Interim Results
Helical Bar PLC
20 November 2002
20 November 2002
('Helical'/ 'Company')
I n t e r i m R e s u l t s
For the half year to 30 September 2002
• Profits, including exceptionals, up 32% to £14.7m (2001: £11.1m)
• EPS up 5% to 31.1p (2001: 29.7p)
• Interim dividend increased by 9% to 6.0p (2001: 5.5p)
• NAV up 3% to 817p (31.03.2002: 793p)
• Further reduction in net gearing to 45% (31.03.2002: 64%)
• Major reduction in Central London office portfolio
• Purchase, in joint venture with Morley Fund Management, of the 10.3 acre
Dairy Crest Westway site in West London
John Southwell, Chairman, Helical Bar commented:
'We remain confident that the quality of our management team, our stock-picking
abilities and our investment portfolio will enable us to enhance future
shareholder value.'
Further information, please contact:
Helical Bar plc 020 7629 0113
Michael Slade (Managing Director)
Nigel McNair Scott (Finance Director)
Financial Dynamics 020 7831 3113
Stephanie Highett/Dido Laurimore
C h a i r m a n ' s S t a t e m e n t
Summary of Interim Results
30.9.02 30.9.01 30.9.00 30.9.99 30.9.98
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Rental income 15,176 15,162 13,561 12,917 10,336
Development profits 2,724 9,511 16,827 8,698 8,533
FRS3 profits 6,119 10,952 14,979 7,951 8,244
Profit/(loss) on sale of investment
properties 2,171 378 157 1,166 (2)
Exceptional item - write back of negative
goodwill 6,362 - - - -
Pre-tax profits 14,652 11,135 15,136 9,117 8,242
Interim dividend 6.0p 5.5p 5.0p 4.4p 4.0p
Earnings per share 31.1p 29.7p 38.8p 25.2p 25.2p
Profits for the half year to 30 September 2002, including exceptional items,
increased by 32% to £14.7m (2001: £11.1m). Rental income for the period
remained steady at £15.2m (2001: £15.2m) despite investment sales but
development profits were down from £9.5m to £2.7m. The profit on sale of
investment properties was £2.2m (2001: £0.4m).
The result for the period included the write back of negative goodwill of £6.4m
as a consequence of the disposal of 60 Sloane Avenue, London, SW3 by a
subsidiary, Glenlake Limited. As was explained in last year's annual report and
accounts this negative goodwill arose as a result of the restatement of the
acquisition of Glenlake following the adoption of FRS19 by the group and the
recognition of a deferred tax asset in Glenlake as at the date of its
acquisition. The tax losses giving rise to this deferred tax asset have been
used during the period (against profits arising on the disposal of investment
properties) and the deferred tax asset of £5.7m has therefore been written off
as part of the tax charge for the period resulting in an increase in the
deferred tax provision in the consolidated balance sheet. The net impact of the
write back of negative goodwill and the increase in deferred tax is an increase
in distributable profits of £0.7m.
The interim dividend has been increased by 9% to 6.0p (2001: 5.5p). Earnings
per share increased by 4.7% to 31.1p (2001: 29.7p) and on a diluted basis by
5.2% to 30.1p (2001: 28.6p).
The investment portfolio was not revalued at 30 September 2002. Despite this,
and before taking account of any surplus of value in trading stock or the
development programme, the Company's net asset value increased by 3.0% to 817p
(31.03.2002: 793p) and, on a diluted basis, by 2.9% to 788p (31.03.2002: 766p).
Development programme
The majority of development profits in the half year came from the office
development at 3 Bunhill Row, London EC1. This was forward sold to Matrix
Securities in June 2001 and pre-let to solicitors Linklaters. This 95,000 sq ft
office development is due to be handed over to Linklaters for their fit out in
December 2002.
At 40 Berkeley Square, London W1, the office building formerly occupied by J
Walter Thompson has been demolished and is to be replaced by a high
specification modern office building of 75,000 sq ft overlooking the square.
Funded in a joint venture with Morley Fund Management this development is due to
be completed in Spring 2004.
Work continues at the office campus development at The Heights, Weybridge,
Surrey. Comprising five separate buildings totalling 340,000 sq ft this
development is forward funded by Prudential Portfolio Managers and will be
completed in Spring 2003.
At the Waterfront Business Park, Fleet we have completed our development of
three buildings totalling 56,000 sq ft funded by Aberdeen Property Investors.
One of these buildings of 12,000 sq ft has been sold to owner occupier Conair.
The remaining two buildings of 17,000 sq ft and 27,000 sq ft are available to
let as is our 140,000 sq ft office development at The Meadows, Camberley
completed in March 2002 and funded by Scottish Widows.
In partnership with Morley Fund Management we have acquired Dairy Crest's 10.3
acre Westway site, a former milk processing unit and distribution plant on Wood
Lane, London W12. The site lies to the south of the A40 (M) and is adjacent to
the White City Underground. The area is emerging as one of Central London's
most significant regeneration opportunities, with Chelsfield's 1.3 million sq ft
retail and leisure scheme to the south of the Dairy Crest site and the BBC
proposing a further 1.45 million sq ft of broadcasting and production space
At Amen Corner, Bracknell the company is continuing pre-planning application
work for a major office and mixed use scheme.
During the six months to 30 September 2002 our retail subsidiary, Helical
Retail, renewed its joint venture with Oswin Developments, run by Jonathan Cox,
David Egan and Adrian Russell, and entered into a new joint venture with Overton
Developments, run by Jim Kelly. In conjunction with Oswin, Helical Retail is
redeveloping Accrington town centre in a 52,700 sq ft retail scheme due for
completion in May 2003. At Wigan various interests have been acquired and are
to be sold on to B&Q for a 135,000 sq ft superstore. A site in Stafford has
been acquired for a 38,500 sq ft retail park, a retail scheme pre-let to PC
World and Comet is shortly to commence in Carmarthen and schemes are being
pursued in Hanley, Ipswich, Luton and Wigston. A number of major opportunities
are being pursued with the newly formed Overton.
Investment portfolio
During the half year Helical sold its two largest Central London properties 60
Sloane Avenue, SW3 for £65.6m to Deka and Cheapside House, EC4 for £47.8m to
Hermes. A further property at 141-143 Drury Lane, WC2, where all the leases
expire at Christmas was sold for £13.3m. The combined initial yield on these
sales was 6.7% falling to 5.9% within 6 months, if no leases are renewed.
The prices achieved on the sale of Cheapside House and Drury Lane were 5.5%
above valuation. 60 Sloane Avenue had been subject to a 8.5% valuation increase
at the March 2002 year end reflecting the terms for sale that had already been
Helical's exposure to Central London offices has fallen from 71% to 58% of its
investment portfolio and in particular its City exposure has fallen from 15% to
A small number of acquisitions have been made in the industrial and retail
warehouse sector and the expectation is that the Central London weighting will
decline further over the next year.
Helical continued its disposal programme during the six months to 30 September
2002 thereby reducing net debt from £152m to £111m and net gearing from 64% to
45%, despite the payment of a special dividend of £28.4m.
During the period the Company cancelled £94m of swaps and bought out £80m of
floors at 4.83% until January 2004. Despite this, the continuing fall in
interest rates has increased the Company's FRS13 liability and net assets at 30
September 2002 would be reduced by £3.9m, net of tax, or 12 pence per share, if
they were adjusted to reflect financial instruments on a fair value basis.
Despite recent sales of investment property the Company still has a rent roll of
over £27m with an estimated rental value exceeding £33m. With its current low
level of gearing the Company has an enduring cash surplus which will allow it to
take advantage of any investment or trading opportunities in the market.
Our ongoing development programme is forward funded and with other major schemes
currently in the pipeline the potential for profits outweighs the likelihood of
any downside. In the short term there remain opportunities for profit in
specialised areas in the retail, industrial and residential markets.
In summary, we remain confident that the quality of our management team, our
stock-picking abilities and our investment portfolio will enable us to enhance
future shareholder value.
John Southwell
20 November 2002
Independent Review Report to Helical Bar plc
We have been instructed by the Company to review the financial information set
out below and we have read the other information contained in the interim report
and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material
inconsistencies with the financial information.
Directors' responsibilities
The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors. The Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority require that the accounting policies
and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those
applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any changes, and
the reasons for them, are disclosed.
Review work performed
We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
'Review of Interim Financial Information' issued by the Auditing Practices
Board. A review consists principally of making enquiries of management and
applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying
financial data and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and
presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A
review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of
assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an
audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a
lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit
opinion on the financial information.
Review conclusion
On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 September 2002.
Grant Thornton
Registered Auditors
Chartered Accountants
20 November 2002
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the half year to 30 September 2002
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Half Year To Half Year To Year To
30 September 30 September 31 March
2002 2001 2002
Notes £000 £000 £000 £000
Turnover 1 66,391 70,975 136,632
Cost of sales (49,937) (47,961) (91,646)
______________________________ _____ ______ ____________ ____________ _________
Gross profit 1 16,454 23,014 44,986
Administrative expenses
- Administration (4,349) (4,929) (10,888)
- Negative goodwill 2 6,362 - -
______________________________ _____ ______ ____________ ____________ _________
Operating profit 18,467 18,085 34,098
Share of associated company profits 680 - 986
Profit on sale of investment
Properties 3 2,171 378 2,463
Loss on sale of subsidiary - (195) (195)
______________________________ _____ ______ ____________ ____________ _________
Profit on ordinary activities before
Interest 21,318 18,268 37,352
Net interest payable and similar
Charges 4 (6,666) (7,133) (14,779)
______________________________ _____ ______ ____________ ____________ _________
Profit on ordinary activities before
Taxation 14,652 11,135 22,573
Taxation 5 (5,703) (2,609) (5,353)
______________________________ _____ ______ ____________ ____________ _________
Profit on ordinary activities after
Taxation 8,949 8,526 17,220
Minority interest (100) (75) (164)
______________________________ _____ ______ ____________ ____________ _________
Profit for the period 8,849 8,451 17,056
Ordinary dividends - 6.0p (5.5p) 6 (1,705) (1,563) (32,328)
______________________________ _____ ______ ____________ ____________ _________
Retained profit for the period 7,144 6,888 (15,272)
______________________________ _____ ______ ____________ ____________ _________
Earnings per 5p share 7
- basic 31.1p 29.7p 60.0p
- fully diluted 30.1p 28.6p 57.8p
Summary Consolidated Balance Sheet
At 30 September 2002
Notes Unaudited Unaudited Audited
At At At
30 September 30 September 31 March
2002 2001 2002
£000 £000 £000
Fixed assets 8 344,699 443,434 445,981
Other assets for resale - 500 -
Stock 9 40,522 23,279 29,585
Investments 10 5,001 1 1
Debtors 25,171 30,965 21,289
Cash 11 32,484 44,337 75,514
Creditors falling due within one year (56,703) (102,756) (107,936)
Creditors falling due after one year (140,406) (190,730) (224,597)
Provisions for liabilities and charges 13 (4,416) - (728)
___________________________________ _____ _____________ _____________ __________
Net assets 246,352 249,030 239,109
___________________________________ _____ _____________ _____________ __________
Capital & reserves
Called up share capital 14 1,496 1,496 1,496
Share premium account 35,271 35,264 35,271
Revaluation reserve 108,474 127,084 142,100
Capital redemption and other reserves 7,392 7,392 7,392
Profit and loss account 91,761 76,040 50,993
___________________________________ _____ _____________ _____________ __________
Shareholders' funds 244,394 247,276 237,252
Minority interests 1,958 1,754 1,857
___________________________________ _____ _____________ _____________ __________
246,352 249,030 239,109
___________________________________ _____ _____________ _____________ __________
___________________________________ _____ _____________ _____________ __________
Shareholders' funds
Attributable to equity interests 244,394 247,276 237,252
___________________________________ _____ _____________ _____________ __________
Net assets per share
Basic 15 817p 827p* 793p
Diluted 15 788p 797p* 766p
adjusted diluted 15 802p 799p* 769p
triple net 15 708p 696p* 663p
* before 100p special dividend paid 26 April 2002
Summary Cash Flow Statement
For the half year to 30 September 2002
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Half Year To Half Year To Year To
30 September 30 September 31 March
2002 2001 2002
Notes £000 £000 £000
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from
operating activities 16 (23,802) 53,511 65,634
Returns on investment and servicing
of finance (6,087) (8,041) (16,062)
Taxation (1,504) (270) (4,967)
Capital expenditure and financial
Investment 17 105,518 26,621 40,068
Acquisitions and disposals (822) (348) (178)
Equity dividends paid (30,765) (2,132) (3,694)
___________________________________ _____ _____________ _____________ __________
Cash flow before management of
liquid resources and financing 42,538 69,341 80,801
Management of liquid resources 13,051 (18,282) (20,285)
- decrease in debt (85,539) (57,055) (37,046)
- issue of shares - - 8
- refinancing costs (13) - (96)
___________________________________ _____ _____________ _____________ __________
(Decrease)/increase in cash (29,963) (5,996) 23,382
___________________________________ _____ _____________ _____________ __________
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement
in net debt
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period (29,963) (5,996) 23,382
Cash flow from management of
liquid resources (13,051) 18,282 20,285
Cash flow from change in net debt 85,552 57,055 37,142
Debt arrangement expenses (679) (194) (408)
___________________________________ _____ _____________ _____________ __________
Movement in net debt in the period 41,859 69,147 80,401
Net debt at beginning of the period (152,399) (232,800) (232,800)
___________________________________ _____ _____________ _____________ __________
Net debt at end of the period (110,540) (163,653) (152,399)
___________________________________ _____ _____________ _____________ __________
Gearing 45% 66% 64%
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
For the half year to 30 September 2002
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Half Year To Half Year To Year To
30 September 30 September 31 March
2002 2001 2002
£000 £000 £000
Profit for the period after taxation 8,949 8,526 17,220
Minority interest (100) (75) (164)
Revaluation of investment properties
- subsidiaries - - 18,792
- associates - - 1,477
Surplus on revaluation of investment
properties sold during the period - 144 -
Deficit realised on sale of subsidiary - (317) -
Minority interest in revaluation
Surplus - - (905)
___________________________________________ _____________ _____________ __________
Total recognised gains and losses relating to the
period 8,849 8,278 36,420
Prior year adjustment - - (7,079)
___________________________________________ _____________ _____________ __________
Total recognised gains and losses 8,849 8,278 29,341
___________________________________________ _____________ _____________ __________
Notes to the Interim Statement
1. Turnover and gross profit on ordinary activities before taxation
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Half Year To Half Year To Year To
30 September 30 September 31 March
2002 2001 2002
£000 £000 £000
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
Trading property sales 230 2,282 2,282
Rental income 15,176 15,162 31,384
Developments 50,928 53,417 102,803
Other income 57 114 163
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
66,391 70,975 136,632
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
Gross profit
Trading property sales 109 153 154
Net rental income 13,564 13,481 27,827
Developments 2,724 9,511 17,072
Other net income 57 (131) (67)
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
Gross profit 16,454 23,014 44,986
Central overheads (4,349) (4,929) (10,888)
Interest payable less receivable (6,666) (7,133) (14,779)
Share of associated company profits 680 - 986
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
Profit before taxation, profit on sale of
investment properties, loss on sale
of subsidiary and negative goodwill 6,119 10,952 20,305
_____________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
2. Negative goodwill
Negative goodwill arose, at 31 March 2002, as a consequence of the adoption of
FRS19 and represented the excess of the value of the restated assets of Glenlake
Limited over the consideration paid for those assets in June 1999. The restated
assets included a sum of £6,362,000 (net of acquisition costs) representing the
fair value of tax losses acquired with Glenlake Limited.
3. Sale of investment properties
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Half Year To Half Year To Year To
30 September 30 September 31 March
2002 2001 2002
£000 £000 £000
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
Net proceeds from the sale of 125,719 15,279 67,525
investment properties
Book value
(123,548) (14,901) (65,062)
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
Profit on sale of investment properties 2,171 378 2,463
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
4. Net interest payable and similar charges
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Half Year To Half Year To Year To
30 September 30 September 31 March
2002 2001 2002
£000 £000 £000
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
Interest payable on bank loans and 6,906 9,174 14,804
Finance arrangement costs 679 194 408
Other interest payable and similar - - 3,215
Interest capitalised - (798) (1,006)
Interest receivable and similar income (919) (1,437) (2,642)
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
6,666 7,133 14,779
__________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
5. Taxation on profit on ordinary activities
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Half Year To Half Year To Year To
30 September 30 September 31 March
2002 2001 2002
£000 £000 £000
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
The tax charge is based on the profit for the year
and represents:
- United Kingdom corporation tax at
30% (2001:30%) 2,015 2,600 4,811
- Adjustments in respect of prior
periods - 9 1
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
Current tax charge 2,015 2,609 4,812
Deferred tax - origination of timing
differences (1,996) - 541
- reversal of timing
differences 5,684 - -
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
Tax on profit on ordinary activities 5,703 2,609 5,353
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
6. Dividends
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Half Year To Half Year To Year To
30 September 30 September 31 March
2002 2001 2002
£000 £000 £000
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
Attributable to equity share capital
Ordinary - interim payable 6.00p (2001:
5.50p) per share 1,705 1,563 1,563
- final paid 8.25p per share - - 2,345
_____________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
1,705 1,563 3,908
- special paid 100.0p per share - - 28,420
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
1,705 1,563 32,328
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
The interim dividend of 6.00p is payable on 19 December 2002 to shareholders on
the register on 29 November 2002. The special dividend of 100.00p was paid on
26 April 2002 to shareholders on the register on 2 April 2002.
7. Earnings per share
The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the earnings
attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number of
shares in issue during the year. Shares held by the ESOP, which has waived its
entitlement to receive dividends, are treated as cancelled for the purposes of
this calculation.
The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings per
share, adjusted to allow for the issue of shares and the post tax effect of
dividends on the assumed exercise of all dilutive options.
Reconciliations of the earnings and weighted average number of shares used in
the calculations are set out below.
Unaudited Unaudited
Half Year To Half Year To 30
30 September September 2001
Weighted average
2002 no. of shares
Weighted average Restated
no. of shares per share
Earnings Per share Earnings amount
amount pence
£ pence £
_______________________ __________ _____________ _______ __________ ____________ _______
Basic earnings per share 8,848,557 28,421,537 31.1 8,450,871 28,419,758 29.7
Dilutive effect of share
options 1,022,383 1,113,036
_______________________ __________ _____________ _______ __________ ____________ _______
Dilutive earnings per share 8,848,557 29,443,920 30.1 8,450,871 29,532,794 28.6
_______________________ __________ _____________ _______ __________ ____________ _______
8. Fixed assets
Unaudited At Audited At
30 September 31 March
2002 2002
£000 £000
____________________________ ___________ ________________ __________
Intangible Assets
Goodwill 926 652
Negative goodwill - (6,892)
Tangible assets 721 774
Investments 9,599 9,599
Investment property 331,461 439,911
Investment in associates 1,992 1,937
_____________________________ ___________ ________________ __________
344,699 445,981
_____________________________ ___________ ________________ __________
9. Stock
Unaudited At Audited At
30 September 31 March
2002 2002
£000 £000
_____________________________ ___________ ________________ __________
Development sites 18,785 15,464
Properties held as trading stock 21,737 14,121
_____________________________ ___________ ________________ __________
40,522 29,585
_____________________________ ___________ ________________ __________
Interest capitalised in respect of the development of sites is included in stock
to the extent of £345,000 (31.03.2002: £633,000). Interest capitalised during
the period in respect of development sites amounted to nil (2001: £798,000).
10. Current asset investments
Unaudited At Audited At
30 September 31 March
2002 2002
£000 £000
_____________________________ ___________ ________________ __________
UK listed investments at cost 5,001 1
_____________________________ ___________ ________________ __________
5,001 1
_____________________________ ___________ ________________ __________
The market value of listed investments at 30.09.2002 was £5,105,000 (2001:
11. Cash at bank and in hand
Unaudited At Audited At
30 September 31 March
2002 2002
£000 £000
_________________________________________ ____ _______________ __________
Rent deposits and cash secured against debt
repayable within one year 3,017 3,247
Cash held to fund future development costs 15,887 28,300
Free cash 13,580 43,967
_________________________________________ ____ _______________ __________
32,484 75,514
_________________________________________ ____ _______________ __________
On 26 April 2002 the special dividend of £28,420,000 was paid, reducing the free
cash balances at 31 March 2002.
12. Financing and financial instruments
Unaudited At Audited At
30 September 31 March
2002 2002
£000 £000
____________________________ ___________ ________________ __________
Bank overdraft and loans - maturity
Due after more than one year 140,406 224,597
Due within one year 2,618 3,316
_____________________________ ___________ ________________ __________
143,024 227,913
_____________________________ ___________ ________________ __________
Unaudited At Audited At
30 September 31 March
2002 2002
£000 £000
_____________________________________________ ________________ __________
Total borrowings 143,024 227,913
Cash (32,484) (75,514)
______________________________________________ ________________ __________
Net borrowings 110,540 152,399
______________________________________________ ________________ __________
Net assets 246,352 239,109
Gearing 45% 64%
If the payment of the special dividend on 26 April 2002 were to be taken into
account, the Group's gearing level at 31 March 2002 would have been 76%.
Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
Unaudited At Audited At
30 September 31 March
2002 2002
£000 £000 £000 £000
____________________________________________ _________________ ________________
Book Value Fair Value Book Value Fair Value
Borrowings 143,843 145,204 229,383 230,256
Interest rate swaps - 219 - 1,242
Other financial instruments (223) 3,833 (223) 565
____________________________________________ ________ _______ _______ _______
143,620 149,256 229,160 232,063
____________________________________________ ________ _______ _______ _______
The fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities represents the mark
to market valuations at 30 September 2002 and 31 March 2002. The adjustment to
net assets from a recognition of these values, net of tax relief, would be to
reduce diluted net asset value per share by 12p (31.03.02: 6p).
13. Provision for liabilities and charges - deferred taxation
Deferred taxation provided for in the financial statements is set out below:
Unaudited At Audited At
30 September 31 March
2002 2002
£000 £000
_____________________________________________ ________________ ________________
Accelerated capital allowances 4,950 5,822
Other timing differences 355 754
_____________________________________________ ________________ ________________
5,305 6,576
Less: - tax losses carried forward - (5,684)
- discount (889) (164)
_____________________________________________ ________________ ________________
Discounted provision for deferred tax 4,416 728
_____________________________________________ ________________ ________________
The Group has applied the provisions of FRS19 Deferred Tax, which requires that
deferred tax be recognised as a liability or asset if the transactions or events
that give the Group an obligation to pay more or less tax in the future have
occurred by the balance sheet date. In accordance with FRS19, the Group makes
full provision for timing differences other than revaluation gains and losses,
which are primarily in respect of capital allowances on plant and machinery,
industrial buildings allowances and tax losses.
Amounts unprovided are:
Unaudited At Audited At
30 September 31 March
2002 2002
£000 £000
_____________________________________________ ________________ ________________
Unrealised capital gains 26,480 32,102
_____________________________________________ ________________ ________________
26,480 32,102
_____________________________________________ ________________ ________________
No provision has been made for taxation which would accrue if the investment
properties were sold at their revalued amounts. The adjustment to net assets
resulting from a recognition of these amounts would be to reduce diluted net
asset value per share by 82p (31.03.02: 99p).
14. Share capital
Unaudited At Audited At
30 September 31 March
2002 2002
£000 £000
_____________________________________________ ____________ __________
- 688,954,752 ordinary shares of 5p each 34,448 34,448
_____________________________________________ ____________ __________
34,448 34,448
_____________________________________________ ____________ __________
Allotted, called up and fully paid
Attributable to equity interests:
- 29,913,476 ordinary shares of 5p each 1,496 1,496
_____________________________________________ ____________ __________
1,496 1,496
_____________________________________________ ____________ __________
Share options
At 30 September 2002 and 31 March 2002 options over 2,489,221 new ordinary
shares in the Company and 1,491,939 purchased shares held by the ESOP had been
granted to directors and employees under the Company's share option schemes.
15. Net assets per share
Number of Shares p.p.s. Change since
£000 000's + %
_________________________________ ________ _________ _______ ____________
Net asset value ('NAV') 244,394 29,913 817 3.0
Add: potential exercise of options 11,071 2,489
_________________________________ ________ _________ _______ ____________
Diluted NAV 255,465 32,402 788 2.9
Adjustment for:
- capital allowances provided for
but unlikely to be clawed back 4,416 - 14
_________________________________ ________ _________ _______ ____________
Adjusted diluted NAV 259,881 32,402 802 4.4
Adjustment for:
- potential capital gains unprovided
for (26,480) - (82)
- mark to market value of interest
rate hedging agreements (3,945) - (12)
_________________________________ ________ _________ _______ ____________
Triple net NAV 229,456 32,420 708 6.8
_________________________________ ________ _________ _______ ____________
16. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from
operating activities
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Half Year To Half Year To Year To
30 September 30 September 31 March
2002 2001 2002
£000 £000 £000
Operating profit 18,467 18,085 34,098
Depreciation of fixed assets 117 134 267
Release of provision - - (53)
Loss on sale of fixed assets 39 7 7
Amortisation of goodwill 18 26 52
Negative goodwill (6,362) - -
Dividend from associates 150 67 179
(Increase)/decrease in debtors (3,882) 852 10,429
(Decrease)/increase in creditors (21,413) 29,325 22,212
(Increase)/decrease in stocks (10,936) 5,015 (1,557)
_____________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating
activities (23,802) 53,511 65,634
_____________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
17. Capital expenditure and financial investment
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Half Year To Half Year To Year To
30 September 30 September 31 March
2002 2001 2002
£000 £000 £000
Purchase of property (15,098) (13,782) (30,816)
Sale of property 125,719 40,517 70,535
Purchase of fixed assets (148) (75) (76)
Sale of fixed assets 45 8 525
Purchase of investments (5,000) (47) (100)
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
105,518 26,621 40,068
______________________________________ ____________ ____________ _________
18. Notes to the Interim Statement
The interim statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 19 November
2002. The foregoing financial information does not represent full accounts
within the meaning of S.240 of the Companies Act 1985, and has been reviewed but
not audited by the auditors, nor filed with the Registrar of Companies.
The results for the 12 months to 31 March 2002 are an abridged version of the
full accounts which received an unqualified auditor's report and have been filed
with the Registrar of Companies.
This statement is being sent to shareholders and will be available from the
Company's Registered Office at 11-15 Farm Street, London, W1J 5RS.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange