For Immediate Release
HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (A company incorporated with limited liability in England with registered number 14259) (the "Issuer")
Programme for the Issuance of Notes and Warrants
(Interest Rate-Linked and Inflation-Linked Notes)
Issue of up to USD 500,000,000 Fixed Rate Interest Step-up to Floating Rate Notes due 28 September 2024 (ISIN: XS1876165819) (the "Notes")
Notice is hereby given that certain amendments have been made to the conditions of the Notes by way of the Issuer determining that a "Benchmark Trigger Event" has occurred in relation to 3 month USD-LIBOR.
Pursuant to the conditions of the Notes, the Issuer has determined that references to 3 month USD-LIBOR shall be replaced by references to the term adjusted SOFR plus the spread relating to U.S. Dollar LIBOR for a period of 3 months, as provided on the Bloomberg screen that corresponds to the Bloomberg ticker for the fallback for U.S. Dollar LIBOR for a period of 3 months.
HSBC Bank plc
For any queries, please contact your usual HSBC sales representative.