Interim Results

Glanbia PLC 27 August 2003 Glanbia plc Interim Report Half-Year Ended 5 July 2003 Highlights Half-Year Ended Half-Year Ended Change 5 July 2003 29 June 2002 Operating Profit* before €45.73m €45.45m +0.6% Exceptional Items Operating Margin before 4.4% 3.6% Exceptional Items Profit before Tax / €37.56m €35.63m +5.4% Exceptional Items Net Exceptional Charge €26.85m €75.62m - FRS3 EPS (0.16c) (17.39c) Adjusted EPS** 9.14c 8.50c +7.5% Dividend 2.06c 1.96c +5% Net Borrowings €250.76m €307.84m -18.5% *Including share of operating profit of joint ventures & associates **Before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill • Increase in operating margin before exceptional items to 4.4% • Increase in profits before tax and exceptional items - up 5.4% • Increase in interim dividend - up 5% to 2.06c per share • Borrowings down by 18.5%, interest cover up to 5.6 times • Strong performance in consumer foods and agribusiness • Food ingredients performance hit by weak markets and currency • Joint Venture cheese and whey facility in New Mexico already announced • Strategic development continues - initiatives in USA, Europe and Africa Results The Board of Glanbia plc is pleased to announce its interim results for the first half of 2003. The Group has grown operating margins before exceptional items and increased profit before tax and exceptional items. Operating profit is marginally ahead of the first half of 2002, despite the sizeable impact on turnover arising from the exit of UK consumer meats and foodservice in mid 2002. Overall the Group benefited from growth in profits in consumer foods and agribusiness operations. Food ingredients had an excellent operating performance, but results were impacted in the period by difficult market conditions and the strengthening of the Euro. Operating profit (before exceptional items, including share of operating profit of joint ventures and associates) was €45.73m (2002: €45.45m). Turnover for the period was down by 15.7% to €1,050.77m (2002: €1,246.74m). The operating margin improved to 4.4% (2002: 3.6%). Profit before exceptional items and tax increased by 5.4% to €37.56m (2002: €35.63m), reflecting the benefits of lower borrowings and interest costs. A net exceptional charge of €26.85m (2002: €75.62m) arises in the period. Of this redundancy costs totalling €9.50m in the period have been charged against operating profit, arising from the fire at the Roosky pigmeat plant in 2002. This has been offset by an exceptional gain of €11.60m from the insurance settlement, representing the surplus realised over net book value of the asset destroyed in the Roosky fire. A charge of €21.90m arises primarily from the sale of Glanbia Fresh Meats (UK) Limited, announced to the market in July 2003, of which €11.17m is the write back through the P&L account of goodwill previously written off against reserves. A further charge of €7.04m arises from the closure of related meat processing facilities in Drongan and Gainsborough in the period. After net exceptional items, the Group realised a profit before tax of €10.71m (2002 loss before tax: €39.98m). Adjusted earnings per share increased by 7.5% to 9.14c (2002: 8.50c). The FRS3 loss per share was 0.16c (2002: FRS3 loss per share: 17.39c). An interim dividend of 2.06c per share is to be paid, an increase of 5% (2002: 1.96c). Capital employed was €321.94m (2002: €311.22m). Net borrowings at 5 July 2003 were down relative to 29 June 2002 by €57.08m (18.5%) to €250.76m. The interest charge declined by 16.8% to €8.17m (2002: €9.81m), reflecting lower borrowings. Interest cover was 5.6 times. Non-equity minority interest, which relates to Preferred Securities and Preference Shares, was €5.68m (2002: €6.56m). Review of Operations Consumer Foods Consumer Foods consists of Glanbia's businesses engaged in the production and marketing of dairy and meat products primarily through retail channels in the UK and Ireland. This business group further improved performance in the first half of 2003 aided by the exit from under-performing UK businesses in mid-2002. Development of new value added opportunities and enhanced operating efficiencies also assisted performance. Operating profit advanced by 31.3% to €22.74m (2002: €17.33m). Turnover was €472.66m (2002: €641.39m). The operating margin improved to 4.8% (2002: 2.7%). The Irish liquid milk and chilled foods businesses both made satisfactory progress in a very competitive market environment. The Group's expansion into the growing functional foods sector progressed well with a range of new products, including Avonmore Milk Plus probiotic milk and single serve Avonmore Supermilk. New functional yoghurts assisted a good overall performance in the fresh dairy products sector. Despite strong volumes, the UK retail cheese business had a somewhat difficult first half due to intensely competitive market conditions. The pizza cheese joint venture also delivered further volume growth. The Llangeffni facility benefited strongly from the introduction of the new product range following completion of the Leprino technology transfer. Conversion of Magheralin to this new technology is underway but in the interim it is exposed to increasingly competitive conditions in the market for standard product. UK fresh pork operations had a satisfactory operating performance in the period. As previously announced, the Group exited this business in July 2003 as part of refocusing of activities around core operations and growth strategy. Irish pork operations performed satisfactorily in difficult market circumstances, with the impact of the fire in Roosky offset by consequential loss insurance. The Group has announced that it is to expand processing capacity in its other two Irish pig-meat facilities in Edenderry and Roscrea to replace the capacity lost in the fire in 2002. This work will be completed by the end of 2004 and will ensure that these facilities will become the largest and most efficient of their kind in the Republic of Ireland. Dairy Food Ingredients Dairy Food Ingredients comprises the USA and Irish dairy ingredients operations, as well as the Group's expanding nutrition business. USA cheese and dairy ingredient operations had an excellent operational performance with continued growth in output and efficiencies. The period under review saw weaker cheese markets in the USA, which have subsequently recovered. The strength of the Euro in the half-year had a negative effect on profit translation. Irish operations had a strong operational and volume performance. However as some recovery in international market prices got underway, the benefit was offset by a strengthening Euro. Although in the early stages of establishment as a stand-alone operation, the nutrition business performed satisfactorily. Continued sales growth of nutritional ingredients was achieved and progress was made in identifying strategic development opportunities. Overall, operating profit declined to €13.63m (2002: €19.28m). Turnover declined to €428.14m (2002: €465.36m) due to currency translation and lower USA cheese prices. The operating margin was 3.2% (2002: 4.1%). Agribusiness The Agribusiness Division is the key linkage between Glanbia and its farmer suppliers in Ireland and is engaged primarily in farm input sales, feed milling, milk assembly and grain trading. The division also has interests in fertiliser production, veterinary wholesaling, malting and port services. It had a satisfactory performance in the first half of 2003, with good spring volumes in feed and fertiliser and a continued focus on cost efficiencies. Turnover grew by 7.1% to €149.97m (2002: €140.00m). Operating profit was €9.35m (2002: €8.84m). The operating margin was 6.2% (2002: 6.3%). Dividend The Board has approved an interim dividend of 2.06c per share, an increase of 5% on the 2002 interim dividend of 1.96c. It will be paid on 1 October 2003 to shareholders on the register on 5 September 2003. Strategy While much of the focus in preceding years was in addressing operational and performance issues, Glanbia's main focus in 2003 is the implementation of its growth strategy, which will drive profits and earnings in future years. In this regard, as already announced, the Group is finalising negotiations with Dairy Farmers of America, Inc. ('DFA') and Select Milk Producers Inc. ('Select') to build a $170m cheese and whey products production facility in New Mexico, USA. This new plant will be 50% owned by Glanbia with the balance jointly owned by DFA and Select. Commissioning of the proposed new facility is expected in the second half of 2005. It will position the Group as the number one producer of American type cheddar cheese in the USA and simultaneously build its global position as a supplier of advanced technology whey proteins to the nutritional sector. In February 2003, Glanbia announced a strategic joint venture with Conaprole of Uruguay to initially establish a sales and marketing company in Mexico, serving Central and South American markets. This is now operational and early sales performance is encouraging. Glanbia is actively pursuing a number of other potential opportunities for business growth in the USA, Europe and Africa, consistent with Group strategy. Outlook Glanbia is continuing to make good progress in 2003, benefiting from increasing focus on value-adding products and market sectors. Nonetheless, difficult trading conditions, including currency movements, are persisting, particularly in key commodity markets served by the Group. As markets currently stand, the Group expects to achieve a satisfactory full-year trading performance. The Board is confident that the initiatives currently underway to build Glanbia's position in its chosen sectors will deliver earnings growth in future years. Tom Corcoran Chairman ENDS 27 August 2003 For further information, contact: Michael Patten, Group Director of Communications, Glanbia plc Tel: +353 (0)56-7772200 (office) or +353 (0)87-2414502 (mobile) UK Enquiries: John Olsen / Tom Leatherbarrow, Hogarth Partnership Tel: 0207 3579477 Glanbia plc Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the Half-Year ended 5 July 2003 Pre Pre Pre Exceptional Exceptional Total Exceptional Exceptional Total Exceptional Exceptional Total Half year ended 5 July 2003 Half year ended 29 June 2002 Year ended 4 January 2003 Notes euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 Turnover 1,083,323 1,083,323 1,280,091 1,280,091 2,386,437 2,386,437 Less share of (32,553) (32,553) (33,349) (33,349) (69,699) (69,699) turnover of joint venture Group 1 1,050,770 1,050,770 1,246,742 1,246,742 2,316,738 2,316,738 Turnover Group 4(a) 45,426 (9,505) 35,921 44,662 44,662 88,588 88,588 Operating Profit Share of 301 - 301 785 785 2,947 2,947 operating profit of joint venture & associates Operating 1 45,727 (9,505) 36,222 45,447 45,447 91,535 91,535 profit including joint venture & associates Loss on 2 - (7,038) (7,038) - (64,337) (64,337) - (68,064) (68,064) termination of operations Loss on sale 3 - (21,902) (21,902) - (24,677) (24,677) - (25,610) (25,610) of operation Profit on 4(b) - 11,595 11,594 - 13,396 13,396 - 13,754 13,754 sale of investments/ fixed assets Group (7,949) - (7,949) (9,815) - (9,815) (19,206) - (19,206) Interest Share of (217) - (217) - - - (521) - (521) interest of joint venture and associates Profit before 37,561 (26,850) 10,711 35,632 (75,618) (39,986) 71,808 (79,920) (8,112) taxation Taxation (5,055) - (5,055) (4,017) - (4,017) (7,939) - (7,939) Profit after 32,506 (26,850) 5,656 31,615 (75,618) (44,003) 63,869 (79,920) (16,051) taxation Equity (450) (288) (677) minority interest Non-equity (5,679) (6,565) (12,619) minority interest (Loss)/profit (473) (50,856) (29,347) for the year Dividends 5 (5,980) (5,733) (13,833) (Loss (6,453) (56,589) (43,180) absorbed)/ profit retained for the year Earnings per 6 (0.16) (17.39) (10.06) share Adjusted 6 9.14 8.50 17.44 earnings per share Glanbia plc Consolidated Balance Sheet As at 5 July 2003 5 July 29 June 4 January Notes 2003 2002 2003 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 Assets employed Fixed assets Tangible assets 372,308 422,993 416,826 Goodwill 2,681 4,600 4,420 Financial assets 36,510 33,546 36,454 411,499 461,139 457,700 Current assets Stocks 208,217 218,052 180,022 Debtors 326,168 336,753 226,838 Cash and bank balances 7 28,799 15,204 90,953 563,184 570,009 497,813 Creditors 324,549 346,047 316,325 Borrowings 7 64,750 - 1,117 389,299 346,047 317,442 Net current assets 173,885 223,962 180,371 Total assets less current liabilities 585,384 685,101 638,071 Less non-current liabilities Creditors 31,306 31,571 32,986 Borrowings 7 214,804 323,040 266,144 Capital grants 17,331 19,274 18,505 263,441 373,885 317,635 321,943 311,216 320,436 Capital and reserves Called up equity share capital 17,551 17,551 17,551 Share premium account 80,005 80,005 80,005 Merger reserve 113,148 113,148 113,148 Revenue reserves 8 (20,838) (45,899) (32,232) Capital reserves 2,825 2,825 2,825 Equity shareholders' funds 192,691 167,630 181,297 Equity minority interests 5,970 6,716 6,983 Non-equity minority interests 9 123,282 136,870 132,156 321,943 311,216 320,436 Glanbia plc Summarised Cash Flow Statement Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 5 July 29 June 4 January 2003 2002 2003 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities: Operating profit before exceptional items 45,426 44,662 88,588 Reorganisation and merger costs (194) (413) (775) Profit on disposal of fixed assets (18) (860) (885) Depreciation and amortisation 22,326 27,197 51,715 Changes in working capital (118,201) (123,216) (12,085) (50,661) (52,630) 126,558 Returns on investments and servicing of finance (15,258) (16,058) (32,049) Taxation (3,174) (4,162) (4,990) Purchase of fixed assets (net of disposals/grants) (17,442) (17,485) (28,630) Disposal of investments - 13,396 10,705 Fire insurance re-instatement proceeds 7,628 - - Termination of operations - - (8,648) Purchase of subsidiary undertakings - - (677) Disposal of subsidiary undertakings - 3,174 1,184 Minority interest acquired (100) - - Equity dividends paid (8,100) (7,800) (13,533) Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (87,107) (81,565) 49,920 Translation difference 12,660 16,388 16,431 Movement in net debt in the period (74,447) (65,177) 66,351 Net debt at beginning of period (176,308) (242,659) (242,659) Net debt at end of period (250,755) (307,836) (176,308) Glanbia plc Notes to the Financial Statements Note 1: Segmental Analysis Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 5 July 29 June 4 January 2003 2002 2003 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 Turnover by Business Class Food Ingredients 428,139 465,360 910,075 Consumer Foods 472,661 641,387 1,175,114 Agribusiness 149,970 139,995 231,549 1,050,770 1,246,742 2,316,738 Operating Profit by Business Class Food Ingredients 13,634 19,281 30,051 Consumer Foods 22,743 17,328 47,590 Agribusiness 9,350 8,838 13,894 45,727 45,447 91,535 Note 2: Loss on termination of operations The loss arises from the decision to close the Group's UK fresh meat operations at Drongan and Gainsborough. Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 5 July 29 June 4 January 2003 2002 2003 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 Loss arising on termination of operations (5,757) (26,256) (30,370) Goodwill write back to profit and loss account on termination - (38,081) (37,694) Goodwill written off on termination (1,281) - - (7,038) (64,337) (68,064) The loss on termination in 2002 arose from the closure of the Group's UK Consumer Meats operation in June 2002. Note 3: Loss on sale of operation The loss arises primarily from the sale by the Group of its UK fresh meats operation at West Bromwich. The Group also sold a pig farm during the period. Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 5 July 29 June 4 January 2003 2002 2003 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 Loss on disposal of asset (10,731) (13,225) (13,697) Write back of goodwill on asset disposed after period end (11,171) (11,452) (11,913) (21,902) (24,677) (25,610) The loss on sale in 2002 arose mainly from the Group's sale of its UK Foodservice distribution business in August 2002. The Group also sold two farms during 2002. Note 4: Exceptional items Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 5 July 29 June 4 January 2003 2002 2003 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 (a) Redundancy cost arising from fire at Roosky plant (9,505) - - (b) Profit on disposal of Roosky plant 11,595 - - (c) Profit on disposal of quoted investments - 13,396 13,396 (d) Loss on disposal of tangible assets - - 358 2,090 13,396 13,754 On 8 May 2002 most of the Group's processing plant at Roosky, County Roscommon, was destroyed by fire. The loss was fully insured and agreement on the sum insured was reached in the period, resulting in a surplus in the amount of euro11,595k over the net book value of the asset destroyed. The directors have taken the decision not to reinstate the processing plant at Roosky but rather to restore the lost capacity at the two remaining pig processing plants, with the result that a redundancy cost of euro9,505k has been incurred. Note 5: Dividends Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 5 July 29 June 4 January 2003 2002 2003 Dividends paid / proposed per share (cent) 2.06 1.96 4.76 Total dividend (euro'000) 5,980 5,733 13,833 Note 6: Earnings per ordinary share Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 5 July 29 June 4 January 2003 2002 2003 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 Profit after taxation and minority interest (473) (50,856) (29,347) Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue (million) 290.292 292.514 291.703 Earnings per share (cent) (0.16) (17.39) (10.06) Adjustments: Goodwill amortisation 0.05 0.04 0.11 Loss on sale of operations / investments 9.25 25.85 27.39 Adjusted Earnings per Share 9.14 8.50 17.44 Note 7: Group Borrowings 5 July 29 June 4 January 2003 2002 2003 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 Borrowings due within one year 64,750 - 1,117 Borrowings due after one year 214,804 323,040 266,144 Less: Cash and bank balances (28,799) (15,204) (90,953) Net borrowings 250,755 307,836 176,308 Note 8: Revenue Reserves Currency Profit Translation Goodwill Retained Reserve Reserve Total euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 euro'000 At 4 January 2003 75,626 (32,490) (75,368) (32,232) Profit retained (6,453) (6,453) Goodwill on disposal 11,171 11,171 Currency translation difference on foreign currency net investments 5,376 1,300 6,676 At 5 July 2003 69,173 (27,114) (62,897) (20,838) Note 9: Non-equity minority interests include $100 million 7.99% cumulative preferred securities issued by a subsidiary in 1996 and euro38.2 million cumulative redeemable preference shares issued by a subsidiary in 1993 and 1995, both net of unamortised issue costs. Note 10: The figures for the half-years ended 5 July 2003 and 29 June 2002 are unaudited. The figures for the full year ended 4 January 2003 represent an abbreviated version of the Group's financial statements for the year, which received an unqualified audit report. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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