HSBC Holdings PLC 28 February 2005 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account 31Dec03 Year ended 31Dec04 US$m US$m £m HK$m 39,968 Interest receivable 50,203 27,411 391,031 (14,370) Interest payable (19,179) (10,471) (149,385) 25,598 Net interest income 31,024 16,940 241,646 15,474 Other operating income 19,563 10,681 152,376 41,072 Operating income 50,587 27,621 394,022 (21,082) Operating expenses excluding goodwill (25,875) (14,128) (201,540) (1,450) Goodwill amortisation (1,814) (990) (14,129) 18,540 Operating profit before provisions 22,898 12,503 178,353 (6,093) Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (6,357) (3,470) (49,515) Provisions for contingent (44) liabilities and commitments (27) (15) (210) Amounts written off (106) fixed asset investments - - - 12,297 Operating profit 16,514 9,018 128,628 (116) Share of operating profit/ (loss) in joint ventures 5 3 39 Share of operating profit in 221 associates 287 157 2,235 Gains/(losses) on disposal of: 451 - investments 770 420 5,998 (37) - tangible fixed assets 32 17 249 Profit on ordinary activities 12,816 before tax 17,608 9,615 137,149 (3,120) Tax on profit on ordinary activities (4,507) (2,461) (35,105) Profit on ordinary activities 9,696 after tax 13,101 7,154 102,044 Minority interests: (487) - equity (586) (320) (4,564) (435) - non-equity (675) (369) (5,258) 8,774 Profit attributable to shareholders 11,840 6,465 92,222 (6,532) Dividends (7,301) (3,986) (56,867) 2,242 Retained profit for the year 4,539 2,479 35,355 Consolidated Balance Sheet At 31Dec03 At 31Dec04 US$m US$m £m HK$m ASSETS 7,661 Cash and balances at central banks 9,872 5,104 76,735 Items in the course of collection 6,628 from other banks 6,352 3,284 49,374 20,391 Treasury bills and other eligible bills 30,284 15,657 235,398 Hong Kong Government certificates 10,987 of indebtedness 11,878 6,141 92,334 117,173 Loans and advances to banks 142,712 73,782 1,109,300 528,977 Loans and advances to customers 669,831 346,303 5,206,596 205,722 Debt securities 240,999 124,596 1,873,285 12,879 Equity shares 19,319 9,988 150,167 10 Interests in joint ventures 12 6 93 1,263 Interests in associates 3,440 1,778 26,739 690 Other participating interests 881 455 6,848 28,640 Goodwill and intangible assets 29,382 15,190 228,386 15,748 Tangible fixed assets 18,829 9,735 146,358 63,128 Other assets 73,498 37,999 571,294 14,319 Prepayments and accrued income 19,489 10,076 151,488 1,034,216 Total assets 1,276,778 660,094 9,924,395 LIABILITIES Hong Kong currency notes 10,987 in circulation 11,878 6,141 92,334 70,426 Deposits by banks 83,539 43,190 649,349 573,130 Customer accounts 693,751 358,669 5,392,527 Items in the course of transmission to 4,383 other banks 5,301 2,741 41,205 153,562 Debt securities in issue 208,593 107,843 1,621,393 94,669 Other liabilities 123,315 63,752 958,520 13,760 Accruals and deferred income 16,500 8,531 128,255 Provisions for liabilities and charges 1,670 - deferred taxation 2,066 1,068 16,059 5,078 - other provisions 5,532 2,860 43,000 Subordinated liabilities 3,617 - undated loan capital 3,686 1,906 28,651 17,580 - dated loan capital 22,800 11,788 177,224 Minority interests 2,162 - equity 2,476 1,280 19,246 8,719 - non-equity 10,718 5,541 83,311 5,481 Called up share capital 5,587 2,888 43,428 68,992 Reserves 81,036 41,896 629,893 74,473 Shareholders' funds 86,623 44,784 673,321 1,034,216 Total liabilities 1,276,778 660,094 9,924,395 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Year ended 31Dec Figures in US$m 2004 2003 Net cash inflow from operating activities 37,209 22,675 Dividends received from associated undertakings 127 108 Returns on investments and servicing of finance: Interest paid on finance leases and similar hire purchase contracts (45) (37) Interest paid on subordinated loan capital (915) (882) Dividends paid to minority interests - equity (664) (514) - non-equity (548) (392) Net cash (outflow) from returns on investments and servicing of finance (2,172) (1,825) Taxation paid (3,797) (2,631) Capital expenditure and financial investments: Purchase of investment securities (330,917) (218,196) Proceeds from sale and maturities of investment securities 315,437 206,099 Purchase of tangible fixed assets (2,830) (1,981) Proceeds from sale of tangible fixed assets 371 346 Purchase of intangible assets (108) (87) Net cash (outflow) from capital expenditure and financial investments (18,047) (13,819) Acquisitions and disposals: Net cash (outflow) from acquisition of and increase in stake in subsidiary undertakings (2,431) (2,137) Net cash inflow from disposal of subsidiary undertakings 27 556 Purchase of interest in associated undertakings and other participating interests (2,301) (47) Proceeds from disposal of associated undertakings and other participating interests 204 3 Net cash (outflow) from acquisitions and disposals (4,501) (1,625) Equity dividends paid (4,425) (4,242) Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 4,394 (1,359) Financing: Issue of ordinary share capital 581 845 Net purchases of own shares acquired for market making purposes 98 (138) Own shares acquired to meet share awards and share option awards (345) (301) Cash received on exercise of share options 159 181 Increase of non-equity minority interests 1,480 4,104 Decrease of non-equity minority interests - (206) Subordinated loan capital issued 6,021 2,358 Subordinated loan capital repaid (1,740) (1,464) Net cash inflow from financing 6,254 5,379 Increase in cash 10,648 4,020 Other Primary Financial Statements Statement of total consolidated recognised gains and losses for the year ended 31Dec 2004 2003 US$m US$m Profit for the financial year attributable to shareholders 11,840 8,774 Unrealised surplus/(deficit) on revaluation of investment properties: - subsidiaries 52 (28) - associates 12 (10) Unrealised surplus/(deficit) on revaluation of land and buildings (excluding investment properties): - subsidiaries 1,093 (292) Exchange and other movements 3,404 5,318 Total recognised gains and losses for the year 16,402 13,762 Reconciliation of movements in consolidated shareholders' funds for the year ended 31Dec 2004 2003 US$m US$m Profit for the financial year attributable to shareholders 11,840 8,774 Dividends (7,301) (6,532) 4,539 2,242 Other recognised gains and losses relating to the year 4,561 4,988 New share capital subscribed, net of costs 581 862 Purchases of own shares acquired to meet share awards and share option awards (345) (301) Own shares released on vesting of share awards and exercise of options 159 162 Amortisation of shares in restricted share plan 36 19 Net purchases and sales of own shares for market making purposes 98 (138) Total net change in shareholders' funds arising from own shares adjustments (52) (258) Reserve in respect of obligations under CCF share options (81) (41) Net reserve in respect of obligations under Bank of Bermuda share options 15 - New share capital issued in connection with the acquisition of Household - 13,405 Reserve in respect of obligations under Household share options (19) 84 Reserve in respect of the equity component of Household 8.875 per cent Adjustable Conversion-Rate Equity Security Units (1) 3 Amounts arising on shares issued in lieu of dividends 2,607 1,423 Net addition to shareholders' funds 12,150 22,708 Shareholders' funds at 1 January 74,473 51,765 Shareholders' funds at 31 December 86,623 74,473 Additional Information 1. Accounting policies The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those described in the Annual Report and Accounts 2003. 2. Dividend The Directors have declared a fourth interim dividend for 2004 of US$0.27 per ordinary share. The dividend will be payable on 4 May 2005 to shareholders on the Register at the close of business on 18 March 2005. The dividend will be payable in cash, in US dollars, sterling or Hong Kong dollars, or a combination of these currencies, at the forward exchange rates quoted by HSBC Bank plc in London at or about 11.00am on 25 April 2005, and with a scrip dividend alternative. Particulars of these arrangements will be mailed to shareholders on or about 31 March 2005, and elections will be required to be made by 21 April 2005. The dividend will be payable on shares held through Euroclear France, the settlement and central depositary system for Euronext Paris, on 4 May 2005 to the holders of record on 18 March 2005. The dividend will be payable in cash, in euros at the exchange rate on 25 April 2005 or as a scrip dividend. Particulars of these arrangements will be announced through Euronext Paris on 16 March and 23 March 2005. The dividend will be payable on American Depositary Shares (ADSs), each of which represents five ordinary shares, on 4 May 2005 to holders of record on 18 March 2005. The dividend of US$1.35 per ADS will be payable in cash in US dollars or as a scrip dividend of new ADSs. Particulars of these arrangements will be mailed to holders on or about 25 March 2005, and elections will be required to be made by 14 April 2005. Alternatively, the cash dividend may be invested in additional ADSs for participants in the dividend reinvestment plan operated by the depositary. The Company's shares will be quoted ex-dividend in London, Hong Kong and Bermuda on 16 March 2005 and in Paris on 21 March 2005. The ADSs will be quoted ex-dividend in New York on 16 March 2005. 3. Earnings and dividends per share Year ended 31Dec Figures in US$ 2004 2003 Earnings per share (excluding goodwill amortisation) 1.25 0.99 Basic earnings per share 1.09 0.84 Diluted earnings per share 1.07 0.83 Dividends per share 0.66 0.60 Dividend pay out ratio^ 53% 61% ^Dividends per share expressed as a percentage of earnings per share (excluding goodwill amortisation). Basic earnings per ordinary share was calculated by dividing the earnings of US$11,840 million by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding, excluding own shares held by trustees to satisfy employee share options and awards, of 10,907 million shares (2003 earnings of US$8,774 million and 10,421 million shares). Diluted earnings per share was calculated by dividing the basic earnings, which require no adjustment for the effects of dilutive potential ordinary shares, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding, excluding own shares held, plus the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on conversion of all the dilutive potential ordinary shares (being share options outstanding not yet exercised) of 11,054 million shares (2003: 10,539 million shares). The cash earnings per share was calculated by dividing the basic earnings, after adding back the amortisation of goodwill, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding, excluding own shares held. 4. Taxation Year ended Year ended Figures in US$m 31Dec04 31Dec03 UK corporation tax charge 716 547 Overseas taxation 2,856 2,590 Joint ventures 3 1 Associates 42 19 Current taxation 3,617 3,157 Deferred taxation 890 (37) Total charge for taxation 4,507 3,120 Effective tax rate 25.6% 24.3% The Company and its subsidiary undertakings in the UK provided for UK corporation tax at 30.0 per cent, the rate for the calendar year 2004 (2003: 30.0 per cent). Overseas tax included Hong Kong profits tax of US$539 million (2003: US$483 million) provided at the rate of 17.5 per cent (2003: 17.5 per cent) on the profits assessable in Hong Kong. Other overseas taxation was provided for in the countries of operation at the appropriate rates of taxation. At 31 December 2004, there were potential future tax benefits of US$973 million (31 December 2003: US$963 million) in respect of trading losses, allowable expenditure charged to the profit and loss account but not yet allowed for tax, and capital losses which have not been recognised because recoverability of the potential benefits is not considered certain. Analysis of overall tax charge Year ended Year ended Figures in US$m 31Dec04 31Dec03 Taxation at UK corporate tax rate of 30.0% 5,282 3,845 Impact of differently taxed overseas profits in principal locations (347) (366) Tax free gains (64) (17) Goodwill amortisation 579 476 Acquisition accounting adjustments (253) (331) Prior period adjustments (229) (230) Other items (461) (257) Timing differences impact on deferred tax (890) 37 Current tax charge 3,617 3,157 Accelerated capital allowances (2) 1 Timing differences on lease income (212) 187 Provisions for general bad debts (392) (356) Relief for losses (116) (52) Other short-term timing differences (168) 183 Deferred tax charge (890) (37) Overall tax charge 4,507 3,120 5. Capital resources At At Figures in US$m 31Dec04 31Dec03 Capital ratios (%) Total capital ratio 12.0 12.0 Tier 1 capital ratio 8.9 8.9 Composition of capital Figures in US$m Tier 1: Shareholders' funds 86,623 74,473 Minority interests 4,253 3,711 Innovative tier 1 securities 10,077 8,094 Less: property revaluation reserves (2,660) (1,615) : goodwill capitalised and intangible assets (31,190) (29,920) : own shares held 156 120 Total qualifying tier 1 capital 67,259 54,863 Tier 2: Property revaluation reserves 2,660 1,615 General provisions 2,624 2,868 Perpetual subordinated debt 3,670 3,608 Term subordinated debt 21,373 15,795 Minority and other interests in tier 2 capital 519 523 Total qualifying tier 2 capital 30,846 24,409 Unconsolidated investments (6,361) (4,101) Investments in other banks (799) (911) Other deductions (165) (218) Total capital 90,780 74,042 Total risk-weighted assets 759,210 618,662 The above figures were computed in accordance with the EU Banking Consolidation Directive. 6. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating activities Year ended Year ended Figures in US$m 31Dec04 31Dec03 Operating profit 16,514 12,297 Change in prepayments and accrued income (4,969) (6,825) Change in accruals and deferred income 2,492 6,015 Interest on finance leases and similar hire purchase contracts 42 38 Interest on subordinated loan capital 1,052 958 Depreciation and amortisation 3,506 2,847 Amortisation of discounts and premiums (218) 338 Provisions for bad and doubtful debts 6,357 6,093 Loans written off net of recoveries (7,984) (6,846) Provisions for liabilities and charges 1,244 759 Provisions utilised (1,123) (781) Amounts written off fixed asset investments (99) 66 Net cash inflow from trading activities 16,814 14,959 Change in items in the course of collection from other banks 299 (135) Change in treasury bills and other eligible bills (26) 650 Change in loans and advances to banks (9,957) (14,537) Change in loans and advances to customers (132,052) (77,614) Change in other securities (24,107) (10,518) Change in other assets (9,657) (4,302) Change in deposits by banks 11,684 14,628 Change in customer accounts 105,454 76,085 Change in items in the course of transmission to other banks 909 (251) Change in debt securities in issue 54,172 13,976 Change in other liabilities 26,783 14,443 Elimination of exchange differences^ (3,107) (4,709) Net cash inflow from operating activities 37,209 22,675 ^Adjustment to bring changes between opening and closing balance sheet amounts to average rates. This is not done on a line-by-line basis as it cannot be determined without unreasonable expense. 7. Bad and doubtful debts 2004 Half-year ended 2003 Half-year ended Figures in US$m 30Jun 31Dec 2004 30Jun 31Dec 2003 By category: Bad and doubtful debt charge - specific charge: new provisions 4,229 4,760 8,989 3,089 4,688 7,777 releases and recoveries (1,144) (1,052) (2,196) (640) (923) (1,563) 3,085 3,708 6,793 2,449 3,765 6,214 - net general release (282) (154) (436) (75) (46) (121) Total bad and doubtful debt charge 2,803 3,554 6,357 2,374 3,719 6,093 Customers 2,810 3,557 6,367 2,373 3,723 6,096 Banks (7) (3) (10) 1 (4) (3) Total 2,803 3,554 6,357 2,374 3,719 6,093 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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