HSBC Bank Malta Results -Pt 1
HSBC Holdings PLC
19 July 2001
The following is the text of an advertisement which is being issued locally
by HSBC's subsidiary
HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. - Half-yearly results for 2001
Profit and Loss Account for the period 1 January to 30 June 2001
Group Bank
6 mths 6 mths 6 mths 6 mths
to to to to
30/6/01 30/6/00 30/6/01 30/6/00
Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000
Interest receivable and similar income
- on loans, advances and balances
with Central Bank of Malta 31,615 32,422 28,803 29,318
- on debt securities 9,618 9,131 9,274 9,633
Interest payable (26,970) (26,618) (27,011) (27,150)
Net interest income 14,263 14,935 11,066 11,801
Dividend income 72 354 72 1,798
Fees and commissions receivable 4,581 4,455 3,408 3,369
Fees and commissions payable (233) (240) (198) (191)
Dealing profits 3,643 3,466 3,420 3,303
(Deficit)/surplus on long-term life
assurance fund (63) 89 - -
Other operating income (21) 1,486 (86) 459
Operating income 22,242 24,545 17,682 20,539
Administrative expenses (13,116) (12,405) (12,331) (11,699)
Depreciation (1,299) (1,139) (1,222) (1,073)
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (3,014) (4,591) (2,902) (4,492)
Adjustments to provisions for bad and
doubtful debts 2,555 3,146 2,536 2,987
Provisions for contingent liabilities
charges - (11) - (11)
Amounts written off financial fixed
assets (33) 1 - 1
Net amortisation of goodwill (145) (151) (103) (103)
Profit on ordinary activities before
tax 7,190 9,395 3,660 6,149
Tax on profit on ordinary activities (1,883) (2,526) (1,102) (1,742)
Profit on ordinary activities after tax 5,307 6,869 2,558 4,407
Profit attributable to minority - (74) - -
Profit for the financial period
attributable to shareholders 5,307 6,795 2,558 4,407
Earnings per share 14.5c 18.6c 7.0c 12.1c
Balance Sheet at 30 June 2001
Group Bank
30/6/01 31/12/00 30/6/01 31/12/00
Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000
Cash and balances with Central Bank of
Malta 10,844 16,470 11,421 16,687
Reserve deposit with Central Bank of
Malta 62,509 60,008 62,263 59,742
Cheques in course of collection 11,960 6,027 11,889 6,011
Treasury bills 16,512 20,212 15,319 17,939
Loans and advances to banks 84,434 76,963 171,750 123,123
Loans and advances to customers 876,592 847,568 734,961 717,398
Debt securities 312,436 304,890 291,616 299,832
Equity shares 23,666 23,919 12,242 13,276
Shares in subsidiary companies 1 1 42,933 41,189
Intangible fixed assets 1,062 1,208 701 804
Tangible fixed assets 24,944 23,734 24,684 23,466
Other assets 8,390 9,467 6,945 8,279
Prepayments and accrued income 23,225 22,535 20,285 20,853
Total assets 1,456,575 1,413,002 1,407,009 1,348,599
Amounts owed to banks 78,763 54,976 203,467 169,458
Amounts owed to customers 1,208,899 1,183,409 1,052,383 1,034,556
Debt securities in issue 12 16,122 - -
Other liabilities 13,173 12,182 12,275 11,302
Accruals and deferred income 21,415 20,642 20,771 19,346
Provisions for liabilities and other 15,766 11,924 214 214
Subordinated liabilities 19,990 19,990 20,000 20,000
1,358,018 1,319,245 1,309,110 1,254,876
Shareholders' funds
Called up issued share capital 9,120 9,120 9,120 9,120
Revaluation reserves 6,059 7,790 26,610 25,914
Other reserves 4,242 4,242 4,242 4,242
Profit and loss account 77,950 71,183 56,741 53,025
Dividend reserve 1,186 1,422 1,186 1,422
98,557 93,757 97,899 93,723
Total liabilities 1,456,575 1,413,002 1,407,009 1,348,599
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 19 July
2001 and signed on its behalf by
Albert Mizzi, Chairman
Tom Robson, Chief Executive Officer
Statement of Changes in Equity for the period 1 January to 30 June 2001
Share Revaluation Other Loss Dividend
Capital Reserves Reserves Account Reserve Total
Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000
At 1 January 2000 9,120 8,121 4,242 62,339 474 84,296
Surplus on revaluation of
net of deferred tax - 26 - - - 26
Revaluation reserve
released on
disposal of freehold
property and investments
net of deferred tax - (334) - - - (334)
Minority interests' share - (1) - - - (1)
Net losses not recognised
in the
profit and loss account - (309) - - - (309)
Profit attributable to - - - 6,795 - 6,795
Dividends, net of income - - - (1,186) 1,186 -
Dividends paid - - - - (474) (474)
At 30 June 2000 9,120 7,812 4,242 67,948 1,186 90,308
At 1 January 2001 9,120 7,790 4,242 71,183 1,422 93,757
Restatement in accordance
with IAS39 net of deferred - - - 2,652 - 2,652
Net movements in fair
values of
'available for sale'
instruments under IAS39 - (262) - - - (262)
Transfer between reserves
on disposal of property - 4 - (6) - (2)
Deficit on revaluation of
investments net of - (1,361) - - -(1,361)
deferred tax
Revaluation reserve
on disposal of investments
net of deferred tax - (112) - - - (112)
Net gains and losses not
recognised in the profit
and loss account - (1,731) - 2,646 - 915
Profit attributable to - - - 5,307 - 5,307
Dividends, net of income - - - (1,186) 1,186 -
Dividends paid - - - - (1,422)(1,422)
At 30 June 2001 9,120 6,059 4,242 77,950 1,186 98,557
Share Revaluation Other Loss Dividend
Capital Reserves Reserves Account Reserve Total
Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000 Lm000
At 1 January 2000 9,120 19,199 4,242 50,201 474 83,236
Revaluation reserve
released on
disposal of investment - (298) - - - (298)
Net gains not recognised in
profit and loss account - (298) - - - (298)
Profit attributable to - - - 4,407 - 4,407
Dividends, net of income - - - (1,186) 1,186 -
Dividends paid - - - - (474) (474)
At 30 June 2000 9,120 18,901 4,242 53,422 1,186 86,871
At 1 January 2001 9,120 25,914 4,242 53,025 1,422 93,723
Restatement in accordance
with IAS 39 net of - - - 2,350 - 2,350
deferred tax
Net movements in fair
values of
'available for sale'
instruments under IAS39 - (70) - - - (70)
Transfer between reserves
on disposal of property - 4 - (6) - (2)
Surplus on revaluation
of investments - 762 - - - 762
Net gains and losses not
recognised in the profit
and loss account - 696 - 2,344 - 3,040
Profit attributable to - - - 2,558 - 2,558
Dividends, net of income - - - (1,186) 1,186 -
Dividends paid - - - - (1,422)(1,422)
At 30 June 2001 9,120 26,610 4,242 56,741 1,186 97,899