Interim Results

Headlam Group PLC 4 September 2001 4 September 2001 Interim results for the six month period ended 30 June 2001 Headlam Group plc ('Headlam'), the floorcoverings and windowcoverings distributor, announces its interim results for the six month period ended 30 June 2001. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Six months ended 30 June 2001 2000 Change Turnover £217.9 m £221.5 m -1.6% Operating profit £14.5 m £14.4 m +1.0% Exceptional items £(9.5) m - - Profit before taxation £3.2 m £12.1 m -73.5% Adjusted earnings per share 10.6p 11.7p -9.4% Interim dividend per share 2.95p 2.8p +5.4% Key points - Increase in operating profit supported by continuing solid performance of the core floorcovering distribution businesses - Further progress made in restructuring the Windowcoverings division, including the disposal of the Eclipse businesses in the USA - As announced earlier this year, the disposal of certain windowcovering operations has required an exceptional write off of goodwill previously written off to reserves amounting to £8.9 million. - Strong cash flow during the first six months has reduced net indebtedness by £8.3 million to £30.6 million - The board has increased the interim dividend to 2.95p reflecting the strength of the core floorcovering distribution businesses and the strong cash flow Tony Brewer, Chief Executive of Headlam, said: 'The first six months of 2001 have shown another solid increase in profits from the Floorcoverings division. With strong current trading in these businesses and the restructuring of the Windowcoverings division largely complete, we are confident in the future prospects for the group.' Enquiries: Headlam Group plc Tony Brewer, Chief Executive Tel: 0207 457 2345 Stephen Wilson, Finance Director Thereafter: 01675 433000 Gavin Anderson & Company Graham Prince/Victoria Seaton Tel: 0207 457 2345 Chairman's Statement Results and dividend It is pleasing to report that profit before exceptional items and taxation, increased to £12.7 million, compared with £12.1 million for the corresponding period last year. As previously advised, the restructuring and disposal activities in the Windowcoverings division have given rise to an exceptional loss on disposal, amounting to £9.6 million, of which £8.9 million relates to goodwill previously written off to reserves. Turnover in continuing operations increased by 3.2%, compared with last year, rising from £195.0 million to £201.3 million. Group turnover at £217.9 million compares to £ 221.5 million in 2000, the reduction reflecting the impact of disposals made since last year. An interim dividend of 2.95p per ordinary share (2000: 2.80p), an increase of 5.4%, will be paid on 4 January 2002 to shareholders on the register at 14 December 2001. Floorcoverings Our UK distribution businesses have made good progress during the first six months with an improvement in turnover, particularly during the more recent months. Growth in market share in key product areas and an increase in operating margins have shown through well, resulting in a very satisfactory growth in operating profits. In Continental Europe, our distribution businesses continue to make solid progress. The extension of the product offering, an enlargement of the supplier base, growth in market share and increasing gross margins, mean that these businesses are well placed to achieve our performance targets. The new and improved product initiatives in Gradus Accessories and Carpets have helped these businesses achieve further gains in market share during the first six months of this year, producing a particularly pleasing improvement in profitability. Windowcoverings The restructuring and divestment of certain businesses in the Windowcoverings division, has continued during the first half of the year. The Fabrics businesses of BS Brown, Gordon John and Claremont were sold, producing total proceeds of £3.9 million, of which £0.5 million is deferred. Within Continental Europe, the Czech Republic and German businesses of Eclipse were sold during June 2001 for a nominal consideration. The Eclipse businesses in the USA were sold on 31 August 2001, for US $13.7 million (£9.4 million). The sale, which was at a premium to net assets, will be fully reflected in the financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2001. The turnover and operating profits have been included within discontinued operations in the interim results. In the UK, the Eclipse businesses are showing progress and whilst operating profits in the first six months were lower than last year, the results reflect an improving trend with operating profits ahead of the second half of 2000. Outlook The first six months of 2001 have shown another solid increase in profits from the Floorcoverings division. With strong current trading in these businesses and the restructuring of the Windowcoverings division largely complete, we are confident in the future prospects for the group. Financial review Turnover During the period, the group's total turnover reduced by 1.6% from £221.5 million to £217.9 million. Due to the disposal activity during the first half of the year, this performance can be further analysed between continuing and discontinued operations. Turnover from continuing operations increased by 3.2% from £195.0 million to £201.3 million, whilst turnover from discontinued operations, which relates in full to businesses included in the Windowcoverings division, declined from £26.5 million to £16.6 million. The segmental analysis shown in note 1 to the interim financial statements provides a breakdown on performance by division. Turnover in the Floorcoverings division increased during the period by 5.7%, from £172.7 million to £182.5 million principally due to the gain in market share achieved by the majority of businesses included within this division. The turnover from continuing operations in the Windowcoverings division declined by 15.5% from £22.3 million to £18.8 million. This reflects the downturn in performance experienced by the businesses included within this division during the second half of 2000. Operating profits The group's profit on ordinary activities before exceptional items and interest increased from £14.4 million to £14.5 million during the period. The operating profits from continuing operations increased by 9.2% from £12.8 million to £13.9 million and discontinued operations declined from £1.6 million to £0.6 million. Operating profits from the Floorcoverings division for the period, as shown in note 1 to the interim financial statements, improved by 7.5% increasing from £ 12.8 million to £13.8 million whilst the Windowcoverings division declined from £2.1 million to £1.4 million. The cost of central operations increased from £0.5 million for the first half of 2000 to £0.6 million for the period under review principally because of the restructuring costs associated with the relocation of the group's corporate head office from Northampton to its new location at Coleshill. Exceptional items During the period, the group has disposed of the following operations: BS Brown January 2001 Gordon John February 2001 Claremont Fabrics April 2001 Haller Boden June 2001 HPM June 2001 The loss on disposal of BS Brown, Gordon John and Claremont Fabrics was recognised in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2000 with the inclusion of a charge through the consolidated profit and loss account for asset impairment. The impairment, which amounted to £5.8 million, provided for the difference between book value of the net assets associated with these businesses and their market value. On the subsequent disposal of these operations however, an additional loss of approximately £140,000 was realised and this is included within the loss on disposal of operations excluding goodwill. The disposal of Haller Boden, the windowcoverings business located in Germany and HPM, a windowcoverings business located in the Czech Republic realised a further loss of approximately £518,000. This loss represents the difference between the book value of the net assets disposed and the consideration received. In combination with the loss incurred on the disposal of the Fabrics operations, the total loss on disposal of operations during the period amounted to approximately £658,000. In the annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2000, it was disclosed that on disposal of the Fabrics businesses, it would be necessary to recognise a goodwill write off of £9.3 million through the consolidated profit and loss account. This goodwill had previously been written off directly to reserves since the dates of these acquisitions all predated 1 January 1998. In the event, the goodwill previously written off to reserves in relation to the operations disposed amounts to £8.9 million, giving a total exceptional loss on the disposal of operations of £9.6 million. The business and assets less certain liabilities of Eclipse Blinds Systems Inc and Scientific Plastics Inc, the component window blind manufacturing and distribution businesses located in the USA, were disposed on 31 August 2001 for a total consideration of $13.7 million (£9.4 million). $10.0 million (£ 6.9 million) was paid in cash on completion and the remaining $3.7 million (£ 2.5 million) will be paid in cash in two equal instalments on the first two anniversary dates of the disposal. For the year ended 31 December 2000, the two businesses contributed a combined profit before taxation of $0.6 million (£0.4 million) and had combined net assets of $11.3 million (£7.6 million). The disposal brings the group's direct operational involvement in the USA to an end and marks a significant step forward in the restructuring and divestment of the Windowcoverings division. The proceeds from the disposal will be applied against the group's indebtedness. Net interest payable Net interest payable during the period reduced by 21.4% from £2.3 million to £ 1.8 million following a progressive reduction in the group's indebtedness. Consequently, interest cover improved from 7.0 times to 8.2. Taxation on profit on ordinary activities The underlying taxation rate for the period amounted to 32% compared with 30% for the previous period. The charge of £4.2 million is based on an operating profit before goodwill amortisation of £14.9 million less net interest payable of £1.8 million giving rise to chargeable profits of £13.1 million. There is no relief available on the disposal of the German and Czech Republic operations because of the absence of available profits, and potential relief on losses arising on the disposal of the UK based Fabrics operations has been deferred until determination of the full year taxation liability. Proposed dividends As already reported in the Chairman's Statement, the interim dividend for ordinary shares, has been increased by 5.4% from 2.80p to 2.95p. Earnings per share In order to eliminate the effects of exceptional items, goodwill amortisation and asset impairment, the consolidated profit and loss account discloses adjusted earnings per share. The basis upon which this is derived is shown in note 3 to the interim financial statements. Working capital and net current assets There has been a reduction in the net investment in stock and debtors and the underlying position in creditors due within one year compared with the position at 30 June 2000. This reduction is principally due to the effects arising from the disposal of operations during the first half of 2001. The disposals also account for the difference between the movement in working capital as shown in the consolidated balance sheet and the working capital cash flows shown in the consolidated cash flow. Net current assets have declined from £34.0 million at 30 June 2000 to £24.3 million this year. This reduction is both attributable to the effect of the disposed operations and the reclassification of term loans amounting to £20.0 million from creditors due after more than one year to creditors due within one year. Group indebtedness and cash flows Group net indebtedness at the end of the period amounted to £30.6 million compared with £46.9 million at the same date last year. An analysis of net debt is provided in note 5 to the interim financial statements. This reduction in net indebtedness is attributable to the strong cash flow from operating activities during the second half of the year 2000 and the first half of 2001 coupled with reducing interest costs, the benefit of taxation receipts, firm control over capital expenditure and receipts from disposals. The net result is that the group's cash position increased by £6.1 million during the first half compared with the decrease of £10.1 million for the corresponding period last year. The taxation receipt arises because of overpayments of taxation for the year 2000. Treasury management and financial instruments The group continues to operate a policy of centralised treasury management to cover its funding arrangements, foreign exchange and interest rate exposure. The group's financial instruments, other than derivatives, comprise cash, borrowings and various items arising from its operations such as trade debtors and creditors. The main purpose of these financial instruments is to raise finance for the group's trading operations and to ensure adequate funding levels for acquisition activities. The group undertakes derivative transactions for forward foreign currency contracts to manage the currency risks arising from its operations. The number and quantum of these transactions has however declined significantly following the disposal of the Fabrics operations. The majority of the group's borrowings remain at floating rates since the group has yet to complete its programme of divestment. Once finalised, the board will be better placed to decide on the appropriate future funding structure and interest rate policy. For the present the board holds the view that the benefits of retaining flexibility still outweighs the uncertainty associated with floating rates. It is and has been throughout the period under review, the group's policy that trading in financial instruments is not permitted. Accounting policies The financial statements have been prepared on a basis that is consistent with previous years. Headlam Group plc Consolidated Profit and Loss Account Six months Six months The year (unaudited) ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 Dec 2001 2000 2000 Note £000 £000 £000 Turnover 1 Continuing operations 201,315 194,979 400,562 Discontinued operations 16,575 26,495 48,084 217,890 221,474 448,646 Cost of sales (151,457) (151,891) (309,117) Gross profit 66,433 69,583 139,529 Net operating expenses (51,914) (55,211) (176,593) Operating profit/(loss) 1 Continuing operations 13,925 12,751 (33,815) Discontinued operations 594 1,621 (3,249) Operating profit before goodwill amortisation and asset impairment 14,908 16,282 29,516 Goodwill amortisation and impairment (389) (1,910) (60,757) Asset impairment - - (5,823) 14,519 14,372 (37,064) Loss on disposal of operations excluding (658) - (1,454) goodwill Goodwill previously written off to (8,902) - - reserves Loss on disposal of operations (9,560) - (1,454) Profit/(loss) on sale of properties in continuing operations 51 - (604) 5,010 14,372 (39,122) Net interest payable and other similar (1,820) (2,315) (4,914) items Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 3,190 12,057 (44,036) Taxation on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities (4,188) (4,190) (3,696) (Loss)/profit for the financial period (998) 7,867 (47,732) Dividends paid and proposed on equity and non-equity shares (2,476) (2,343) (8,650) Retained (loss)/profit for the financial (3,474) 5,524 (56,382) period (Loss)/earnings per share Basic 2 (1.2p) 9.4p (57.0p) Diluted 2 (1.2p) 9.3p (57.0p) Adjusted 3 10.6p 11.7p 19.7p Headlam Group plc Consolidated Balance Sheet (unaudited) At At At 30 June 30 June 31 Dec 2001 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 14,030 72,315 14,422 Tangible assets 48,608 55,946 54,856 Investments 641 516 466 63,279 128,777 69,744 Current assets Stocks 80,269 90,809 82,115 Debtors 82,148 87,456 79,075 Investments - 28 - Cash at bank and in hand 14,489 996 7,216 176,906 179,289 168,406 Creditors Amounts falling due within one year (152,597) (145,309) (135,384) Net current assets 24,309 33,980 33,022 Total assets less current liabilities 87,588 162,757 102,766 Creditors Amounts falling due after more than one year (17,240) (36,522) (38,219) Provisions for liabilities and charges (434) (836) (667) Net assets 69,914 125,399 63,880 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 4,244 4,229 4,235 Share premium account 48,541 48,097 48,303 Revaluation reserve 3,560 3,866 3,606 Special reserve - 49,654 - Profit and loss account 13,569 19,553 7,736 Shareholders' funds Equity 69,864 125,349 63,830 Non-equity 50 50 50 69,914 125,399 63,880 Financial gearing After capitalisation of goodwill 44% 37% 61% Before capitalisation of goodwill 55% 88% 79% Net indebtedness 30,648 46,881 38,947 Headlam Group plc Consolidated Cash Flow Six months Six months The year Statement (unaudited) ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 Dec 2001 2000 2000 Note £000 £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating 4 9,085 6,330 32,309 activities Returns on investments and servicing (1,809) (2,204) (4,652) of finance Taxation 449 (2,785) (9,184) Capital expenditure and financial (265) (531) (847) investments Investment Disposals and acquisitions 2,442 (7,614) (8,389) Equity dividends paid (2,337) (2,035) (8,323) Cash inflow/(outflow) before 7,565 (8,839) 914 financing Financing Issue of shares 247 268 480 Reduction in debt (1,710) (1,576) (4,891) Cash outflow from financing (1,463) (1,308) (4,411) Increase/(decrease) in cash 6,102 (10,147) (3,497) in the period Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movements in Net Debt (unaudited) Six months Six months The year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 Dec 2001 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 Increase/(decrease) in cash 6,102 (10,147) (3,497) in the period Cash outflow from reduction 1,710 1,576 4,891 in debt Change in debt resulting from cash 7,812 (8,571) 1,394 flows Debt disposed/(acquired) with 14 (3,079) (3,080) subsidiaries New finance leases and similar hire purchase contracts Contracts (101) (869) (2,996) Translation difference 574 (731) (634) Movement in net debt in the 8,299 (13,250) (5,316) period Net debt at beginning of (38,947) (33,631) (33,631) period Net debt at end of period (30,648) (46,881) (38,947) Headlam Group plc Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses (unaudited) Six months Six months The year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 Dec 2001 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 (Loss)/profit for the financial period (998) 7,867 (47,732) Currency translation differences on foreign currency net investments 359 158 167 Total recognised gains and losses for the Financial period (639) 8,025 (47,565) Reconciliation of Movements in Consolidated Shareholders' Funds (unaudited) Six months Six months The year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 Dec 2001 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 (Loss)/profit for the financial period (998) 7,867 (47,732) Dividends Equity shares (2,475) (2,342) (8,647) Non-equity shares (1) (1) (3) Retained (loss)/profit for the financial (3,474) 5,524 (56,382) period Equity share capital issued 247 268 480 Goodwill previously written off to reserves 8,902 - - Shares issued from Qualifying Employee Share Trust - - 166 Currency translation differences on foreign currency net investments 359 158 167 Transfer from revaluation reserve (46) - (260) Transfer to profit and loss reserve 46 - 260 Net addition/(reduction) to shareholders' funds 6,034 5,950 (55,569) Shareholders' funds at beginning of period 63,880 119,449 119,449 Shareholders' funds at end of period 69,914 125,399 63,880 Headlam Group plc Notes to the Interim Financial Statements (unaudited) 1. Segmental analysis By activity Six Six The months months year ended ended ended Turnover 30 June 30 June 31 Dec 2001 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 Floorcoverings 182,513 172,722 357,979 Windowcoverings Continuing operations 18,802 22,257 42,583 Discontinued operations 16,575 26,495 48,084 217,890 221,474 448,646 Profit/(loss) before interest and taxation Floorcoverings Continuing operations 14,174 13,178 28,440 Less: goodwill amortisation (389) (358) (787) 13,785 12,820 27,653 Windowcoverings Continuing operations 776 1,991 2,306 Less: goodwill amortisation - (1,552) - Less: goodwill impairment - -(59,970) Less: asset impairment - - (2,633) 776 439(60,297) Discontinued operations 594 1,621 (59) less: asset impairment - - (3,190) 594 1,621 (3,249) 1,370 2,060 (63,546) 15,155 14,880 (35,893) Central operations (636) (508) (1,171) Operating profit/(loss) 14,519 14,372 (37,064) Less: exceptional items (9,509) - (2,058) 5,010 14,372 (39,122) By origin Turnover UK 172,084 175,737 357,684 Europe 35,000 35,843 71,677 USA 10,806 9,894 19,285 217,890 221,474 448,646 Operating profit before goodwill amortisation and asset impairment UK 13,166 13,365 26,599 Europe 1,140 1,527 1,559 USA 602 1,390 1,358 14,908 16,282 29,516 Headlam Group plc Notes to the Interim Financial Statements (unaudited) 2. (Loss)/earnings per share The calculation of earnings per share is based on the average number of ordinary shares in issue during the first six months of the year of 83,832,078 (2000: 83,560,274). The weighted average number of ordinary shares used for the diluted earnings per share calculation is 84,143,753 (2000: 84,337,502). 3. Adjusted earnings per share Six months Six months The year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 Dec 2001 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 Operating profit before goodwill amortisation and asset impairment 14,908 16,282 29,516 Net interest payable and other similar items (1,820) (2,315) (4,914) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 13,088 13,967 24,602 Taxation on profit on ordinary activities (4,188) (4,190) (8,119) Profit for the financial period 8,900 9,777 16,483 The rates of taxation for the three periods are 32% for the six months ended 30 June 2001, 30% for the six months ended 30 June 2000 and 33% for the year ended 31 December 2000. Headlam Group plc Notes to the Interim Financial Statements (unaudited) 4. Reconciliation of group operating profit/(loss) to net cash inflow from operating activites Six months Six months The year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 Dec 2001 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 Operating profit/(loss) 14,519 14,372 (37,064) Exceptional items (9,509) - (2,058) 5,010 14,372 (39,122) Loss on disposal of operations 658 - - Goodwill previously written off to reserves 8,902 - - Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 2,471 2,157 5,319 Depreciation of intangible fixed assets - - 64 Fixed asset investment write down - - 28 Goodwill amortisation 389 1,910 787 Goodwill impairment - - 59,970 Asset impairment - - 5,823 (Profit)/loss on sale of fixed tangible assets (70) - 854 Movement in stocks (4,789) (4,752) 323 Movement in debtors (1,708) 328 4,804 Movement in creditors (1,778) (7,685) (6,541) Net cash inflow from operating activities 9,085 6,330 32,309 5. Analysis of net debt At 1 Cash Disposals Non-cash Translation At Jan flow difference 30 June 2001 2001 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Cash at bank and in hand 7,216 7,896 (801) - 178 14,489 Bank overdraft (729) (993) - - 41 (1,681) 6,487 6,903 (801) - 219 12,808 Debt due within one year (5,721) 971 -(19,976) 98(24,628) Debt due after one year (34,573) - - 19,976 257(14,340) Finance leases and similar hire purchase contracts (5,140) 739 14 (101) - (4,488) (38,947) 8,613 (787) (101) 574(30,648) Headlam Group plc Notes to the Interim Financial Statements (unaudited) 6. The interim financial statements have been prepared using accounting policies stated in the group's report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2000 and are unaudited. The summary of results for the year ended 31 December 2000 does not constitute full financial statements within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985. The report and full financial statements for that period have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and contain an unqualified audit report within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985 and the auditors have not made any statement under section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 7. The interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2001 will be posted to shareholders on 14 September 2001 and copies will be available from that date from the Company's registered office.
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