Epicure Qatar Equity Opportunities plc
15 July 2010
Epicure Qatar Equity Opportunities plc ("EQEO" or the "Company")
Following changes in the Isle of Man Companies Act, Isle of Man incorporated companies such as EQEO are now able to hold up to 10% of their share capital in treasury.
EQEO currently holds 60,000 of its ordinary shares in treasury, representing 0.03% of its issued share capital.
EQEO also wishes to advise shareholders that its policy in relation to treasury shares is as follows:
Shares held in treasury will not be reissued at a price less than the latest published net asset value per share.
Shares held in treasury will not be held in treasury for more than 12 months, at which point they will be cancelled.
For further information, please contact:
Epicure Qatar Equity Opportunities plc
Leonard O'Brien +41 (0) (22) 908 1190
Nick Wilson +44 (0)1624 622851
Panmure Gordon - +44 (0) 20 7459 3600
Andrew Potts