Interim Results
Highcroft Investment Trust PLC
24 August 2000
Highcroft Investment Trust P.L.C. and its subsidiary undertakings
Chairman's Statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2000
Summary Results - Operating Activities
Operating profit for the first half of 2000 was £683,000, up by 6% on the 1999
equivalent figure of £644,000. The Board believes that this increase is a
consequence of its policy, over the last three years, of investing in property
of a higher quality.
Total income, including interest on cash deposits was £786,000 in the first
half of 2000, slightly improved on 1999's figures, up by 2%. However,
property income was significantly up on 1999, representing 79% of total income
compared with 67% in the first half of 1999. This was a reflection of the
increased investment in property generating increased net income; and also it
was due to a relative fall in investment income as there were special
dividends received in the first half of 1999 and there was more cash on
deposit, earning interest at that time.
Property outgoings continued to benefit, on an ongoing basis, from a reduction
as a result of the strategy of improving the property portfolio. However, we
are required to account for property repairs as they happen, rather than from
a provision for repairs, and the first half of 2000 saw a relatively high
level of repairs on residential properties. It is expected that this will
lead to increased rental income in the future.
Summary Results - Capital Activities
During the first half of the year there were no purchases of property assets.
However, in August we completed the purchase of an office property at a
purchase price of £1,600,000. It comprises two inter-linked, modern office
units in Solihull, West Midlands. The property is let to Siemens Properties
Limited, with a guarantee from Siemens Holdings Plc, on a lease that runs to
2015. Net rental income is expected to be £122,000 p.a.
Purchases of listed investments in the first half of 2000 amounted to £798,000
(1999 £516,000). The net proceeds from property disposals during the half
year amounted to £1,412,000 (1999 £986,000) while listed investment disposals
raised £664,000 (1999 £781,000).
Gains on disposals amounted to £164,000 (1999 £349,000). Unusually, gains
before taxation became losses after taxation. This circumstance is made
possible because the calculation of gains for accounts purposes is not the
basis for calculating capital gains for tax purposes. The disposal of some
long held investments meant that there was a relatively high tax charge. A
transfer from realised capital reserve was required to cover a net loss after
taxation of £122,000 (1999 £93,000 gain).
As the number of disposals out of the property portfolio has reduced, so have
the gains on disposals of assets, and consequently profit before tax has
reduced from £584,000 to £442,000. However, the programme in recent years of
improving the property portfolio has borne further fruit in the increased
operating profit and increased earnings per share, excluding gains on
disposals, from 9.3p to 10.9p. We are pleased to announce an interim dividend
of 3p per share (1999 2.75p), an increase of 9.1%.
Taking into account the updated valuations of assets at 30 June 2000, net
asset value per share has increased by 4.1% to 616p from 592p at 31 December
Appointment of advisers
The Board has appointed Charles Stanley as its brokers and corporate finance
Robert Craig
24 August 2000
Group Profit & Loss Account (Unaudited)
for the six months ended 30 June 2000
First Half First Half Full Year
Note 2000 1999 1999
Restated Restated
£'000 £'000 £'000
Income from fixed asset investments
and other interest receivable
From properties 619 515 1,138
From investments, including
net interest receivable 167 255 407
786 770 1,545
Administrative expenses
Purchase of own shares 0 34 34
Other 103 92 182
Operating profit 683 644 1,329
Gains on disposals of assets 2 164 349 868
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation 847 993 2,197
Taxation 3 425 409 838
Profit for the financial period 422 584 1,359
Losses/(gains) on disposals of assets
after taxation taken from/(to)
realised capital reserve 122 (93) (335)
Profits available for distribution 544 491 1,024
Dividends 4 155 144 391
1998 dividend not paid 0 (12) -
Profit retained 389 359 633
Earnings per share 5
Including gains on disposals of assets 8.2p 11.1p 26.1p
Excluding gains on disposals of assets 10.9p 9.3p 19.6p
Statement of Total Recognised
Gains and Losses
First Half First Half Full Year
2000 1999 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000
Profit for the financial period 422 584 1,359
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of
investment properties - - 1,488
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of
listed and unlisted investments - - 1,505
Total recognised gains and
losses for the period 422 584 4,352
Group Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
as at 30 June 2000
30 June 30 June 31 December
2000 1999 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 6 18,363 16,505 19,637
Investments 7 11,512 9,779 11,333
29,875 26,284 30,970
Current assets
Debtors 1,805 560 386
Cash at bank and in hand 609 1,473 415
2,414 2,033 801
Amounts falling due
within one year 1,420 1,225 1,170
Net current assets 994 808 (369)
Total assets less
current liabilities 30,869 27,092 30,601
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 1,292 1,292 1,292
Revaluation reserve -property 4,650 4,733 5,219
-other 6,551 5,492 6,959
Capital redemption reserve 95 95 95
Realised capital reserve 12,130 9,992 11,274
Profit and loss account 6,151 5,488 5,762
Shareholders' funds 30,869 27,092 30,601
Group Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2000
First Half First Half Full Year
2000 1999 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash (outflow)/inflow
from operating activities (723) 947 2,044
Taxation paid (100) (185) (1,026)
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of fixed assets
- properties 0 (2,075) (5,550)
- listed investments (798) (516) (1,058)
Sale of fixed assets
- properties 1,412 986 3,341
- listed investments 664 781 1,271
Net cash inflow/(outflow)
from capital expenditure
and financial investment 1,278 (824) (1,996)
Purchase of own shares 0 (871) (871)
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance
Dividends paid (261) (238) (380)
Increase/(decrease) in cash 194 (1,171) (2,229)
Reconciliation of operating profit to net
cash flow from operating activities
Operating profit 683 666 1,364
(Increase)/decrease in debtors (1,419) 422 653
Increase/(decrease) in creditors 13 (141) 27
(723) 947 2,044
for the six months ended 30 June 2000
1. Interim report
This interim report will not appear as an advertisement in any newspaper but
copies are being sent to all shareholders and are available at the company's
registered office. The results for the six months ended 30 June 2000 are
unaudited but have been prepared on the basis of accounting policies
consistent with those set out in the audited report and financial statements
for the year ended 31 December 1999 with one exception. The Group's
accounting policy in respect of income from fixed asset investments has been
modified to take into account the requirements of FRS16. This accounting
standard requires that dividend income from investments be shown as received
and not grossed up for the related tax credit, which was the previous
practice. The results for 1999 have been restated to comply with FRS16.
The interim report does not constitute full accounts as defined by the
Companies Act 1985 but should be read in conjunction with the most recent
financial statements. Full accounts for 1999 have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies, bearing an unqualified audit opinion.
2. Gains on disposals of assets
First Half First Half Full Year
2000 1999 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on disposals of assets arising on sales of:
Properties 136 126 648
Investments 28 223 220
164 349 868
3. Taxation
First Half First Half Full Year
2000 1999 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000
Corporation tax 139 153 305
Corporation tax on
disposals of assets 286 256 533
425 409 838
The taxation charge has been based on the estimated effective tax rate for the
full year.
4. Dividends
The Board has declared an ordinary interim dividend of 3.00p per share (1999
2.75p) payable on
31 October 2000 to shareholders registered on 6 October 2000.
for the six months ended 30 June 2000
5. Earnings per share
The earnings per share calculation for the first half has been made on the
basis of 5,167,240
shares (1999 5,266,356) which is the weighted average of shares in issue
during the
period ended 30 June 2000.
In view of the uneven nature of capital disposals, an adjusted earnings per
share has also been
presented, based on the profit available for distribution of £544,000 (1999
6. Tangible assets
Land & buildings (Investment properties) Total
Valuation at 1 January 2000 19,637
Disposals (1,274)
Book value at 30 June 2000 18,363
The valuation of investment properties at 30 June 2000 was £19,342,800.
Investment properties
have been valued by Alan Frederick Conning, FRICS, Joint Senior Partner of
Andrews &
Robertson, Chartered Surveyors. The valuation has been conducted by him as an
external valuer.
The valuation has been prepared as at 30 June 2000, in accordance with the
Appraisal &
Valuation Manual of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, on the basis
of the properties'
open market existing use value. This value has not been incorporated into the
financial statements.
7. Investments
Listed and unlisted Total
Valuation at 1 January 2000 11,333
Additions 798
Disposals (619)
Book value at 30 June 2000 11,512
The valuation of listed and unlisted investments at 30 June 2000 was
£11,571,000 (1999 £10,556,000).