Final Results. Part 2
01 March 2007
Notes to the Accounts
1 Accounting policies
The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these consolidated financial
statements are set out below. These policies have been consistently applied to all the years
presented, unless otherwise stated. The change in policy from the previous year (requiring a
restatement of the comparative figures) has been a widening of the definition of an
investment property (See Note 7). The directors have adopted this change as they believe it
provides more relevant information on the position of the Group.
Basis of preparation
These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with EU Endorsed
International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRSs') IFRIC interpretations and those parts
of the Companies Act 1985 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. The consolidated
financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by
the revaluation of investment properties at fair value through income statement and where
IFRSs require an alternative treatment (principally in the areas of retirement benefit
obligations, share based payments and financial instruments).
In preparing the 2006 financial statements, UK COAL has not applied the following
pronouncements for which adoption is not mandatory until the year ending 31 December 2007 and
which have not yet been endorsed by the EU:
IFRIC 7 'Applying the restatement approach under IAS 29 - Financial reporting in
hyperinflationary economies'
IFRIC 8 'Scope of IFRS2'
IFRIC 9 'Reassessment of embedded derivatives'
IFRIC11 'IFRS2 'Group and treasury transactions'
IAS 1 amendment ' Presentation of financial statements Capital disclosures'
IFRS 7 'Financial Instruments: Disclosures'
IFRS 8 'Operating segments'
The directors do not anticipate any of the above will have a material impact on the Group's
financial statements.
2 Segmental reporting
Revenue from continuing operations arises 2006 2005
£000 £000
Sale of goods 331,439 334,355
Rendering of services 8,274 6,859
339,713 341,214
The Group's operations are divided into the
following segments:
Deep mining
The Group operated five ongoing deep mines in 2006 located in Central and Northern England.
In February 2007, one deep mine at Maltby has been sold. Subsequent to this, the group has
proven reserves of around 40 million tonnes, employing around 3,300 people. During 2006,
mining operations were mothballed at Harworth and closed at Rossington. These are described
as the closed deep mines in the segmental notes to the financial statements for 2006 and
Surface mining
The Group has four active surface mines and planning consent to mine a further site. Surface
mine reserves of 14 million tonnes have either already been granted for mining, applied for
or are planned for application during 2007.
The Group has a portfolio of around 47,500 acres of predominantly agricultural land and has
identified some 2,650 acres of this land as offering prime prospects for a mix of business
park, residential, distribution and community development.
Power Generation
The Group has established its own power generation business, which utilises waste gas from
mines to generate electricity and is actively pursuing the development of alternative power
generation opportunities, including wind farms.
This includes any activities not already included within one of the above segments and the
results of joint ventures.
Primary reporting format - business segments
Year ended 31 December 2006
Ongoing Closed Deep Surface Power
Deep Mines Deep Mines Mining Mining Property Generation Other Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Continuing operations
Revenue - gross 285,613 25,328 310,941 31,222 5,990 6,493 1,265 355,911
Revenue - intra Group - - - (9,561) - (6,200) (437) (16,198)
Revenue 285,613 25,328 310,941 21,661 5,990 293 828 339,713
Gross (loss) / profit (19,300) 193 (19,107) 1,197 3,286 1,726 (413) (13,311)
before Exceptional Items
within cost of sales
Exceptional Items within (6,732) (25,392) (32,124) 4,127 - - (27,997)
cost of sales
Gross (loss) / profit (26,032) (25,199) (51,231) 5,324 3,286 1,726 (413) (41,308)
Coal Investment Aid 7,892 - 7,892 - - - - 7,892
Net appreciation in fair - - - - 68,622 - - 68,622
value of properties
Profit on disposal of - - - - 1,406 - - 1,406
investment properties
Profit on disposal of (73) - (73) 489 - - - 416
operating property, plant
and equipment
Other operating income (9,781) - (9,781) (1,185) (14) 1,429 168 (9,383)
and expenses
Operating (loss)/ profit (27,994) (25,199) (53,193) 4,628 73,300 3,155 (245) 27,645
from continuing
Finance costs (12,376)
Finance income 2,261
Finance costs - net (10,115)
Share of post-tax profit 105
from joint ventures
Profit before tax 17,635
Tax (143)
Profit for the year from 17,492
continuing activities
Other segmental items
Capital expenditure 21,464 - 21,464 7,340 3,256 4,508 - 36,568
Depreciation 38,119 1,544 39,663 3,885 - 782 186 44,516
Amortisation of surface - 1,061 1,061
mining development assets
Stores equipment write 4,360 2,167 6,527 - - - - 6,527
Provision -non cash 10,314 (3,451) 6,863 (5,382) - - 8 1,489
Year ended 31 Ongoing Closed Deep Surface Power
December 2005 Deep Deep Mining Mining Property Generation Other Total
Mines Mines
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Restated Restated Restated Restated
Revenue - gross 261,757 41,342 303,099 67,478 4,843 3,730 12,170 391,320
Revenue - intra (13,163) - (13,163) (34,075) - (2,868) - (50,106)
Revenue 248,594 41,342 289,936 33,403 4,843 862 12,170 341,214
Gross (loss) / (18,011) (19,326) (37,337) 6,048 2,224 916 1,380 (26,769)
profit before
Exceptional Items
within cost of
Exceptional Items (20,343) (26,306) (46,649) (2,504) (49,153)
within cost of
Gross (loss) / (38,354) (45,632) (83,986) 3,544 2,224 916 1,380 (75,922)
Coal Investment 13,135 1,506 14,641 14,641
Net appreciation - - - - 40,668 - - 40,668
in fair value of
Profit on disposal - - - - 2,746 - - 2,746
of investment
Profit on disposal 305 - 305 158 - - - 463
of operating
property, plant
and equipment
Profit on disposal - - - - - - 3,100 3,100
of business
Other operating (9,398) - (9,398) (2,859) 53 2,446 2 (9,756)
income and
Operating (loss) / (34,312) (44,126) (78,438) 843 45,691 3,362 4,482 (24,060)
profit from
Finance costs (11,753)
Finance income 2,992
Finance costs - (8,761)
Loss before tax (32,821)
Tax (relating to (72)
Loss for the year (32,893)
Other segmental
Capital 16,603 930 17,533 1,874 8,082 26 - 27,515
Impairment - 6,601 6,601 500 - - - 7,101
Depreciation 33,849 3,265 37,114 4,715 - 919 270 43,018
Amortisation of - - - 1,911 - - - 1,911
surface mining
development assets
Stores equipment 2,078 2,618 4,696 - - - - 4,696
write down
Provision - non 19,299 13,669 32,968 (601) - - 12 32,379
cash movement
Amount provided 1,782 720 2,502 - - - - 2,502
against Coal
Investment Aid
Balance Sheet
at 31 December
Ongoing Closed Deep Surface Power
Deep Deep Mining Mining Property Generation Other Total
Mines Mines
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Non current assets
Operating 189,322 - 189,322 25,708 14,585 8,324 3 237,942
property, plant
and equipment
Investment - - - - 311,677 - - 311,677
Investment in - - - - - - 205 205
joint venture
Deferred tax asset 35,752 - 35,752 - - - - 35,752
Trade and other - - - 475 489 - - 964
225,074 - 225,074 26,183 326,751 8,324 208 586,540
Current assets
Inventories 31,477 1,700 33,177 3,463 - - - 36,640
Trade and other 36,788 - 36,788 2,874 277 764 6,901 47,604
Derivative - - - - - - 675 675
Cash and cash 42,337 - 42,337 - 1,042 - 2,549 45,928
110,602 1,700 112,302 6,337 1,319 764 10,125 130,847
- Borrowings (3,564) - (3,564) (3,027) 4,814 (950) (12,774) (15,501)
Trade and other (69,470) (440) (69,910) (10,144) (15,247) (4,737) (6,246) (106,284)
Provisions (13,628) (5,629) (19,257) (8,310) - - (364) (27,931)
(86,662) (6,069) (92,731) (21,481) (10,433) (5,687) (19,384) (149,716)
Net current assets 23,940 (4,369) 19,571 (15,144) (9,114) (4,923) (9,259) (18,869)
Non current
- Borrowings (7,576) - (7,576) (6,203) (68,163) (344) 22 (82,264)
Trade and other - - - (130) (182) - - (312)
Deferred tax - - - - (1,172) - - (1,172)
Provisions (65,580) (8,669) (74,249) (45,060) - - - (119,309)
Retirement benefit (120,495) - (120,495) - - - - (120,495)
(193,651) (8,669) (202,320) (51,393) (69,517) (344) 22 (323,552)
Net assets/ 55,363 (13,038) 42,325 (40,354) 248,120 3,057 (9,029) 244,119
Balance Sheet
at 31 December
Ongoing Closed Deep Surface Power
Deep Deep Mining Mining Property Generation Other Total
Mines Mines
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Restated Restated
Non current assets
Operating 206,345 5,042 211,387 24,162 14,238 4,596 4 254,387
property, plant
and equipment
Investment - - - - 251,161 - - 251,161
Trade and other 2,394 - 2,394 476 - - 1,858 4,728
208,739 5,042 213,781 24,638 265,399 4,596 1,862 510,276
Current assets
Inventories 34,395 4,994 39,389 2,779 - - - 42,168
Trade and other 54,089 211 54,300 1,774 1,140 68 6,030 63,312
Cash and cash 52,260 1 52,261 - 533 - 426 53,220
140,744 5,206 145,950 4,553 1,673 68 6,456 158,700
- Borrowings (6,416) - (6,416) (3,510) - (912) (52,148) (62,986)
Trade and other (86,411) (968) (87,379) (4,201) (10,299) (411) (2,637) (104,927)
Provisions (20,731) (14,023) (34,754) (17,528) - - (38) (52,320)
(113,558) (14,991) (128,549) (25,239) (10,299) (1,323) (54,823) (220,233)
Net current assets 27,186 (9,785) 17,401 (20,686) (8,626) (1,255) (48,367) (61,533)
Non current
- Borrowings (11,051) - (11,051) (1,490) (19,720) (1,294) - (33,555)
- Derivative - - - - - - (55) (55)
Deferred tax - - - - (1,029) - - (1,029)
Provisions (61,639) (9,181) (70,820) (50,635) - - (323) (121,778)
Retirement benefit (142,338) - (142,338) - - - - (142,338)
(215,028) (9,181) (224,209) (52,125) (20,749) (1,294) (378) (298,755)
Net assets/ 20,897 (13,924) 6,973 (48,173) 236,024 2,047 (46,883) 149,988
Cash Flow Ongoing Closed Deep Surface Power 2006 2005
Statement Deep Deep Mining Mining Property Generation Other Total Total
Mines Mines
For the year
ended 31 December
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Restated Restated
Cash flows from
(Loss)/profit for (28,975) (25,199) (54,174) 2,233 69,720 3,038 (3,325) 17,492 (32,893)
the year
Depreciation/ 38,119 1,544 39,663 4,946 - 782 186 45,577 52,030
impairment of
property, plant and
Net fair value - - - - (68,622) - (68,622) (40,668)
appreciation in
Net interest 981 - 981 2,395 3,437 117 3,185 10,115 8,376
payable and
amortisation of
discount on
Net charge for - - - - - - 198 198 173
share based
Net capitalised - - - (5,382) - - - (5,382) (2,298)
surface mine
development and
restoration costs
Profit on 73 - 73 (489) (1,406) - - (1,822) (3,209)
disposal of
property, plant
and equipment
Profit on sale of - - - - - - - - (3,100)
interests in
Decrease in (16,647) (8,247) (24,894) (11,352) - - - (36,246) (21,378)
Tax - - - - 143 - - 143 72
Operating cash (6,449) (31,902) (38,351) (7,649) 3,272 3,937 244 (38,547) (42,895)
flows before
movements in
working capital
Decrease/Increase 2,919 3,294 6,213 (685) - - - 5,528 2,004
in stocks
Decrease/ 19,695 211 19,906 (1,099) 374 (696) 312 18,797 (1,551)
(Increase) in
Decrease/ (16,942) (528) (17,470) 6,073 (810) 4,326 2,808 (5,073) (2,376)
(Increase) in
Cash (used in) / (777) (28,925) (29,702) (3,360) 2,836 7,567 3,364 (19,295) (44,818)
generated from
Tax paid - - - (72)
Financing cost - - - - (698) - (330) (1,028) (738)
Interest paid (848) - (848) (472) (2,303) (118) (3,198) (6,939) (5,744)
Cash (used in) / (1,625) (28,925) (30,550) (3,832) (165) 7,449 (164) (27,262) (51,372)
generated from
Cash flows from
Interest received 2,056 - 2,056 18 31 1 155 2,261 2,992
Net receipt from 9,915 - 9,915 - - - - 9,915 3,075
insurance and
subsidence security
Disposal of - - - - - - - - 8,844
Proceeds on - - - 5,594 18,597 - - 24,191 15,861
disposal of
property, plant
and equipment
Investment in - - - - - - (205) (205) -
joint venture
Development costs - - - - (3,256) - - (3,256) (8,082)
of investment
Purchase of (21,607) - (21,607) (7,196) - (4,509) - (33,312) (19,433)
property, plant
and equipment
Cash (used in)/ (9,636) - (9,636) (1,584) 15,372 (4,508) (50) (406) 3,257
generated from
Net Operating (11,261) (28,925) (40,186) (5,416) 15,207 2,941 (214) (27,668) (48,115)
Cash flow by
Secondary format -
geographic segments
The Group manages its business segments on a global basis. The Group is entirely based in the
United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is the home of the parent company. An analysis of revenue by
destination, together with capital expenditure and segment assets is given in the following table:
Revenue Segment Capital
assets expenditure
2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Continuing Restated
United Kingdom 339,713 333,272 717,387 668,976 36,568 27,515
Europe - 7,942 - - - -
339,713 341,214 717,387 668,976 36,568 27,515
3 Expenses by nature
Notes 2006 2005
£000 £000
Revenue 339,713 341,214
Depreciation of property, plant and (39,027) (38,207)
equipment - owned assets
Depreciation of property, plant and (6,550) (6,722)
equipment - under finance leases
Net credit for surface mine development and 5,382 2,316
restoration assets
Profit on disposal of investment 1,406 2,746
Profit on disposal of operating property, 416 463
plant and equipment
Repairs and maintenance (63,592) (60,004)
Rent receivable 5,222 4,841
Staff costs (175,131) (175,631)
- cost of inventories recognised as (39,280) (41,361)
an expense
Operating expense for investment
- for properties where rental (1,256) (797)
Operating lease payments (268) (386)
Net appreciation in fair value of 68,622 40,668
investment properties
Profit on sale of business - 3,100
Other expenses (47,907) (64,888)
Exceptional items 4 (20,105) (31,412)
Operating profit/(loss) 27,645 (24,060)
4 Exceptional Items 2006 2005
Notes £000 £000
Exceptional Items within cost of
In relation to mine closures
Harworth - mothballing costs 4a (10,264) -
Harworth - write off of assets 4b (3,589) -
Harworth - impairment of assets 4c - (967)
Rossington - mothballing costs 4d (4,809) -
Rossington - write off of assets 4e (203) -
Rossington - impairment of assets 4f - (5,634)
Stores equipment provision 4g (6,527) (4,696)
Redundancy 4h (1,995) (24,249)
Post retirement benefits 4i 4,355 5,180
Ellington post coaling 4j - (5,635)
Selby post coaling 4k - 249
Other exceptional items
Maltby - recovery costs 4l (6,973) -
Daw Mill - recovery costs 4m (2,392) -
Surface mining - reversal of 4n 4,400 (500)
impairment charge
Recovery costs at Kellingley and 4o - (12,551)
Costs incurred following approach 4p - (350)
for company
Exceptional Items within cost of (27,997) (49,153)
Other exceptional items
Coal Investment Aid 4q 7,892 17,143
Amount provided against Coal 4r - (2,502)
Investment Aid claim
Profit on disposal of business 4s - 3,100
Total Exceptional Items (20,105) (31,412)
Operating profit before Exceptional 47,750 7,352
Net charge for Exceptional Items (20,105) (31,412)
Operating profit/(loss) 27,645 (24,060)
Exceptional Items in relation to mine closures
(a) The decision was taken to mothball the Harworth Colliery during 2006. In the year,
attempts to develop a new face and to salvage the mining equipment proved unsuccessful.
As a result, abortive development costs of £2,940,000, net salvage costs of £2,467,000
and post coaling costs of £4,857,000 were incurred.
(b) In addition to the above, the remaining assets of the Harworth Colliery were
written off £3,589,000.
(c) The decision was taken during 2005 to mothball the Harworth Colliery, the assets
were reviewed giving rise to an impairment of £967,000.
(d) The decision was taken to mothball, and later to close, the Rossington Colliery
during 2006. In the year, post coaling costs of £4,809,000 were incurred.
(e) In addition to the above, the remaining assets of the Rossington Colliery were
written off in 2006 of £203,000.
(f) The decision was taken during 2005 to mothball, and later to close, the Rossington
Colliery, the assets were reviewed giving rise to an impairment of £5,634,000.
(g) In light of deep mine closures during the year, a strategic review was undertaken
of the expected future utilisation of stores equipment. As a result, a provision was
created against the carrying value of these items of £6,527,000 (2005: £4,696,000).
(h) Costs in relation to redundancies announced prior to the year end have been
recognised during the year of £1,995,000 (2005: £24,249,000).
(i) A one-off gain arose as a result of the reduction in the Group's liability to
provide post retirement benefits in respect of employees leaving UK COAL's employment
during the year of £4,355,000 (2005: £5,180,000).
(j) During 2005, post coaling costs were incurred at the Ellington Colliery following
the cessation of mining operations in January 2005.
(k) During 2005, a provision release was recognised in relation to a difference between
costs incurred on the cessation of coaling and the commencement of restoration work at
Other Exceptional Item
(l) In July 2006 a major roof fall occurred at Maltby Colliery, resulting in the
inability to mine for 3 months and the invocation of the force majeure clause of
certain coal supply contracts. Net mining costs during this period have therefore been
treated as exceptional costs of £6,973,000.
(m) Costs incurred related to health and safety incidents at Daw Mill of £2,392,000.
(n) An impairment provision release arose following the disposal of surface mining
plant during the year of £4,400,000.
(o) During 2005, additional labour costs were incurred at Rossington and Kellingley
consequent to the revised mining plans following invocation of the force majeure clause
within certain coal supply contracts.
(p) During 2005, costs were incurred following an approach from a consortium looking to
acquire the Company. It comprised fees from property advisers, lawyers and financial
(q) Coal investment aid receivable under the Government Aid Scheme of £7,892,000 (2005:
£17,143,000). This scheme has now closed for new applications.
(r) In 2005, a provision was created against the Coal investment aid debtor in relation
to payments which were being challenged as a result of the closure or mothballing of
collieries, or revised mining plans.
(s) During 2005 a profit was earned on the disposal of the Monckton business.
5 Finance income and
2006 2005
£000 £000
Interest expense Restated
- Bank borrowings (6,377) (3,959)
- Hire purchase agreements and finance (1,204) (1,877)
- Provisions unwinding of discount (4,550) (5,123)
- Discounting of non-current receivables 142 (391)
- Amortisation of issue costs of bank loans (1,028) (344)
Fair value loss on financial instruments
- Interest rate swaps: fair value hedges (34) (4)
- Fair value of interest rate swaps 675 (55)
Finance costs (12,376) (11,753)
Finance income 2,261 2,992
Net finance costs (10,115) (8,761)
6 Operating property, plant
and equipment
In order to provide more relevant information in relation to the Group's property portfolio,
the directors have widened the categories of property recognised as investment properties.
This change in accounting policy has led to a restatement of the Group's prior year
consolidated income statement, consolidated balance sheet and statement of changes in
shareholders' equity.
The effect of the
adjustment is:
Uplift in revaluation 87,670
Provision for deferred (1,029)
Net increase in equity shareholders' funds 86,641
at 1 January 2005
Year ended 31 December
- Income statement adjustments 29,273
- Revaluation gains taken to the revaluation 48,805
Net increase in equity shareholders' funds 164,719
at 31 December 2005
The impact on the consolidated income
statement is as follows:
2006 2005
£000 £000
Revaluation gains 59,051 36,138
Revaluation in profit on (11,059) (6,865)
47,992 29,273
Tax (143) -
47,849 29,273
Group Surface
Mines and and
Operating surface Plant and restoration
properties works machinery assets Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Restated Restated Restated
At 1 January 2006 18,225 803,564 102,973 17,341 942,103
Additions 143 21,464 5,006 6,699 33,312
Disposals - (13,400) (14,785) - (28,185)
Transfer from investment 391 - - - 391
At 31 December 2006 18,759 811,628 93,194 24,040 947,621
At 1 January 2006 3,987 592,184 78,260 13,285 687,716
Charge for the year 187 39,663 4,666 1,061 45,577
Disposals - (9,541) (14,073) - (23,614)
At 31 December 2006 4,174 622,306 68,853 14,346 709,679
Net book amount :
At 31 December 2006 14,585 189,322 24,341 9,694 237,942
At 1 January 2005 - as 82,934 812,549 121,560 62,628 1,079,671
previously stated
Prior year adjustment - (56,370) - - (4,411) (60,781)
transfer to Investment
Properties (note 7)
At 1 January 2005 as 26,564 812,549 121,560 58,217 1,018,890
Additions 19 17,599 269 1,546 19,433
Disposals (83) (26,520) (3,885) (42,422) (72,910)
Transfer to investment (7,421) - - - (7,421)
Transfer from investment 280 - - - 280
Monckton assets sold (1,134) (64) (14,971) - (16,169)
At 31 December 2005 18,225 803,564 102,973 17,341 942,103
At 1 January 2005 - as 7,016 575,276 85,234 53,913 721,439
previously stated
Prior year adjustment - (26) - - (665) (691)
transfer to Investment
Properties (note 7)
At 1 January 2005 as 6,990 575,276 85,234 53,248 720,748
Charge for the year 319 36,808 5,891 1,911 44,929
Impairment - 6,601 500 - 7,101
Disposals - (26,437) (3,592) (41,874) (71,903)
Transfer to investment (2,547) - - - (2,547)
Monckton assets sold (775) (64) (9,773) - (10,612)
At 31 December 2005 3,987 592,184 78,260 13,285 687,716
Net book amount :
At 31 December 2005 14,238 211,380 24,713 4,056 254,387
Assets under finance leases, disclosed under plant and machinery and mines and surface works,
have the following net book amount:
2006 2005
£000 £000
Cost 46,213 58,033
Aggregate depreciation (20,864) (27,713)
Net book amount 25,349 30,320
Certain land and buildings are subject to a fixed charge to cover borrowings against those
assets. Other property, plant and equipment is subject to a floating charge to cover either
liabilities due to the Coal Authority or bank borrowings.
7 Investment properties
2006 2005
£000 £000
At valuation - Group Restated
At 1 January as 251,161 6,720
previously stated
Transfer from operating - 60,090
property, plant and
Revaluation gain on - 87,670
Accounting Policy change
At 1 January as restated 251,161 154,480
Additions 3,256 8,082
Disposals (14,023) (10,033)
Fair value uplift 71,674 40,668
Transfer from operating - 4,874
property, plant and
Revaluation gain on transfer from - 53,370
operating property, plant and
Transfer to operating (391) (280)
property, plant and
At 31 December 311,677 251,161
The investment properties comprise all properties which are not designated as operating
properties. The properties were valued during the year, in accordance with the Appraisal and
Valuation Standards of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, by Atisreal, Smiths Gore
and Bell Ingram, independent firms with relevant experience of valuations of this nature. The
valuation excludes any deduction of rehabilitation and restoration costs which are stated
within provisions in the balance sheet.
Key assumptions within the basis of fair value are:
The sites will be cleared of redundant buildings, levelled and prepared ready for
The values are on a basis that no material environmental contamination exists on the subject
or adjoining sites, or where this is present the sites will be remediated by UK COAL to a
standard consistent with the intended use; and
No deduction or adjustment has been made in relation to clawback provisions, or other taxes
which may be payable.
Certain of the Group's borrowings are secured by a fixed charge over the investment
Had the above investment properties been carried at cost, rather than fair value , their
value would be as follows:
2006 2005
£000 £000
Cost 76,318 63,781
Additions 3,256 8,082
Transfer from operating - 4,874
property, plant and
Disposals (2,964) (171)
Transfer to operating (391) (248)
property ,plant and
Revaluation and fair 235,458 174,843
value uplift
Total 311,677 251,161
8 Financial liabilities -
Current Group Company
2006 2005 2006 2005
£000 £000 £000 £000
Borrowings due within one
year or on demand:
Secured - bank loans and 10,176 55,575 12,476 52,395
Unsecured - bank loans - - - -
and overdrafts
10,176 55,575 12,476 52,395
Finance lease obligations 5,325 7,411 - -
15,501 62,986 12,476 52,395
Non current Group Company
2006 2005 2006 2005
£000 £000 £000 £000
Borrowings due after more
than one year :
Secured - bank loans and 73,948 19,720 - -
Unsecured - bank loans - - - -
and overdrafts
73,948 19,720 - -
Finance lease obligations 8,316 13,835 - -
82,264 33,555 - -
Bank loans and overdrafts due within one year or on demand are stated after deduction of
unamortised borrowing costs of £1,259,000 (2005: £556,000). Non current bank loans and
overdrafts are stated after deduction of unamortised borrowing costs of £2,072,000 (2005:
£280,000). The Group's Revolving Credit Facility comprises one month rolling drawdowns, and
are thus disclosed under amounts falling due within one year. The facility is, however,
committed until 2008.
During 2006, new bank loans were taken out of £58,947,000 with associated borrowing costs of
£3,275,000 and additional borrowing costs of £248,000 were incurred on existing bank loans.
The bank loans and overdrafts are secured by way of fixed and floating charges over certain
assets of the Group.
The exposure of the Group to interest rate
changes when borrowings reprice is as
Within More than
1 year 2-5 years 5 years Total
£000 £000 £000 £000
At 31 December 2006
Secured and unsecured 10,176 73,948 - 84,124
Add back borrowing costs 1,259 2,072 - 3,331
Total borrowings 11,435 76,020 - 87,455
Effect of interest rate (2,237) (52,965) - (55,202)
9,198 23,055 - 32,253
At 31 December 2005 -
Secured and unsecured 55,575 19,720 - 75,295
Add back borrowing costs 556 280 - 836
Total borrowings 56,131 20,000 - 76,131
Effect of interest rate - (17,000) - (17,000)
56,131 3,000 - 59,131
The above swaps have an average interest rate of 4.82% (2005: 4.65%). The debt under which
these swaps are held are treated as fixed interest rate. The effective interest rates at the
balance sheet date were as follows.
2006 2005
Bank overdraft 6.0% 5.5%
Bank borrowings 6.7% 6.1%
Finance leases 6.4% 6.6%
The carrying amount of the Group's borrowings are
denominated in sterling.
The minimum lease payments under finance leases fall due
as follows:
2006 2005
£000 £000
Not later than one year 6,206 8,733
Later than one year, but 9,114 15,310
not more than five years
More than five years - 186
15,320 24,229
Future finance charges on (1,679) (2,983)
finance leases
Present value of finance 13,641 21,246
lease liabilities
9 Provisions
At At
1 January Provided Released Utilised Unwinding 31 December
2006 in year in year in year of 2006
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Employer and public 17,998 5,562 - (4,604) 900 19,856
Surface damage 21,988 3,763 (3,317) (3,274) 660 19,820
Claims 1,538 8 - (5) - 1,541
Restoration and closure 66,362 3,238 (8,620) (11,172) 1,941 51,749
costs of surface mines
Restoration and closure
costs of deep mines:
- shaft treatment and 18,494 1,044 (347) (2,098) 542 17,635
pit top
- spoil heaps 5,029 148 (543) (564) 151 4,221
- pumping costs 8,985 - (1,442) (1,000) 71 6,614
Ground/groundwater 9,483 - - - 285 9,768
Redundancy 24,221 4,949 (2,954) (10,180) - 16,036
174,098 18,712 (17,223) (32,897) 4,550 147,240
Provisions have been analysed between current
and non current as follows:
2006 2005
£000 £000
Current 27,931 52,320
Non current 119,309 121,778
147,240 174,098
Provisions are expected to be settled within the timescales set out in the following table. It should be
noted that these are based on the information available at the time the consolidated financial
statements were prepared and are subject to a number of estimates and uncertainties, as noted below.
Within 1 1-2 years 2-5 years More than 5 years Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Employer and public 8,693 4,465 4,577 2,121 19,856
Surface damage 3,214 4,258 9,368 2,980 19,820
Claims 1,041 500 - - 1,541
Restoration and 7,310 10,665 29,775 3,999 51,749
closure costs of
surface mines
Restoration and
closure costs of
deep mines:
shaft treatment and 3,149 2,756 931 10,799 17,635
pit top
spoil heaps 321 627 307 2,966 4,221
pumping costs - - - 6,614 6,614
Ground/groundwater - - - 9,768 9,768
Redundancy 4,203 11,833 - - 16,036
27,931 35,104 44,958 39,247 147,240
The total of provisions created net of provisions released was £1.5 million (2005: £32.4 million).
This included a charge of £2.0 million (2005: £29.6 million) in respect of Exceptional Items and a
release of £0.5 million (2005: £2.8 million) in respect of non exceptional items.
A brief description of the nature of the Group's obligations and an indication of the uncertainties
surrounding each of the above provisions is provided below:
Employer and public liabilities - provisions are made for current and estimated obligations in
respect of claims made by employees and the general public relating to accident or disease as a
result of the business activities of the Group. This is covered by dedicated cash deposits.
Surface damage - provision is made for the Group's liability to compensate for subsidence damage
arising from past mining operations. Claims can be lodged by the public up to six years after the
date of relevant damage. The estimate is based on historical claims experience, following a detailed
assessment of the nature of damage foreseen. This is covered by dedicated cash deposits.
Claims - where surface mine sites owned by the Group are mined by external contractors and mining
conditions vary from those specified in the contract, the external contractors may be entitled to
claim further costs incurred. Claims are settled with individual contractors, generally at the
completion of a surface mining site. All claims provisions are based on known mining conditions
encountered, historical experience and contracted rates.
Restoration and closure costs of surface mines - provisions are made for the total costs of
reinstatement of soil excavation and for surface restoration, such as topsoil replacement and
landscaping. Costs become payable after coal mining has been completed. Further liabilities for
aftercare can extend after restoration, for a period of up to six years.
Restoration and closure costs of deep mines:
Shaft treatment and pit top - provisions are made to meet the Group's liability to fill and cap all
mine shafts and return pit top areas to a condition consistent with the required planning
permission. No liabilities will arise until decommissioning of each individual colliery. The current
pit top provision reflects existing planning permissions that require pit areas to be restored to
former use, usually agricultural. The Group will, where possible, seek planning permission for
development use, which, if successful, may reduce the expected cost.
Spoil heaps - provisions are made for the costs payable to bring spoil heaps to a condition
consistent with required planning permission and to complete approved restoration schemes. An
element of spoil heap restoration is ongoing, although the majority of costs will be incurred on
decommissioning of a colliery.
Pumping costs - there is a legal requirement to continue pumping activities at certain mine sites
following closure and for a period into the future. The provision is based on current experience and
the net present value of future cost projections. Pumping costs on continuing operations are
expensed as incurred.
Ground/groundwater contamination - provisions are made for the Group's legal or constructive
obligation to address ground and groundwater pollutants at its operating sites. The provision is
based on estimates of volumes of contaminated soil and the historical contract costs of ground
contamination treatment. These costs will usually be incurred on the decommissioning of a site.
Redundancy - provision is made for current estimated future costs of redundancy and ex-gratia
payments to be made where this has been communicated to those employees concerned.
10 Retirement
Benefit Obligations
Pension Schemes
The Group operates defined contribution pension schemes in respect of all employees who joined after
the privatisation date in 1994. Contributions to defined contribution schemes in the year amounted
to £1.4 million ( 2005: £1.7 million ).
Defined Benefit
The balance sheet amounts in respect of
retirement benefit obligations are:
2006 2005
£000 £000
Industry Wide 94,469 116,730
Blenkinsopp 1,299 1,299
Concessionary Fuel 24,727 24,309
120,495 142,338
Contributions to defined benefit schemes during the year amounted to £20.3 million (2005: £19.3
A deferred tax asset of £35.8 million (2005: £nil) has been recognised in the year on the
expectation that the Group generates sufficient taxable profits over the period during which the
deficit is expected to reverse. In 2005, the deferred tax asset not recognised in the financial
statements was £42.3 million.
Industry wide
The Group operates pension schemes providing benefits based on final pensionable pay. The majority
of the employees within defined benefit schemes are members of industry wide schemes, being either
the Industry Wide Coal Staff Superannuation Scheme ('IWCSSS') or the Industry Wide Mineworkers'
Pension Scheme ('IWMPS'), both of which commenced on privatisation following the Coal Industry Act
1994. Contributions are determined by a qualified actuary on the basis of triennial valuations,
using the projected unit method. The most recent valuations were at 31 December 2003. The
assumptions which usually have the most significant effect on the results of the valuation are the
discount rate, which is based on bond yields, and the rates of increases in salaries and pensions.
The main assumptions underlying the valuations of the UK COAL sections of each scheme were as
2006 2005
Discount rate 5.10% pa 4.70% pa
Rate of return on 7.00% pa 7.00% pa
Rate of salary 3.10% pa 2.70% pa
Rate of price 3.10% pa 2.70% pa
Rate of return on 7.00% pa 7.00% pa
Rate of return on 5.10% pa 4.70% pa
Rate of cash 22.5% pa 20.0% pa
Pensions in payment are assumed to increase in line with price inflation.
Post retirement mortality has been estimated using applicable standard mortality tables. Normal
health and ill health pensioners have been rated up by between one and three years and by five years
respectively for the IWCSS, and by between two and eight years for the IWMPS.
The overall expected rate of return on assets is based on a historic view of the yields from
equities and the rates prevailing on applicable bonds at the balance sheet date.
The amounts
recognised in the
consolidated balance
sheet are as follows:
2006 2005 2004 2003* 2002*
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Fair value of plan 348,325 301,540 231,744 193,324 149,836
Present value of (442,794) (418,270) (344,925) (296,059) (257,923)
funding obligations
Net liability (94,469) (116,730) (113,181) (102,735) (108,087)
recognised in the
balance sheet
None of the pension schemes owns any shares in the Company.
The amounts recognised in the consolidated income statement are:
2006 2005
£000 £000
Current service (14,185) (12,802)
Interest cost (19,905) (18,053)
Expected return on 20,577 16,109
plan assets
Effect of 3,025 2,191
curtailment or
(10,488) (12,555)
The above amounts are charged to cost of sales, except for the interest cost, which is included in
administrative expenses. A further £12.5 million (2005: £10.3 million) has been charged to the
consolidated statement of recognised income and expense in the year. This represents the net effect
of experience and actuarial gains and losses on the schemes in the year.
Change in assets
2006 2005
£000 £000
Fair value of plan 301,540 231,744
assets at 1 January
Expected return on 20,577 16,109
plan assets
Actuarial gains on 9,634 36,975
Employer 20,271 19,292
Plan participants' 3,837 3,903
Benefits paid (7,534) (6,483)
Fair value of plan 348,325 301,540
assets at 31
The major categories of the schemes' assets are as follows:
2006 2005
£000 £000
Equity securities 288,574 256,060
Debt securities 59,751 45,480
348,325 301,540
The actual return on plan assets was £30.2 million (2005: £53.1 million).
Change in defined benefit obligations 2006 2005
£000 £000
Present value of (418,270) (344,925)
defined benefit
obligation at 1
Current service (14,185) (12,802)
Interest cost (19,905) (18,053)
Plan participants' (3,837) (3,903)
Curtailment gain 3,025 2,191
Actuarial gain / 2,844 (47,261)
Benefits paid 7,534 6,483
Present value of (442,794) (418,270)
defined benefit
obligation at 31
Analysis of the movement of the balance
sheet liability
2006 2005
£000 £000
1 January (116,730) (113,181)
Total expense as (10,488) (12,555)
Contributions 20,271 19,292
Net actuarial gain/ 12,478 (10,286)
(loss) from
participants' gains
recognised in the
31 December (94,469) (116,730)
Cumulative actuarial gains and losses
recognised in equity
2006 2005
£000 £000
1 January (24,311) (14,025)
Net actuarial gains 12,478 (10,286)
/(losses) in the
31 December (11,833) (24,311)
Experience gains
and losses
2006 2005
£000 £000
Actual return less 9,634 36,975
expected return on
schemes' assets
Experience losses (3,721) (5,242)
arising on schemes'
Changes in 6,565 (42,019)
underlying present
value of liabilities
Net actuarial gain/ 12,478 (10,286)
History of experience gains
and losses
2006 2005 2004 2003* 2002*
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Actual return less 9,634 36,975 10,171 19,694 (53,260)
expected return on
schemes' assets
Percentage of year 3% 12% 4% 10% 36%
end scheme assets
Experience (losses) / (3,721) (5,242) (7,074) 5,650 1,396
gains arising on
schemes' liabilities
Percentage of the 1% 1% 2% 2% 1%
present value of
*The amounts for 2003 and 2002 are those disclosed under FRS17, as reported in prior years.
The contribution expected to be paid to the schemes during the year ending 31 December 2007 amounts to
£19.1 million.
Blenkinsopp is a section of the industry wide mineworkers scheme covering the pension arrangements
of the various companies comprising parts of the former British Coal. Blenkinsopp Collieries Limited
was sold by UK COAL in 1998, however it has since gone into liquidation and the retirement
liabilities have reverted to UK COAL. The liability of £1.3 million (2005: £1.3 million, 2004: £1.3
million) has been estimated on an ongoing basis since commencement in 2004.
Concessionary fuel
The Group operates a Concessionary Fuel arrangement in the UK. An actuarial valuation was carried
out by an independent actuary at 31 December 2006.The major assumptions used by the actuary were:
2006 2005
Discount rate 5.10% 4.70%
Inflation 3.10% 2.70%
Coal price 3.10% 2.70%
The amounts recognised in the
balance sheet are as follows:
2006 2005 2004 2003* 2002*
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Net liability (24,727) (24,309) (22,579) (23,444) (25,598)
recognised in the
balance sheet
The amounts recognised in the consolidated income statement are:
2006 2005
£000 £000
Current service (392) (489)
Interest cost (1,138) (795)
Effect of 1,330 2,989
curtailment or
(200) 1,705
The above amounts are charged to cost of sales, except for the interest cost, which is included in
administrative expenses. A further loss of £0.9 million (2005: gain of £4.0 million) has been
charged to the consolidated statement of recognised income and expense in the year. This represents
the net effect of experience and actuarial gains and losses on the scheme in the year.
Analysis of the movement of the
balance sheet liability
2006 2005
£000 £000
Concessionary Fuel (24,309) (22,579)
reserve at 1
Current service (392) (489)
Benefits paid to 637 560
former employees
during the year
Interest cost (1,138) (795)
Actuarial loss (855) (3,995)
Gains on 1,330 2,989
Concessionary Fuel (24,727) (24,309)
reserve at 31
Cumulative actuarial gains and losses
recognised in equity
2006 2005
£000 £000
1 January (1,688) 2,307
Net actuarial (855) (3,995)
(loss)/gain in the
31 December (2,543) (1,688)
Experience gains
and losses
2006 2005
£000 £000
Experience gains on 1,258 -
Concessionary Fuel
Changes in (2,113) (3,995)
underlying present
value of liabilities
Total amount (855) (3,995)
recognised in
statement of income
and expense
History of experience gains
and losses
2006 2005 2004 2003* 2002*
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Experience gains on 1,258 - 3,186 4,297 829
Concessionary Fuel
Percentage of 5% 0% 14% 17% 3%
Concessionary Fuel
*The amounts for 2003 and 2002 are those disclosed under FRS17, as reported in prior years.
11 Post balance sheet events
Sale of Maltby
Following the year end,the Maltby Colliery was sold to Hargeaves Services PLC (Hargeaves) with a
transfer of operational assets and liabilities, together with the workforce. Hargeaves is the second
largest customer for Maltby. The consideration of £21.5 million resulted in a profit on disposal of
£13 million.
Daw Mill Colliery
As a result of the fatal accident in January 2007 at the Daw Mill Colliery, caused by a fall of
ground, the Health and Safety Executive ( 'HSE' ) issued an order for a systematic review of ground
control requirements in an area of the mine associated with current production phase. As a result,
production at Daw Mill was restricted for over a month. No other operations were affected.
UK COAL adheres to the highest standards of safety and deeply regrets the fatal accident. The
Company has offered its fullest sympathies to the family.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange