Final Results
Highcroft Investments PLC
27 March 2003
Highcroft Investments PLC
Preliminary Results 2002
• Gross property income up 7.4% to £1,517,000
• Operating profit up 8.1% to £1,496,000
• Basic earnings per share up 40.4% to 22.6p
• Adjusted earnings per share up 1.0% to 20.8p
• Continuing improvement in the quality of the property portfolio
• Net asset value per share down 3.7% to 597p
• Total dividends up 9.7% to 10.15p per share
• Final dividend of 6.65p payable on 11 June 2003
• These achievements made despite a background of continued economic
Chairman's Statement
Against a difficult economic background, in particular falling stock markets,
our income has shown a satisfactory increase and the rise in operating profits
gives us confidence to propose a further increase in dividends well above the
rate of inflation. Our broad objectives remain to enhance shareholder value
through a combination of rising asset values and increasing profits, intended to
sustain long term dividend growth. During the course of 2002, the Board
announced that it was making a modest change in the way it would seek to achieve
these broad objectives. Essentially, there is a greater focus on the property
We have purchased a retail investment for £1,405,000 plus costs with a yield of
5.9%, a reliable covenant and the prospect of an upward rent review to increase
our income yield. This is the sort of investment which we have been seeking
since we made the move to upgrade the quality of the portfolio. We have also
looked at a few 'development' opportunities but generally not found them to be
sufficiently attractive. In October we bid at auction for another investment
but were not successful. Had we been, we would have taken out a medium-term
In December, we were pleased that Richard Stansfield joined the Board bringing a
high level of property expertise 'in-house'.
The general fall in stock market values was disappointing. There was some small
compensation in that we have been able to make tax-efficient disposals from the
listed investment portfolio and, since our strategy announcement, we reduced the
funds held by £322,000. In the absence of a requirement for additional funds
for further property investment, we did not make as many disposals from the
listed investment portfolio as might otherwise have been the case.
I am happy with the start we have made in pursuing our modified strategy though
we were not helped by falling stock markets in the second half of the year. We
have however generated sufficient income to be able to increase the dividends
for the year by 9.7% with a dividend cover of 2.1 times (2001 2.2).
Financial results - operating activities
Operating profit rose to £1,496,000 from £1,384,000 in 2001, an increase of
8.1%. Total income, including interest on cash deposits, was £1,717,000 as
compared with £1,612,000 in 2001. Net property income rose from £1,278,000 to
£1,395,000, an increase of 9.2%.
Gross rents receivable were up 7.4% on 2001 as the purchases and rent reviews in
both 2001 and 2002 took effect. Property income represented 82.5% of total
income compared with 80.9% in 2001.
Financial results - capital activities
Net assets fell back by 3.6% during the year from £32.0 million to £30.9
million. This occurred during the second half of the year and was entirely
related to the general fall in stock market values.
During the course of the year, the group spent £1,504,000 on property assets
(2001 £1,878,000) and invested £935,000 (2001 £893,000) in stock markets. The
net proceeds from property disposals during the year amounted to £1,537,000
(2001 £1,377,000) while investment disposals raised £884,000 (2001 £1,247,000).
The net gains on these disposals amounted to £154,000 (2001 £76,000), comprising
£243,000 of gains on property disposals and £89,000 of losses on disposal of
investments. The net gain after taxation of £94,000 (2001 £235,000 loss) was
transferred to realised capital reserve.
The property valuation showed a rise from £22.7 million to £23.1 million. Those
properties that remained in the portfolio throughout the period show a rise in
value equivalent to 1.5% (2001 4.6%). There are 18 (2001 20) commercial
properties in the portfolio with an average value of £1,122,000 (2001 £989,000).
There are 17 residential properties in the portfolio and ground rent
investments (2001 20). The average value of these residential investments is
£171,000 (2001 £147,000).
Listed investments
2002 proved to be another disappointing year for equity markets. A harsher
business environment, further shocks from some major companies and resultant
investor disillusion left the FTSE 100 down from 5,217 to 3,940 a fall of 24.5%.
Those listed investments that remained in our portfolio throughout the period
showed a fall in value of 20.1% (2001 15.3%).
The directors maintained their strategy of looking for long term investments in
quality companies.
Similar to last year, we have reported an equity portfolio valuation depressed
by market falls offset to a degree by a rise in property values. While we are
sorry to see that there has been a small fall in net asset value per share (down
3.7% to 597p), we do believe that this is reasonably commendable given the
business background. Income has shown a satisfactory increase and the rise in
operating profits gives us confidence to propose a further increase in dividends
well above the rate of inflation. Dividends for 2002 are up 9.7% on 2001, again
with a slightly reduced level of retained profits.
Current trading and prospects
Finally I have some comments on the start to 2003. On the property side, the
search for investments which will give the group long term income and capital
growth is continuous but we have not yet added to the portfolio in 2003. Two
residential properties have become vacant and are being marketed and offers are
being considered on one of the smaller commercial properties.
The declining stock market valuations, faltering business confidence and a mixed
economic outlook characterised 2001 and 2002 and have continued into 2003. Low
interest rates give a modicum of comfort in the UK but profits generally seem
likely to come under increasing pressure. We continue to be cautious in our
investment approach as regards both equities and property.
27 March 2003
Group Profit and Loss Account (audited)
for the year ended 31 December 2002
Note 2002 2001
£'000 £'000
Income from fixed asset investments
and other interest receivable 1,717 1,612
Administrative expenses 221 228
______ ______
Operating profit 1,496 1,384
Gains on disposals of assets 1 154 76
______ ______
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,650 1,460
Taxation 2 482 626
______ ______
Profit for the financial year 1,168 834
(Gain)/loss on disposals of assets after taxation
transferred (to)/from realised capital reserve 1 (94) 235
______ ______
Profit available for distribution 1,074 1,069
Dividends 3 524 478
______ ______
Profit retained 550 591
==== ====
Earnings per share: 4
Basic 22.6p 16.1p
Adjusted 20.8p 20.6p
______ ______
Balance Sheets (audited)
at 31 December 2002
The Group The Company
Note 2002 2001 2002 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 5 23,098 22,727 - -
Investments 6 7,700 9,654 31,619 32,682
_______ _______ _______ ______
30,798 32,381 31,619 32,682
_______ _______ _______ ______
Current assets
Debtors 916 462 380 347
Cash at bank 395 419 395 419
______ ______ ______ ______
1,311 881 775 766
Amounts falling due within
one year 1,254 1,244 1,539 1,430
_______ _______ _______ ______
Net current assets/(liabilities) 57 (363) (764) (664)
_______ _______ ________ ______
Net assets 30,855 32,018 30,855 32,018
===== ===== ====== =====
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 1,292 1,292 1,292 1,292
Revaluation reserve - property 5,442 5,713 - -
- other 2,101 4,131 25,692 26,831
Capital redemption reserve 95 95 95 95
Realised capital reserve 14,410 13,822 3,054 3,029
Profit and loss account 7,515 6,965 722 771
_______ _______ _______ ______
Shareholders' funds - equity 30,855 32,018 30,855 32,018
===== ===== ====== =====
Group Cash Flow Statement (audited)
for the year ended 31 December 2002
Note 2002 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 7 1,001 1,398
Taxation paid (513) (763)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of fixed assets - properties (1,504) (1,878)
- listed (935) (893)
Sale of fixed assets - properties 1,537 1,377
- listed 884 1,247
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and (18) (147)
financial investment
Equity dividends paid (494) (449)
_____ _____
(Decrease)/increase in cash 8 (24) 39
==== ====
Total Recognised Gains and Losses and Historical Cost Profits and Losses
for the year ended 31 December 2002
Statement of total recognised gains and losses
2002 2001
£'000 £'000
Profit for the financial year 1,168 834
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of investment properties 161 728
Unrealised deficit on revaluation of listed and unlisted investments (1,916) (1,778)
Tax on valuation surplus arising in prior years attributable to properties (52) -
sold in year
Deferred taxation - 100
______ ______
Total recognised gains and losses for the year (639) (116)
==== ====
Note of historical cost profits and losses
2002 2001
£'000 £'000
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,650 1,460
Realisation of revaluation gains of previous years
-attributable to investment properties 432 762
-attributable to listed and unlisted investments 114 561
______ ______
Historical cost profit on ordinary activities before taxation 2,196 2,783
==== ====
Historical cost profits retained 1,138 1,679
==== ====
for the year ended 31 December 2002
1 Gains on disposals of assets
2002 2001
Gains/(losses) on disposals of assets arising on sales of: £'000 £'000
Properties 243 146
Investments (89) (70)
_____ _____
Net gain on disposals of assets 154 76
Corporation tax on disposals of assets (60) (311)
_____ _____
Net gain on disposals of assets after taxation 94 (235)
==== ====
2 Taxation
The taxation charge at 30% (2001 30%) is based on the profit for the year and is
made up as follows:
2002 2001
£'000 £'000
Corporation tax on operating profit 395 315
Corporation tax on disposals of assets 60 311
Prior year underprovision 27 -
_____ _____
482 626
==== ====
The group has changed the way in which the corporation tax on disposals of
assets is accounted for. The taxation on prior years' valuation surpluses is
now charged directly to the realised capital reserve, where the surpluses have
always been credited, and is also shown in the Statement of Recognises Gains and
Losses. This change in treatment is not fundamental and so previous years'
taxation charges have not been restated.
3 Dividends
2002 2001
Ordinary shares £'000 £'000
Interim dividend of 3.5p per share paid (2001 3.2p) 181 165
Proposed final dividend of 6.65p per share (2001 6.05p) 343 313
_____ _____
524 478
==== ====
4 Earnings per share
The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit for the
financial year of £1,168,000 (2001 £834,000) and on 5,167,240 (2001 5,167,240)
ordinary shares of 25p each which is the weighted average number of shares in
issue during the year ended 31 December 2002.
In view of the uneven nature of capital disposals, an adjusted earnings
per share has also been presented, based on the profit available for
distribution of £1,074,000 (2001 £1,069,000). The effect of the adjustment is
as follows:
2002 2001
Earnings Weighted Per share Earnings Weighted Per share
average amount pence average amount pence
number of number of
shares shares
£'000 £'000
Basic earnings per share 1,168 5,167,240 22.6 834 5,167,240 16.1
Adjustment for (gains)/losses on (94) - (1.8) 235 - 4.5
disposals of assets
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Adjusted earnings per shares 1,074 5,167,240 20.8 1,069 5,167,240 20.6
==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
5 Tangible assets
The group Land and buildings
(Investment properties)
Total Freeholds Long
£'000 £'000 £'000
Valuation at 1 January 2002 22,727 20,422 2,305
Additions 1,504 1,504 -
Disposals (1,294) (1,294) -
Surplus on revaluation 161 146 15
_______ _______ _______
Valuation at 31 December 2002 23,098 20,778 2,320
===== ===== =====
6 Investments
Total Listed Unlisted
The group £'000 £'000 £'000
Valuation at 1 January 2002 9,654 9,654 -
Additions at cost 935 935 -
Disposals (973) (973) -
(Deficit)/surplus on revaluation (1,916) (1,920) 4
_______ _______ _______
Valuation at 31 December 2002 7,700 7,696 4
===== ===== =====
7 Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating
2002 2001
£'000 £'000
Operating profit 1,496 1,384
Increase in debtors (454) (61)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors (41) 75
____________ ____________
Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,001 1,398
____________ ____________
8 Analysis of changes in net funds
2002 2001
Cash at bank £'000 £'000
At 1 January 2002 419 380
Net cash (outflow)/inflow (24) 39
____________ ____________
At 31 December 2002 395 419
============ ============
9 Accounting convention
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable
accounting standards up to and including FRS19 and under the historical cost
convention except for the revaluation of fixed assets and fixed asset
10 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will be held on 4 June 2003.
11 Final ordinary dividend
A final ordinary dividend of 6.65p per share will be paid on 11 June 2003
to shareholders registered at the close of business on 16 May 2003.
12 Limitation
The above does not constitute full accounts within the meaning of section
240 of the Companies Act 1985. It is an extract from the full accounts for the
year ended 31 December 2002 on which the auditors have expressed an unqualified
opinion. The accounts will be posted to shareholders on or before 30 April 2003
and subsequently filed at Companies House.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange