Interim Results

Glanbia PLC 01 September 2004 2004 Interim Results 1 September 2004 GLANBIA COMPLETES REORGANISATION. GROUP WELL POSITIONED TO DELIVER SOLID EARNINGS GROWTH. Glanbia plc, an international Consumer Foods, Dairy Food Ingredients and Nutritionals Group, announces its interim results for the first half of 2004. Commenting today John Moloney, Group Managing Director, said: 'As outlined in March this year, 2004 is a year of transition for Glanbia as the reorganised and refocused Group moves into a development and growth phase. The Group performed broadly in line with expectations in the first half and the results reflect a strong performance from the Food Ingredients division, offset by difficult trading conditions in the Fresh Pork business unit of the Consumer Foods division. Good progress was also made on sales volumes, prices and new product launches in the developing Nutritionals business. Going forward the Group is well positioned to deliver solid earnings growth. We have an ongoing programme of investing for the future, combined with strong market positions and leading brands in core operations.' Half year ended Half year ended Full year ended 3 July 2004 5 July 2003 3 January 2004 Group Turnover €974.0m €1,050.8 m €2,041.1 m Operating profit* €40.3 m €45.7 m €92.8 m Operating margins* 4.1% 4.4% 4.5% Profit before Tax ( pre exceptionals) €35.7m €37.6m €77.1 m Profit before Tax €35.7m €10.7m (€14.9m) Earnings per share 8.62c (0.16c) (12.01c) Adjusted EPS** 8.65c 9.14c 19.26c Dividend 2.16c 2.06c 5.00c *pre exceptional items and including share of joint ventures & associates **pre exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill RESULTS The first half performance is broadly on track in the context of a challenging year in 2004. The Group's turnover declined 7.3% to €974.0 million (H1 2003: €1,050.8 million) mainly as a result of the planned restructuring of the Group's UK operations within the Consumer Foods division. Sales (adjusted for all disposed businesses) increased by 9.2%, a combination of volumes and pricing and a strong performance by the Food Ingredients division. Operating profit, pre exceptionals and including share of joint ventures and associates, declined by 11.8% to €40.3 million (H1 2003: €45.7 million). The operating margin, pre exceptionals and including share of joint ventures and associates, was 4.1% (H1 2003: 4.4%). Both measures reflect the impact of the difficulties in the Irish pigmeat sector on the first half results. Profit before tax increased substantially to €35.7 million (H1 2003: €10.7 million) as there were no exceptionals in the first half of 2004 compared with €26.9 million exceptional charges in the first half of 2003. Adjusted earnings per share amounted to 8.65c (H1 2003: 9.14c), while the interim dividend increased by 5% to 2.16c per share (H1 2003: 2.06c). Net debt increased by €19.8 million to €173.6 million, compared with €153.8 million at the 2003 year end. This reflects the traditional seasonality in the underlying businesses and a somewhat higher level of capital expenditure, offset by the proceeds of the part disposal of Glanbia Foods Ltd (the UK Cheddar cheese operations) and good working capital management. However, net debt decreased by €77.2 million when compared with €250.8 million at the half year 2003. The interest charge declined substantially to €4.5 million (H1 2003: €8.2 million) due to lower financing costs as a result of lower interest rates and the lower level of net debt. Interest cover improved to 8.9 times for the first half 2004 compared with 5.6 times for the first half last year (FY 2003: 5.9 times). DIVIDENDS The Board has decided to pay an interim dividend of 2.16c per share, compared with a 2.06c per share interim dividend in 2003. This represents an increase of 5%. Dividends will be paid on Wednesday, 6 October 2004 to shareholders on the register as at Friday, 10 September 2004, the record date. Irish dividend withholding tax will be deducted at the standard rate where appropriate. GROUP REORGANISATION The final phase of the planned restructuring of the Group's UK businesses was completed in the first half of 2004, with the part sale of Glanbia Foods Ltd and the related Glanbia Milk operations in the UK, and the creation of a joint venture cheese company with Milk Link Ltd. This follows the exit from consumer meat activities in the UK in 2002 and fresh meat activities in 2003. This has reorganised Glanbia into cohesive business units structured around developing the Group's strategic focus on Consumer Foods, Dairy Food Ingredients and Nutritionals. DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES The Group's development strategy is centred on high growth areas in Consumer Foods, Dairy Food Ingredients and the Nutritionals market. The expansion of these areas of operation will be achieved through a programme of acquisitions, strategic joint ventures and ongoing investment for organic growth and operational efficiency. Continued progress was made in investing for the future of the business during the first half of the year. The timing and phasing of these investments are such that the benefits will begin to accrue from next year onwards: • The Group made a number of small acquisitions/investments in the first half including the €1.3m equity stake in Westgate Biologicals Limited and the €1.3m joint venture agreement with Nash's Mineral Waters. • The US$27 million programme of ongoing investment at the Idaho facilities including the commissioning of two new plant extensions in the first half and the further expansion of a protein isolates plant scheduled for operation in December this year. • The innovation centre to be based in Kilkenny and opening later this year, which will further enhance the Group's strong competitive advantage in the Nutritionals market segment. • The 50:50 joint venture with PZ Cussons plc to build a new US$20 million facility in Nigeria is progressing well and is due for commissioning early 2005. This investment will pave the way for a new route to market for the Irish food ingredients business. • Construction of the new US$190 million cheese and whey products production facility in New Mexico, through the Southwest Cheese LLC joint venture, is on target for completion in late 2005 and once fully commissioned the new facility will be one of the largest and most efficient plants of its kind in the world. Annually this facility will process over 2.4 billion pounds of milk, producing in excess of 110,000 tonnes of cheese and 7,500 tonnes of high value-added whey proteins. OPERATIONS REVIEW AGRI BUSINESS In Ireland the Agribusiness division is the key linkage between Glanbia and its raw materials supply base and its principal activities are feed milling/ marketing, fertilizers, milk assembly, grain trading and farm input sales. Overall the division had a satisfactory performance in the first half of the year. While turnover was down 4.1% to €143.8 million (H1 2003: €149.9 million), operating profits were broadly similar at €9.2 million reflecting increased operational efficiencies in the business and the benefits of ongoing rationalisation. CONSUMER FOODS The Consumer Foods division had a challenging first half as a result of the current difficulties in the pigmeat sector. Overall turnover declined to €316.6 million (H1 2003: €472.7 million) and operating profits declined to €10.7 million (H1 2003: €22.7 million). Post the restructuring of the Group's UK operations this division now includes the Irish consumer foods business (liquid milk and chilled foods), Irish based fresh pork processing operations and UK cheese joint ventures. Turnover from continuing operations amounted to €223.0 million in the first half, while operating profits from continuing operations was €10.2 million. Discontinued operations relate to the Glanbia Foods business, which was sold in April this year as part of the creation of the Group's joint venture with Milk Link Ltd. Better cost efficiencies together with a focused innovation agenda and a reorganised Consumer Foods division underpins the inherent strength and opportunity of this business. Glanbia is the leading supplier of branded and value-added liquid milk products, fresh dairy products, cheeses, soups and spreads in Ireland, a leading fresh pork and bacon processor for Irish and International markets and the No. 1 pizza cheese supplier in Europe. Liquid Milk and Chilled Foods In the first half of 2004 the liquid milk and chilled foods businesses performed satisfactorily in an environment that is increasingly competitive as a result of new entrants, increased levels of milk imports from Northern Ireland and aggressive competition in food retailing. However, this was offset by the strength of the Glanbia brand portfolio - including Yoplait, Avonmore, Premier, Snowcream and Kilmeaden - and the ongoing development and extension of the product range to meet consumer needs for taste, nutrition, variety and convenience. An example of this is the introduction of new fresh flavoured milks in the first half of 2004. These products are intended to position milk as a tasty and nutritious drink option and are aimed primarily at encouraging children as milk drinkers. Since introduction sales have exceeded expectations. Also during the first half a 50:50 joint venture agreement was concluded with Nash's Mineral Waters for a cash consideration of €1.3 million. Nash's is a premium brand in the Irish bottled water market and this investment will facilitate the development of the Group's value added beverage business. With a common set of customers and distribution channels the Group has unified the organisation structure of the liquid milk and chilled food businesses, which, along with other planned initiatives in sales and distribution and customer service, will strengthen the Group's position across all customer groups and distribution channels. Fresh Pork Glanbia is the largest pig processor in Ireland selling fresh pork and bacon to retailers and food processors in Ireland, Europe, the US and Asia. The business had a difficult first half in 2004, with a substantial decline in profitability. The pigmeat industry overall is cyclical and this has been compounded in recent years by overcapacity and inefficiencies in production. While 2004 is expected to be the low point of the ongoing cycle there are positive signs going forward. The Group has made recent investments at its Roscrea and Edenderry facilities that will provide considerable benefits in terms of scale and efficiency. Additionally industry consolidation is creating further opportunity for better capacity utilisation and operating efficiencies. UK Cheese Joint Ventures Following the restructuring of the Group's UK operations in recent years the Group has two joint venture cheese operations, servicing the UK domestic and European markets. Glanbia Cheese is a joint venture with Leprino Foods, the largest pizza cheese manufacturer in the world. It is Europe's leading producer of premium mozzarella cheese, serving quick service restaurants and chilled and frozen pizza manufacturers. In the first half volumes remained particularly robust with growth in overall market share, against the backdrop of the implementation of Mid Term Review (MTR) in EU dairy markets. In the medium term this business is a solid platform for development, with its unique technology, premium product and a strong set of customers, which offers good opportunity for scale in a growth market. In April 2004 the Group completed a joint venture agreement that included the sale of Glanbia Foods Ltd to a new company - Cheese Company Holdings Ltd. This is 75% owned by Milk Link Ltd and 25% by Glanbia and is the second largest cheese processor in the UK, producing cheddar, Stilton and British territorial cheeses. This business is a route to market for cheese produced by the Group in Ireland. FOOD INGREDIENTS The Food Ingredients division performed strongly in the first half of 2004 driven by a strong US cheese market compared with the first half of 2003 and good operational efficiencies in the Irish food ingredients businesses. This division comprises the US and Irish dairy ingredients operations, as well as the Group's developing Nutritionals business. Overall sales grew 19.9% to €513.5 million (H1 2003: €428.1 million) and operating profits increased 49.4% to €20.4 million (H1 2003: €13.6 million). Operating margins grew from 3.2% to 4.0% in the period. USA The Group's US cheese business had a strong performance in the first half buoyed by solid volume growth and improved market pricing for cheese. The Group is the largest producer of barrel cheese in the US and is one of the top producers of American type cheddar cheese, supplying the food service, food processing and retail sectors. As part of an ongoing programme of investment in this business an increase in capacity at the Idaho facilities for cheese and whey products was completed in the first half. Commissioning of these plant extensions has been successful and the new capacity came on stream in June 2004. The benefits of this will begin to accrue in accelerated organic growth in this business in the second half of the year. In December 2004 a further phase of investment will add new plant for manufacturing protein isolates, which is a core product in the Nutritionals business. Ireland The Irish food ingredients business delivered a good performance in the first half of the year with solid demand in the sector. The division also benefited from increased operational efficiency as a result of an ongoing programme of investment and rationalisation, which is in preparation for the shifting market dynamics and lower prices in dairy products heralded by the MTR of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). On 1 July 2004 the latest round of CAP reform in the milk production sector began. This saw institutional price cuts in a move away from producer subsidies to direct payments (which will begin in October 2004). This will necessitate a rebalancing between product prices and raw material prices over time. Glanbia has already undertaken a number of initiatives to offset the impact of these changes including better operational efficiency focused on scale and competitiveness and investing in sourcing alternative and new routes to market and new market segments. Notwithstanding the inevitable pressures from MTR and macro inflationary pressures, such as oil prices, a dynamic and competitive milk processing industry in Ireland offers good potential for efficient milk producers and processors alike and Glanbia's businesses, with leading market positions, are well positioned in this context. Nutritionals The principal driver for the development of the food industry is the requirement to meet the growing consumer demand for products that satisfy their need for health and wellness, as well as convenience and value. This is across a range of products for general food, sport or medical needs and the primary quotient is meeting consumers' nutritional expectation. Glanbia's leading technologies and capability in formulating whey proteins and focusing on their efficacy for health and wellness applications is the basis for the development of the Nutritionals business. The Group is opening a new innovation centre to be located in Ireland later this year and this centre of excellence will complement existing R&D facilities in the US. This enhanced capability is aimed at developing tailored products/solutions for food manufacturers through food and beverage applications and leverages the scientific knowledge and leading technologies already within the Group. The Nutritionals division will operate on a Group-wide and global basis. Good progress was made in the first half with a number of new product launches in the EU and the US that are part of an overall pipeline of new products in the area. In addition the business made a small strategic investment of a 28% equity stake in Westgate Biologicals Limited for a cash consideration of €1.3 million. Westgate, based in Ireland, holds patented technology based on the production and medical use of an anti-microbial substance, which is obtained from a dairy source. There is ongoing opportunity to develop the Nutritionals business through acquisition, which will enhance the Group's capability in key areas such as formulation, packaging, marketing and distribution. OUTLOOK Glanbia had a satisfactory first half with good performances from the Group's strategic growth platforms within Consumer Foods, Dairy Food Ingredients and Nutritionals. Based on current trading conditions the Group expects earnings per share for the full year will be in line with market expectations. Going forward Glanbia is well positioned to deliver solid earnings growth. Ends For further information, contact: Glanbia plc Geraldine Kearney, Group Director of Communications, Glanbia plc ( +353 56 777 2200 (office) or +353 87 231 9430 (mobile) Hogarth Partnership John Olsen / Tom Leatherbarrow ( +44 207 357 9477 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Half year ended 3 July 2004 Half year ended 5 July 2003 Year ended 3 January 2004 Pre Pre Pre Except- Except- Except- Except- Except- Except- ional ional Total ional ional Total ional ional Total Notes €'000 €'000 €'000 €'000 €'000 €'000 €'000 €'000 €'000 Turnover Continuing 919,753 - 919,753 904,736 - 904,736 1,724,790 - 1,724,790 operations Discontinued 93,600 - 93,600 178,587 - 178,587 384,970 - 384,970 operations Less share (39,341) - (39,341) (32,553) - (32,553) (68,687) - (68,687) of turnover of joint venture -------- -------- --------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Group 1 974,012 - 974,012 1,050,770 - 1,050,770 2,041,073 - 2,041,073 turnover -------- -------- --------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Operating profit Continuing 39,740 - 39,740 46,664 (9,505) 37,159 88,472 (16,451) 72,021 operations Discontinued 429 - 429 (1,238) - (1,238) 3,397 - 3,397 operations -------- -------- --------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Group 4(a) 40,169 - 40,169 45,426 (9,505) 35,921 91,869 (16,451) 75,418 operating profit Share of 108 - 108 301 - 301 916 - 916 operating profit of joint venture & associates -------- -------- --------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Operating 1 40,277 - 40,277 45,727 (9,505) 36,222 92,785 (16,451) 76,334 profit including joint venture & associates Loss on 2 - - - - (7,038) (7,038) - (9,827) (9,827) termination of operations Loss on 3 - - - - (21,902) (21,902) - (28,190) (28,190) sale of operations Profit on 4(b) - - - - 11,595 11,595 - 11,594 11,594 sale of investments/ fixed assets Provision 5 - - - - - - - (49,146) (49,146) for loss on sale of operation Net 6 (4,168) - (4,168) (7,949) - (7,949) (15,023) - (15,023) interest Share of (360) - (360) (217) - (217) (627) - (627) interest of joint venture and associates -------- -------- --------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Profit/ 35,749 - 35,749 37,561 (26,850) 10,711 77,135 (92,020) (14,885) (loss) before taxation Taxation (4,795) - (4,795) (5,055) - (5,055) (10,272) 1,546 (8,726) -------- -------- --------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Profit/ 30,954 - 30,954 32,506 (26,850) 5,656 66,863 (90,474) (23,611) (loss) after taxation -------- -------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- Equity (315) (450) (251) minority interest Non-equity (5,602) (5,679) (11,005) minority interest --------- --------- ---------- Profit/ 25,037 (473) (34,867) (loss) for the period Dividends 7 (6,274) (5,980) (14,515) --------- --------- ---------- Profit 18,763 (6,453) (49,382) retained/ (loss absorbed) for the period ========= ========= ========= Earnings 8 8.62c (0.16c) (12.01c) per share Adjusted 8 8.65c 9.14c 19.26c earnings per share CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 3 July 5 July 3 January Notes 2004 2003 2004 €'000 €'000 €'000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 315,394 372,308 363,641 Goodwill 2,416 2,681 2,466 Financial assets 62,622 36,510 38,454 ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- 380,432 411,499 404,561 ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Current assets Stocks 121,009 208,217 202,736 Debtors 9 360,697 326,168 210,402 Cash and bank balances 10 38,364 28,799 59,775 ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- 520,070 563,184 472,913 ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Current liabilities Creditors 309,208 324,549 305,530 Borrowings 10 527 64,750 43,221 ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- 309,735 389,299 348,751 ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Net current assets 210,335 173,885 124,162 ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Total assets less current 590,767 585,384 528,723 liabilities ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Less non-current liabilities Creditors 44,341 31,306 40,890 Borrowings 10 211,388 214,804 170,351 Capital grants 15,732 17,331 16,611 ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- 271,461 263,441 227,852 ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- 319,306 321,943 300,871 ======================= ======================= ======================= Capital and reserves Called up equity share capital 17,559 17,551 17,551 Share premium account 80,212 80,005 80,005 Merger reserve 113,148 113,148 113,148 Revenue reserves 11 (19,726) (20,838) (34,088) Capital reserves 2,825 2,825 2,825 ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Equity shareholders' funds 194,018 192,691 179,441 Equity minority interests 5,986 5,970 5,671 Non-equity minority interests 12 119,302 123,282 115,759 ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- 319,306 321,943 300,871 ======================= ======================= ======================= SUMMARISED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 3 July 5 July 3 January 2004 2003 2004 €'000 €'000 €'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities Operating profit before exceptional items 40,169 45,426 91,869 Reorganisation costs (432) (194) (338) Profit on disposal of fixed assets (57) (18) (415) Depreciation and amortisation 17,196 22,326 36,979 Changes in working capital (88,843) (118,201) (33,588) --------- -------- -------- (31,967) (50,661) 94,507 Returns on investments and servicing (11,397) (15,258) (28,306) of finance Taxation (1,100) (3,174) (9,816) Purchase of fixed assets (net of (24,006) (17,442) (39,107) disposals/grants) Purchase of investments (24,336) - (2,410) Fire insurance proceeds (net of - 7,628 7,332 redundancy and other costs) Termination of operations - - (1,851) Disposal of subsidiary undertakings 90,642 - 795 Minority interest acquired - (100) (100) Share capital issued 215 - - Equity dividends paid (8,535) (8,100) (14,080) --------- -------- -------- Change in net debt resulting from cash (10,484) (87,107) 6,964 flows Translation difference (9,270) 12,660 15,547 --------- -------- -------- Movement in net debt in the period (19,754) (74,447) 22,511 Net debt at beginning of period (153,797) (176,308) (176,308) --------- -------- -------- Net debt at end of period (173,551) (250,755) (153,797) ========= ======== ======== NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1. SEGMENTAL ANALYSIS Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 3 July 5 July 3 January 2004 2003 2004 €'000 €'000 €'000 Turnover by business class Agribusiness 143,828 149,970 234,452 Consumer Foods 316,642 472,661 900,411 Food Ingredients 513,542 428,139 906,210 ------------------- --------------------- --------------------- 974,012 1,050,770 2,041,073 =================== ===================== ===================== Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 3 July 5 July 3 January 2004 2003 2004 €'000 €'000 €'000 Operating profit by business class Agribusiness 9,236 9,350 14,247 Consumer Foods 10,666 22,743 44,773 Food Ingredients 20,375 13,634 33,765 ------------------- --------------------- --------------------- 40,277 45,727 92,785 =================== ===================== ===================== The turnover and operating profits arising from discontinued operations relates to the sale by the Group of a 75% interest in its UK hard cheese business (Glanbia Foods Ltd) which was announced on 23 February 2004 and completed on 7th April 2004, and which formed part of Consumer Foods. 2. LOSS ON TERMINATION OF OPERATIONS Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 3 July 5 July 3 January 2004 2003 2004 €'000 €'000 €'000 Loss arising on termination of - (5,757) (8,578) operations Goodwill written off on termination - (1,281) (1,249) ------------------- --------------------- --------------------- - (7,038) (9,827) =================== ===================== ===================== The loss on termination in 2003 arose from the closure of the Group's UK fresh meats operations at Drongan and Gainsborough. 3. LOSS ON SALE OF OPERATIONS Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 3 July 5 July 3 January 2004 2003 2004 €'000 €'000 €'000 Loss on disposal of asset - (10,731) (16,920) Goodwill write-back to profit and - (11,171) (11,171) loss account on sale Goodwill written off on sale - - (99) --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- - (21,902) (28,190) ===================== ====================== ===================== The loss on sale in 2003 arose mainly from the Group's sale of its UK fresh meats operation at West Brom. In 2003 the Group also sold a pig farm and recognised an additional loss representing increased pension obligations to former employees of the UK Dairies operation which was disposed of in a prior period. 4. EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 3 July 5 July 3 January 2004 2003 2004 €'000 €'000 €'000 (a) Redundancy cost arising from fire - (9,505) (9,505) at Roosky plant Restructuring cost associated with EU Commission's Mid Term Review of Common Agricultural Policy - - (6,946) ------------- ------------- ------------- - (9,505) (16,451) ============= ============= ============= (b) Profit on disposal of Roosky - 11,595 11,594 plant ============= ============= ============= The profit on disposal of Roosky plant arises from the excess of insurance proceeds received over the net book value of assets destroyed by fire at the pigmeat processing plant in Roosky, Ireland on 8 May 2002. The directors took the decision not to reinstate the processing plant at Roosky but rather to restore the lost capacity at its two remaining pig processing plants, with the result that a redundancy cost of €9,505k was incurred in 2003. 5. PROVISION FOR LOSS ON SALE OF OPERATION Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 3 July 5 July 3 January 2004 2003 2004 €'000 €'000 €'000 Loss on disposal of asset - - (18,629) Goodwill write-back to profit and loss - - (30,517) account on sale --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- - - (49,146) ===================== ===================== ===================== The provision in 2003 arose from the sale by the Group of a 75% interest in its UK hard cheese business (Glanbia Foods Ltd) which was announced on 23 February 2004 and completed on 7 April 2004. 6. NET INTEREST Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 3 July 5 July 3 January 2004 2003 2004 €'000 €'000 €'000 Loans and overdrafts : Repayable within five years (1,760) (4,145) (7,362) Repayable after five years (2,241) - - Senior notes (929) (3,868) (7,735) Finance leases (110) (75) (149) Bank interest receivable 132 139 223 Loan note interest receivable 740 - - --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- (4,168) (7,949) (15,023) ===================== ===================== ===================== 7. DIVIDENDS Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 3 July 5 July 3 January 2004 2003 2004 Dividends paid / proposed per 2.16 2.06 5.00 share (cent) ============= ============ ============= Total dividend (€'000) 6,274 5,980 14,515 ============= ============ ============= 8. EARNINGS PER ORDINARY SHARE Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 3 July 5 July 3 January 2004 2003 2004 €'000 €'000 €'000 Profit after taxation and 25,037 (473) (34,867) minority interest ============= ============ ============= Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue (million) 290.477 290.292 290.303 ============= ============ ============= Earnings per share (cent) 8.62c (0.16c) (12.01c) ============= ============ ============= Adjustments: Goodwill amortisation 0.03c 0.05c 0.10c Loss on sale of operations / - 9.25c 31.17c investments -------------- ------------ ------------ Adjusted earnings per share 8.65c 9.14c 19.26c ============== ============ ============= 9. DEBTORS Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 3 July 5 July 3 January 2004 2003 2004 €'000 €'000 €'000 Amounts falling due within one year - Trade debtors 216,366 216,917 148,349 - Amounts due by joint venture 385 4,333 9,043 - Other debtors and prepayments 86,283 85,033 38,928 Amounts falling due after one year - Pension prepayments /surplus 5,424 19,885 14,082 - Loan note 52,239 - - --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- 360,697 326,168 210,402 ===================== ===================== ===================== 10. GROUP BORROWINGS Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 3 July 5 July 3 January 2004 2003 2004 €'000 €'000 €'000 Borrowings due within one 527 64,750 43,221 year Borrowings due after one 211,388 214,804 170,351 year Less: Cash and bank balances (38,364) (28,799) (59,775) ------------- ------------ ------------ Net borrowings 173,551 250,755 153,797 ============= ============ ============ 11. REVENUE RESERVES Currency Profit Translation Goodwill Retained Reserve Reserve Total €'000 €'000 €'000 €'000 At 3 January 2004 26,244 (26,970) (33,362) (34,088) Profit retained 18,763 18,763 Currency translation (4,074) (327) (4,401) difference on foreign currency net investments ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------- At 3 July 2004 45,007 (31,044) (33,689) (19,726) ============= ============= ============ ============= 12. NON-EQUITY MINORITY INTERESTS Non-equity minority interests include $100 million 7.99% cumulative preferred securities issued by a subsidiary in 1996 and €38.2 million (IR£30.1 million) cumulative redeemable preference shares issued by a subsidiary in 1993 and 1995, both net of unamortised issue costs. 13. OTHER The figures for the half-years ended 3 July 2004 and 5 July 2003 are unaudited. The figures for the full year ended 3 January 2004 represent an abbreviated version of the Group's financial statements for the year, which received an unqualified audit report. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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