Block Listing Six Monthly Return
Schedule 5
o: Regulation Department, Euronext Dublin
Date: 21 September 2020
Please ensure the entries on this return are typed or printed electronically
1 |
Nameof applicant |
Glanbiaplc |
2 |
Nameof scheme |
Glanbiaplc2002LongTermIncentivePlan |
3 |
Periodof return |
From 21/03/2020 |
To |
20/09/2020 |
4 |
Balanceofunallottedsecuritiesunderscheme(s)frompreviousreturn |
40,000 |
5 |
Plus: T h eamountbywhichtheblockscheme(s)hasbeenincreasedsincethedateof thelastreturn(ifanyincreasehasbeenappliedfor) |
Nil |
6 |
L e ss : Numberof securitiesissued/allottedunderscheme(s)duringperiod |
Nil |
7 |
Equals: Balanceunderscheme(s)notyetissued/allottedatendofperiod |
40,000 |
Name of contact: Michael Horan
Telephone number of contact: 0567772200
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