Final Results
Boot(Henry) PLC
15 April 2002
Henry Boot PLC, the construction and property group, announces its results for
the year ended 31st December 2001.
John Reis, Chairman, comments:
'I am delighted to report a 16th successive year of growth in profit and
'The New Homes business continued its highly successful run'
'Our Property Development business recorded an exceptional performance'
Enquiries: Jamie Boot, Group Managing Director - Tel: 0114 255 5444
I am delighted to report a 16th successive year of growth in profit and earnings
achieved on a turnover of £234m, marginally ahead of last year. This was
derived from the continuing concentration of our core operations in those areas
offering more sustainable and acceptable margins with manageable levels of risk.
Group operating profit grew by 14.7% to reach £14.3m and profit before tax at
£13.4m represents a 9.6% increase over the previous year (£12.2m). After tax
earnings per ordinary share stand at 39.3p compared with 36.0p for the year
The higher amount of interest payable reflected the increased level of
borrowings experienced for much of the year, though we benefited from the
current climate of low interest rates.
Significant increases in turnover were recorded in our New Homes and Property
Development activities, whilst traditional Building and Civil Engineering saw a
reduction in new work undertaken.
The New Homes business continued its highly successful run, with turnover up 28%
and the average selling price at £109,000 per unit showing an increase of
£13,000. Legal completions reached a record 713 compared with 651 last year.
Additionally, an uplift in the volume of new orders carried forward into the
current year bodes well for our prospects in 2002. The existing land bank
remains on target to meet our medium term needs. However, the national shortage
of land occasioned by the vagaries and complexities of the present planning
regime continues to exacerbate competition and so drives prices up.
The Land Management activity centred much of its attention on securing
opportunities internally for the New Homes and Property Development companies
which resulted in less visible gains from external sales. It continued to
successfully promote a number of existing schemes despite the ongoing problems
encountered with the planning process leading to delays and not a little
Our Property Development business recorded an exceptional performance, whilst at
the same time preparing the way forward for a number of new schemes and
opportunities. Confidence has returned to the market, in particular to the
retail sector, following the tragic events of September 11th.
The Building and Civil Engineering operation pursued its policy of avoiding new
large projects with their inherent risks and low margins. A number of problem
contracts entered into in earlier years continued to mar performance. These,
combined with a number of outstanding accounts that are taking longer to settle
than originally anticipated, resulted in a disappointing year. However, it would
be wrong to discount the progress made on these issues and the business looks to
better returns in 2002 as it carries forward satisfactory workload levels,
primarily in school, hospital, prison and local authority housing work.
The Specialist Construction arm, offering fee contracting, design-build, fast
track fitting-out and refurbishment, facilities management, managed maintenance
solutions, rail track work and sports surfaces, enjoyed its most profitable year
since being established some 14 years ago. New work carried into the current
year, together with a number of opportunities presently being pursued, should
ensure further success in 2002.
The Plant Hire activity increased profitability on the back of increased sales
and utilisation levels despite the fierce competition encountered particularly
in the powered access and power tool hire markets. Continued investment in this
area of our operations should see further growth into 2002 and beyond.
Our Training company faced a year of change and mixed fortunes. The new Learning
and Skills Councils replaced the not so old Training and Enterprise Councils,
with restructured funding arrangements designed to benefit training providers.
However, the numbers being attracted to and completing the Construction
Apprenticeship Scheme remained lower than expected with a resultant impact on
Generally, the skills shortages in the construction industry persist and this
shortfall, coupled with the ever-increasing age profile of those in the
industry, is a cause for some concern.
In view of the movement in the company's share price during the year, no further
shares have been bought back and cancelled since June 2000. However, we will
continue to monitor the position for the long term benefit of shareholders.
Cash generation of £29.7m left the company with net cash in hand of some £5m at
the year end. This position is temporary as cash demands forecast for the first
half of this year for our New Homes and Property Development operations will
push the company into modest levels of gearing by the time of the Interim
results. Levels of working capital, comprising mainly of developments in
progress, houses for sale and land holdings, will consequently increase, though
we will be vigilant and ready to react to any sudden downturn.
Net asset value per ordinary share now stands at £3.16 (2000 £2.90), an increase
of nearly 9%, and net assets employed have risen from £74.0m to £81.6m.
We entered the year 2002 in a robust position and, with a strong Balance Sheet
and increased order book, we can be cautiously optimistic for the out-turn of
our trading performance in the current year. Against this background and
following the progression made in earlier years in increasing returns to
shareholders, your directors are recommending a final dividend of 8.8p. This,
when added to the interim dividend of 3.3p, gives a total of 12.1p for the year
(a 10% increase), a level that remains well covered in profit terms.
John S. Reis
15th April 2002
Summarised Group Profit & Loss Account
for the year ended 31st December 2001
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Turnover - continuing operations
Group and share of associates 234,124 226,787
Less: share of associates' turnover 2,669 1,871
---------- ----------
Group turnover 231,455 224,916
---------- ----------
Operating profit 13,046 11,991
Share of operating profits of associates 1,261 483
---------- ----------
Group operating profit 14,307 12,474
Investment income - 197
Interest (628) (290)
Interest - share of associates (269) (143)
---------- ----------
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 13,410 12,238
Tax on profit on ordinary activities 3,619 3,332
---------- ----------
Profit for the financial year after taxation 9,791 8,906
---------- ----------
Dealt with as follows:
Dividends paid and proposed
Cumulative preference shares (non-equity) 5.25%
(2000: 5.25%) 21 21
Ordinary shares 12.1p (2000: 11.0p) 3,038 2,717
Profit retained 6,732 6,168
---------- ----------
9,791 8,906
---------- ----------
Basic earnings per ordinary share 39.3p 36.0p
---------- ----------
Diluted earnings per ordinary share 38.1p 34.7p
---------- ----------
There were no discontinued operations
Summarised Group Balance Sheet at 31st December 2001
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Fixed assets 34,153 33,494
---------- ----------
Current assets
Stocks 94,422 107,833
Debtors 15,082 21,221
Cash at bank and in hand 18,653 80
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (65,497) (70,543)
---------- ----------
Net current assets 62,660 58,591
---------- ----------
Total assets less current liabilities 96,813 92,085
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (12,579) (15,933)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (2,587) (2,134)
---------- ----------
Net assets employed 81,647 74,018
---------- ----------
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 2,968 2,936
Capital redemption reserve 271 271
Share premium account 1,698 1,131
Property revaluation reserve 12,010 11,732
Profit and loss account 64,174 57,422
Other reserves 526 526
---------- ----------
Shareholders' funds 81,647 74,018
---------- ----------
Non-equity shareholders' funds 400 400
Equity shareholders' funds 81,247 73,618
--------- ---------
81,647 74,018
---------- ----------
Group Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the year ended 31st December 2001
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Profit for the financial year 9,791 8,906
Cost of own shares purchased - (1,633)
Unrealised surplus on property revaluation 551 2,438
Elimination of revaluation surplus on transfer of properties
to stocks (253) (228)
Foreign currency translation differences - 2
--------- ---------
Total recognised gains and losses for the year 10,089 9,485
--------- ---------
Summarised Group Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31st December 2001
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Net cash inflow (outflow) from operating activities 36,275 (8,000)
Dividends received from associates 695 599
Returns on investment and servicing of finance (672) (62)
Taxation (2,884) (2,529)
Capital expenditure and financial investment (267) (4,793)
Acquisition (392) (810)
Equity dividends paid (2,802) (2,543)
---------- ----------
Cash inflow (outflow) before use of liquid resources and
financing 29,953 (18,138)
Financing (203) (2,458)
---------- ----------
Increase (decrease) in cash 29,750 (20,596)
---------- ----------
Notes to Group Cash Flow Statement
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
Increase (decrease) in cash 29,750 (20,596)
Cash outflow from decrease in lease financing 802 853
New finance leases (3,264) (453)
--------- ---------
Change in net debt in year 27,288 (20,196)
Net debt at 31st December 2000 (22,290) (2,094)
---------- ---------
Net funds (debt) at 31st December 2001 4,998 (22,290)
---------- ---------
Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flow
Operating profit 13,046 11,991
Depreciation and amortisation 4,118 4,828
Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets (148) (108)
Decrease (increase) in stocks 13,411 (23,536)
Decrease in debtors 6,088 286
(Decrease) in creditors and provisions (240) (1,461)
--------- ---------
Net cash inflow (outflow) from operating activities 36,275 (8,000)
--------- ---------
Analysis of net funds
At Cash New finance At
31.12.00 flows leases 31.12.01
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Cash at bank 80 18,573 - 18,653
Overdraft (6,177) 6,177 - -
Decrease in loans (15,000) 5,000 - (10,000)
Increase in cash 29,750
Finance leases (1,193) 802 (3,264) (3,655)
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
(22,290) 30,552 (3,264) 4,998
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1. The financial information above has been extracted from the Company's
statutory accounts for the years ended 31st December 2000 and 2001.
Statutory accounts for the year ended 31st December 2000 have been delivered,
and those for the year ended 31st December 2001 will be delivered, to the
Registrar of Companies. The auditors of the Company have given unqualified
reports on those accounts and such reports did not contain a statement under
Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
2. At the Board meeting held on 12th April 2002 the Directors formally approved
the issue of these statements.
3. The financial information has been prepared using accounting policies
consistent with those adopted by the group in its accounts for the year ended
31st December 2000.
4. The Annual Report 2001 is to be published and sent to shareholders on 30th
April 2002. Copies will be available from The Company Secretary, Henry Boot
PLC, Banner Cross Hall, Sheffield S11 9PD.
5. The Annual General Meeting of the Company is to be held at the Sheffield Moat
House, Chesterfield Road South, Sheffield S8 8BW on Friday 31st May 2002 at
11.30 am.
6. The final dividend will be paid on 6th June 2002, with a record date of 24th
May 2002.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange