Interim Results

Genus PLC 25 November 2003 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 25th November 2003 GENUS plc Interim Results for the six months ended 30th September 2003 Genus plc, the International Bovine Genetics company announces interim results for the six months to 30th September 2003. Group Highlights Six months to Six months to Change 30th Sept 2003 30th Sept 2002 Group turnover £93.5m £82.0m +14% Reported underlying* Pre-Tax Profit £4.5m £5.1m -12% Adjusted underlying* Pre-Tax Profit £4.5m £5.7m -21% Underlying* EPS 8.8p 11.5p -23% Net Debt £16.9m £17.1m -1% Net Gearing 35% 35% 0% • Group turnover up 14% to £93.5m - Bovine Genetics up 3% to £40.2m after exchange impact of £1.0m - Animal Health up 32% to £42.5m; a lower margin business - Development Consulting steady at £10.8m • Group underlying pre-tax profit beat expectations but, at £4.5m, was 12% lower than last year (£5.1m in 2002). If last year's discontinued losses of £0.6m were to be added back, the result would be 21% lower. This was largely the result of the late selling season this year for Bovine Genetics, compared with the early season last year • Stronger second half year expected • Bovine Genetics underlying operating profit of £4.9m was 14% lower because of late selling season and temporarily depressed markets in some territories - UK profit contribution ahead of expectation and last year, despite low milk prices reducing farm incomes - Volume up 8% in USA; price competition due to the depressed market; market now improving - Australian market recovering from severe drought; cow numbers down 15%. Genus market share increased - Brazilian market share increased and business profitability resumed in Sterling terms * Before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill • Animal Health growing strongly; underlying operating profit up 49% to £0.7m - Wholesale market share remained strong at 14.3% - New temperature recording 'Identichip' established in market at premium price with early sales encouraging Commenting on prospects, Richard Wood, Chief Executive said:- 'Whilst there is still uncertainty in the market place, because of the unusual weather conditions experienced and generally depressed agricultural economies, sentiment in most of our major markets is improving, albeit slowly. As a consequence of this and taking into account the late selling season this year, we expect trading to improve in the second half year, supported by the normal seasonal uplift.' Contact: Richard Wood Chief Executive Tel: 020 7466 5000 Philip Acton Acting Finance Director thereafter Genus plc Tel: 01256 347101 Charles Ryland/Catherine Miles Buchanan Communications Limited Tel: 020 7466 5000 Chairman's Statement I am pleased to report an improvement in turnover of 14% to £93.5m, although profits for the first half were lower than for the same period last year. This was despite a £1m adverse impact on exchange rate and strong competitive activity holding down prices in temporarily depressed markets for Bovine Genetics, particularly in the USA and Australia. Reported underlying operating profit was ahead of expectations, but 12% lower at £5.1m (£5.8m in 2002). If last year's discontinued losses of £0.6m were to be added back, the result would be 20% lower. The reduction in profit was due both to the depressed markets and to the late selling season for Bovine Genetics this year, especially when compared with the particularly early season last year. Bovine Genetics contributed £4.9m, 14% lower than last year (£5.7m in 2002) for the above reasons. In contrast, Animal Health's underlying operating profit was 49% ahead of last year at £0.7m. The small residual Development Consultancy business performed well to produce an underlying operating profit of £0.3m. Group operating profit of £3.9m included goodwill amortisation of £0.85m (£0.9m in 2002) and one-off charges of £0.4m. These comprised £0.3m in underprovisions for the closures made last year, with the remainder being for an aborted acquisition bid. The charge of £0.1m associated with the departure of the Finance Director, as announced in August, has been included in underlying operating profit. Thus, Group profit before tax of £3.2m was lower than last year (£4.4m in 2002), but above market expectations. In line with the Board's aim of achieving a more balanced share register, the company supported a discounted dealing facility for small shareholders. Some 840 shareholders took advantage of the facility and 226,148 shares were acquired and placed with institutions. Net Debt & Dividend The seasonal nature of the business absorbs working capital in the same half year that the Company pays the full year dividend which this year, increased to £1.9m (£1.6m in 2002). The late selling season has also added to this absorption so that net debt increased by £4.7m (£1.6m) to £16.9m (£17.1m). Net gearing was constant at 35%. (35% in 2002). In line with previous years and our stated dividend strategy, the Board does not recommend an interim dividend due to the high cost of distribution to the still relatively large number of shareholders. The Board expects to recommend a final dividend when the full year results are known. Bovine Genetics - 43% of Group Turnover Trading A late selling season this year delayed and reduced business in the large US market. Farming economies in the USA have been difficult for nearly 12 months, with milk to feed ratios more than 30% down on average. Against this background, the business has done well to increase its sales volume by 8%, but prices have slipped because of competition from farmer co-operatives, which were reducing prices due to the tough market conditions. In US$ terms sales were in line with last year but £1.0m lower, in Sterling terms, because of a 5.7% change in exchange rate. By September, the milk to feed ratio in the USA was recovering and had allowed semen prices to improve again, led by Genus, the clear market leader in the growth sectors. By contrast, the UK business was more buoyant, although the market was equally depressed with farmers lobbying for increased milk prices. Both semen volume and price increased against last year. However, sales of support products, particularly silage additive, were lower due to the hot weather conditions throughout the summer. The worst summer drought in memory in Australia has reduced cattle numbers by 15% with unfortunate timing, having occurred just after Genus acquired the local semen company, RAB, in the second half of last year. The drought has now broken in all areas and farming is getting back to normal, albeit in a smaller and weaker market, ahead of the start of the selling season. In the meantime, all the integration objectives for RAB have been met and the new enhanced operation has increased its market share in the smaller market. The Bovine Genetic's business has had a very successful six months in Latin America. In the main market, Brazil, market share has been captured from all competitors and costs have been cut dramatically by consolidating operations into one Genus facility located in the agricultural area of Uberaba. As a result, a loss-making geographical region in the second half of last year has been restored to a profitable and growing business. This will continue as long as the exchange rate does not deteriorate from recently established levels. Sales, although small, also advanced significantly in Chile and in Colombia. Research & Development We have continued to advance our core bioscience research programme. This programme has, for five years, been tilting the traditional selection programme for stud bulls away from the historical traits associated predominantly with production, to secondary traits associated with longevity, fertility and disease resistance. These are judged by Genus to be equally important traits for successful farming in the future. Some advances made in fertility traits have been used successfully to increase Genus' business with companies operating large herds in the West Coast of the USA, where we are promoting a new added value service. This sells pregnancies rather than semen, resulting in long-term contracts at better margins if the Company is successful. In a study of 62,826 cows by Wisconsin State University, the Genus Reproductive Management Service achieved a 36% increase in pregnancy rates over the national average. This is judged to represent $90 of profit per cow per year. We expect that these results will boost Genus' business both in the USA and elsewhere in the world. Animal Health - 45.5% of Group Turnover The veterinary wholesaling business' market share has remained strong at 14.3% in a market growing at about 3% per annum. This and some bulk trading provided the majority of the increase in division sales, which rose by 32% to £42.5m. The smaller business, which markets licensed veterinary products and pharmaceuticals, also had a good half year. Following a successful launch of the new and unique Identichip with animal temperature sensing, sales grew and average prices increased, despite strong competition from non-temperature sensing competitive products. Sales of the new chip now account for over 20% of Group microchip sales, with the majority of sales coming from new customers. This high level of acceptance offers a number of future market options for the product, including positioning for market penetration or unit profitability. A collaboration with a European partner saw the launch of two 'over-the-counter' products, Oticyl and Lax-a-Past. Also, the dossier for a new equine product is in the final stages of preparation. Discussions under confidentiality agreements are taking place with three European and North American multi-national organisations regarding access to proprietary prescription products. At the same time, discussions have advanced with Asian suppliers for the manufacture of a number of products the business currently has manufactured elsewhere under sub-contract. Development Consulting - 11.5% of Group Turnover This small residual business has gone from strength to strength in this half year. It produced an underlying operating profit of £0.34m, up 28% on the same half last year (£0.28m in 2002 on a like-for-like basis). Last year, the first half was bolstered by a one-off gain of £0.4 which was also included in underlying operating profit. The order book continues to be strong with 544 fee days of work having been won in September. This brought the firm work secured during the half year to 88% of an increased full year target. Group Outlook Whilst there is still uncertainty in the market place, because of the unusual weather conditions experienced and generally depressed agricultural economies, most major markets are past their worst and sentiment is improving globally, albeit slowly. Against this background, the Board expects trading to improve in the second half year, given the normal seasonal uplift. SUMMARISED GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Six months ended 30 September 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Total six Total six Months Months Year Ended Ended Ended 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 £000 £000 £000 Turnover (note 4) Continuing operations - ongoing 93,479 79,526 169,749 Discontinued operations - 2,487 3,041 93,479 82,013 172,790 Underlying operating profit (note 4) 5,111 6,395 11,854 Discontinued Operations (284) (594) (1,594) Exceptional items (112) - (247) Amortisation of goodwill (849) (921) (1,636) Operating profit (note 4) 3,866 4,880 8,377 Continuing Operations 4,150 5,474 9,971 Discontinued Operations (284) (594) (1,594) Loss on disposal of discontinued operations - - (3,179) Profit on disposal of properties - 125 1,205 Profit on disposal of investment - - 34 Net interest payable and similar charges (648) (648) (1,295) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 3,218 4,357 5,142 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (note 5) (1,240) (1,566) (2,325) Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 1,978 2,791 2,817 Minority interests - equity (39) (44) (63) Profit for the financial period 1,939 2,747 2,754 Dividends (note 6) (7) - (1,846) Retained profit for the financial period 1,932 2,747 908 Earnings per share - underlying (note 7) 8.8p 11.5p 22.2p - basic (note 7) 5.8p 8.3p 8.3p - diluted (note 7) 5.6p 8.1p 8.1p Dividends per share - - 5.5p STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES Unaudited Unaudited Total six Total six Months Months Year Ended Ended Ended 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 £000 £000 £000 Profit for the financial period 1,939 2,747 2,754 Exchange difference on the re-translation of net assets of subsidiary undertakings (994) (2,950) (2,522) Tax on exchange differences - 307 254 Total recognised gains and losses relating to the period 945 104 486 SUMMARISED GROUP BALANCE SHEET At 30 September 2003 Unaudited Unaudited At At 30 September 31 March 2003 2002 2003 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 27,229 28,913 28,147 Tangible assets 16,784 16,760 16,851 Investments 150 103 83 44,163 45,776 45,081 Current assets Stocks 17,476 15,074 17,640 Debtors 36,430 34,487 32,177 Cash at bank and in hand 4,584 3,567 6,831 58,490 53,128 56,648 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year 49,504 42,306 47,636 Net current assets 8,986 10,822 9,012 Total assets less current liabilities 53,149 56,598 54,093 Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year 4,085 7,040 5,759 Provisions for liabilities and charges 248 404 623 Accruals and deferred income 30 32 32 Equity minority interests 250 209 222 Net assets 48,536 48,913 47,457 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 3,382 3,353 3,357 Share premium account 34,824 34,704 34,708 Profit and loss account 10,330 10,856 9,392 Equity shareholders' funds 48,536 48,913 47,457 SUMMARISED GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT Six months ended 30 September 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Six months Six months Year Ended ended ended 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 £000 £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities (note 8) 2,141 4,334 13,454 Returns on investments and servicing of finance (648) (612) (1,295) Taxation (1,444) (656) (1,637) Capital expenditure and financial investments (2,170) (2,128) (1,278) Acquisitions and disposals (161) (861) (4,796) Equity dividends paid (1,853) (1,576) (1,576) Net cash (outflow) inflow before management of liquid resources and financing (4,135) (1,499) 2,872 Management of liquid resources - 5,000 - Financing 869 975 (2,312) (Decrease) / increase in cash (3,266) 4,476 560 RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT Unaudited Unaudited Six months Six months Year Ended ended ended 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 £000 £000 £000 (Decrease) / increase in cash (3,266) 4,476 560 Cash inflow from short-term borrowings - (5,000) - (3,266) (524) 560 Repayment of loan notes 793 380 835 Repayment of bank loans - - 3,541 New long term loans (3,039) - - Repayment of long term loans 1,337 675 - New finance leases (715) (1,930) (2,382) Repayment of capital element of finance lease 896 377 920 contracts Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (3,994) (1,022) 3,474 Exchange differences (745) (565) (24) Other (6) (36) (219) Movement in net debt (4,745) (1,623) 3,231 Net debt at 1 April (12,196) (15,427) (15,427) Net debt at 30 September / 31 March (16,941) (17,050) (12,196) Notes to the Report 1 Accounting policies The interim results, which are unaudited, have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2003. 2 Basis of consolidation The group's interim results consolidate the results of the company and its subsidiary companies made up to 30 September 2003. 3 Basis of preparation The financial information does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the full preceding year is based on the statutory accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2003. Those accounts, upon which the auditors issued an unqualified opinion, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The interim results were approved by the Board of Directors on 21 November 2003. 4 Turnover and segmental analysis Turnover, which is stated net of value added tax, represents amounts invoiced to third parties. Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Turnover Underlying Operating Profit/(Loss)* Six months Six months Year Six months Six months Year ended ended ended Ended ended Ended 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Area of activity Bovine Genetics 40,162 38,965 79,002 4,899 5,730 11,198 Consultancy 10,835 10,839 23,930 339 684 983 Animal Health 42,520 32,250 69,955 716 479 962 93,517 82,054 172,887 5,954 6,893 13,143 Inter-segmental (38) (41) (97) - - - sales Unallocated costs - - - (843) (498) (1,289) 93,479 82,013 172,790 5,111 6,395 11,854 *Before amortisation of goodwill and exceptional items. Unaudited Unaudited Operating Profit/(Loss) Six months Six months Year Ended ended Ended 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 £000 £000 £000 Area of activity Bovine Genetics 4,315 5,271 10,317 Consultancy 40 (10) (642) Animal Health 354 117 238 4,709 5,378 9,913 Unallocated costs (843) (498) (1,536) 3,866 4,880 8,377 4 Turnover and segmental analysis continued Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Turnover Operating Profit Six months Six months Year Six months Six months Year ended ended ended Ended ended ended 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Geographical region Of origin United Kingdom 72,360 60,330 131,421 2,826 2,466 4,099 Europe 3,367 3,737 6,231 626 440 1,196 North America 16,796 18,384 37,128 1,084 2,247 3,947 Rest of the World 5,227 3,290 6,552 514 225 671 97,750 85,741 181,332 5,050 5,378 9,913 Inter-segmental sales (4,271) (3,728) (8,542) - - - Unallocated costs - - - (1,184) (498) (1,536) 93,479 82,013 172,790 3,866 4,880 8,377 Unaudited Unaudited Turnover Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 £000 £000 £000 Geographical region of destination United Kingdom 60,553 52,505 107,217 Europe 7,337 6,324 17,077 North America 11,202 11,957 25,248 Rest of the World 14,387 11,227 23,248 93,479 82,013 172,790 The segmental analysis includes the following results from discontinued activities: Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Turnover Operating loss Six months Six months Year Six months Six months Year ended ended Ended Ended ended ended 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Geographical region of origin United Kingdom - 2,128 2,430 (284) (513) (1,498) Europe - - - - - - North America - 359 611 - (81) (96) Rest of the World - - - - - - - 2,487 3,041 (284) (594) (1,594) All discontinued activities derive from the Consulting business. 5 Taxation The taxation charge for the period is based on the estimated effective tax rate for the full year. 6 Dividends The dividend charged in the period ended 30 September 2003 of £7,000 represents the final dividend for the year ended 31 March 2003 on new shares issued subsequent to the year end. 7 Earnings per share The basic earnings per share is based on a profit for the period of £1,939,000 (30/9/2002: £2,747,000; 31/3/2003: £2,754,000) and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue of 33,550,000 (30/9/2002: 33,200,000; 31/3/2003: 33,322,000). The underlying earnings per share is based on the underlying earnings as set out below: Unaudited Unaudited Six months Six months Year Ended Ended Ended 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 £000 £000 £000 Profit for the period 1,939 2,747 2,754 Add: amortisation of goodwill 849 921 1,636 Loss on discontinued operations 284 594 1,594 Exceptional items 112 - 247 (Profit)/loss on disposal of properties, businesses and investments - (125) 1,940 3,184 4,137 8,171 Less: associated tax on adjustments (223) (293) (775) 2,961 3,844 7,396 The diluted earnings per share is based on a profit for the period of £1,939,000 (30/9/2002: £2,747,000; 31/3/2003: £2,754,000) and on 34,453,000 (30/9/2002: 34,062,000; 31/3/2003: 34,175,000) diluted ordinary shares, calculated as follows: Unaudited Unaudited Six months Six months Year Ended Ended Ended 30/9/03 30/9/03 31/3/03 000's 000's 000's Basic weighted average number of shares 33,550 33,200 33,322 Dilutive potential ordinary shares: Employee share options 903 862 853 34,453 34,062 34,175 8 Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating activities Unaudited Unaudited Six months Six months Year Ended Ended Ended 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 £000 £000 £000 Operating profit 3,866 4,880 8,377 Depreciation 1,791 1,885 3,435 Amortisation of milk quota 4 4 7 Amortisation of goodwill 849 921 1,805 Loss/(profit) on disposal of fixed assets 103 (66) (304) Deferred government grants (2) (1) (1) Decrease/(increase) in stocks 164 (596) (2,850) (Increase) in debtors (4,253) (4,412) (2,555) (Decrease)/increase in creditors (381) 1,719 5,540 2,141 4,334 13,454 9 Reconciliation of shareholders' funds Unaudited Unaudited Six months Six months Year Ended Ended ended 30/9/03 30/9/02 31/3/03 £000 £000 £000 Total recognised gains and losses 945 104 486 Dividends (7) - (1,846) Movements in respect of share issues 141 601 602 Purchase of own shares - (124) (117) Total movements during the period 1,079 581 (875) Shareholders' funds at 1 April 47,457 48,332 48,332 Shareholders' funds at 30 September / 31 March 48,536 48,913 47,457 INDEPENDENT REVIEW REPORT TO GENUS PLC Introduction We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for the six months ended 30 September 2003 which comprises the Summarised Group Profit and Loss Account, Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses, Summarised Group Balance Sheet, Summarised Group Cash Flow Statement, Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Debt and the related notes 1 to 9. We have read the other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial information. This report is made solely to the company having regard to guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4 'Review of interim financial information' issued by the Auditing Practices Board. To the fullest extent permitted by the law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company, for our work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have formed. Directors' responsibilities The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the interim report as required by the AIM Rules issued by the London Stock Exchange. Review work performed We conducted our review having regard to the guidance contained in Bulletin 1999 /4 'Review of interim financial information' issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data, and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied, unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information. Review conclusion On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months ended 30 September 2003. Ernst & Young LLP Manchester Date Financial Calendar Financial year end 31 March 2004 Announcement of final results May 2004 Annual General Meeting August 2004 Full and final dividend payment September 2004 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Genus (GNS)
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