our preliminary results for the year to 31 March 2002.
During the year the Group concentrated determinedly on revenue generation.
Turnover for the year was £372,000 (nil in the prior year). The Group has also
protected its capital resources during this important growth phase.
Further details of the Group's operating performance are set out in the Chief
Executive's statement on page 3.
We have made a good start to the current year. The Commercial Property Database
division is trading well and our property underwriting business has secured a
number of good opportunities.
I am therefore pleased that, in a comparatively short period of time, the Group
has turned the corner towards profitability.
Our sound trading position, coupled with our strong balance sheet, ensures that
fprop will be a long term participant in the online property market. We are
well positioned and I look forward to the future with confidence.
Alasdair Locke
25 June 2002
The year to 31 March 2002 has witnessed the progression of the Company from a
start-up towards an established business.
I am pleased to report that, as predicted at the time of our last annual
results, the Group has generated significant revenues and is moving positively
towards profitability. Turnover for the year was £372,000 (nil in the year to
31 March 2001). The majority of this income was generated in the second half of
the year.
The Group made a loss on ordinary activities before taxation and goodwill
amortisation of £575,000 (against a loss of £363,000 in the year to 31 March
2001, which represented only 3 months of trading activity).
The Group's balance sheet remains strong. Net assets amounted to £4.8 million at
31 March 2002, including £2.6 million of net current assets.
Review of Operations
Commercial Property Database
On 31 August 2001 we completed our acquisition of Commercial Property Database
Ltd and CPD Ltd ('CPD'), providers of a range of database hosting and website
design services. Since then these businesses have been integrated with fprop
and CPD now trades as a division of First Property Ltd. This
integration has allowed us to cut substantially the trading overheads of the CPD
businesses. The division is now trading profitably (before goodwill
amortisation) and generated revenues of £255,000 in the reporting period.
CPD has made a promising start to the year which commenced on 1 April 2002 and
is trading ahead of the comparable period last year (before it was acquired by
Property transaction underwriting
Our underwriting activities commenced in August 2001 and are providing a
substantial and growing revenue stream for fprop. During the reporting period
these activities generated revenues of £84,000 for the Group.
The underwriting business has also made a good start to the current year. In
the absence of a material change in the UK economy, we expect this division to
make a good contribution to profits during the year to 31 March 2003.
Bespoke loan and valuation services online
Our loan arrangement business, which went live in August 2001, is gathering
pace. Up to the time of writing, we have received loan quote requests on an
aggregate value of over £135 million of property and have organised, or are in
the process of organising, loans for properties collectively worth some £7.5
As previously announced, we acquired in April 2001 to
increase rapidly the number of properties available on the fprop website. This
aim has been met and at the time of writing fprop has over 400 investment
properties for sale online, plus 12,500 properties for sale or lease on the CPD
database. The Propertytrade website has therefore now been closed and we will
not report separately on this business in future.
Portfolio of products and services
Our current portfolio of products and services can be summarised as follows:
- CPD membership and related subscription services
- Website design and hosting services
- Online transactions at
- Loan and valuation services
- Underwriting of property transactions
Sales of our high margin/ low volume products are being accelerated by the
penetration of our lower margin/ higher volume products. This provides the
Group with a healthy, relatively stable, mixed and growing income stream.
We remain focussed on the profitability of the Group, rather than on non
revenue-generating online measures of success such as clickthrough rates or page
Our strategy remains substantially the same as set out in our annual report last
year. We are concentrating on:
• growing revenues from our existing product range and cross selling
these wherever possible
• growing our product range in those areas which complement our existing
products and can be implemented using our existing infrastructure
• making, where appropriate, strategic acquisitions which allow fprop to
accelerate this growth
• reaching profitability and cash generation as quickly as possible
We have not been actively selling our more transformational products (such as
our online bidding system), which require time and marketing resources in order
to fully penetrate the market. Whilst these products remain live and on offer,
we have concluded that it is more important, at this stage of our development,
to concentrate on overall profitability rather than fully establishing these
products. It is our intention to concentrate on these products, in due course,
once the Group is trading profitably and market conditions are right for their
cost-effective promotion.
Neither are we offering further shareholdings at nominal value to establish
further trade alliances. The aim of forging trade alliances in this way was to
build up a body of allies that could accelerate fprop's initial growth. As
discussed, growing revenue streams have been established and we therefore will
not be pursuing this particular strategy any longer.
Current trading and prospects
We continue to be pleased by the rate at which revenue generation is increasing
and, subject to market conditions, we would expect a strong performance in the
year to 31 March 2003.
We consider the outlook of the economic environment in the UK on the whole to be
buoyant, particularly for commercial property. As a result, we are positive
about fprop's prospects and look forward to the coming year.
Ben Habib
Chief Executive
25 June 2002
for the year ended 31 March 2002
2002 (unaudited) 2001 (audited)
Notes Results Goodwill Total Results Goodwill Total
before Amortisation Results before Amortisation Results
Goodwill Goodwill
Amortisation Amortisation
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
- continuing operations 97 - 97 - - -
- acquisitions 275 - 275 - - -
Total turnover 372 - 372 - - -
Cost of sales (20) - (20) - - -
Gross profit 352 - 352 - - -
Net operating expenses (1,006) (3,342) (4,348) (547) (801) (1,348)
Operating profit/ (loss)
- continuing operations (686) (3,204) (3,890) (547) (801) (1,348)
- acquisitions 32 (138) (106) - - -
Total operating loss (654) (3,342) (3,996) (547) (801) (1,348)
Net interest receivable 79 - 79 184 - 184
Loss on ordinary
activities before
taxation (575) (3,342) (3,917) (363) (801) (1,164)
Taxation on loss on
ordinary activities - - - - - -
Loss for the year 5 (575) (3,342) (3,917) (363) (801) (1,164)
Loss per Ordinary 1p
share - basic and
diluted, before goodwill
amortisation 2 (0.65p) (0.68p)
Loss per Ordinary share -
basic and diluted, after
goodwill amortisation 2 (4.41p) (2.18p)
The Group has no recognised gains and losses other than the losses above and
therefore no separate statement of total recognised gains and losses has been
There is no difference between the loss on ordinary activities before taxation
and the loss for the year stated above, and their historical cost equivalents.
at 31 March 2002
Notes 2002 2001
(unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 3 2,727 5,607
Tangible assets 58 42
Investments 238 238
3,023 5,887
Current assets
Stocks 1,121 -
Debtors 381 337
Cash at bank and in hand 1,649 2,604
3,151 2,941
Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year (600) (484)
Net current assets 2,551 2,457
Total assets less current liabilities 5,574 8,344
Creditors: amounts falling due after more
than one year (802) -
Net assets 4,772 8,344
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 4 924 850
Share premium 5 2,661 2,663
Merger reserve 5 5,823 5,550
Profit and loss account 5 (4,636) (719)
Equity shareholders' funds 6 4,772 8,344
for the year ended 31 March 2002
Notes 2002 2001
(unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000
Net cash (outflow)/ inflow from operating activities 7 (1,822) 111
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
- Interest received 132 187
- Interest paid (36) (2)
Net cash inflow from return on investments and servicing of finance 96 185
Capital expenditure and financial investment
- Purchase of tangible fixed assets (15) (15)
- Sale of tangible fixed assets 15 -
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investment - (15)
- Cash considerations on acquisitions (13) -
- Acquisition expenses paid (32) (232)
- Net cash acquired with subsidiary undertakings 15 19
Net cash outflow from acquisitions (30) (213)
Cash (outflow)/ inflow before management of liquid resources and
(1,756) 68
Management of liquid resources
- Decrease in short term deposits 1,158 150
- Issue of Ordinary share capital - 110
- Issue cost of shares (2) (247)
- Loans advanced 831 -
- Loan repayments (28) (100)
Net cash inflow/ (outflow) from management of liquid resources and
financing 1,959 (237)
Increase/ (decrease) in cash in the year 203 (19)
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
Notes 2002 2001
(unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000
Increase/ (decrease) in cash in the year 203 (19)
Movement in short term deposits (1,158) (150)
Borrowings acquired with subsidiaries (28) (100)
Movement in loans (803) 100
Movement in net funds in the year (1,786) (169)
Net funds at 1 April 2,604 2,773
Net funds at 31 March 818 2,604
1. Basis of preparation
The figures for the year ended 31 March 2002 are unaudited and are not full
financial statements. The figures for the years ended 31 March 2002 and 31 March
2001 are non-statutory. The figures for the year ended 2001 are extracts from
the full financial statements delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The
report of the auditors on those financial statements was unqualified and
contained no statements under either Section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies
Act 1985.
2. Earnings per share
The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share on the net basis is
based on the loss on ordinary activities after taxation, namely £3,917,000
(2001: loss £1,164,000) and on 88,879,821 (2001: 53,350,093) Ordinary shares
being the weighted average number of Ordinary shares in issue and ranking for
dividend during the year. For the year ended 31 March 2002, the inclusion of
unexercised share options do not have a dilutive effect.
3. Intangible assets
At 1 April 2001 6,408
Additions during the year 462
At 31 March 2002 6,870
At 1 April 2001 (801)
Charge for the year (3,342)
At 31 March 2002 (4,143)
Net book value
At 31 March 2002 2,727
At 31 March 2001 5,607
Goodwill arising on all acquisitions is being amortised over a two year period.
4. Called-up share capital
2002 2001
£'000 £'000
120,000,000 (2001: 120,000,000) Ordinary shares of 1p each 1,200 1,200
Allotted, called up and fully paid:
92,441,254 (2001: 84,979,716) Ordinary shares of 1p each 924 850
A total of 7,461,538 Ordinary shares of 1p each were allotted during the year in
respect of the following transactions:
Date of Number of Nominal Consideration
Allotment Ordinary shares Value
£'000 £'000
Acquisition of Commercial Property
Database Ltd and CPD Ltd
- initial consideration 3 Sept 2001 6,000,000 60 300
- final consideration 5 Dec 2001 1,461,538 14 47
7,461,538 74 347
The above shares were issued in return for the share capital of the CPD
companies. No cash consideration was received for the shares issued.
5. Share premium account and reserves
Group Share premium Other reserves Profit
account and loss
£'000 £'000 £'000
At 1 April 2001 2,663 5,550 (719)
Share issue costs (2) - -
Merger reserve created on acquisition of Commercial
Property Database Ltd and CPD Ltd - 273 -
Loss for the year - - (3,917)
At 31 March 2002 2,661 5,823 (4,636)
6. Reconciliation of movements in equity shareholders' funds
2002 2001
£'000 £'000
Opening shareholders' funds 8,344 3,668
(Loss)/ profit for the financial year (3,917) (1,164)
New share capital issued 74 447
Increase in share premium - 90
Increase in merger reserve 273 5,550
Share issue costs (2) (247)
Closing shareholders' funds 4,772 8,344
7. Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash (outflow)/ inflow from operating activities
2002 2001
£'000 £'000
Operating loss (3,996) (1,348)
Depreciation and profit on disposal of fixed assets 39 6
Amortisation 3,342 801
(Increase) in stocks (1,121) -
(Increase)/ decrease in trade debtors (104) 2
Decrease in prepayments and other debtors 119 690
(Decrease)/ increase in trade creditors (55) 2
(Decrease)/ increase in other taxation and social security (4) 15
(Decrease) in other creditors and accruals (42) (57)
Net cash (outflow)/ inflow from operating activities (1,822) 111
8. Reconciliation of movement in net funds
1 April 2001 Cash flow Acquisition 31 March
(excluding cash) 2002
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Cash at bank and in hand 2,604 (955) - 1,649
Short term deposits (2,600) 1,158 - (1,442)
Cash (excluding short term deposits) 4 203 - 207
Short term deposits 2,600 (1,158) - 1,442
Debt due within one year
- Bank loan - 15 (15) -
- Property loan - (29) - (29)
- Hire purchase agreements - 13 (13) -
Debt due after more than one year
- Property loans - (802) - (802)
2,604 (1,758) (28) 818
9. Report circulation
Copies of this preliminary results announcement are available from the Company's
registered office at 17 Quayside Lodge, William Morris Way, London SW6 2UZ.
Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders by 7
August 2002 for approval at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 5 September
2002 and will also be available at the company's registered office.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange