Final Results

Greggs PLC 05 March 2004 5 March 2004 GREGGS plc PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 27 DECEMBER 2003 Greggs is the UK's leading retailer specialising in sandwiches, savouries and other bakery products, with a particular focus on takeaway food and catering. It has over 1,200 retail outlets throughout the UK, trading under the Greggs and Bakers Oven brands. • Twelfth consecutive year of profit, earnings and dividend growth • Record pre-tax profit of £40.5 million - up 10.4 per cent (2002: £36.7 million) • Earnings per share up 10.2 per cent to 230.5 pence (2002: 209.2 pence) • Dividends per share increased 10.3 per cent to 80.0 pence per share (2002: 72.5 pence) • Like-for-like sales up 3.3 per cent - core volume up 1.5 per cent • Progressive improvement in like-for-like sales after impact of summer heatwave • 68 new shops opened - net addition of 29 to 1,231 after re-sites and closures "There are some signs that the growth of the sandwich market may be slowing after the rapid expansion of recent years, and we are facing strong competition from both new and established operators. I have no doubt that we are well equipped to meet these challenges given our established market leadership and brand strengths, and the quality of our products, facilities, management and people. Like-for-like sales in the first nine weeks of the year are up by 3.1 per cent, and I believe that we are well placed to deliver another year of progress." - Derek Netherton, Chairman "I became Managing Director of Greggs at the beginning of 1984, the year in which we floated on the stock market. Over these 20 years we have expanded the business by almost 1,000 shops, and increased sales from £37 million to £457 million. Pre-tax profit has grown from £1.7 million to £40.5 million, a compound growth rate of 17 per cent per annum. Dividend growth has been ahead of the rate of profit progress at a compound rate of 19 per cent. We have also created jobs for more than 14,000 additional people. Whilst these anniversaries make it a natural time to look back, our business focus remains firmly on the future and on our ambitious plans for continued growth as Europe's finest bakery-related retailer." - Sir Michael Darrington, Managing Director ENQUIRIES: Greggs plc Hudson Sandler Sir Michael Darrington, Managing Director Michael Sandler / James Hill Malcolm Simpson, Financial Director Tel: 020 7796 4133 Tel: 020 7796 4133 on Friday, 5 March only Keith Hann 0191 281 7721 thereafter Tel: 07831 521870 High resolution images are available for the media to view and download from CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am pleased to report that the Group has continued to achieve satisfactory progress, making 2003 our twelfth consecutive year of profit, earnings and dividend growth. Consistency in business principles and management approach have enabled Greggs to deliver remarkably steady growth since its flotation as a public company, the 20th anniversary of which falls in May 2004. During this period the company has achieved a massive increase in scale, transforming it from a regional baker into the leading national specialist in bakery-related takeaway food. Results Sales for the year were £457 million (2002: £423 million), a rise of 8.1 per cent including like-for-like sales growth of 3.3 per cent. Operating profit grew by 10.8 per cent to £39.2 million (2002: £35.3 million), as increased efficiency enabled our operating margin to improve despite the pressures of rising wage, National Insurance, business insurance and ingredient costs. Interest receivable remained at around £1.3 million and therefore pre-tax profit was up by 10.4 per cent at £40.5 million (2002: £36.7 million). Basic earnings per share were 230.5 pence (2002: 209.2 pence), an increase of 10.2 per cent. Net cash in the balance sheet at the year end was £36.4 million, compared with £28.6 million at the end of 2002. Dividend The Board recommends a final dividend of 54.5 pence per share (2002: 49.0 pence), an increase of 11.2 per cent. Together with the interim dividend of 25.5 pence, paid in October 2003, this makes a total for the year of 80.0 pence (2002: 72.5 pence), a rise of 10.3 per cent. The dividend has increased each year since the company floated in 1984, producing a compound rate of growth over the last 20 years of 19 per cent per annum. The Board remains committed to a progressive dividend policy which seeks to provide shareholders with increases in their income broadly in line with the underlying growth of earnings per share over the medium term. Subject to the approval of the Annual General Meeting, the final dividend will be paid on 21 May 2004 to shareholders on the register at 23 April 2004. Business highlights The Group enjoyed a benign trading climate during the first half (24 weeks) of the year. Following the impact of the summer heatwave early in the second half, we saw a gradual recovery in like-for-like sales performance during the final quarter. Rising ingredient prices were also a feature of the second half, but we were successful in recovering these and also took a range of measures which reduced costs generally across the Group. Mike Darrington provides a more detailed commentary on these and other trading and business development issues in more detail in his Managing Director's Report on pages 4 - 9. The Board Bob Bennett, Group Finance Director of Northern Rock plc, joined the Board as an additional Independent Non-Executive Director on 1 December 2003. We are sure that his extensive financial experience will prove of great value to us, and I am delighted to welcome him to Greggs. Sonia Elkin, our Senior Independent Non-Executive Director, will retire at the Annual General Meeting in May, having served on the Board since 1992. We are most grateful to her for her wise and supportive contribution over the last 12 years, and wish her a long and happy retirement. She will be succeeded as Senior Independent Non-Executive Director by Stephen Curran, and as Chairman of the Audit Committee by Bob Bennett. On 1 January 2004 Mike Darrington celebrated 20 years as Managing Director of Greggs. I and our colleagues across the Group were particularly pleased that this milestone coincided with the award of a knighthood to Mike in the New Year Honours List. This recognised not only his considerable contribution to building a successful business but also his service to the community, particularly in the North East. I know that he regards this very much as an honour for Greggs, providing official recognition of our distinctive corporate culture and values, with our emphasis on putting people first. People The business has continued to prosper only because all our 17,900 people have continued to work together to deliver great products at good value prices, in a friendly and attractive shopping environment. The cheerfulness of our shop assistants is one of the most notable characteristics of both our retail chains, and we aim to maintain that admirable tradition by treating all our people with fairness, consideration and respect. We are grateful to all of them for the contribution they have made to another successful year for the Group. Prospects There are some signs that the growth of the sandwich market may be slowing after the rapid expansion of recent years, and we are facing strong competition from both new and established operators. I have no doubt that we are well equipped to meet these challenges given our established market leadership and brand strengths, and the quality of our products, facilities, management and people. Like-for-like sales in the first nine weeks of the year are up by 3.1 per cent, and I believe that we are well placed to deliver another year of progress. Derek Netherton, Chairman 5 March 2004 MANAGING DIRECTOR'S REPORT I became Managing Director of Greggs at the beginning of 1984, the year in which we floated on the stock market. Over these 20 years we have expanded the business by almost 1,000 shops, and increased sales from £37 million to £457 million. Pre-tax profit has grown from £1.7 million to £40.5 million, a compound growth rate of 17 per cent per annum, with only one small setback in 1991. Dividend growth has been consistent and ahead of the rate of profit progress at a compound rate of 19 per cent. We have also created jobs for more than 14,000 additional people. All this has been reflected in the rise in our share price from its flotation level of 135 pence to £31.40 at the end of 2003. Whilst these anniversaries make it a natural time to look back, our business focus remains firmly on the future and on our ambitious plans for continued growth as Europe's finest bakery-related retailer. Trading performance Satisfactory progress was achieved during 2003, despite the well-publicised impact of the heatwave at the time of our interim results announcement in August. This has to be balanced against the benefit of favourable weather in the early part of the year, and we would regard conditions over the year as a whole as being no worse than the long term UK average. Group like-for-like sales for the year grew by 3.3 per cent, including a core volume increase of 1.5 per cent. Having grown by 4.7 per cent in the first half (24 weeks), like-for-like sales growth over the second half averaged 2.2 per cent, with performance showing a gradually improving trend after the period of exceptionally hot weather. Although consumer spending overall appears to have remained robust, we saw some evidence of weaker customer traffic on the high street during the second half, including the Christmas period. Our selling prices increased by 1.8 per cent over the year as a whole, rising from 1.7 per cent in the first half to 1.9 per cent in the second. Our constant drive to upgrade products remained an important contributor to this, but we also had to recover a range of cost increases including a further substantial rise in business insurance premiums, higher National Insurance contributions from April and, in the final quarter, inflation over a wide range of ingredients including flour, meat and dairy products. With many ingredient prices effectively denominated in euros, currency movements contributed to these pressures together with the effects of poor harvests across Europe as a result of the very hot summer. Including the benefit of new shop openings in the current and prior year, total sales rose by 8.1 per cent, comprising increases of 9.9 per cent in the first half and 6.8 per cent in the second. Cost reduction measures across the Group contributed to the 10.8 per cent improvement in operating profit to £39.2 million. With net interest receivable remaining at around £1.3 million, pre-tax profit grew by 10.4 per cent to £40.5 million. Greggs brand UK Once again the nine Greggs divisions were the main drivers of group sales and profits. Like-for-like sales grew by 3.8 per cent over the year as a whole, including a core volume increase of 1.8 per cent. This comprised like-for-like sales increases of 5.4 per cent in the first half and 2.6 per cent in the second, including core volume uplifts of 3.6 and 0.4 per cent respectively. Divisional highlights included an outstanding performance by our business in Wales and the South West, and continued strong growth in Scotland. After a number of years of excellent progress the recent integration of our divisions in the South East, together with disruptive expansion works in our Enfield bakery, contributed to a short term setback in the region. The integration of our former Enfield and Twickenham divisions is now progressively bedding down, under a unified management team, and we expect to see a steady improvement in performance during 2004. Bakers Oven brand The four Bakers Oven divisions together made a satisfactory increase in their profit contribution to the Group. Like-for-like sales grew by 1.6 per cent over the year, including a core volume rise of 0.3 per cent. Having grown by 2.4 per cent in the first half, including core volume growth of 0.6 per cent, second half like-for-like sales advanced by 0.9 per cent while core volumes were flat. In the last few months of the year sales growth improved, benefiting from a positive consumer response to our enhancement of the Bakers Oven sandwich offer. During the final quarter we appointed a new national managing director of the Bakers Oven brand, Martin Kibler, who will focus on driving the continued improvement of its product offer, retail environment and profitability. Greggs Continental Europe Our first two shops on the Continent, at Antwerp and Leuven in Belgium, opened early in 2003. Both have achieved progressive sales improvements after a slow start, as our local management team has worked to refine our product range and retail format, and to build consumer awareness. We have always viewed this as a long-term, low-risk experiment to determine the potential of the Greggs concept in Continental markets. This learning process will continue in the current year, when we expect to open at least two more shops in Belgium. Retail profile We opened 68 new shops during the year and closed 39, including 13 re-sites to better locations. This gave us a net increase of 29 shops to a total of 1,231 at the year end. This comprised 1,009 under the Greggs brand, a net addition of 36; and 222 under the Bakers Oven fascia, a net reduction of 7. We also completed 22 comprehensive shop refurbishments and 20 minor refits during the year. Both the new shop opening and refurbishment programmes were slower than we had originally planned, as we focused on refining the new Greggs format to soften its takeaway orientation and re-emphasise our strong bakery heritage, and also to reduce its cost. A further tranche of refits under an enhanced Greggs format is scheduled for the coming months and, if these units meet our expectations, we will gradually accelerate the pace of refurbishments and new shop openings during the year. Our current target is to add a net total of 30 shops to our portfolio by the end of 2004. Product profile Savouries and sandwiches remained the main driver of Group sales. There was evidence of a slowdown in overall growth in the sandwich market, which also saw increased competition. Savouries were our strongest-growing category under the Greggs brand, though sandwiches performed more strongly in Bakers Oven as a result of our focus on improving its product offer. We also continued to respond to changing consumer requirements in Greggs, with the launch of the ' Lifestyle Choice' range of healthier-eating sandwiches. Cakes and confectionery products showed modest like-for-like sales growth, while the traditional bakery staples of bread and rolls continued to decline as a proportion of our sales. Strategic principles We have maintained our strong focus on the Group-wide Mission, Vision and Values statement set out in our annual report, and have made further progress in each of the key areas this defines. 'A Great Place to Work'. One of the founding principles of Greggs is that we put people first. We are passionate in our belief that if the company treats its people correctly, they will treat customers with similar consideration and so help to deliver the performance that shareholders expect. I believe that our track record demonstrates the effectiveness of this philosophy. We continually seek to improve working conditions in our shops and bakeries, and to ensure that the Greggs culture is one that enables people to derive real enjoyment and satisfaction from what they do. There has been a particular emphasis on ensuring that we really do treat people in line with our Values and that the behaviour of our staff at all levels reflects this. 'Enjoyable Experience'. Greggs will prosper only by delivering products that people enjoy. Hence we attach great importance to maintaining a continuous flow of new and improved products that reflect customer expectations and their changing tastes. The most significant product innovation during the year was the launch of our 'Lifestyle Choice' range of sandwiches, based on growing evidence of consumer demand for healthier-eating options. These included the main 'Lifestyle Choice' range using a 50% fat-reduced mayonnaise, a 'Just' selection of simple fillings with no mayonnaise and a 5% fat spread, and a 'Low Fat' range containing under 3g of fat per pack. Initially trialled in Greggs of the North East and South East, to a positive customer response, these products are being rolled out across the Greggs divisions. We are also successfully developing other low-fat carrier options, such as wraps, and in the longer term we will look to the potential development of 'Lifestyle Choice' in other product categories. Our capabilities in product development and testing have been greatly enhanced by the work of our group technical centre in Balliol Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, which has also enabled us to maintain the highest standards of food safety through its facilities for the rapid microbiological testing of ingredients and products. 'Business Excellence'. Continuous improvement in every area of our business is the objective of everyone in Greggs. We endeavour to assist this by striving to simplify what we do, and by facilitating and encouraging effective two-way communication throughout the Group. This enables all our people to understand our corporate goals and the contribution that they can make to realising them. We continue to attach importance to systematic targeting, benchmarking and the measurement of progress, and have started to use EFQM total quality management standards with their emphasis on raising business performance through self-assessment and the identification of critical areas for improvement. 'Challenging Targets'. For many years we have set and achieved stretching targets for the expansion of the business. Our latest goal, which has been in place since 1998, is to attain Group turnover of £1 billion and 1,700 shops by 2010. Progress towards these targets is currently behind schedule, chiefly because we had assumed at the time they were set that we would be able to drive expansion of the Bakers Oven brand alongside Greggs. In fact the Bakers Oven chain has contracted to date, though we are continuing to progress towards the right formula to drive its expansion. We remain committed to our targets and are as confident as ever in the long term potential of the business, with scope for at least 2,000 shops under our existing brands in the UK and additional opportunities on the Continent. 'Caring for the Community'. From its earliest days, the Group has been committed to putting something back into the communities where it operates, particularly in areas of social deprivation. The Greggs Breakfast Clubs, providing free breakfasts for children in selected primary schools, have continued to expand successfully and now operate in 60 locations. The Group continues to be a strong supporter of Business in the Community, and during the year I was appointed HRH The Prince of Wales' Regional Ambassador for the North East. The annual Children's Cancer Run in Newcastle, which we have sponsored since 1983, has raised a total of more than £2 million for cancer research. Other initiatives during the year included support for the launch of a credit union on Wearside. The Group is a founder member of the Per Cent Club and our total charitable donations during the year amounted to £420,000 (2002: £379,000), principally channelled through the Greggs Trust. We also recognise the importance of corporate environmental responsibility, and continue our efforts to minimise the impact of our operations on the environment in areas such as energy utilisation, the recycling of packaging and the disposal of waste materials. Capital investment Capital expenditure during 2003 was £32.4 million, compared with a record £42.1 million in 2002, when we made a substantial land purchase for future expansion. The 2003 total comprised investment of £14.3 million in new shops and refurbishments, £13.8 million in land, buildings and plant, and £4.3 million in vehicles. This was lower than we had originally expected, largely reflecting the slower rate of new shop openings and refits. Major capital projects undertaken during the year included the redevelopment of our Enfield bakery in London, increasing its capacity by over 50 per cent, and the extension of our Birmingham bakery. We also began work on an expansion project in Leeds. All these investments are essential to provide additional capacity to support the future growth of our retail operations, and to ensure that all our plants operate to the highest standards of quality, consistency and safety. Our investment plans for the business in 2004 are for total capital expenditure of some £34 million. This will include the completion of our Leeds bakery development and an extension of our Edinburgh facility, as well as the opening of a net 30 new shops and an acceleration of our refit programme as the year progresses. Cash flow and balance sheet The Group has consistently demonstrated its strong cash generating capabilities. Net cash on the balance sheet at the year end had risen to £36.4 million, compared with £28.6 million at the end of 2002. People Our business depends entirely on its people, and our philosophy of making Greggs 'A Great Place To Work' is based on our belief that this is not only the right thing to do, but also makes sound business sense. Our 14,200 shop staff are our daily point of contact with our customers, and the 2,700 people who work in production and distribution ensure the timely delivery of quality, enjoyable products. Our reputation depends entirely on the service and products these two groups provide, while our 1,000 people in management and administration ensure that the Group operates efficiently for the benefit of all its stakeholders. Once again, I would like to thank all our people for their individual contributions to another year of progress. Corporate governance and regulation We continue to strive for good standards of corporate governance, and to comply with all relevant legislation, regulations and codes of best practice. Across every area of our business, however, we are faced with a rising tide of legislation and bureaucracy which is occupying increasing amounts of management time and can ultimately only detract from our ability to achieve profitable growth. While we recognise that much of what Government proposes is well-intentioned, I appeal to them to temper some of their proposals with common sense and to examine the scope for businesses to undertake sensible self-regulation in many areas so as not to dampen enterprise or innovation. The future As the Chairman has noted, we believe that we can achieve continued progress despite the more competitive trading environment, building on our established strength as the leading specialist operator in our field. Our focus has always been on long term growth, and on reducing risk. This means making investment decisions on expansion only when we are sure that we have got things right. Hence the recent slowing of shop openings and refits in the UK while we refine the Greggs format, and our cautious approach to development on the Continent. I expect that the pace of shop refurbishments will accelerate as the year progresses, and we will also make increasing investment in support of our core Greggs brand. I have greatly enjoyed my first 20 years with Greggs, and I am as confident today as when I joined the business of the Group's long term growth potential. I look forward to reporting on our continued progress. Sir Michael Darrington Managing Director 5 March 2004 Greggs plc Group Profit and Loss Account for the 52 weeks ended 27 December 2003 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Turnover 456,978 422,600 Cost of sales (175,284) (163,406) _______ _______ Gross profit 281,694 259,194 Distribution and selling costs (209,559) (192,790) Administrative expenses (32,968) (31,070) _______ _______ Operating profit 39,167 35,334 Net interest receivable and other income 1,305 1,332 _______ _______ Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 40,472 36,666 Taxation on profit on ordinary activities (13,235) (11,980) _______ _______ Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 27,237 24,686 Dividends paid and proposed (9,476) (8,570) _______ _______ Retained profit for the financial year 17,761 16,116 ====== ====== Basic earnings per share 230.5p 209.2p Diluted earnings per share 227.6p 205.4p The Group's operating profit for both the current and preceding financial year derives from continuing operations. There are no recognised gains or losses during the current and previous year other than the profit for the year. Greggs plc Reconciliation of movement in consolidated shareholders' funds 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Profit for the financial year 27,237 24,686 Dividends (9,476) (8,570) _______ _______ Retained profit for the financial year 17,761 16,116 New share capital - nominal value 18 4 - share premium 1,452 291 _______ _______ Net addition to shareholders' funds 19,231 16,411 Opening shareholders' funds 119,965 103,554 _______ _______ Closing shareholders' funds 139,196 119,965 ====== ====== Greggs plc Group Balance Sheet at 27 December 2003 27 December 28 December 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 160,704 148,184 Investments 5,046 3,561 _______ _______ 165,750 151,745 Current assets Stocks 7,126 6,330 Debtors 13,037 11,740 Cash at bank and in hand 36,358 28,635 _______ _______ 56,521 46,705 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (68,558) (64,943) _______ _______ Net current liabilities (12,037) (18,238) _______ _______ Total assets less current liabilities 153,713 133,507 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (112) (119) Provisions for liabilities and charges Deferred tax (14,405) (13,423) _______ _______ 139,196 119,965 ====== ====== Capital and reserves Called up share capital 2,422 2,404 Share premium account 11,537 10,085 Profit and loss account 125,237 107,476 _______ _______ Equity shareholders' funds 139,196 119,965 ====== ====== Greggs plc Group Cash Flow Statement for the 52 weeks ended 27 December 2003 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from continuing operating activities 57,722 55,555 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 1,313 1,361 Interest paid (8) (29) _______ _______ Net cash inflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance 1,305 1,332 Taxation paid (10,908) (9,474) Capital expenditure and financial investments Purchase of tangible fixed assets (32,361) (42,143) Disposal of tangible fixed assets 787 1,009 (Purchase) / disposal of investments (1,485) 2 _______ _______ Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investments (33,059) (41,132) Equity dividends paid (8,807) (7,968) Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 1,470 295 _______ _______ Net cash inflow from financing 1,470 295 _______ _______ Net increase / (decrease) in cash in the period 7,723 (1,392) ====== ====== Greggs plc Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 39,167 35,334 Depreciation charges 18,985 16,813 Loss on disposal of fixed assets 69 260 Release of government grants (7) (7) Increase in stocks (796) (55) (Increase) / decrease in debtors (1,297) 666 Increase in creditors 1,601 2,544 _______ _______ Net (increase) / decrease in working capital (492) 3,155 _______ _______ Net cash inflow from continuing operating activities 57,722 55,555 ====== ====== NOTE: 1. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 27 December 2003 or 28 December 2002. Statutory accounts for 2002 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, whereas those for 2003 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their reports were unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (4) of the Companies Act 1985. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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