Accounting 340 |
developments (future) 342 |
policies (critical) 61 |
policies (significant) 150 |
Accounts |
approval 447 |
basis of preparation 67, 340 |
Acquisitions and disposals 418 |
Actuaries 452 |
Annual General Meeting 314, 452 |
Areas of special interest 208 |
Asset-backed securities 145, 150 |
Assets |
by customer group 67, 389 |
by geographical region 88, 389 |
charged as security 430 |
held in custody and under administration 141 |
intangible 409 |
movement in 41 |
other 418 |
trading 396 |
Associates and joint ventures |
dilution gains 31 |
interests in 360, 406 |
share of profit in 38 |
Audit committee (Group) 296 |
Auditors' remuneration 375 |
Auditors' Report 330 |
Balance sheet |
average 42 |
consolidated 40, 334 |
data 4, 68, 72, 75, 78, 79, 83, 90, 96, 99, 104, 116, 120, 126, 130, 135 |
HSBC Holdings 337 |
Basel II 274 |
Borrowings (short-term) 56 |
Brand perception 20 |
Business highlights 69, 73, 76, 80 |
Business model 149 |
Business performance review |
Europe 91, 93 |
Hong Kong 100, 102 |
Latin America 131, 133 |
North America 121, 123 |
Rest of Asia-Pacific 111, 114 |
Calendar (dividends) 448, 449 |
Capital |
management and allocation 274 |
return on invested capital 2 |
structure 278 |
Capital and performance ratios 3 |
Cash flow |
accounting policy 359 |
consolidated statement 336 |
HSBC Holdings 339 |
notes 439 |
payable under financial liabilities 240 |
projected scenario analysis 238 |
Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements 6 |
Certificates of deposit and other time deposits (maturity analysis) 61 |
Challenges and uncertainties 12 |
Client assets 80 |
Collateral and credit enhancements 199, 222 |
Commercial Banking |
business highlights 73 |
financial performance 72 |
products and services 138 |
strategic direction 72 |
underlying/reported profit 74 |
Committees (board) 296, 315 |
Communication with shareholders 453 |
Conduits 174 |
Constant currency 23 |
Contents 1, 67, 87, 188, 281, 315, 332, 448 |
Contingent liabilities and contractual |
Contractual obligations 57 |
Corporate governance |
codes 294 |
report 281 |
Corporate sustainability 254, 312 |
committee 299 |
Cost efficiency ratio 2, 37 |
Credit coverage ratios 3 |
Credit exposure 197 |
Credit quality 195, 212, 217, 268 |
Credit risk |
challenges and uncertainties 15 |
management thereof 192 |
insurance 267 |
Critical accounting policies 61 |
Cross-border exposures 207 |
Customer accounts 89, 109, 119, 129 |
satisfaction 20 |
Customer groups and global businesses 67, 84 |
Daily distribution of revenues 243 |
Dealings in HSBC Holdings plc shares 314 |
Debt securities in issue 210, 420 |
accounting policy 359 |
rating agency designation 175 |
Deferred tax 66 |
Defined terms inside front cover |
Deposits |
average balances and average rates 59 |
time 61 |
Derivatives 201, 398 |
accounting policy 351 |
Dilution gains 31 |
Directors |
appointments and re-election 293 |
biographies 281 |
board of directors 290 |
emoluments 324, 374 |
interests 301 |
non-executive 323 |
other directorships 323 |
pensions 322, 324 |
remuneration (executive) 317 |
responsibilities (statement of) 329 |
service contracts 322 |
share plans 326 |
Disclosure policy 144 |
Dividends 2, 313, 384, 448, 449 |
Donations 312 |
Earnings per share 2, 19, 320, 384 |
Economic briefing |
Europe 90, 93 |
Hong Kong 100, 101 |
Latin America 130, 132 |
North America 119, 123 |
Rest of Asia-Pacific 109, 113 |
Economic profit 39, 319 |
Efficiency and revenue mix ratios 3 |
Employees 303 |
compensation and benefits 311, 363 |
disabled 303 |
engagement 19 |
involvement 303 |
remuneration policy 303 |
Enforceability of judgements made in the US 448 |
Enquiries (from shareholders) 453 |
Equity 42, 436 |
Equity securities 246 |
Europe |
balance sheet data 90, 96 |
business performance 91, 93 |
challenges and uncertainties 14 |
customer accounts by country 89 |
economic briefing 90, 93 |
lending 205, 207 |
loan impairment charges 223, 226, 229, 232 |
loans and advances to customers 89 |
profit/(loss) 89, 90, 96 |
regulation and supervision (UK) 189 |
underlying/reported profit 91, 94 |
Events after the balance sheet date 447 |
Exchange controls and other limitations affecting equity security holders 448 |
Exposures 150, 178, 183, 200 |
Fee income (net) 27 |
Fair value |
accounting policy 345 |
Financial assets |
critical accounting policy 64 |
designated at fair value 397 |
not qualifying for de-recognition 405 |
Financial assets and liabilities |
accounting policy 346, 353 |
by measurement basis 392 |
reclassification 145 |
Financial guarantee contracts |
accounting policy 357 |
Financial highlights 2 |
Financial instruments |
accounting policy 349 |
credit quality 217 |
fair value 162 |
net income from 29, 360 |
not at fair value 170 |
critical accounting policy (valuation) 63 |
Financial investments 403 |
accounting policy 350 |
gains less losses from 30 |
Financial liabilities designated at fair value 419 |
Financial risks (insurance) 262 |
Financial statements 23, 332 |
Five-year comparison 4 |
Foreign exchange |
accounting policy 357 |
exposures 248, 429 |
rates 4 |
Funds under management 140 |
Geographical regions 87 |
Global Banking and Markets |
asset-backed securities 147 |
balance sheet data 78 |
business highlights 76 |
financial performance 75 |
products and services 139 |
strategic direction 75 |
underlying/reported profit 77 |
Goodwill |
accounting policy 353 |
and intangible assets 409 |
critical accounting policy 63 |
Governance codes 294 |
HSBC Holdings/New York Stock Exchange corporate governance differences 294 |
Group Chairman's Statement 8 |
Group Management Board 296 |
Health and safety 313 |
History and development of HSBC 457 |
Hong Kong |
balance sheet data 99, 104 |
business performance 100, 102 |
challenges and uncertainties 14 |
economic briefing 100, 101 |
lending 205, 207 |
loan impairment charges 223, 226, 229, 232 |
profit/(loss) 99, 104 |
regulation and supervision 189 |
underlying/reported profit 100, 102 |
HSBC Holdings plc |
balance sheet 337 |
cash flow 339 |
credit risk 232 |
dividends 449 |
employee emoluments 374 |
financial assets and liabilities 395 |
liquidity and funding management 240 |
market risk 249 |
maturity analysis of assets and liabilities 429 |
related party transactions 447 |
share plans 379 |
statement of changes in total equity 338 |
structural foreign exchange exposures 249 |
subordinated liabilities 427 |
Impairment |
accounting policy 346 |
allowances and charges 34, 223 |
assessment 195 |
critical accounting policy 62 |
losses as percentage of loans and advances 224 |
movement by industry and geographical |
Income statement (consolidated) 24, 333 |
Information on HSBC (availability thereof) 454 |
Insurance |
accounting policy 358 |
claims incurred (net) and movements in liabilities to policyholders 33, 362 |
liabilities under contracts issued 421 |
net earned premiums 31, 361 |
PVIF business 272 |
risk management 255 |
Interest income (net) 26 |
accounting policy 344 |
analysis of changes in 50 |
average balance sheet 42 |
forgone on impaired loans 233 |
sensitivity 58, 246 |
Interim management statements 452 |
Internal control 299 |
IFRS and Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards comparison 340 |
Investment contracts |
accounting policy 358 |
Investor relations 454 |
IT performance 20 |
Key performance indicators |
financial 17 |
non-financial 19 |
Latin America |
balance sheet data 130, 135 |
business performance 131, 133 |
challenges and uncertainties 15 |
customer accounts by country 129 |
economic briefing 130, 132 |
lending 205, 207 |
loan impairment charges 223, 226, 229, 232 |
loans and advances to customers 129, 206 |
profit/(loss) 129, 130 |
underlying/reported profit 131/133 |
Lease commitments 442 |
accounting policy 355 |
Legal |
proceedings/risk 16, 142, 252 |
litigation 443 |
Leveraged finance transactions 160 |
Liabilities |
by geographical region 389 |
movement in 47 |
other 421 |
subordinated 424 |
trading 419 |
Life insurance business 255 |
Liquidity and funding |
challenges and uncertainties 15 |
management thereof 235 |
impact of market turmoil 239 |
insurance 271 |
Loans and advances |
accounting policy 346 |
collateral 200 |
concentration of exposure 200 |
credit quality of 195 |
delinquency in the US 215 |
impairment 220 |
maturity and interest sensitivity 58 |
past due 219 |
renegotiated 216 |
to banks by geographical region 210 |
to customers by industry sector and geographical region 204, 205, 206 |
Market risk |
impact of market turmoil 242 |
insurance 263 |
management thereof 241 |
Market turmoil 144, 239, 242 |
Maturity analysis of assets and liabilities 428 |
Maximum exposure to credit risk 197 |
Memorandum and Articles of Association 451 |
Minority interests 431 |
Money market funds 179 |
Monoline insurers 158 |
Mortgage lending 210, 211, 213 |
Nomination committee 298 |
Non-interest income |
accounting policy 344 |
Non-life insurance business 256 |
Non-trading portfolios 245 |
North America |
balance sheet data 120, 126 |
business performance 121, 123 |
challenges and uncertainties 14 |
customer accounts by country 119 |
economic briefing 119, 123 |
lending 205, 207 |
loan delinquency in the US 215 |
loan impairment charges 223, 226, 229, 232 |
mortgage lending 210 |
profit/(loss) 119, 120, 126 |
regulation and supervision (US) 190 |
underlying/reported profit 121, 124 |
Off-balance sheet arrangements 187 |
Operating expenses 36 |
Operating income 32, 363 |
Operational risk 252 |
challenges and uncertainties 16 |
Organisational structure chart 459 |
Other (notes) 82 |
Pensions |
accounting policy 356 |
for directors 324 |
risk 246, 253 |
Personal Financial Services |
business highlights 69 |
financial performance 69 |
products and services 138 |
strategic direction 68 |
subsequent developments 70 |
underlying/reported profit 71 |
Personal lending 208 |
Principal activities 12 |
Private Banking |
business highlights 80 |
financial performance 79 |
products and services 140 |
strategic direction 79 |
underlying/reported profit 81 |
Products and services 138 |
Profit before tax |
by country 89, 107, 119, 129 |
by customer group 67, 68, 72, 75, 79, 82, 84, 390 |
by geographical region 88, 90, 96, 99, 104, 110, 116, 386 |
consolidated 333 |
data 4 |
underlying/reported reconciliations 21, 22, 71, 74, 77, 81, 83, 91, 94, 100, 102, 111, 114, 121, 124, 131, 133 |
Property, plant and equipment 141, 413 |
accounting policy 354 |
valuation of land and buildings 141 |
Provisions 424 |
accounting policy 357 |
PVIF 272 |
Ratios |
advances to deposits 236 |
capital and performance 3 |
credit coverage 3 |
cost efficiency 3 |
earnings to combined fixed charges 57 |
financial 4 |
net liquid assets to customer liabilities 237 |
Regulation and supervision 17, 188 |
Related party transactions 444 |
Remuneration committee 298, 315 |
Renegotiated loans 216 |
Repricing gap 250 |
Reputational risk 254 |
Residual value risk management 252 |
Rest of Asia-Pacific |
balance sheet data 110, 116 |
business performance 111, 114 |
challenges and uncertainties 14 |
customer accounts by country 109 |
economic briefing 109, 113 |
lending 205, 207 |
loan impairment charges 223, 226, 229, 232 |
loans and advances to customers 108, 206 |
profit/(loss) 107, 110, 116 |
underlying/reported profit 111, 114 |
Risk elements in loan portfolio 233 |
Risk management 150, 191 |
capital management and allocation 274 |
contingent liquidity 238 |
credit 192 |
credit spread 244, 245 |
insurance operations 262 |
legal 252 |
liquidity and funding management 235 |
market 241 |
operational 252 |
pension 253 |
rating scales 218 |
reputational 254 |
residual value 252 |
security and fraud 253 |
sustainability 254 |
Risk-weighted assets |
Sale and repurchase agreements |
accounting policy 351 |
Securities held for trading (concentration of exposure) 200 |
Securitisations 182 |
Segment analysis 385 |
accounting policy 345 |
biographies 286 |
376 |
accounting policy 356 |
Share capital 431 |
accounting policy 359 |
and reserves 53 |
notifiable interests in 314 |
Share information 3 |
Share plans |
Bank of Bermuda plans 310, 434 |
discretionary plans 307 |
for directors 326 |
for employees 304 |
HSBC Finance plans 309, 381, 434 |
HSBC France plans 308, 380, 433 |
long-term incentives 318 |
performance shares and restricted share |
Shareholder (communications with) 313, 453 |
profile 451 |
Social and community investment 312 |
Special purpose entities 149, 173, 183, 187 |
Staff numbers 36, 303 |
Statement of changes in total equity 338 |
Statement of recognised income and expense 335 |
Stock symbols 450 |
Strategic direction 12, 68, 72, 75, 79 |
Structural foreign exchange exposure 248 |
Structured investment vehicles (SIVs) 174 |
Subsidiaries 87, 416 |
accounting policy 353 |
Supplier payment policy 313 |
Sustainability 312 |
risk 254 |
Taxation |
accounting policy 355 |
challenges and uncertainties 17 |
deferred tax - critical accounting policy 66 |
expense 381 |
UK residents 455 |
US residents 456 |
Tier 1 capital 279 |
Total shareholder return 3, 19, 319, 322 |
Trading assets 396 |
accounting policy 349 |
Trading income (net) 28 |
Trading liabilities 419 |
accounting policy 349 |
Trading market (nature of) 449 |
Trading portfolios 244 |
Troubled debt restructurings 233 |
Value at risk 241, 251 |
Incorporated in England on 1 January 1959 with limited liability under the UK Companies Act
Registered in England: number 617987
8 Canada Square
London E14 5HQ
United Kingdom
Telephone: 44 (0) 20 7991 8888
Facsimile: 44 (0) 20 7992 4880
Principal Register
Computershare Investor Services PLC
PO Box 1064, The Pavilions
Bridgwater Road
Bristol BS99 3FA
United Kingdom
Telephone: 44 (0) 870 702 0137
Hong Kong Overseas Branch Register
Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services
Rooms 1806-1807
18th floor, Hopewell Centre
183 Queen's Road East
Hong Kong
Telephone: 852 2862 8555
Bermuda Overseas Branch Register
Corporate Shareholder Services
The Bank of Bermuda Limited
6 Front Street
Hamilton HM11
Telephone: 1 441 299 6737
ADR Depositary
BNY Mellon Shareowner Services
PO Box 358516
PA15252 - 8516
Telephone: 1 877 283 5786
Paying Agent (France)
HSBC France
103 avenue des Champs Elysées
75419 Paris Cedex 08
Telephone: 33 1 40 70 22 56
Goldman Sachs International
Peterborough Court
133 Fleet Street
London EC4A 2BB
United Kingdom
HSBC Bank plc
8 Canada Square
London E14 5HQ
United Kingdom