Final Results for the year ended 31 December 2007

8 April 2008 IE00B1FR8863/GBP/PLUS-exn GREAT WESTERN MINING CORPORATION PLC AUDITED FINAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT The period under review has been marked by the Company's transformation from a purely exploration profile to one increasingly of confirmation, validation and development. Highlights of operations to date include; * Three sets of gold and silver test results. * Three sets of uranium U308 test results. * A bulk sample laboratory leeching test for recovery of U308. * More than doubling the area under claim. Field Programmes The 2006 and 2007 field sampling programmes have confirmed our historical geological research; radioactive mineralisation is present on our claims, in addition to precious metals gold and silver. How much there is remains to be determined. This will be the object of much of our endeavours over the coming summer. As for the quality or richness of the deposit, that is perhaps best illustrated by comparison. In last year's Annual Report, it was stated the first test results yielded values of 0.17% U308. By the end of the third set of results, readings were as high as 0.59% U308. Third Uranium Test Results In the fifteen samples taken to test primarily for U308 content the results, in percentage, were as follows: % U308 % U308 1. 0.170 9. 0.292 2. 0.028 10. 0.061 3. 0.146 11. 0.043 4. 0.076 12. 0.212 5. 0.490 13. 0.596 6. 0.248 14. 0.138 7. 0.204 15. 0.564 8. 0.068 These outstanding results are the most recent of several previously announced surveys over the past year. The grades keep improving as we zero in on what we believe is the controlling geological feature of the deposition namely, the Ming Toy fault. Bulk Uranium Sample Test In late 2007 your Directors were determined to secure a bulk sample of uranium ore from the prospect to undertake a scaled-up test of its value and to examine if a low capital cost leaching plant would be an efficacious means of U308 recovery. Subsequently, a bulk sample was extracted and delivered to an appropriate laboratory in Colorado. We had hoped to have the results in time for publication in the annual report, but due to the strength of the ore, certain precautions had to be taken in the transportation and delivery of the bulk sample. I am confident the final report will be available in time for the AGM. Gold and Silver Results The most recent test results for precious metals released to the Market on 11th February 2008 are listed below. They were taken from pits on the flanks of the Adit from which the U308 bulk sample had been extracted. Element Unit Gold (Au) Silver (Ag) Sample # Grams per Ton Grams per Ton IWM - 1 6.78 1,549.00 IWM - 4 7.77 123.48 IWM - 5 68.43 4,696.60 IWM - 6 12.75 332.80 IWM - 11 1.06 44.48 IWM - 12 7.59 419.90 MC5A 3.67 69.30 MT122-04 6.16 90.80 In common with our uranium sampling, the values recorded continued to increase as the field survey and sampling teams became more familiar with the prospect's geology. The Next Step 2008 promises to be as busy a year as its predecessor. Establishing the extent and volume of the resource of precious metals and U308 will be a top priority. Another will be to seek out a suitable joint venture partner to develop the resource in an expeditious manner. To facilitate both objectives, the Company has retained a firm of Geological Engineers to publish a Competent Persons Report on the overall project; its history, regional geology, local geology, mineralogy, review of sampling programmes, and a suggested work schedule and scope for summer 2008. Funding The Company is well funded to achieve these goals, which your directors believe will provide market validation of the extent and value of our discovery. The Directors will not be recommending the payment of a dividend for this period. EMMETT O'CONNELL Chairman Group Income Statement for the period ended 31 December 2007 9 mths 12 mths ended ended 31/12/07 31/03/07 € € Administrative expenses (268,067) (226,098) Interest Receivable and similar income 7,677 - Loss for the period before tax (260,390) (226,098) Taxation - - Loss for the period (260,390) (226,098) Earnings per share: Basic loss per ordinary share 1.00 Cent 1.36 Cent Diluted loss per ordinary share 1.00 Cent 1.36 Cent The results for the period all arise on continuing operations. Group Balance Sheet for the period ended 31 December 2007 31/12/07 31/03/07 € € Assets Non-Current Assets Intangible assets 496,936 460,913 Current Assets Trade and other receivables 81,011 26,892 Cash and cash equivalents 673,867 338,936 754,878 365,828 Total Assets 1,251,814 826,741 Equity and Liabilities Equity Called up share capital 267,520 250,020 Share premium account 1,399,810 787,490 Profit and loss account (491,393) (231,003) Attributable to equity shareholders 1,175,937 806,507 Liabilities Current Liabilities Trade and other payables 75,877 20,234 Total Liabilities 75,877 20,234 Total Equity and Liabilities 1,251,814 826,741 The information contained in this statement has been extracted from the audited accounts, which contain an unqualified audit report. The Directors accept responsibility for the above announcement. ENDS For media enquiries, please contact: Kathryn Byrne / Glenn Hogarty, Limelight Communications. Tel. +353 1 668 0600 / +353 1 667 0487 Mobile + 353 85 233 6033 / For further information on investor relations please contact: Liam McGrattan, Investor Relations Director Tel. +353 1 856 1700 Mobile +353 87 274 5427 or Emmett O'Connell, Chairman, Great Western Mining Corporation Tel. +353 51 565 844 or +353 1 856 1700 Corporate Adviser: St Helen's Capital Plc Duncan Vasey / Barry Hocken Tel. +44 207 628 5582 Great Western Mining Corporation plc
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