Annual Financial Report - 8x of 48

RNS Number : 3537B
HSBC Holdings PLC
03 April 2013

Critical accounting policies



The results of HSBC are sensitive to the accounting policies, assumptions and estimates that underlie the preparation of our consolidated financial statements. The significant accounting policies are described in Note 2 on the Financial Statements.

The accounting policies that are deemed critical to our results and financial position, in terms of the materiality of the items to which the policies are applied and the high degree of judgement involved, including the use of assumptions and estimation, are discussed below.

Impairment of loans and advances

Our accounting policy for losses arising from the impairment of customer loans and advances is described in Note 2g on the Financial Statements. Loan impairment allowances represent management's best estimate of losses incurred in the loan portfolios at the balance sheet date.

Management is required to exercise judgement in making assumptions and estimates when calculating loan impairment allowances on both individually and collectively assessed loans and advances.

The majority of the collectively assessed loan impairment allowances are in North America, where they were US$5.2bn, representing 54% (2011: US$6.8bn; 62%) of the Group's total collectively assessed loan impairment allowances and 32% of the Group's total impairment allowances. Of the North American collective impairment allowances approximately 86% (2011: 75%) related to the US CML portfolio.

The methods used to calculate collective impairment allowances on homogeneous groups of loans and advances that are not considered individually significant are disclosed in Note 2g on the Financial Statements. They are subject to estimation uncertainty, in part because it is not practicable to identify losses on an individual loan basis because of the large number of individually insignificant loans in the portfolio.

The estimation methods include the use of statistical analyses of historical information, supplemented with significant management judgement, to assess whether current economic and credit conditions are such that the actual level of inherent losses is likely to be greater or less than that suggested by historical experience. Where changes in economic, regulatory or behavioural conditions result in the most recent trends in portfolio risk factors being not fully reflected in the statistical models, risk factors are taken into account by adjusting the impairment allowances derived solely from historical loss experience.

Risk factors include loan portfolio growth, product mix, unemployment rates, bankruptcy trends, geographical concentrations, loan product features, economic conditions such as national and local trends in housing markets, the level of interest rates, portfolio seasoning, account management policies and practices, changes in laws and regulations, and other influences on customer payment patterns. Different factors are applied in different regions and countries to reflect local economic conditions, laws and regulations. The methodology and the assumptions used in calculating impairment losses are reviewed regularly in the light of differences between loss estimates and actual loss experience. For example, roll rates, loss rates and the expected timing of future recoveries are regularly benchmarked against actual outcomes to ensure they remain appropriate.

In 2012, a portfolio risk factor adjustment of US$225m was made to increase the collective loan impairment allowances for our US mortgage lending portfolios. The adjustment was made following a review completed in the fourth quarter of 2012 which concluded that the estimated average period of time from current status to write-off was ten months for real estate loans (previously a period of seven months was used). During 2013, this revised estimate will be incorporated into the statistical impairment allowance models.

Where loans are individually assessed for impairment, management judgement is required in determining whether there is objective evidence that a loss event has occurred, and if so, the measurement of the impairment allowance. In determining whether there is objective evidence that a loss event has occurred, judgement is exercised in evaluating all relevant information on indicators of impairment, which is not restricted to the consideration of whether payments are contractually past-due but includes broader consideration of factors indicating deterioration in the financial condition and outlook of borrowers affecting their ability to pay. A higher level of judgement is required for loans to borrowers showing signs of financial difficulty in market sectors experiencing economic stress, particularly where the likelihood of repayment is affected by the prospects for refinancing or the sale of a specified asset. For those loans where objective evidence of impairment exists, management determine the size

of the allowance required based on a range of factors such as the realisable value of security, the likely dividend available on liquidation or bankruptcy, the viability of the customer's business model and the capacity to trade successfully out of financial difficulties and generate sufficient cash flow to service debt obligations.

Under certain specified conditions, we provide loan forbearance to borrowers experiencing financial difficulties by agreeing to modify the contractual payment terms of loans in order to improve the management of customer relationships, maximise collection opportunities and, if possible, avoid default or repossession. Where forbearance activities are significant, higher levels of judgement and estimation uncertainty are involved in determining their effects on loan impairment allowances. Forbearance activities take place in both retail and wholesale loan portfolios, but our largest concentration is in the US, in HSBC Finance's CML portfolio.

The exercise of judgement requires the use of assumptions which are highly subjective and very sensitive to the risk factors, in particular to changes in economic and credit conditions across a large number of geographical areas. Many of the factors have a high degree of interdependency and there is no single factor to which our loan impairment allowances as a whole are sensitive, though they are particularly sensitive to general economic and credit conditions in North America. For example, a 10% increase in impairment allowances on collectively assessed loans and advances in North America would have increased loan impairment allowances by US$0.5bn at 31 December 2012 (2011: US$0.7bn).

It is possible that the outcomes within the next financial year could differ from the assumptions used, and this could result in a material adjustment to the carrying amount of loans and advances.

Goodwill impairment

Our accounting policy for goodwill is described in Note 2p on the Financial Statements. Note 23 on the Financial Statements lists our cash generating units ('CGU's) by geographical region and global business. HSBC's total goodwill amounted to US$21bn at 31 December 2012 (2011: US$21bn).

The review of goodwill for impairment reflects management's best estimate of the future cash flows of the CGUs and the rates used to discount these cash flows, both of which are subject to uncertain factors as follows:

·     the future cash flows of the CGUs are sensitive to the cash flows projected for the periods for which detailed forecasts are available and to assumptions regarding the long-term pattern of sustainable cash flows thereafter. Forecasts are compared with actual performance and verifiable economic data, but they necessarily reflect management's view of future business prospects at the time of the assessment; and

·     the rates used to discount future expected cash flows are based on the costs of capital assigned to individual CGUs and the rates can have a significant effect on their valuation. The cost of capital percentage is generally derived from a Capital Asset Pricing Model, which incorporates inputs reflecting a number of financial and economic variables, including the risk-free interest rate in the country concerned and a premium for the risk of the business being evaluated. These variables are subject to fluctuations in external market rates and economic conditions beyond our control and are consequently subject to uncertainty and require the exercise of significant judgement.

A decline in a CGU's expected cash flows and/or an increase in its cost of capital reduces the CGU's estimated recoverable amount. If this is lower than the carrying value of the CGU, a charge for impairment of goodwill is recognised in our income statement for the year.

The accuracy of forecast cash flows is subject to a high degree of uncertainty in volatile market conditions. In such market conditions, management retests goodwill for impairment more frequently than annually to ensure that the assumptions on which the cash flow forecasts are based continue to reflect current market conditions and management's best estimate of future business prospects.

During 2012, no impairment of goodwill was identified (2011: nil). In addition to the annual impairment test which was performed as at 1 July 2012, management reviewed the current and expected performance of the CGUs as at 31 December 2012 and determined that there was no indication of potential impairment of the goodwill allocated to them, except for the GB&M - Europe CGU, which experienced significantly reduced profitability in the second half of 2012 compared with the first half of 2012. The reduced forecast profitability resulted in a reduction in the recoverable amount of the CGU over its carrying amount ('headroom'). Consequently, the results of the goodwill impairment testing for this CGU are more sensitive to key assumptions used. Management retested the goodwill for this CGU and concluded that there was no impairment.

Note 23 on the Financial Statements includes details of the CGUs with significant balances of goodwill, states the key assumptions used to assess the goodwill in each of those CGUs for impairment and provides a discussion of the sensitivity of the carrying value of goodwill to changes in key assumptions.

Valuation of financial instruments

Our accounting policy for determining the fair value of financial instruments is described in Note 2d on the Financial Statements. The best evidence of fair value is a quoted price for the instrument being measured in an actively traded market. In the event that the market for a financial instrument is not active, a valuation technique is used. The majority of valuation techniques employ only observable market data and so the reliability of the fair value measurement is high. However, certain financial instruments are valued on the basis of valuation techniques that include one or more significant market inputs that are unobservable. Valuation techniques that rely to a greater extent on unobservable inputs require a higher level of management judgement to calculate a fair value than those based wholly on observable inputs.

Valuation techniques used to calculate fair values are discussed in Note 15 on the Financial Statements. The main assumptions and estimates which management consider when applying a model with valuation techniques are:

·     the likelihood and expected timing of future cash flows on the instrument. These cash flows are estimated based on the terms of the instrument, and judgement may be required when the ability of the counterparty to service the instrument in accordance with the contractual terms is in doubt. Future cash flows may be sensitive to changes in market rates;

·     selecting an appropriate discount rate for the instrument. The determination of this rate is based on an assessment of what a market participant would regard as the appropriate spread of the rate for the instrument over the appropriate risk-free rate; and

·     judgement to determine what model to use to calculate fair value in areas where the choice of valuation model is particularly subjective, for example, when valuing complex derivative products.

When applying a model with unobservable inputs, estimates are made to reflect uncertainties in fair values resulting from a lack of market data inputs, for example, as a result of illiquidity in the market. For these instruments, the fair value measurement is less reliable. Inputs into valuations based on unobservable data are inherently uncertain because there is little or no current market data available from which to determine the level at which an arm's length transaction would occur under normal business conditions. However, in most cases there is some market data available on which to base a determination of fair value, for example historical data, and the fair values of most financial instruments are based on some market observable inputs even when unobservable inputs are significant.

The fair values of financial assets and liabilities of US$718bn (2011: US$665bn) and US$622bn (2011: US$569bn), respectively, were determined using valuation techniques which represented 60% (2011: 61%) and 83% (2011: 82%), respectively, of financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value.

The methodology for estimating credit valuation adjustments ('CVA') and debit valuation adjustments ('DVA') has been revised as at 31 December 2012 as a result of changing market practices in response to regulatory and accounting changes, as well as general market developments.

A key input into the calculation of CVA is the probability of default ('PD'). Prior to the revision of the methodology, the PD was based on HSBC's internal credit rating for the counterparty. The revised methodology maximises the use of PD based on market-observable data, such as credit default swap ('CDS') spreads. Where CDS spreads are not available, PDs are estimated having regard to market practice, considering relevant data including CDS indices and historical rating transition matrices. In addition, HSBC aligned its methodology for determining DVA to be consistent with that applied for CVA as at 31 December 2012. Historically, HSBC considered that a zero spread was appropriate in respect of own credit risk and consequently did not adjust derivative liabilities for its own credit risk.

The types and amounts of adjustments made in determining the fair value of financial instruments measured at fair value using valuation techniques, and a sensitivity analysis of fair values for financial instruments with significant unobservable inputs to reasonably possible alternative assumptions, are described in Note 15 on the Financial Statements.

Given the uncertainty and subjective nature of valuing financial instruments at fair value, it is possible that the outcomes in the next financial year could differ from the assumptions used, and this could result in a material adjustment to the carrying amount of financial instruments measured at fair value.

Deferred tax assets

Our accounting policy for the recognition of deferred tax assets is described in Note 2s on the Financial Statements. The recognition of a deferred tax asset relies on an assessment of the probability and sufficiency of future taxable profits, future reversals of existing taxable temporary differences and ongoing tax planning strategies.

The most significant judgements concern the US deferred tax asset, given the recent history of losses in our US operations. The net US deferred tax asset amounted to US$4.6bn or 61% (2011: US$5.2bn; 68%) of deferred tax assets recognised on the Group's balance sheet. These judgements take into consideration the reliance placed on the use of tax planning strategies.

The most significant tax planning strategy is the retention of capital in our US operations to ensure the realisation of the deferred tax assets. The principal strategy involves generating future taxable profits through the retention of capital in the US in excess of normal regulatory requirements in order to reduce deductible funding expenses or otherwise deploy such capital or increase levels of taxable income. Management expects that, with this strategy, the US operations will generate sufficient future profits to support the recognition of the deferred tax assets. If HSBC Holdings were to decide not to provide this ongoing support, the full recovery of the deferred tax asset may no longer be probable and could result in a significant reduction of the deferred tax asset which would be recognised as a charge in the income statement.


The accounting policy for provisions is described in Note 2w on the Financial Statements. Note 32 on the Financial Statements discloses the major categories of provisions recognised. The closing balance of provisions amounted to US$5.3bn (2011: US$3.3bn), of which US$1.7bn (2011: US$1.5bn) relates to legal proceedings and regulatory matters and US$2.4bn (2011: US$1.1bn) relates to customer remediation.

Judgement is involved in determining whether a present obligation exists, and in estimating the probability, timing and amount of any outflows. Professional expert advice is taken on litigation provisions, property provisions (including onerous contracts) and similar liabilities.

Provisions for legal proceedings and regulatory matters typically require a higher degree of judgement than other types of provisions. When cases are at an early stage, accounting judgements can be difficult because of the high degree of uncertainty associated with determining whether a present obligation exists, and estimating the probability and amount of any outflows that may arise. As matters progress through various stages of development, management and legal advisers evaluate on an ongoing basis whether provisions should be recognised and their estimated amounts, revising previous judgements and estimates as appropriate. At more advanced stages, it is typically possible to make judgements and estimates around a better defined set of possible outcomes. However, such judgements can be very difficult and the amount of any provision can be very sensitive to the assumptions used. There could be a wide range of possible outcomes for any pending legal proceedings, investigations or inquiries. As a result, it is often not practicable to quantify a range of possible outcomes for individual matters. It is also not practicable to meaningfully quantify ranges of potential outcomes in aggregate for these types of provisions because of the diverse nature and circumstances of such matters and the wide range of uncertainties involved. For a detailed description of the nature of uncertainties and assumptions and the effect on the amount and timing of possible cash outflows on material matters, see Note 43 on the Financial Statements.

Provisions for customer remediation also require significant levels of estimation and judgement. The amounts of provisions recognised depend on a number of different assumptions, for example, the volume of inbound complaints, the projected period of inbound complaint volumes, the decay rate of complaint volumes, the population identified as systemically mis-sold and the number of policies per customer complaint.

In view of the inherent uncertainties and the high level of subjectivity involved in the recognition and measurement of provisions, it is possible that the outcomes in the next financial year could differ from those on which management's estimates are based, resulting in materially different amounts of provisions recognised and outflows of economic benefits from those estimated by management for the purposes of the 2012 Financial Statements.

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