Final Results

RNS Number : 1427C
Glanbia PLC
02 March 2011



Glanbia Corporate Communications

Telephone  + 353 56 777 2200

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A world of
nutritional solutions

and cheese



















2010 Full Year Results

2 March 2011


















For further information contact

Glanbia plc  +353 56 777 2200 
Siobhán Talbot, Group Finance Director

Geraldine Kearney, Corporate Communications Director + 353 87 231 9430

Results ahead of Expectations; 24% INCREASE IN ADJUSTED EARNINGS PER SHARE



2 March 2011 - Glanbia plc ('Glanbia'), the global nutritional solutions and cheese Group, announces its results for the full year ended 1 January, 2011.  


2010 full year results summary

·      Improved global dairy markets and good demand in key nutritional markets underpinned an excellent year;

·      Dairy Ingredients Ireland returned to profitability, after a first time loss in 2009;

·      Strategic cost management programmes in Ireland delivered targeted annualised savings;

·      Organic revenue growth in Global Nutritionals significantly outpaced market growth rates;

·      Revenue increased 18.4%; up 15.6% on a constant currency basis;

·      EBITA margin up 20 basis points to 7.0%, up 40 basis points to 7.2% on a constant currency basis;

·      Operating profit grew 22.8%; up 22.8% on a constant currency basis;

·      Operating margin improved 20 basis points to 6.3%; up 40 basis points to 6.5% on a constant currency basis;

·      Adjusted earnings per share increased 24.1% to 38.07 cents and

·      Dividend increased by 10% to 7.52 cents per share.


Results as reported - pre exceptional







Up 18.4%




 Up 21.3%

EBITA margin



 Up 20 bps

Operating profit 



 Up 22.8%

Operating margin



 Up 20bps

Share of results of Joint Ventures & Associates(1)



Down €0.1m

Adjusted earnings per share(2)



 Up 24.1%

Dividend per share in respect of the full year



Up 10%

Financing KPIs







Up 19.9%

Free cash flow



Down €0.6m

Net debt



Down €34.5m

Net debt/Adjusted EBITDA(3)

2.1 times

2.6 times


Return on capital employed(4)



Up 170bps

(1)    Revenue including Glanbia's share of the revenue of Joint Ventures & Associates was €2.6 billion for the full year, compared with €2.1 billion for 2009.  Share of results of Joint Ventures & Associates, reported in the income statement, is an after interest and tax amount.

(2)    Adjusted earnings per share is calculated as the profit for the year attributable to the equity holders of the parent before exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets (net of tax).

(3)    Adjusted EBITDA for the purpose of financing ratios reflects Group EBITDA plus dividends from Joint Ventures & Associates.

(4)    Return on capital employed is calculated as EBITA, including share of Joint Ventures & Associates EBITA, (post tax) over capital employed. Capital employed is defined as non current assets plus working capital. 


John Moloney, Group Managing Director, said:

"Glanbia had an excellent year with results ahead of expectations. The Group benefited from strong organic revenue growth in our three nutritionals' businesses, a return to profitability in Dairy Ingredients Ireland and the delivery of our strategic cost reduction programmes in Ireland. We delivered strong revenue and earnings growth and our 2010 performance reflects the strength and diversity of our businesses.  


The Group is well positioned for 2011. Our current expectation is that the trading environment for 2011 will be broadly positive. Global dairy markets are expected to remain firm, underpinned by robust demand, particularly from Asia, and demand-led growth in key nutritionals sectors. In January we acquired BSNâ, a leading US sports nutrition business which is an excellent strategic fit with our Performance Nutrition business. For 2011, given our strong market positions and growing portfolio, we are forecasting 11% to 13% growth in adjusted earnings per share, on a constant currency basis."


2010 full year results

For the full year ended 1 January 2011


Market commentary

Overall global dairy markets were positive for most of 2010. In the first half global milk supply lagged growing international demand, which was driven by developing economies. Supply increased somewhat in the second half and dairy markets absorbed the increase in milk production with relatively limited price fluctuations. Fundamental to the relative stability in dairy pricing was continued strong demand in Asia, particularly China, increased demand from Pakistan, India and re-emerging demand from Russia. A further boost to dairy markets and more specifically to EU markets was the controlled management of the release of intervention stocks into the market, at prices closely aligned to prevailing market conditions. During the year dairy farm incomes across the globe did recover from the prior year as higher dairy commodity prices were reflected at the farm gate. For 2011, global dairy markets are forecast to remain firm, underpinned by robust demand particularly from emerging markets and China.


US Cheese & Global Nutritionals

US Cheese: In 2010, a combination of factors influenced the performance of the US Cheese business. In the first half, a milk deficit existed in Idaho leading to tight supply conditions and while US cheese market prices recovered to reach historical average levels they did not achieve the equivalent price increases of other dairy products. Tight supply and competition with other dairy product classes gave rise to a situation where payment of milk premiums was required to secure supply. As the year progressed, US cheese prices became volatile with prices trading higher than expected in the third quarter but declining steadily in the fourth quarter. A significant cheese price rally began in early 2011 and has continued year to date. There are a number of variables that could impact the sustainability of this rally but US domestic demand is solid and export demand is strong. Milk supply continues to be tight in Idaho and milk price competition is expected to be a feature of 2011, as butter and skimmed milk powder prices continue to outpace cheese prices.


Global Nutritionals: In 2010, there was strong global demand for whey. This growth was underpinned by structural market changes such as an increased focus on health & wellness; a growing understanding of the link between diet and exercise to weight management and active ageing; a greater emphasis on healthier and more nutritious food options in convenience formats; and strong demand from Asia and developing economies. Demand was strong across all key nutritional sectors including performance/sports nutrition, protein fortification and new products for mainstream bars and beverages. Good demand and tight supply drove whey prices up in 2010 and the market is expected to continue to be firm throughout 2011.


Dairy Ireland

As the bulk of output of the Irish dairy industry is exported, the key market dynamic impacting the performance of Dairy Ingredients Ireland is the global dairy market, which also indirectly impacts the performance of Agribusiness as a supplier  of key farm inputs to Irish farmers. Dairy Ingredients Ireland benefited from the improvement in global dairy markets in 2010 despite higher input costs. This performance is expected to be sustained in 2011, based on a current positive outlook for global dairy markets. With improving farm incomes, demand for Agribusiness farm inputs was good in 2010 but price competition was a significant feature of the trading environment. These trading conditions are expected to prevail again in 2011.


The trading environment for the Consumer Products business is dictated by the combination of factors in the Irish retail market and the indirect impact of global dairy markets on input costs. The environment for Consumer Products was very challenging in 2010. Irish consumers remained very cautious as a consequence of a difficult economic situation. This was reflected in their food shopping behaviour, creating a further market shift towards value and promotional deals, and a channel shift away from convenience shopping. The trading environment is expected to remain challenging in 2011.


Proposed disposal of the Irish Dairy and Agri Businesses

Following an approach from Glanbia Co-operative Society Limited, the Group's 54.5% shareholder, on 20 April 2010, the Group announced a proposal to dispose of its Irish Dairy and Agri Businesses. At a meeting on 10 May 2010 the required approval of the Society members was not achieved and therefore the transaction did not proceed. The Group believes that this project is unlikely to be re-visited by the Society in the medium term.



Operations review


US Cheese & Global Nutritionals

Constant Currency










Up 22.6%


Up 29.0%

Operating profit pre exceptional



Up 4.3%


Up 4.2%

Operating margin pre exceptional



Down 170bps


Down 220bps

EBITA pre exceptional



Up 4.3%


Up 4.2%

EBITA margin pre exceptional



Down 190bps


Down 250bps

EBITDA pre exceptional



Up 6.2%


Up 6.1%


Analysis on a constant currency basis

In 2010, US Cheese & Global Nutritionals revenue increased 22.6% to €971.5 million (2009: €792.4 million). Operating profit pre exceptional increased 4.3% to €93.9 million (2009: €90.0 million). Operating margins pre exceptional decreased 170 basis points to 9.7% (2009: 11.4%).  EBITA pre exceptional increased 4.3% to €104.6 million (2009: €100.3 million). EBITDA pre exceptional increased 6.2% to €116.8 million (2009: €110.0 million).  


US Cheese: 2010 performance and 2011 outlook

US Cheese performed reasonably in the year, however profits and margins were lower than 2009. Good revenue growth was achieved mainly as a result of better cheese market prices, which improved on the historical lows reached in 2009. Market demand was solid and export demand grew strongly from a relatively low base. For the full year, production volumes were lower as a consequence of the planned major refurbishment of the smaller of the Idaho cheese plants in the first half. In addition, following a very difficult farming environment in 2009, milk production was tight particularly in the first half. This placed pricing pressure on securing supply, necessitating the payment of milk premiums during the year. Overheads were also higher as the business invested in supply chain management, technical services to cheese customers and risk management services to milk suppliers. While supply pressures eased somewhat into the second half cheese markets were volatile and difficult, particularly in the fourth quarter when markets declined sharply. This was due to a combination of relatively high US cheese stocks and softer buyer demand.


A strong rally commenced in the US cheese markets in early 2011, as a result of a perceived overcorrection in the fourth quarter of 2010. While overall milk supply is expected to grow modestly in 2011 we expect other dairy product prices to outpace cheese prices and as a result the milk procurement environment will remain very competitive. US Cheese continuously monitors the balance of milk cost to milk availability as part of risk management and has continued its strategy of reducing its exposure to US cheese market price volatility through hedging mechanisms. Glanbia is forecasting steady domestic demand with expanding exports to international markets in 2011. Overall an improved performance is expected for US Cheese this year.


Global Nutritionals: 2010 performance and 2011 outlook

Global Nutritionals had a good year with strong volume and revenue growth outpacing general market growth rates in all three business units. There was strong demand globally for sports nutrition and protein fortified products for weight management, healthy ageing, infant formula and fortified bar and beverage products. Ingredient Technologies had a good year as higher and broader demand, both geographically and by sector, together with higher global whey prices drove good revenue and profit growth and margin expansion. Performance Nutrition also had a good year driven by strong volumes and innovation. Revenue growth significantly outpaced market rates but margins declined due to increased investment in marketing and management together with the impact of higher input costs. Customised Premix Solutions achieved good revenue growth in key market segments and continued to develop further customer specific solutions for core end markets globally; revenue, profits and margins were ahead of 2009.


Glanbia's core nutritional sectors have strong structural market growth drivers that are expected to continue to gather pace in 2011 and beyond. The new customer collaboration centre in Idaho is contributing to building joint development plans with key customers for Global Nutritionals, supporting business growth objectives. It is expected that Global Nutritionals will perform well overall in 2011.


Acquisition of Bio-Engineered Supplements and Nutrition (BSNâ)

On 19 January 2011, Glanbia announced the acquisition of BSNâ for a total consideration of $144 million (€108 million). BSN significantly enhances and extends Glanbia's Performance Nutrition portfolio and continues to develop Glanbia in line with its international growth strategy. The business was acquired on a debt free basis and was funded through Glanbia's existing banking facilities. BSNâ is a leading developer, provider and distributor of nutritional products and builds on the Group's scale position in the attractive, high growth, higher margin, sports nutrition sector. The integration of this business is progressing well and it is expected to be earnings enhancing in 2011.


Dairy Ireland







Up 10.7%

Operating profit pre exceptional



Up 81.3%

Operating margin pre exceptional



Up 150bps

EBITA pre exceptional



Up 74.2%

EBITA margin pre exceptional



Up 150bps

EBITDA pre exceptional



Up 48.0%


Dairy Ireland made a good recovery in 2010, compared with a very difficult 2009. Revenue grew 10.7% to €1.1 billion (2009: €1.0 billion). Operating profit pre exceptional increased 81.3% to €43.5 million (2009: €24.0 million) and the operating margin pre exceptional increased 150 basis points to 3.8% (2009: 2.3%). EBITA pre exceptional increased 74.2% to €47.9 million (2009: €27.5 million). EBITDA pre exceptional increased 48.0% to €66.9 million (2009: €45.2 million).


Dairy Ingredients Ireland: 2010 performance and 2011 outlook

In 2010, market conditions improved across all dairy product categories in line with firm demand and tight supply conditions. This delivered an improved performance in Dairy Ingredients Ireland, despite higher milk costs during the year. This business recovered from being loss making for the first time in 2009 although margins were at the lower end of the historical range. There was a strong focus on cost management during the year and targeted saving initiatives both at gross margin and overhead level were achieved. Dairy Ingredients Ireland was recognised as 'Innovation Exporter of the Year' by The Irish Exporters Association for the successful commercialisation of the specialist milk protein product called Solmiko. Dairy markets have risen further to date in 2011 and are currently expected to remain firm throughout the year. Dairy Ingredients Ireland is expected to perform well in 2011.


Consumer Products: 2010 performance and 2011 outlook

Market conditions for Consumer Products remained very challenging in 2010 and overall revenue, operating profit and margins were lower than 2009. Consumer confidence declined as the year progressed and value remains the key focus in all food categories. Consumer Products had a mixed year across its portfolio. The highlights include market share gains for Avonmore milk and a good performance in particular by the value added branded milk products. The trading environment for fresh dairy products was difficult in 2010 driven by intensive price promotion activity. For the food business overall it was a difficult year with margin pressure both on pricing and input costs. Significant cost reductions were achieved in the operational cost base driven primarily by headcount reductions and process re-engineering. While underlying volume trends have stabilised for Consumer Products the market remains fragile and the trading environment for 2011 is therefore expected to continue to be difficult. Subject to regulatory approval, Consumer Products has agreed to acquire the Limerick-based liquid milk business of Kerry Group plc. This will enable Consumer Products to expand its successful liquid milk business. In 2011, Consumer Products plans to continue to drive cost reductions to offset input and promotional cost pressures. Overall performance for 2011 is expected to be broadly in line with 2010.


Agribusiness: 2010 performance and 2011 outlook

In 2010, the recovery in milk and grain prices boosted farm incomes. This supported good volume growth across key categories of feed and fertiliser in Agribusiness during the year. The business performed broadly in line with 2009. In 2011, the Group expects a marginal improvement in performance through an improved product mix and continued tight management of the cost base.


Joint Ventures & Associates

Constant Currency










Up 34.8%


Up 40.0%

Operating profit pre exceptional



Up 18.4%


Up 24.1%

Operating margin pre exceptional



Down 70bps


Down 60bps

EBITA pre exceptional



Up 18.4%


Up 24.1%

EBITA margin pre exceptional



Down 70bps


Down 60bps

EBITDA pre exceptional



Up 12.2%


Up 16.8%

(1) Not included in Group revenue.  


Analysis on a constant currency basis

Joint Ventures & Associates had a reasonable year. Revenue and operating profit improved as a result of market price increases in US cheese and European mozzarella markets. Glanbia's share of revenue grew 34.8% to €401.1 million (2009: €297.6 million). Glanbia's share of operating profit increased 18.4% to €20.6 million (2009: €17.4 million). Operating margins declined 70 basis points year-on-year to 5.1%, mainly as a result of lower margins in Southwest Cheese, which was challenged by the significant decline in cheese markets in the last quarter of the year. The Group's share of profit after interest and tax was €10.1 million, down marginally from €10.2 million in 2009. The following table reconciles operating profit with share of results of Joint Ventures & Associates, as reported in the income statement.


Joint Ventures & Associates









Operating profit pre exceptional



Up 4.2

Finance costs



Down 1.2

Income taxes



Down 3.1

Share of results of Joint Ventures & Associates



Down 0.1


Glanbia expanded its US cheese position in 2010 to become one of the largest US manufacturers of American-style cheddar cheese, following the 40% expansion of output of Southwest Cheese in New Mexico which was completed on time and on budget in April 2010. Overall operating performance was in line with expectation for 2010.


Glanbia Cheese in the UK, the Group's European mozzarella cheese joint venture, benefited from good pizza demand across Europe, particularly in the home delivery segment where strong customer relationships and unique technologies have underpinned growth.  This business increased revenue, operating profits and operating margins in 2010.


Nutricima in Nigeria continues to make steady progress. Revenue growth in the year was in line with expectations. However, margin pressure was a feature of the second half, as increased dairy commodity prices were not fully recovered in the retail market. There is a strong pipeline of new product development in the Ready-to-Drink sector, a key growth market for the business.


In 2011, Joint Ventures & Associates are expected to deliver some growth relative to 2010 with a good cash return to the Group through the forecast dividend.

Other Business








Down €2.9m

Operating profit pre exceptional



Up €2.0m


The Group's Other Business segment includes a small dairy ingredients operation in Mexico and Glanbia's property unit. An improved performance by this business unit is mainly as a result of the benefit of the recovery in global dairy markets to the dairy related business in Mexico.  



2011 outlook

The Group is well positioned for 2011. Our current expectation is that the trading environment for 2011 will be broadly positive. Global dairy markets are expected to remain firm, underpinned by robust demand, particularly from Asia, and demand-led growth in key nutritionals sectors. In January we acquired BSNâ, a leading US sports nutrition business which is an excellent strategic fit with our Performance Nutrition business. For 2011, given our strong market positions and growing portfolio, we are forecasting 11% to 13% growth in adjusted earnings per share, on a constant currency basis.



2010 finance review



Revenue, profitability and margins as reported(1)




Operating profit

Operating Margin


EBITA Margin


Operating profit

Operating Margin


EBITA Margin







US Cheese & Global Nutritionals











Dairy Ireland











Other Business











Group as reported(3)











JVs & Associates











Total including JVs    & Associates











(1) Pre exceptional items. (2) Given the nature of Group acquisitions in recent years, EBITA is an accurate reflection of underlying cash generative operating performance. (3) Reported results exclude Joint Ventures & Associates. Share of results of Joint Ventures & Associates in the income statement is an after interest and tax amount.  


Segmental analysis including Joint Ventures & Associates

Glanbia is organised into four segments. The largest segment by revenue is Dairy Ireland which represents 44% of total Group revenue (2009: 48%) and 28% of total Group EBITA pre exceptional (2009: 19%). US Cheese & Global Nutritionals contributed 40% of total Group revenue (2009: 37%) and is the largest division by EBITA accounting for 60% of total Group EBITA pre exceptional (2009: 70%). Joint Ventures & Associates amounted to 16% of total Group revenue (2009: 14%) and 12% of total Group EBITA pre exceptional (2009: 12%). Other Business is a very small division representing less than 0.5% of total Group revenue.


Analysis of reported results

Group revenue increased 18.4% to €2.2 billion (2009: €1.8 billion). Total Group revenue, including share of Joint Ventures and Associates, grew 21.4% to €2.6 billion (2009: €2.1 billion). The strong growth in revenue is attributable mainly to the improvement in global dairy and US cheese markets in 2010 and continued strong organic volume growth in Global Nutritionals. Revenue in US Cheese & Global Nutritionals was up 29.0% to €1.0 billion (2009: €792.4 million). Revenue in Dairy Ireland grew 10.7% to €1.1 billion (2009: €1.0 billion). Revenue in Joint Ventures & Associates grew 40.0% to €416.6 million (2009: €297.6 million).


Group EBITA pre exceptional increased 21.3% to €151.6 million (2009: €125.0 million). Total Group EBITA pre exceptional, including Joint Ventures and Associates, grew 21.6% to €173.2 million (2009: €142.4 million). This improvement in performance is driven by the return to profitability of Dairy Ingredients Ireland with EBITA pre exceptional for Dairy Ireland improving by 74.2% to €47.9 million (2009: €27.5 million). US Cheese & Global Nutritionals delivered reasonable year-on-year EBITA pre exceptional growth, underpinned in particular by a good performance by Global Nutritionals. US Cheese & Global Nutritionals EBITA pre exceptional grew 4.2% to €104.5 million (2009: €100.3 million). Group EBITA margin pre exceptional grew 20 basis points to 7.0% (2009: 6.8%). Total Group EBITA margin pre exceptional, including Joint Ventures and Associates, was in line with 2009 at 6.7%. Dairy Ireland EBITA margin pre exceptional at 4.2% grew 150 basis points (2009: 2.7%), driven by the strong recovery in Dairy Ingredients Ireland following a loss in 2009, offset by margin pressures in Consumer Products. US Cheese & Global Nutritionals EBITA margin pre exceptional declined 250 basis points to 10.2% (2009: 12.7%). Lower margins were as a result of higher input costs, significant brand and people investment by Global Nutritionals, volatile market conditions and milk cost premiums in US Cheese.


Group operating profit pre exceptional, including Joint Ventures & Associates, increased by 22.9% to €158.1 million (2009: €128.6 million). Group operating margin pre exceptional, including Joint Ventures & Associates, increased 10 basis points to 6.1% (2009: 6.0%).



The 2010 tax charge pre exceptional increased by €6.4 million to €25.5 million (2009: €19.1 million) reflecting the increased Group profitability. The Group's effective tax rate in 2010, excluding Joint Ventures & Associates, was 22.3% (2009: 21.9%).    


Exceptional items

In 2010, further revisions to the Group's pension arrangements for three additional Irish pension schemes were finalisedreflecting the planned continuation of the revision to pension arrangements which commenced in 2009. This gave rise to a further net reduction in pension liabilities and resulted in an exceptional credit (pre taxation) of €10.2 million.


Basic earnings per share

Basic earnings per share (EPS) decreased 4.2% to 36.86 cents (2009: 38.46 cents), as a year-on-year reduction in net exceptional credit items of €25.2 million was partly offset by an increase in Group profit after tax of €20.7 million.


Adjusted earnings per share

Adjusted EPS is calculated as the profit for the year attributable to the equity holders of the parent before exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets (net of tax). Adjusted earnings per share increased 24.1% to 38.07 cents (2009: 30.68 cents) driven mainly by the improved performance of Dairy Ingredients Ireland and good organic growth in Global Nutritionals. 



The Board is recommending a final dividend of 4.49 cents per share (2009: final dividend 3.95 cents per share). This brings the total dividend for the year to 7.52 cents per share (2009: 6.84 cents per share), an increase of 10%. Subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting dividends will be paid on 20 May 2011 to shareholders on the register of members as at 8 April 2011. Irish withholding tax will be deducted at the standard rate where appropriate. 


Balance sheet and cash flow

Net debt decreased by €34.5 million in the year to €408.1 million (2009: €442.6 million).  The reduction in net debt, which is after an adverse foreign exchange movement of €16.8 million primarily on USD denominated debt, is due mainly to an increase in EBITDA performance.


Summary free cash flow








EBITDA pre exceptional








Working capital movement




Net interest and tax paid




Business sustaining capital investment








Free cash flow





Free cash flow decreased year-on-year by €0.6 million to €65.5 million (2009: €66.1 million). This is after charging working capital movements and business sustaining capital expenditure, but before dividends received from Joint Ventures, loans repaid by/advanced to Joint Ventures, strategic capital expenditure, restructuring costs, and equity dividends. In 2010, dividends received from Joint Ventures & Associates were €11.2 million (2009: €17.9 million) and reflect a sustainable level of cash return to the Group from key strategic joint ventures. Loans advanced to Southwest Cheese during 2009 of €21.5 million, to fund the capacity expansion, were repaid during 2010. As the Group conserved cash during 2010, strategic capital expenditure reduced by €7.4 million to €16.2 million (2009: €23.6 million). 


Return on capital employed is a post tax measure of the returns earned by the Group on capital invested including Joint Ventures & Associates. This return increased 170 basis points in the year to 12.9% (2009: 11.2%), due to the improved level of operating performance of the Group.



The Group has total committed debt facilities of €734.2 million incorporating bank facilities of €670.7 million and €63.5 million cumulative redeemable preference shares. Bank facilities are held with nine banks under bilateral arrangements with common documentation and terms. €160.7 million of the facilities are renewable in July 2012 and €510.0 million in July 2013. The €63.5 million cumulative redeemable preference shares mature in July 2014. The Group continues to operate comfortably within its banking covenants. The Group's net debt: Adjusted EBITDA at year end was 2.1 times (2009: 2.6 times) compared to a covenant of 3.3 times. Glanbia will be reviewing overall Group financing in 2011 as part of the normal renewal process.


Key financial covenants




Net debt1 : Adjusted EBITDA2 (times)





Adjusted EBIT3 : Net finance costs (times)





1           Including €63.5 million cumulative redeemable preference shares

2           Adjusted EBITDA reflects Group EBITDA plus dividends from Joint Ventures & Associates

3           Adjusted EBIT reflects Group EBIT plus dividends from Joint Ventures & Associates


Financing costs declined €1.9 million to €22.1 million (2009: €24.0 million). In 2010, adjusted EBIT to net financing cost cover improved to 6.7 times (2009: 5.4 times). The Group's average interest rate for the full year of 2010 was 4.2% (2009: 4.3%). Glanbia operates a policy of fixing a significant amount of its interest exposure with approximately 75% of year-end debt currently contracted at fixed rates for 2011.



At 1 January 2011 the Group's net pension liability under IAS 19 'Employee benefits', before deferred tax, decreased by €37.2 million to €48.6 million (2009: €85.8 million). A strategic review of the Group's pension arrangements was completed during 2009 following which the Group revised benefits under the main Irish defined benefit schemes giving rise to an exceptional gain and corresponding reduction in the pension deficit of €100.1 million. During 2010, revisions to the Group's pension scheme arrangements for three additional Irish pension schemes, consistent with the revisions made in the Group's main pension schemes, have been finalised. This gave rise to an exceptional gain in the year of €10.2 million.


The fair value of the assets of the pension schemes at 1 January 2011 was €389.3 million (2009: €349.2 million) and the value of the scheme liabilities was €437.9 million (2009: €435.0 million).


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Group's AGM will be held on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 in Lyrath Estate Hotel, Kilkenny. On the same day Glanbia will issue an Interim Management Statement.


Principal risks and uncertainties affecting the Group's performance in 2011

The Board of Glanbia plc has the ultimate responsibility for risk management. The performance of the Group is influenced by economic growth, global dairy and US cheese markets, and consumer confidence in the markets in which it operates. Economic uncertainty or excessive volatility in global dairy pricing represents a material change to the Group's trading environment.


In 2011, the principal risks and uncertainties affecting the Group's performance are:

·     The potential effect of any significant change to supply or demand dynamics in major markets on the fundamentals of pricing in global dairy markets;

·     The impact that any potential imbalance in the pricing of dairy products may have on the availability or cost of milk procurement for the US Cheese business; and

·     The effect of a further deterioration in consumer confidence on the competitiveness of the Irish retail market.


The principal risks and uncertainties will be outlined in detail in the 2010 Annual Report.


Cautionary Statement

This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements have been made by the Directors in good faith based on the information available to them up to the time of their approval of this report. Due to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic and business risk factors underlying such forward looking information, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. The Directors undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.



              Glanbia plc

             Group income statement
             for the financial year ended 1 January 2011























(note 3)

(note 3)









Cost of sales







Gross profit







Distribution expenses







Administration expenses







Other gains and losses







Operating profit







Finance income








Finance costs








Share of results of Joint Ventures & Associates







Profit before taxation







Income taxes








Profit for the year







Attributable to:

Equity holders of the parent



Non-controlling interests





Basic earnings per share (cents)




Diluted earnings per share (cents)








Glanbia plc                ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Group statement of comprehensive income
for the financial year ended 1 January 2011








Profit for the year



Other comprehensive income/(expense)

Actuarial gain/(loss) - defined benefit schemes



Deferred tax (charge)/credit on actuarial gain/loss



Share of actuarial gain/(loss) - Joint Ventures & Associates



Deferred tax (charge)/credit on actuarial gain/loss - Joint Ventures & Associates



Currency translation differences



Fair value movements on available for sale financial assets



Fair value movements on cash flow hedges



Deferred tax on fair value movements



Other comprehensive income/(expense) for the year, net of tax



Total comprehensive income for the year



Total comprehensive income attributable to:

Equity holders of the parent



Non-controlling interests






                  Glanbia plc

                Group statement of changes in equity
             for the financial year ended 1 January 2011 

Attributable to equity holders of the parent


Share capital

and share

















Balance at 3 January 2009







Profit for the year







Other comprehensive income/(expense)

Actuarial loss - defined benefit schemes







Deferred tax on actuarial loss







Share of actuarial loss - Joint Ventures & Associates







Fair value movements







Deferred tax on fair value movements







Exceptional non-cash foreign exchange loss







Currency translation differences







Total comprehensive income for the year







Dividends paid during the year







Cost of share based payments







Balance at 2 January 2010







Profit for the year







Other comprehensive income/(expense)

Actuarial gain - defined benefit schemes







Deferred tax on actuarial gain







Share of actuarial gain - Joint Ventures & Associates







Fair value movements







Deferred tax on fair value movements







Currency translation differences







Total comprehensive income for the year







Dividends paid during the year







Cost of share based payments







Transfer on exercise, forfeit or lapse of share based payments that have vested







Shares issued







Premium on shares issued







Balance at 1 January 2011








Goodwill previously written off amounting to €93.0 million (2009: €93.0 million) is included in opening and closing retained earnings, see note 9.


Glanbia plc                  _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Group statement of financial position

as at 1 January 2011







Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment



Intangible assets



Investments in associates



Investments in joint ventures



Trade and other receivables



Deferred tax assets



Available for sale financial assets



Derivative financial instruments





Current assets




Trade and other receivables



Derivative financial instruments



Cash and cash equivalents






Total assets




Issued capital and reserves attributable to equity holders of the parent

Share capital and share premium



Other reserves



Retained earnings






Non-controlling interests



Total equity




Non-current liabilities





Derivative financial instruments



Deferred tax liabilities



Retirement benefit obligations



Provisions for other liabilities and charges



Capital grants





Current liabilities

Trade and other payables



Current tax liabilities







Derivative financial instruments



Provisions for other liabilities and charges





Total liabilities



Total equity and liabilities



      Glanbia plc         

      Group statement of cash flows
      for the financial year ended 1 January 2011









Cash flows from operating activities

Cash generated from operations




Interest received



Interest paid



Tax paid



Net cash inflow from operating activities





Cash flows from investing activities

Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired



Payment of deferred consideration on acquisition of subsidiaries



Purchase of property, plant and equipment



Purchase of intangible assets



Dividends received from joint ventures



Loans repaid by/(advanced to) joint ventures



Decrease in available for sale financial assets



Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment



Net cash used in investing activities





Cash flows from financing activities

Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares



Increase in borrowings



Finance lease principal payments



Dividends paid to Company shareholders




Dividends paid to non-controlling interests



Capital grants received



Net cash inflow from financing activities





Net increase in cash and cash equivalents



Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year



Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents



Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year






Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents



Cash movements from debt financing







Fair value movement of interest rate swaps qualifying as fair value hedges



Exchange translation adjustment on net debt



Movement in net debt in the year





Net debt at the beginning of the year



Net debt at the end of the year





Net debt comprises:




Cash and cash equivalents









                    Glanbia plc

             Notes to the financial information
             for the financial year ended 1 January 2011


1    Basis of preparation

The financial information has been prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by use of fair values for available for sale financial assets and derivative financial instruments, and the accounting policies that the Group has adopted for 2010.


The financial information set out in this document does not constitute full statutory financial statements but has been derived from the Group financial statements for the year ended 1 January 2011 (referred to as the 2010 financial statements). The 2010 financial statements have been audited and have received an unqualified audit report.


Amounts are stated in euro thousands (€'000) unless otherwise stated.


The financial information is prepared for a 52 week year ending on 1 January 2011. Comparatives are for the 52 week year ended 2 January 2010. The statements of financial position for 2010 and 2009 have been drawn up as at 1 January 2011 and 2 January 2010 respectively.


The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 1 March 2011 and signed on its behalf by L Herlihy, J Moloney and S Talbot.


2    Segment information

In accordance with IFRS 8 - Operating Segments, the Group has four segments as follows: US Cheese & Global Nutritionals, Dairy Ireland, Joint Ventures & Associates and Other Business. These segments align with the Group's internal financial reporting system and the way in which the Chief Operating Decision Maker assesses performance and allocates the Group's resources. A segment manager is responsible for each segment and is directly accountable for the performance of that segment to the Glanbia Operating Executive Committee which acts as the Chief Operating Decision Maker for the Group.


Each segment derives their revenues as follows: US Cheese & Global Nutritionals earns its revenue from the manufacture and sale of cheese, whey protein and other nutritional solutions; Dairy Ireland incorporates the manufacture and sale of a range of dairy products and the sale of feed, fertiliser and other farm inputs; Joint Ventures & Associates revenue mainly arises due to the manufacture and sale of cheese, whey proteins and dairy consumer products. Each segment is reviewed in its totality by the Chief Operating Decision Maker.


The Other Business segment refers to all other businesses which comprise the Property business unit and a small dairy processing operation in Mexico which was disposed of in September 2010.


The Glanbia Operating Executive Committee assesses the trading performance of operating segments based on a measure of earnings before interest and tax. This measure excludes exceptional items.


US Cheese & Global Nutritionals





JV's &



Other Business



including JV's & Associates


Total gross segment revenue







Inter-segment revenue






Segment external revenue






Segment earnings before interest, tax and exceptional items







Exceptional items - defined benefit pensions






Segment earnings before interest and tax







Included in external revenue are related party sales between Dairy Ireland and Joint Ventures & Associates of €69.2 million and related party sales between US Cheese & Global Nutritionals and Joint Ventures & Associates of €9.4 million.


Inter-segment transfers or transactions are entered into under the normal commercial terms and conditions that would also be available to unrelated third parties.


2.1 (a):    Segment revenue is reconciled to reported external revenue as follows:





Segment revenue


Inter-segment revenue


Joint Ventures & Associates revenue


Reported external revenue




2.1 (b):    Segment earnings before interest, tax and exceptional items are reconciled to reported profit before tax and profit after tax as follows:




Segment earnings before interest and tax


Exceptional items - defined benefit pensions


Joint Ventures & Associates interest and tax


Finance income


Finance costs


Reported profit before tax


Income taxes


Reported profit after tax



Finance income, finance costs and income taxes are not allocated to segments as this type of activity is driven by the central treasury and taxation functions, which manage the cash and taxation position of the Group.



Other segment items included in the income statement for the year ended 1 January 2011 are as follows:


US Cheese & Global Nutritionals





JV's &



Other Business


Group including JV's & Associates


Depreciation of property, plant and equipment






Amortisation of intangibles






Capital grants released to the income statement






Exceptional items - defined benefit pensions







The segment assets and liabilities at 1 January 2011 and segment capital expenditure and acquisitions for the year then ended are as follows:


US Cheese

& Global Nutritionals





JV's &



Other Business



including JV's

& Associates


Segment assets







Segment liabilities







Segment capital expenditure and acquisitions









2.1 (c):    Segment assets are reconciled to reported assets as follows:




Segment assets


Unallocated assets


Reported assets



Unallocated assets primarily include taxation, cash and cash equivalents, available for sale financial assets and derivatives.



2.1 (d):     Segment liabilities are reconciled to reported liabilities as follows:




Segment liabilities


Unallocated liabilities


Reported liabilities



Unallocated liabilities primarily include items such as taxation, borrowings and derivatives.



2.1 (e):    Segment capital expenditure and acquisitions are reconciled to reported capital expenditure and acquisitions as follows:




Segment capital expenditure and acquisitions


Joint Ventures & Associates capital expenditure


Unallocated capital expenditure


Reported capital expenditure and acquisitions





2.2 The segment results for the year ended 2 January 2010 are as follows:


US Cheese & Global Nutritionals




JV's &


Other Business


JV's &


Total gross segment revenue







Inter-segment revenue






Segment external revenue






Segment earnings before interest, tax and exceptional items







Exceptional item - segment rationalisation costs






Segment earnings before interest and tax







Included in external revenue are related party sales between Dairy Ireland and Joint Ventures & Associates of €58.1 million and related party sales between US Cheese & Global Nutritionals and Joint Ventures & Associates of €2.2 million.


Inter-segment transfers or transactions are entered into under the normal commercial terms and conditions that would also be available to unrelated third parties.



2.2 (a):    Segment revenue is reconciled to reported external revenue as follows:




Segment revenue


Inter-segment revenue


Joint Ventures & Associates revenue


Reported external revenue




2.2 (b):    Segment earnings before interest, tax and exceptional items are reconciled to reported profit before tax and profit after tax as follows:




Segment earnings before interest and tax


Exceptional items - segment rationalisation costs


Exceptional items - unallocated


Joint Ventures & Associates interest and tax


Finance income


Finance costs


Reported profit before tax


Income taxes


Reported profit after tax



Finance income, finance costs and income taxes are not allocated to segments as this type of activity is driven by the central treasury and taxation functions, which manage the cash and taxation position of the Group.

Other segment items included in the income statement for the year ended 2 January 2010 are as follows:


US Cheese

& Global






JV's &



Other Business


Group including JV's &



Depreciation of property, plant and equipment






Amortisation of intangibles






Capital grants released to the income statement






Exceptional items - segment rationalisation costs






Exceptional items - unallocated







The segment assets and liabilities at 2 January 2010 and segment capital expenditure and acquisitions for the year then ended are as follows:


US Cheese

& Global






JV's &



Other Business


Group including JV's &



Segment assets







Segment liabilities







Segment capital expenditure and acquisitions









2.2 (c):     Segment assets are reconciled to reported assets as follows:




Segment assets


Unallocated assets


Reported assets



Unallocated assets primarily include taxation, cash and cash equivalents, available for sale financial assets and derivatives.



2.2 (d):     Segment liabilities are reconciled to reported liabilities as follows:




Segment liabilities


Unallocated liabilities


Reported liabilities



Unallocated liabilities primarily include items such as taxation, borrowings and derivatives.

2.2 (e):     Segment capital expenditure and acquisitions are reconciled to reported capital expenditure and acquisitions as follows:




Segment capital expenditure and acquisitions


Joint Ventures & Associates capital expenditure


Unallocated capital expenditure


Reported capital expenditure and acquisitions




2.3   Entity wide disclosures


Revenue from external customers for each group of similar product in the US Cheese & Global Nutritionals, Dairy Ireland, Joint Ventures & Associates and Other Business segments are outlined at section 2.1 and 2.2 above.


Geographical information

Revenue by geographical destination is reviewed by the Chief Operating Decision Maker. The breakdown of revenue by geographical destination is as follows:












Rest of Europe












Revenue of approximately €249.6 million (2009: €231.1 million) is derived from a single external customer.


The total of non-current assets, other than financial instruments and deferred tax assets, located in Ireland is €271.5 million (2009: €305.9 million) and located in other countries, mainly the USA is €562.6 million (2009: €538.6 million).


3    Exceptional items







Rationalisation costs




Non-cash foreign exchange loss




Defined benefit schemes

- Irish defined benefit pension schemes




- UK defined benefit pension schemes




Total exceptional credit before tax



Exceptional tax charge (note 5)



Net exceptional credit




(a)   An exceptional charge of €15.1 million was incurred during the prior year, primarily relating to redundancy costs due to the on-going rationalisation programmes in the Dairy Ireland segment.

(b)   During the prior year, a review of the internal corporate structures of the Group was completed. This gave rise to an exceptional non-cash charge of €18.3 million on the repayment of certain sterling inter-group loans. This loss, which was previously recognised in the Group's currency reserve was recycled to the Group's income statement.

(c)   The Group undertook a review of pension arrangements during 2009 which resulted in the recognition of a gain on the main Irish defined benefit pension schemes of €100.1 million. In 2010, further revisions to the Group's pension arrangements for three additional Irish defined benefit schemes, consistent with the revisions made to the Group's main pension schemes, have been finalised giving rise to an exceptional gain, in accordance with IAS 19, in the year of €10.2 million. This gain relates to curtailment gains and negative past service costs of €1.7 million and €10.9 million respectively offset by a change in the estimate of the prior year curtailment of €2.4 million.


(d)   The Group's UK defined benefit schemes exceptional charge of €21.1 million in the prior year relates to the scheme's administration and certain other costs associated with businesses disposed of in prior years.


4    Finance income and costs






Finance income

Interest income



Interest income on deferred consideration



Total finance income



Finance costs

Bank borrowings repayable within five years



Interest cost on deferred consideration



UK pension provision



Finance lease costs



Interest rate swaps, transfer from equity



Interest rate swaps, fair value hedges



Fair value adjustment to borrowings attributable to interest rate risk



Finance cost of preference shares



Total finance costs



Net finance costs




Net finance costs exclude borrowing costs attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset which has been capitalised.



5    Income taxes







Current tax

Irish current tax



Adjustments in respect of prior years



Irish current tax on income for the year



Foreign current tax



Adjustments in respect of prior years



Foreign current tax on income for the year



Total current tax



Deferred tax



Pre exceptional tax charge



Exceptional tax charge/(credit)









Total tax charge




(a)   The restructuring provision charged in the prior year resulted in an exceptional current tax credit in 2009 of €1.7 million.


(b)   The curtailment gains and negative past service costs recognised in the defined benefit pension schemes during the year resulted in an exceptional deferred tax charge of €0.6 million (2009: €12.5 million).


The exceptional net tax charges and credits in 2010 and 2009, by virtue of their nature and size, have been separately disclosed above.

The tax on the Group's profit before tax differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the corporation tax rate in Ireland, as follows:







Profit before tax



Tax calculated at Irish rate of 12.5% (2009: 12.5%)



Earnings at reduced and higher Irish rates



Difference due to overseas tax rates



Adjustment to tax charge in respect of previous periods



Tax on profits of Joint Ventures & Associates included in profit before tax



Expenses not deductible for tax purposes and other differences



Total tax charge





6    Earnings per share



Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to the equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year, excluding ordinary shares purchased by the Group and held as own shares.





Profit attributable to equity holders of the parent (€'000's)



Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue



Basic earnings per share (cents per share)





Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of all potential dilutive ordinary shares. Share options are potential dilutive ordinary shares. In respect of share options, a calculation is performed to determine the number of shares that could have been acquired at fair value (determined as the average annual market share price of the Company's shares) based on the monetary value of the subscription rights attached to outstanding share options. The number of shares calculated as above is compared with the number of shares that would have been issued assuming the exercise of the share options.




Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue



Adjustments for share options



Adjusted weighted average number of ordinary shares



Diluted earnings per share (cents per share)





Adjusted earnings per share is calculated on the net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent, before net exceptional items and intangible asset amortisation (net of related tax). Adjusted earnings per share is considered to be more reflective of the Group's overall underlying performance.







Profit attributable to equity holders of the parent



Amortisation of intangible assets (net of related tax)



Net exceptional items



Adjusted net income



Adjusted earnings per share (cents per share)



Diluted adjusted earnings per share (cents per share)





7    Dividends

The dividends paid in 2010 and 2009 were €20.5 million (6.98 cents per share) and €19.5 million (6.65 cents per share) respectively. On 29 September 2010 an interim dividend of 3.03 cents per share on the ordinary shares amounting to €8.9 million was paid to shareholders on the register of members as at 10 September 2010. The Directors have recommended the payment of a final dividend of 4.49 cents per share on the ordinary shares which amounts to €13.2 million. Subject to shareholders approval this dividend will be paid on 20 May 2011 to shareholders on the register of members at 8 April 2011, the record date. These financial statements do not reflect this final dividend.


If a shareholder's registered address is in the UK and a shareholder has not previously provided the Company with a mandate form for an Irish euro account, a shareholder will default to a sterling payment. All other shareholders will default to a euro payment.



8    Net debt





Borrowings due within one year



Borrowings due after one year




Cash and cash equivalents



Net debt





9    Retained earnings










Balance at 3 January 2009




Profit for the year




Other comprehensive income/(expense)

Actuarial loss - defined benefit schemes




Deferred tax on actuarial loss




Share of actuarial loss - Joint Ventures & Associates




Total comprehensive income for the year




Dividends paid during the year




Balance at 2 January 2010




Profit for the year




Other comprehensive income/(expense)

Actuarial gain - defined benefit schemes




Deferred tax on actuarial gain




Share of actuarial gain - Joint Ventures & Associates




Total comprehensive income for the year




Dividends paid during the year




Transfer on exercise, forfeit or lapse of share based payments that have vested




Balance at 1 January 2011






10  Business combinations

On 18 January 2011 the Group signed an agreement to purchase the business and assets of a leading US based performance nutrition business Bio-Engineered Supplements and Nutrition (BSNâ). BSNâ is a leading developer, provider and distributor of nutritional products designed for health, physique development and training.


Details of net assets acquired and goodwill arising from the business combination are as follows:




Purchase consideration - cash paid


Less: Fair value of assets acquired





The acquisition of BSNâ significantly enhances the Group's Performance Nutrition portfolio and delivers further growth opportunities in this area. The goodwill is attributable to the profitability and development opportunities through combined R&D and the benefits associated with the extension of Glanbia's scale and specific capabilities to the acquired business.


The fair value of assets and liabilities arising from the acquisition are as follows:





Property, plant and equipment


Other intangible assets








Fair value of assets acquired




Acquisition-related costs included in administration expenses in the Group's consolidated income statement for the year ended 1 January 2011 amounted to €0.6 million.


The fair values assigned to identifiable assets and liabilities have been determined provisionally due to the proximity of the acquisition date and approval of the Annual Report. Any adjustment to the provisional valuations will be recognised within 12 months of the acquisition date.


11  Cash generated from operations






Profit before taxation



Development costs capitalised



Impairment charge



Non-cash exceptional gain



Share of results of Joint Ventures & Associates









Cost of share based payments



Difference between pension charge and cash contributions



Loss/(gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment



Interest income



Interest expense



Amortisation of government grants received



Cash generated from operations before changes in working capital



Change in net working capital:

- (Increase)/decrease in inventory



- (Increase) in short term receivables



- Increase/(decrease) in short term liabilities



- (Decrease) in provisions



Cash generated from operations




12  Events after the reporting period

On 18 January 2011 the Group signed an agreement to purchase the business and assets of a leading US based performance nutrition business Bio-Engineered Supplements and Nutrition (BSNâ). For further details regarding this acquisition see note 10 - Business combinations.


On 12 January 2011, the Group also acquired the business and assets of the Kerry Group plc Limerick based liquid milk business, subject to regulatory approval.



13  Statutory financial statements

The financial information in this preliminary announcement is not the statutory financial statements of the Company, a copy of which is required to be annexed to the Company's annual return filed with the Companies Registration Office. A copy of the financial statements in respect of the financial year ended 1 January 2011 will be annexed to the Company's annual return for 2011. The auditors of the Company have made a report, without any qualification on their audit, of the financial statements of the Group and Company in respect of the financial year ended 1 January 2011, which were approved by the Directors on 1 March 2011. A copy of the financial statements of the Group in respect of the year ended 2 January 2010 has been annexed to the Company's annual return for 2010 and filed with the Companies Registration Office.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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