Hilton Food Group plc
AGM Update
Hilton Food Group plc (the Company) is providing an update on arrangements for its AGM due to be held on 21 May 2020.
Under latest Government guidance to stay safe outside the home, the Company has a responsibility to take measures to ensure that the risk of exposure to the Covid-19 virus and its transmission is lowered. Accordingly, the Company's advice remains that, regretfully, it will not be possible for shareholders to attend the AGM in person and anyone seeking to attend will be refused entry. The AGM will proceed with the minimum number of the Company's officers, who are also shareholders, in attendance to ensure that a quorum of shareholders is present.
Shareholders are strongly encouraged to submit their proxy votes by post or online at www.sharevote.co.uk which must be received by 1:00pm on 19 May 2020.
Shareholders are also encouraged to submit questions prior to the AGM date by email to cosec@hiltonfoodgroup.com . Answers to valid questions will be published on our website at www.hiltonfoodgroupplc.com/agm-2020 following the AGM.
The Board apologises for the necessary disruption to the AGM this year and continues to be available to engage with shareholders as usual.
For further information, please contact:
Neil George
Company Secretary
Tel.: +44 (0) 1480 387207, email: cosec@hiltonfoodgroup.com