Interim Results
Highcroft Investments PLC
05 September 2002
Interim Report for
the six months to
30 June 2002
Highcroft Investments PLC
Chairman's Statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2002
- Interim dividend increased by 9.4% to 3.5p per share
- Operating profits increased by 3.6%
- Pre tax profit down by 4% as a result of losses on asset disposals
- Net assets per share 624p (June 2001 622p) despite Stock Market decline
- Balance sheet strength supports the revised property strategy
At the interim stage last year I commented that, despite problems with falling
Stock Markets and business confidence, your company acquitted itself well, and I
think it appropriate to repeat these comments now. Operating profits and net
assets have risen and our balance sheet remains strong. The interim dividend is
proposed at 3.5p (2001 3.2p) payable on 28 October 2002.
Operating Activities
Operating profit, for the six months to 30 June 2002, increased by 3.6% to
£724,000 - a result of higher income from our property portfolio and firm
control of administrative expenses albeit offset by lower dividends and interest
receivable. Property income is now almost 82% of the total; this is likely to
rise further as more emphasis is put on property in line with the policy
statement announced on 14 June 2002.
Capital Activities
In turbulent markets, we made net investments of £372,000 (purchases of £792,000
and sales of £420,000). At 30 June 2002, there was a deficit on revaluation of
£604,000 - the value at 30 June being £9,389,000.
On the property front, notwithstanding the company's declared policy of
concentrating to a greater extent on the property portfolio, a smaller
commercial property was sold for £447,000. This is in line with our practice of
disposing of such commercial properties and selling residential properties when
possession becomes available. There was a £460,000 surplus on revaluation of our
property portfolio.
Cash holdings were virtually the same level as at the year end and rose
following the receipt of the property proceeds on completion in July. Given our
greater emphasis on property investment and modest development opportunities, we
expect to have a moderate level of borrowings in the next 18 months.
Taxation has fallen to £152,000 (June 2001 £342,000) incorporating a small rise
in corporation taxes on revenue and a credit on asset disposals.
Net Asset Value
At 30 June 2002, net asset value was 624p per share (against 622p at June 2001
and 620p at 31 December 2001). This modest increase was accounted for by a fall
of £604,000 in the value of listed investments offset by a property surplus of
£460,000 and retained profits of £365,000.
Highcroft Investments PLC
Chairman's Statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2002
At the Company's Annual General Meeting held on 12 June 2002, shareholders voted
on a poll against the resolutions to re-elect John Hewitt and Tony Phillips as
non executive directors of the Company. On 20 June 2002, the Highcroft Board
was pleased to announce that it had invited John Hewitt to re-join the Board as
Senior Independent Director, and following his agreement his appointment took
effect immediately. Shareholders will be asked to confirm his appointment at
the 2003 AGM.
In addition, an amicable agreement was reached with Tony Phillips who, being
close to retirement age, would not have wished to accept reappointment.
The Highcroft Board believes that it is now well placed to pursue the strategy,
announced on 14 June, to the benefit of all shareholders.
The Future
While stock markets have weakened significantly subsequent to the end of the
half year, we believe our balance sheet will enable us to continue to enhance
shareholder value over the medium term as a result of the increased emphasis on
property. It remains our intention to raise dividends in real terms
R Craig
5 September 2002
Group Profit and Loss Account (Unaudited)
for the six months ended 30 June 2002
First Half First Half Full Year
Note 2002 2001 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Income from fixed asset investments
and other interest receivable
From properties 685 636 1,278
From investments, including net interest receivable 154 177 334
839 813 1,612
Administrative expenses 115 114 228
Operating profit 724 699 1,384
(Losses)/gains on disposals of assets 2 (46) 8 76
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 678 707 1,460
Taxation 3 152 342 626
Profit for the financial period 526 365 834
Losses on disposals of assets after taxation
taken from realised capital reserve 20 167 235
Profit available for distribution 546 532 1,069
Dividends 4 181 165 478
Profit retained 365 367 591
Earnings per share 5
Including gains on disposals of assets 10.2p 7.1p 16.1p
Excluding gains on disposals of assets 10.6p 10.3p 20.6p
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
First Half First Half Full Year
2002 2001 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Profit for the financial period 526 365 834
Unrealised surplus/(deficit) on revaluation of:
investment properties 460 97 728
listed and unlisted investments (604) (860) (1,778)
Deferred taxation 0 100 100
Total recognised gains and losses for the period 382 (298) (116)
Group Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
as at 30 June 2002
30 June 30 June 31 December
2002 2001 2001
Note £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 6 22,737 20,513 22,727
Investments 7 9,389 11,050 9,654
32,126 31,563 32,381
Current assets
Debtors 724 773 462
Cash at bank and in hand 413 1,058 419
1,137 1,831 881
Amounts falling due within one year 1,043 1,246 1,244
Net current assets/(liabilities) 94 585 (363)
Total assets less current liabilities 32,220 32,148 32,018
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 1,292 1,292 1,292
Revaluation reserve - property 6,094 5,206 5,713
- other 3,585 5,137 4,131
Capital redemption reserve 95 95 95
Realised capital reserve 13,824 13,677 13,822
Profit and loss account 7,330 6,741 6,965
Shareholders' funds 32,220 32,148 32,018
Group Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2002
First Half First Half Full Year
2002 2001 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 937 767 1,398
Taxation paid (258) (208) (763)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of fixed assets - properties - - (1,878)
- listed investments (792) (728) (893)
Sale of fixed assets - properties 0 523 1,377
- listed investments 420 607 1,247
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from capital expenditure (372) 402 (147)
and financial investment
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance
Dividends paid (313) (284) (449)
(Decrease)/increase in cash (6) 677 39
Reconciliation of operating profit to net
cash flow from operating activities
Operating profit 724 699 1,384
Decrease/(increase) in debtors 188 115 (61)
Increase/(decrease) in creditors 25 (47) 75
937 767 1,398
for the six months ended 30 June 2002
1. Interim report
This interim report will not appear as an advertisement in any newspaper but
copies are being sent to all shareholders and are available at the company's
registered office. The results for the six months ended 30 June 2002 are
unaudited but have been prepared on the basis of accounting policies consistent
with those set out in the audited report and financial statements for the year
ended 31 December 2001.
The interim report does not constitute full accounts as defined by the Companies
Act 1985 but should be read in conjunction with the most recent financial
statements. Full accounts for 2001 have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies, bearing an unqualified audit opinion.
2. Gains on disposals of assets
First Half First Half Full Year
2002 2001 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on disposals of assets arising on sales of:
Properties (13) 42 146
Investments (33) (34) (70)
(46) 8 76
3. Taxation
First Half First Half Full Year
2002 2001 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Corporation tax 178 167 315
Corporation tax on disposals of assets (26) 175 311
152 342 626
The taxation charge has been based on the estimated effective tax rate for the
full year.
4. Dividends
The Board has declared an ordinary interim dividend of 3.50p per share
(2001 3.20p) payable on 28 October 2002 to shareholders registered at
27 September 2002.
5. Earnings per share
The earnings per share calculation for the first half has been made on the basis
of 5,167,240 shares (2001 5,167,240) which is the number of shares in issue
during the period ended 30 June 2002.
In view of the uneven nature of capital disposals, an adjusted earnings per
share has also been presented, based on the profit available for distribution of
£546,000 (2001 £532,000).
6. Tangible assets
Land and buildings (Investment properties) Total
Valuation at 1 January 2002 22,727
Disposals (450)
Surplus on revaluation 460
Valuation at 30 June 2002 22,737
The directors have used an internal valuation of properties at 30 June 2002, the
basis of which they believe to be consistent with the external valuation
prepared for 31 December 2001.
7. Investments
Listed and unlisted Total
Valuation at 1 January 2002 9,654
Additions 792
Disposals (452)
Deficit on revaluation (604)
Valuation at 30 June 2002 9,389
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange