Interim Results

Herald Investment Trust PLC 24 July 2001 PRELIMINARY STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT HERALD INVESTMENT TRUST plc Results for the six months ended 30 June 2001 24 July 2001 BOARD STATEMENT This is Herald Investment Trust's eighth interim statement, and we have to report a decline of 21.86% in the diluted net asset value per share. This reflects a particularly poor UK and European performance, where the decline exceeded 30%, offset by a small positive return from the Far East, and a pleasingly good positive return of c10% from the US. It remains the policy to have at least 50% of the portfolio in the UK and Europe, and the performance has benefited from the aggressive profit taking in last year's speculative bubble, so we had a lower proportion of the fund invested in the UK than we have been hitherto accustomed. Whilst the unwinding of irrationally high valuations was entirely to be expected, the scale of slow down of underlying demand has caught us by surprise. The degree to which sales expectations have been missed is unprecedented in the Manager's experience, although frustratingly explicable given the euphoria last year, which influenced customers as well as investors. Whilst the slowdown started in the first quarter of the year in the US, anecdotally there has been a sharp downward lurch in trading conditions for many UK companies in the second quarter, while the major economies of Germany and Japan continue to disappoint the most. Capital performance of the Trust from 31 December 2000 to 30 June 2001 UK Equities -37.4% European Equities -31.5% US Equities +9.6% Other Overseas Equities +5.6% Whilst the UK performance is well below our benchmark indices we do draw attention to the fact that at the end of June the basic net assets of the fund were still 15.0% higher than the level at the end of October 1999, when the speculative bubble began. Over that time period the FTSE-100 has fallen 9.8%, the HGSCI, the principal benchmark is up 6.5%, the Russell 2000 Technology Index is down 21.0%, Techmark 100 has fallen 17.6% while the FTSEIT index and the German Neuer Markt have almost halved. In the period being reported on, the sectors in which the investments in the fund are focussed have been savaged. At the start of the period Information Technology (hardware and software) accounted for 48% of total equities and UK IT stocks accounted for 31% of total equities. The FT index for this sector was down 50.0% in the first half, the FT telecomms services sector was down 35.6%, and even the media sector, which was relatively resilient, was down 26.9% . In past periods of technology weakness the media sector has provided defensiveness- not in this environment. The decline in the FTSE Techmark was only 30.3% reflecting the positive performance of a number of pharmaceutical/ biotechnology stocks in which Herald does not invest. For example the largest stock in the index is now Shire Pharmaceuticals which was up by 22.7%, while Smith and Nephew was up by 19%. Against this background the performance of the UK element, and more particularly the fund overall, is more satisfactory. We cannot expect to enjoy the upside without some pain in these conditions. During the period the fund has significantly underperformed its principal benchmarks the HGSCI (ext cap gains), which was down 7.4%, and the Russell 2000 Technology Index which was down 11.7%, albeit only 6.2% in £ terms. The revenue account has benefited from relatively high liquidity, and lower costs, as the management fee is proportional to assets which are lower than last year. The focus of the fund remains on capital growth, and as in previous years an interim dividend will not be paid. However, there are prospects for an increased final. As in previous years all costs are charged to revenue. Companies are continuing to surprise on the downside, in the UK and Europe in particular, which were later into the down cycle. We may well not have reached the bottom yet. Part of the ferociousness of current conditions is destocking and lengthening sales cycles. These will work through, and for the businesses we aim to invest in there is long term demand. However, we would caution against expecting growth rates in the IT sector for example to recover to rates of recent years too quickly. Nevertheless, with our focus on small companies, we are increasingly confident that there are, selectively, opportunities for good returns. We have invested a net £10.8m in the first half, and still have c£46m in net cash and gilts to exploit opportunities, with the potential to gear if the market gets really oversold. Martin Boase Chairman 23 July 2001 Statistics and Performance Report Performance since At At At Performance inception 31 December since 31 30 inception 16 December June 2000 February 2000 1994 2001 Basic NAV per share 98.7p 447.5p 346.6p -22.5% +251.2% Diluted NAV (FRS14) 98.7p 431.4p 337.3p -21.8% +241.7% Fully diluted NAV per share 98.7p 432.0p 337.2p -21.9% +241.6% Share price 90.9p 491.0p 324.5p -33.9% +257.0% Warrant price 45.5p 382.5p 217.5p -43.1% +378.0% FTSE 100 Index 3,417.7 6,222.5 5,642.5 -9.3% +65.1% HGSC Index (ext. cap gains 1,750.0 2,702.2 2,503.0 -7.4% +43.0% ex investment co's) Russell 2000 (small cap) 83.2* 128.3 120.3 -6.2% +44.6% Technology Index (in sterling terms) * 9 April 1996, being the date funds were first available for international investment - ends - For further information please contact: Ms Katie Potts, Manager Herald Investment Trust plc 020 7553 6300 Baillie Gifford & Co. Secretaries 0131 222 4000 HERALD INVESTMENT TRUST plc The following is the unaudited preliminary statement for the six months to 30 June 2001 which has been neither reviewed nor audited by the auditors. This statement is being printed and will be sent to all shareholders on 3 August 2001. Copies will be available for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company or may be obtained on request from the Managers or Secretaries after that date. STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN (unaudited and incorporating the revenue account*) For the six months For the six months ended ended 30 June 2001 30 June 2000 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 (Losses)/gains on investments - (84,324) (84,324) - 46,792 46,792 Unrealised gain/(loss) on - 88 88 - (100) (100) loan Currency gain - 2 2 - 42 42 Income 2,957 - 2,957 3,308 - 3,308 Investment management fee (1,787) - (1,787) (2,795) - (2,795) Other administrative expenses (137) - (137) (246) - (246) Net return before finance 1,033 (84,234)(83,201) 267 46,734 47,001 costs and taxation Finance costs of borrowings (39) - (39) (44) - (44) Return on ordinary activities 994 (84,234)(83,240) 223 46,734 46,957 before taxation Tax on ordinary activities (18) - (18) (20) - (20) Return on ordinary activities 976 (84,234)(83,258) 203 46,734 46,937 after taxation Transfer to/(from) reserves 976 (84,234)(83,258) 203 46,734 46,937 Return per Ordinary share (note 1) Basic 1.16p (100.20p) (99.04p) 0.24p 56.12p 56.36p Diluted 1.12p (96.77p) (95.65p) 0.23p 53.71p 53.94p * The revenue column of this statement is the revenue account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. HERALD INVESTMENT TRUST plc SUMMARISED BALANCE SHEET at 30 June 2001 (unaudited) 30 June 31 December 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 NET ASSETS 284,478 365,575 Investments at market value Net current assets 11,363 13,032 Total assets (before deduction of bank 295,841 378,607 loan) Overseas currency loan (note 2) (3,145) (3,233) TOTAL NET ASSETS 292,696 375,374 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called-up share capital 21,113 20,968 Other reserves 268,895 352,694 Revenue reserve 2,688 1,712 EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 292,696 375,374 Net asset value per ordinary share (note 3) Basic 346.58p 447.55p Diluted (FRS14) 337.31p 431.43p Fully diluted 337.16p 431.98p Ordinary shares in issue (note 4) 84,453,686 83,873,599 HERALD INVESTMENT TRUST plc DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS at 30 June 2001 (unaudited) 30 June 31 December 2001 2000 % % Equities: United Kingdom 47.4 55.7 Continental Europe 6.7 7.2 Americas 24.2 16.6 Japan 0.9 0.6 Asia Pacific 4.3 4.5 83.5 84.6 UK bonds 12.7 12.0 Net liquid assets 3.8 3.4 Total assets (before deduction of bank loan) 100.0 100.0 HERALD INVESTMENT TRUST plc SUMMARISED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (unaudited) Six months to Year to 30 June 2001 31 December 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 901 348 NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM SERVICING OF FINANCE (41) (83) TOTAL TAX RECOVERED 54 - FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Purchase of investments (40,689) (212,244) Sale of investments 39,681 196,392 Currency movement 2 79 NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM FINANCIAL INVESTMENT (1,006) (15,773) EQUITY DIVIDEND PAID (713) (705) NET CASH OUTFLOW BEFORE USE OF LIQUID (805) (16,213) RESOURCES AND FINANCING MANAGEMENT OF LIQUID RESOURCES+ Decrease/(increase) in term deposits 4,000 (4,000) FINANCING Issue of Ordinary shares 580 912 INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH 3,775 (19,301) RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS Increase/(decrease) in cash in period 3,775 (19,301) (Decrease)/increase in short term investments (4,000) 4,000 Exchange movement 88 110 MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS IN PERIOD (137) (15,191) NET FUNDS AT 1 JANUARY 8,997 24,188 NET FUNDS AT 30 JUNE/31 DECEMBER 8,860 8,997 + The Company includes as liquid resources term deposits of less than one year. HERALD INVESTMENT TRUST plc NOTES 1. The basic return per Ordinary share calculations are based on a weighted average number of shares in issue during each period. For the period to 30 June 2001, the weighted average number of Ordinary shares was 84,068,024 (30 June 2000 - 83,267,327). The diluted returns per Ordinary share have been calculated on the weighted average warrants in issue during the period adjusted by the difference between the average price of the Ordinary shares during the period and the Subscription price of 100p, giving a weighted average of 87,045,201 (30 June 2000 - 87,015,024) shares. There were 3,353,663 warrants in issue at 30 June 2001 (30 June 2000 - 3,933,750). 2. The overseas currency loan of Yen 551,550,000 becomes due for repayment on 7 January 2004. 3. The diluted net asset value per ordinary share has been calculated in accordance with FRS 14 'Earnings per share'. The calculation determines the potential number of dilutive shares which would be issued on the exercise of warrants by reference to the share price (fair value) at each period end. The fully diluted net asset value per ordinary share has been calculated on the assumption that the 3,353,663 warrants in issue at 30 June 2001 (31 December 2000 - 3,933,750) were fully exercised at 100p at each period end. 4. During the period 580,087 ordinary shares were issued in respect of warrants exercised on 30 April 2001. Each warrant entitles the holder to subscribe for one ordinary share at 100p on 30 April in either of the remaining years 2002 and 2003. At the AGM on 18 April 2001 the Company's authority to buy back shares was renewed in respect of 12,572,652 ordinary shares. No shares have been bought back during the period. 5. The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2000 has been extracted from the full accounts, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and which contain an unqualified Auditor's Report. 6. The accounting policies applied in calculating the interim figures are consistent with those used in the Annual Financial Statements. 7. The Interim Report was approved by the Board on 23 July 2001.
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