AGM Statements

MFI FURNITURE GROUP PLC 23 September 1999 MFI Furniture Group Plc, the UK's largest retailer and manufacturer of kitchen and bedroom furniture, will today hold its Annual General Meeting at 11.00am at the Chartered Accountants' Hall, Moorgate Place, London EC2. Prior to the formal business of today's meeting, Derek Hunt, Chairman and John Hancock, Chief Executive will inform shareholders of progress in the business. The full text of their statements to be made at the Annual General Meeting are as follows. Derek Hunt will state : At the time of our preliminary results announcement on 9 July, we said that trading in the ten weeks since the start of our financial year on 25 April was disappointing. UK retail sales orders on a like for like basis for continuing products were running 12% below the previous year. Overall, group sales excluding discontinued products were running 4% down on the previous year. Since then there has been some improvement and UK retail sales orders for continuing products are 7% down in the first 21 weeks of the financial year compared to the same period last year. UK trade sales are 55.8% up which is a like for like increase of 23.9%. This fully justifies our decision to accelerate the UK trade store opening programme. Sales in France and Spain are 14.7% up, which, on a like for like basis, is a pleasing 12% up. Overall group turnover in the first 21 weeks of the financial year on a continuing basis is now level with last year and the margin is being maintained. Although cautioned by the recent rise in interest rates, there are still many things that we can do to improve the efficiency and underlying performance of the business. In particular, there are benefits to be gained by further integrating the manufacturing, distribution and retail divisions as one company. In addition to the measures we are taking there are some signs to indicate that we are now beginning to see the benefit of the recent improvement in the housing market. John Hancock will now tell you more about this and his other objectives. John Hancock will state : In my report to shareholders that starts on page 4 of the annual report I referred to 4 main issues - the management team, product development, the need to re-focus the culture of the company and disposals. I would now like to bring you up to date with the progress that has been made. Firstly I indicated the plan to strengthen the board in a number of areas to enhance the board's ability to run the group as a single company. As you know, Michael Williamson was appointed to the board last month to take on the role of finance director. I am pleased to announce that Gordon Macdonald, previously director of human resources development at Safeway, will be joining the MFI board as group services director. In the next few days, Mark Horgan formerly franchise director of Mars Confectionery Europe will also be joining us as group marketing director. They will also serve on the group management executive board, the small team responsible for managing and developing the group as one business. The new team is in place and is fully committed to a vertically integrated manufacturing / distribution / retail group. However, we all recognise that, in order to maximise the benefits that this can provide, we must change the culture of the group so that it runs effectively as one company. This process has already started and although it will take time we will, in due course, see the benefits of improved service to our customers and reduced costs. We have continued to monitor the distribution system and have identified several measures that can be introduced in the next 2 years that will both improve efficiency and reduce costs. Our aggressive product development programme is continuing on time and within budget. I am pleased to report that most of the 6 new kitchen ranges are significantly outperforming the ranges they replaced. The new home to office range of home office furniture has been very well received and although it is still early days it clearly vindicates our decision to make a major investment in product development despite difficult market conditions. All the remaining new product will be fitted in all our 186 stores in time for the start of the winter sale. In the annual report I told shareholders that we were actively seeking new routes to market and to increase the utilisation of our manufacturing capacity. In August we launched the MFI website with on-line shopping for some of our products and we are continuing to look for other opportunities. In July we reported that, following a revaluation, the group's UK freehold and long leasehold properties had been valued at £300m. Since then, we have sold one home delivery centre and are in negotiation to sell 3 others which together with 2 others yet to be sold will, when completed, generate about £25m. Over the last 2 weeks we have received offers, subject to contract, for MFI to sell and then lease back some of our retail properties for a sum in excess of £100m. This completes the property disposal programme and will enable us to continue the momentum to focus on the objective of improving the performance of the core business. It also gives us greater freedom to concentrate our efforts to enhance shareholder value. For further information contact: Derek Hunt, Chairman - Tel. 0181 913 5300 John Hancock, Chief Executive - Tel. 0181 913 5298 Michael Williamson, Finance Director - Tel. 0181 913 5343 Charlotte Elston, Brunswick - Tel. 0171 404 5959
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