HSBC FinCorp Restated10Q1 Q2
HSBC Holdings PLC
31 March 2005
Reconciliations of our managed basis segment results to managed basis and owned
basis consolidated totals are as follows:
30, 2004 (RESTATED)
Net interest income..... $ 1,915 $ 513 $ 196 $ (42) $ - $ 2,582
Fee income.............. 85 335 24 (4) - 440
Other revenues,
excluding fee
income................ (210) (56) 101 307 (34)(2) 108
Intersegment revenues... 26 6 3 (1) (34)(2) -
Provision for credit
losses................ 734 319 93 (1) - 1,145
Total costs and
expenses.............. 647 284 173 217 - 1,321
Net income.............. 256 120 34 45 (22) 433
Receivables............. 92,196 18,355 11,380 337 - 122,268
Assets.................. 94,799 20,405 12,342 24,471 (8,648)(4) 143,369
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----------
30, 2003 (RESTATED)
Net interest income..... $ 1,804 $ 472 $ 181 $ 77 $ - $ 2,534
Fee income.............. 79 295 20 1 - 395
Other revenues,
excluding fee
income................ 176 37 77 643 (40)(2) 893
Intersegment revenues... 30 7 3 - (40)(2) -
Provision for credit
losses................ 1,183 383 85 3 2(3) 1,656
Total costs and
expenses.............. 594 269 127 257 - 1,247
Net income.............. 175 94 44 313 (27) 599
Receivables............. 83,992 17,439 10,186 958 - 112,575
Assets.................. 86,352 20,087 11,172 27,037 (8,822)(4) 135,826
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----------
30, 2004 (RESTATED)
Net interest income..... $ 3,779 $ 1,041 $ 398 $ (62) $ - $ 5,156
Fee income.............. 179 685 44 (6) - 902
Other revenues,
excluding fee
income................ (391) (20) 189 657 (67)(2) 368
Intersegment revenues... 48 14 7 (2) (67)(2) -
Provision for credit
losses................ 1,399 740 188 (2) 1(3) 2,326
Total costs and
expenses.............. 1,274 561 345 551 - 2,731
Net income.............. 560 257 62 67 (43) 903
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----------
30, 2003 (RESTATED)
Net interest income..... $ 3,542 $ 950 $ 360 $ 36 $ - $ 4,888
Fee income.............. 176 621 39 3 - 839
Other revenues,
excluding fee
income................ 193 95 150 1,226 (77)(2) 1,587
Intersegment revenues... 56 16 6 (1) (77)(2) -
Provision for credit
losses................ 2,123 775 170 2 3(3) 3,073
Total costs and
expenses.............. 1,159 538 265 706 - 2,668
HSBC acquisition related
costs incurred by
Household............. - - - 198 - 198
Net income.............. 392 222 75 351 (51) 989
Operating net
income(1)............. 392 222 75 518 (51) 1,156
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----------
------------------------ -----------------------------
30, 2004 (RESTATED)
Net interest income..... $ (652)(5) $ 1,930
Fee income.............. (198)(5) 242
Other revenues,
excluding fee
income................ 702(5) 810
Intersegment revenues... - -
Provision for credit
losses................ (148)(5) 997
Total costs and
expenses.............. - 1,321
Net income.............. - 433
Receivables............. (22,836)(6) 99,432
Assets.................. (22,836)(6) 120,533
---------- ----------
30, 2003 (RESTATED)
Net interest income..... $ (720)(5) $ 1,814
Fee income.............. (167)(5) 228
Other revenues,
excluding fee
income................ 270(5) 1,163
Intersegment revenues... - -
Provision for credit
losses................ (617)(5) 1,039
Total costs and
expenses.............. - 1,247
Net income.............. - 599
Receivables............. (24,268)(6) 88,307
Assets.................. (24,268)(6) 111,558
---------- ----------
30, 2004 (RESTATED)
Net interest income..... $ (1,406)(5) $ 3,750
Fee income.............. (395)(5) 507
Other revenues,
excluding fee
income................ 1,400(5) 1,768
Intersegment revenues... - -
Provision for credit
losses................ (401)(5) 1,925
Total costs and
expenses.............. - 2,731
Net income.............. - 903
---------- ----------
30, 2003 (RESTATED)
Net interest income..... $ (1,446)(5) $ 3,442
Fee income.............. (322)(5) 517
Other revenues,
excluding fee
income................ 744(5) 2,331
Intersegment revenues... - -
Provision for credit
losses................ (1,024)(5) 2,049
Total costs and
expenses.............. - 2,668
HSBC acquisition related
costs incurred by
Household............. - 198
Net income.............. - 989
Operating net
income(1)............. - 1,156
---------- ----------
(1) This non-GAAP financial measure is provided for comparison of our operating
trends only and should be read in conjunction with our owned basis GAAP
financial information. Operating net income excludes $167 million
(after-tax) of HSBC acquisition related costs and other merger related items
incurred by Household in 2003. See "Basis of Reporting" for additional
discussion on the use of non-GAAP financial measures.
(2) Eliminates intersegment revenues.
(3) Eliminates bad debt recovery sales between operating segments.
(4) Eliminates investments in subsidiaries and intercompany borrowings.
(5) Reclassifies net interest income, fee income and provision for credit losses
relating to securitized receivables to other revenues.
(6) Represents receivables serviced with limited recourse.
Subject to receipt of regulatory approvals, we intend to transfer our domestic
private label credit card portfolio to HSBC Bank USA. Contingent upon receiving
regulatory approval for this asset transfer, we will adopt charge-off and
account management guidelines in accordance with the Uniform Retail Credit
Classification and Account Management Policy issued by the FFIEC for our entire
domestic private label and MasterCard and Visa portfolios. See "Executive
Overview" for further discussion.
We maintain credit loss reserves to cover probable losses of principal, interest
and fees, including late, overlimit and annual fees. Credit loss reserves are
based on a range of estimates and are intended to be adequate but not excessive.
While our credit loss reserves are available to absorb losses in the entire
portfolio, we specifically consider the credit quality and other risk factors
for each of our products. We recognize the different inherent loss
characteristics in each of our products as well as customer account management
policies and practices and risk management/collection practices. Charge-off
policies are also considered when establishing loss reserve requirements to
ensure the appropriate reserves exist for products with longer charge-off
periods. We also consider key ratios such as reserves to nonperforming loans and
reserves as a percent of net charge-offs in developing our loss reserve
estimates. Loss reserve estimates are reviewed periodically and adjustments are
reported in earnings when they become known. As these estimates are influenced
by factors outside of our control, such as consumer payment patterns and
economic conditions, there is uncertainty inherent in these estimates, making it
reasonably possible that they could change. See Note 4, "Receivables," in the
accompanying consolidated financial statements for receivables by product type
and Note 5, "Credit Loss Reserves," for our credit loss reserve methodology and
an analysis of changes in the credit loss reserves.
The following table summarizes owned basis credit losses:
JUNE 30, MARCH 31, JUNE 30,
2004 2004 2003
Owned credit loss reserves.................................. $ 3,795 $ 3,753 $ 3,659
Reserves as a percent of:
Receivables............................................... 3.82% 4.01% 4.14%
Net charge-offs(1)........................................ 98.2 96.7 98.2
Nonperforming loans....................................... 103.0 96.7 94.6
(1) Quarter-to-date, annualized
During the quarter ended June 30, 2004, credit loss reserves increased as the
provision for owned credit losses was $32 million greater than net charge-offs
reflecting growth in our loan portfolio, partially offset by improved asset
quality. In the quarter ended June 30, 2003, provision for owned credit losses
was $108 million greater than net charge-offs. Reserve levels at June 30, 2004
reflect the factors discussed above.
For securitized receivables, we also record a provision for estimated probable
losses that we expect to incur under the recourse provisions. The following
table summarizes managed credit loss reserves:
JUNE 30, MARCH 31, JUNE 30,
2004 2004 2003
Managed credit loss reserves................................ $5,699 $5,912 $5,639
Reserves as a percent of:
Receivables............................................... 4.66% 5.01% 5.01%
Net charge-offs(1)........................................ 104.2 102.5 104.9
Nonperforming loans....................................... 122.8 119.8 116.4
(1) Quarter-to-date, annualized
See "Basis of Reporting" for additional discussion on the use of non-GAAP
financial measures and "Reconciliations to GAAP Financial Measures" for
quantitative reconciliations of the non-GAAP financial measures to the
comparable GAAP basis financial measure.
The following table summarizes two-months-and-over contractual delinquency (as a
percent of consumer receivables):
JUNE 30, MARCH 31, JUNE 30,
2004 2004 2003
Real estate secured......................................... 3.39% 3.87% 4.27%
Auto finance................................................ 2.12 1.68 2.49
MasterCard/Visa............................................. 5.83 5.90 5.97
Private label............................................... 5.00 5.38 5.45
Personal non-credit card.................................... 8.92 9.64 9.39
---- ---- ----
Total....................................................... 4.57% 5.01% 5.38%
==== ==== ====
Total owned delinquency decreased $137 million and 44 basis points compared to
the prior quarter. This decrease is consistent with improvements in early
delinquency roll rate trends we began to experience in the fourth quarter of
2003 as a result of improvements in the economy and better underwriting,
including both improved modeling and improved credit quality of originations.
The overall decrease in our real estate secured portfolio reflects receivable
growth and improved collection efforts which were partially offset by the
seasoning and maturation of the portfolio. The decrease in private label
delinquency reflects improved underwriting, collections and credit models. The
decrease in personal non-credit card delinquency reflects the positive impact of
tightened underwriting and reduced marketing in our branches as well as improved
collection efforts. The increase in auto finance delinquency reflects normal
seasonal patterns and a temporary impact due to changes in collections.
Compared to a year ago, total delinquency decreased $200 million and 81 basis
points as all products reported lower delinquency levels. The improvements are
generally the result of improvements in the economy and better underwriting.
The following table summarizes net charge-offs of consumer receivables (as a
percent, annualized, of average consumer receivables):
JUNE 30, MARCH 31, JUNE 30,
2004 2004 2003
Real estate secured......................................... 1.04% 1.15% 1.03%
Auto finance................................................ 3.05 4.65 5.30
MasterCard/Visa............................................. 9.91 8.66 10.43
Private label............................................... 5.06 5.29 6.41
Personal non-credit card.................................... 10.59 11.17 9.87
----- ----- -----
Total....................................................... 4.02% 4.17% 4.34%
===== ===== =====
Real estate secured net charge-offs and REO expense as a
percent of average real estate secured receivables........ 1.47% 1.63% 1.46%
Net charge-offs decreased 15 basis points compared to the quarter ended March
31, 2004 as the lower delinquency levels we have been experiencing due to an
improving economy are beginning to have an impact on charge-offs. The decrease
in auto finance net charge-offs reflects a normal seasonal pattern related to
higher charge-offs in the first quarter. The increase in our MasterCard and Visa
portfolio is primarily attributable to seasonal trends and the effect of a lower
average receivable level. In addition to economic conditions, the decrease in
our personal non-credit card portfolio is a result of improved credit quality
and portfolio stabilization.
Total net charge-offs for the current quarter decreased from June 2003 net
charge-offs levels due to an improving economy and a decrease in the percentage
of the portfolio comprised of personal non-credit card receivables, which have a
higher net charge-off rate than other products in our portfolio. In addition,
auto finance, MasterCard and Visa and private label reported lower net
charge-off levels generally as a result of receivable growth and better
underwriting, including both improved modeling and improved credit quality of
originations. Auto finance net charge-offs also reflect improved used auto
prices which resulted in lower loss severities. The increase in our personal
non-credit card portfolio reflects maturation of the portfolio as well as
reduced originations.
JUNE 30, MARCH 31, JUNE 30,
2004 2004 2003
Nonaccrual receivables...................................... $2,833 $3,003 $3,021
Accruing consumer receivables 90 or more days delinquent.... 849 876 844
Renegotiated commercial loans............................... 2 2 2
------ ------ ------
Total nonperforming receivables............................. 3,684 3,881 3,867
Real estate owned........................................... 624 656 486
------ ------ ------
Total nonperforming assets.................................. $4,308 $4,537 $4,353
====== ====== ======
Credit loss reserves as a percent of nonperforming
receivables............................................... 103.0% 96.7% 94.6%
Compared to March 31, 2004, the decrease in nonaccrual receivables and total
nonperforming assets is primarily attributable to a decrease in our real estate
secured portfolio due to improved credit quality and collection efforts.
Accruing consumer receivables 90 or more days delinquent includes domestic
MasterCard and Visa and private label credit card receivables, consistent with
industry practice.
Our policies and practices for the collection of consumer receivables, including
our customer account management policies and practices, permit us to reset the
contractual delinquency status of an account to current, based on indicia or
criteria which, in our judgment, evidence continued payment probability. Such
policies and practices vary by product and are designed to manage customer
relationships, maximize collection opportunities and avoid foreclosure or
repossession if reasonably possible. If the account subsequently experiences
payment defaults, it will again become contractually delinquent. As summarized
in the tables that follow, in the third quarter of 2003, we implemented certain
changes to our restructuring policies. These changes are intended to eliminate
and/or streamline exception provisions to our existing policies and are
generally effective for receivables originated or acquired after January 1,
2003. Receivables originated or acquired prior to January 1, 2003 generally are
not subject to the revised restructure and customer account management policies.
However, for ease of administration, in the third quarter of 2003 our mortgage
services business elected to adopt uniform policies for all products regardless
of the date an account was originated or acquired. Implementation of the uniform
policy by mortgage services has the effect of only counting restructures
occurring on or after January 1, 2003 in assessing restructure eligibility for
purposes of the limitation that no account may be restructured more than four
times in a rolling 60 month period. Resetting these counters will not impact the
ability of mortgage services to report historical restructure statistics. Other
business units may also elect to adopt uniform policies in the future. The
changes have not had, and are not expected to have a significant impact on our
business model or on our results of operations as these changes are generally
being phased in as new receivables are originated or acquired.
Approximately two-thirds of all restructured receivables are secured products,
which may have less loss severity exposure because of the underlying collateral.
Credit loss reserves take into account whether loans have been restructured,
rewritten or are subject to forbearance, an external debt management plan,
modification, extension or deferment. Our credit loss reserves also take into
consideration the loss severity expected based on the underlying collateral, if
any, for the loan.
Our restructuring policies and practices vary by product and are described in
the table that follows. The fact that the restructuring criteria may be met for
a particular account does not require us to restructure that account, and the
extent to which we restructure accounts that are eligible under the criteria
will vary depending upon our view of prevailing economic conditions and other
factors which may change from period to period. In addition, for some products,
accounts may be restructured without receipt of a payment in certain special
circumstances (e.g., upon reaffirmation of a debt owed to us in connection with
a Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceeding). We use account restructuring as an account
and customer management tool in an effort to increase the value of our account
relationships, and accordingly, the application of this tool is subject to
complexities, variations and changes from time to time. These policies and
practices are continually under review and assessment to assure that they meet
the goals outlined above, and accordingly, we modify or permit exceptions to
these general policies and practices from time to time. In addition, exceptions
to these policies and practices may be made in specific situations in response
to legal or regulatory agreements or orders.
In the policies summarized below, "hardship restructures" and "workout
restructures" refer to situations in which the payment and/or interest rate may
be modified on a temporary or permanent basis. In each case, the contractual
delinquency status is reset to current. "External debt management plans" refers
to situations in which consumers receive assistance in negotiating or scheduling
debt repayment through public or private agencies such as Consumers Credit
Counseling Services.
Real Estate - Overall Real Estate - Overall
- Accounts may be restructured upon receipt
- An account may be restructured if we of two qualifying payments within the 60 days
receive two qualifying payments within
the 60 days
preceding the restructure; we may preceding the restructure
restructure accounts in hardship, - Accounts will be limited to four restructures in a
disaster or strike situations with one rolling 60 month period
qualifying payment or no payments - Accounts generally are not eligible for restructure
- Accounts that have filed for Chapter 7 until nine months after origination
bankruptcy protection may be restructured - Accounts whose borrowers have filed for Chapter 7
upon receipt of a signed reaffirmation bankruptcy protection may be restructured upon receipt
agreement of a signed reaffirmation agreement
- Accounts subject to a Chapter 13 plan - Accounts whose borrowers are subject to a Chapter 13
filed with a bankruptcy court generally plan filed with a bankruptcy court generally may be
require one qualifying payment to be restructured upon receipt of one qualifying payment
restructured - Except for bankruptcy reaffirmation and filed Chapter
- Except for bankruptcy reaffirmation and 13 plans, accounts will generally not be restructured
filed Chapter 13 plans, agreed automatic more than once in a 12 month period
payment withdrawal or - Accounts whose borrowers agree to pay by automatic
hardship/disaster/strike, accounts are withdrawal are generally restructured upon receipt of
generally limited to one restructure one qualifying payment(4)
every 12 months
- Accounts generally are not eligible for
restructure until on books for at least
six months
Real Estate - Consumer Lending Real Estate - Mortgage Services(5)
- Accounts whose borrowers agree to pay by - Accounts will generally not be eligible for
automatic withdrawal are generally restructure until nine months after origination and
restructured upon receipt of one six months after acquisition
qualifying payment
- Accounts may generally be extended upon receipt of two
- Accounts may be extended if we receive qualifying payments within the 60 days preceding the
one qualifying payment within the 60 days extension
preceding the extension - Accounts may be extended by no more than three months
- Accounts may be extended no more than at a time
three months at a time and by no more - Accounts will be limited to four extensions in a
than three months in any 12-month period rolling 60 month period, but in no case will an
- Extensions are limited to six months over account be extended more than a total of six months
the contractual life over the life of the account
- Accounts that have filed for Chapter 7 - Accounts will be limited to one extension every six
bankruptcy protection may be restructured months
upon receipt of a signed reaffirmation - Accounts will not be eligible for extension until on
agreement the books for at least six months
- Accounts whose borrowers are subject to a - Accounts whose borrowers have filed for Chapter 7
Chapter 13 plan may be restructured upon bankruptcy protection may be restructured upon receipt
filing of the plan with a bankruptcy of a signed reaffirmation agreement
court - Accounts whose borrowers are subject to a Chapter 13
plan may be restructured upon filing of the plan with
a bankruptcy court
- Typically, accounts qualify for - Typically, accounts qualify for restructuring if we
restructuring if we receive two or three receive two or three qualifying payments
qualifying payments
prior to the restructure, but accounts in prior to the restructure, but accounts in approved
approved external debt management external debt management programs may generally be
programs may generally be restructured restructured upon receipt of one qualifying payment.
upon receipt of one qualifying payment - Generally, accounts may be restructured once every six
- Generally, accounts may be restructured months
once every six months
- An account may generally be restructured - Accounts originated after October 1, 2002 for certain
if we receive one or more qualifying merchants require receipt of two or three qualifying
payments, depending upon the merchant payments to be restructured, except accounts in an
- Restructuring is limited to once every approved, external debt management program may be
six months (or longer, depending upon the restructured upon receipt of one qualifying payment.
merchant) for revolving accounts and once - Accounts must be on the books for nine months and we
every 12 months for closed-end accounts must receive the equivalent of two qualifying payments
within the 60 days preceding the restructure
- Accounts are not eligible for subsequent restructure
until 12 months after a prior restructure and upon our
receipt of three qualifying payments within the 90
days preceding the restructure
- Accounts may be restructured if we - Accounts may be restructured upon receipt of two
receive one qualifying payment within the qualifying payments within the 60 days preceding the
60 days preceding the restructure; may restructure
restructure accounts in a - Accounts will be limited to one restructure every six
hardship/disaster/strike situation with months
one qualifying payment or no payments - Accounts will be limited to four restructures in a
- If an account has never been more than 90 rolling 60 month period
days delinquent, it may be generally - Accounts will not be eligible for restructure until
restructured up to three times per year six months after origination
- If an account has ever been more than 90
days delinquent, generally it may be
restructured with one qualifying payment
no more than four times over its life;
however, generally the account may
thereafter be restructured if two
qualifying payments are received
- Accounts subject to programs for hardship
or strike may require only the receipt of
reduced payments in order to be
restructured; disaster may be
restructured with no payments
(1) We employ account restructuring and other customer account management
policies and practices as flexible customer account management tools. In
addition to variances in criteria by product, criteria may also vary within
a product line (for example, in our private label credit card business,
criteria may vary from merchant to merchant). Also, we continually review
our product lines and assess restructuring criteria and they are subject to
modification or exceptions from time to time. Accordingly, the description
of our account restructuring policies or practices provided in this table
should be taken only as general guidance to the restructuring approach taken
within each product line, and not as assurance that accounts not meeting
these criteria will never be restructured, that every account meeting these
criteria will in fact be restructured or that these criteria will not change
or that exceptions will not be made in individual cases. In addition, in an
effort to determine optimal customer account management strategies,
management may run more conservative tests on some or all accounts in a
product line for fixed periods of time in order to evaluate the impact of
alternative policies and practices.
(2) For our United Kingdom business, all portfolios have a consistent account
restructure policy. An account may be restructured if we receive two or more
qualifying payments within two calendar months, limited to one restructure
every 12 months, with a lifetime limit of three times. In hardship
situations an account may be restructured if a customer makes three
consecutive qualifying monthly payments within the last three calendar
months. Only one hardship restructure is permitted in the life of a loan.
There were no changes to the restructure policies of our United Kingdom
business in 2003.
(3) Generally, policy changes will not be applied to the entire portfolio on the
date of implementation and may be applied to new, or recently originated or
acquired accounts. However, for ease of administration, in the third quarter
of 2003 our mortgage services business elected to adopt uniform policies for
all products regardless of the date an account was originated or acquired.
Implementation of the uniform policy has the effect of only counting
restructures occurring on or after January 1, 2003 in assessing restructure
eligibility for the purpose of the limitation that no account may be
restructured more than four times in a rolling 60 month period. Resetting
these counters will not impact the ability of mortgage services to report
historical restructure statistics. Other business units may also elect to
adopt uniform policies. Unless otherwise noted, the revisions to the
restructure policies and practices implemented in the third quarter 2003
will generally be applied only to accounts originated or acquired after
January 1, 2003 and the historical restructuring policies and practices are
effective for all accounts originated or acquired prior to January 1, 2003.
The changes have not had, and are not expected to have a significant impact
on our business model or results of operations as these changes are
generally being phased in as receivables are originated or acquired.
(4) Our mortgage services business implemented this policy for all accounts
effective March 1, 2004.
(5) Prior to January 1, 2003, accounts that had made at least six qualifying
payments during the life of the loan and that agreed to pay by automatic
withdrawal were generally restructured with one qualifying payment.
(6) For our Canadian business, private label is limited to one restructure every
four months. For private label accounts in our Canadian business originated
or acquired after January 1, 2003, two qualifying payments must be received,
the account must be on the books for at least six months, at least six
months must have elapsed since the last restructure, and there may be no
more than four restructures in a rolling 60 month period.
In addition to our restructuring policies and practices, we employ other
customer account management techniques, which we typically use on a more limited
basis, that are similarly designed to manage customer relationships, maximize
collection opportunities and avoid foreclosure or repossession if reasonably
possible. These additional customer account management techniques include, at
our discretion, actions such as extended payment arrangements, approved external
debt management plans, forbearance, modifications, loan rewrites and/or
deferment pending a change in circumstances. We typically use these customer
account management techniques with individual borrowers in transitional
situations, usually involving borrower hardship circumstances or temporary
setbacks that are expected to affect the borrower's ability to pay the
contractually specified amount for some period of time. These actions vary by
product and are under continual review and assessment to determine that they
meet the goals outlined above. For example, under a forbearance agreement, we
may agree not to take certain collection or credit agency reporting actions with
respect to missed payments, often in return for the borrower's agreeing to pay
us an extra amount in connection with making future payments. In some cases,
these additional customer account management techniques may involve us agreeing
to lower the contractual payment amount and/or reduce the periodic interest
rate. When we use a customer account management technique, we may treat the
account as being contractually current and will not reflect it as a delinquent
account in our delinquency statistics. However, if the account subsequently
experiences payment defaults, it will again become contractually delinquent. We
generally consider loan rewrites to involve an extension of a new loan, and such
new loans are not reflected in our delinquency or restructuring statistics.
The tables below summarize approximate restructuring statistics in our managed
basis domestic portfolio. We report our restructuring statistics on a managed
basis only because the receivables that we securitize are subject to
underwriting standards comparable to our owned portfolio, are serviced and
collected without regard to ownership and result in a similar credit loss
exposure for us. As previously reported, in prior periods we used certain
assumptions and estimates to compile our restructure statistics. We also stated
that we continue to enhance our ability to capture and segment restructure data
across all business units. In the tables that follow, the restructure statistics
presented for June 30, 2004 have been compiled using enhanced systemic counters
and refined assumptions and estimates. As a result of the systems enhancements,
for June 30, 2004 and subsequent periods we exclude from our reported statistics
loans that had been reported as contractually delinquent that have been reset to
a current status because we have determined that the loan should not have been
considered delinquent (e.g., payment application processing errors). Statistics
reported for all periods prior to June 30, 2004 include such loans. When
comparing restructuring statistics from different periods, the fact that our
restructure policies and practices will
change over time, that exceptions are made to those policies and practices, and
that our data capture methodologies have been enhanced, should be taken into
account. Further, to the best of our knowledge, most of our competitors do not
disclose account restructuring, reaging, loan rewriting, forbearance,
modification, deferment or extended payment information comparable to the
information we have disclosed, and the lack of such disclosure by other lenders
may limit the ability to draw meaningful conclusions about our business based
solely on data or information regarding account restructuring statistics or
JUNE 30, MARCH 31, JUNE 30,
2004 2004 2003
Never restructured.......................................... 86.1% 84.7% 83.7%
Restructured in the last 6 months......................... 4.8 6.2 7.2
Restructured in the last 7-12 months...................... 4.0 3.9 3.8
Previously restructured beyond 12 months.................. 5.1 5.2 5.3
------- ------- -------
Total ever restructured(2)................................ 13.9 15.3 16.3
------- ------- -------
Total....................................................... 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
======= ======= =======
Real estate secured......................................... $ 8,885 $ 9,506 $ 9,225
Auto finance................................................ 1,304 1,255 1,360
MasterCard/Visa............................................. 639 505 580
Private label............................................... 830 990 1,146
Personal non-credit card.................................... 3,727 3,913 4,202
------- ------- -------
Total....................................................... $15,385 $16,169 $16,513
======= ======= =======
Real estate secured......................................... 16.5% 18.9% 19.2%
Auto finance................................................ 14.0 13.9 17.3
MasterCard/Visa............................................. 3.6 2.8 3.5
Private label............................................... 5.6 7.0 8.3
Personal non-credit card.................................... 25.0 26.3 26.8
------- ------- -------
Total(2).................................................... 13.9% 15.3% 16.3%
======= ======= =======
(1) Excludes foreign businesses, commercial and other.
(2) Total including foreign businesses was 13.0 percent at June 30, 2004, 14.4
percent at March 31, 2004, and 15.3 percent at June 30, 2003.
The amount of domestic and foreign managed receivables in forbearance,
modification, rewrites or other account management techniques for which we have
reset delinquency and that is not included in the restructured or delinquency
statistics was approximately $.5 billion or .4 percent of managed receivables at
June 30, 2004, $1.0 billion or .8 percent of managed receivables at March 31,
2004 and $1.1 billion or 1.0 percent of managed receivables at June 30, 2003.
For periods prior to June 30, 2004, all credit card approved consumer credit
counseling accommodations are included in the reported statistics. As a result
our systems enhancements, we are now able to segregate which credit card
approved consumer credit counseling accommodations included resetting the
contractual delinquency status to current after January 1, 2003. Such accounts
are included in the June 30, 2004 restructure statistics in the table above.
Credit card credit counseling accommodations that did not include resetting
contractual delinquency status are not reported in the table above or the June
30, 2004 statistics in this paragraph.
The funding synergies resulting from our merger with HSBC have allowed us to
reduce our reliance on traditional sources to fund our growth. We continue to
focus on balancing our use of affiliate and third-party funding sources to
minimize funding expense while maximizing liquidity. As discussed below, we
decreased third-party debt and initial securitization levels during the first
six months of 2004 as we used proceeds from the sale of real estate secured
receivables to HSBC Bank USA and debt issued to affiliates to assist in the
funding of our businesses.
Because we are now a subsidiary of HSBC, our credit spreads relative to
Treasuries have tightened. We recognized cash funding expense savings, primarily
as a result of these tightened credit spreads and lower costs due to shortening
the maturity of our liabilities primarily through increased issuance of
commercial paper, in excess of $140 million for the first six months of 2004 and
less than $30 million for the prior-year period compared to the funding costs we
would have incurred using average spreads from the first half of 2002. It is
anticipated that these tightened credit spreads and other funding synergies will
eventually enable HSBC to realize annual cash funding expense savings, including
external fee savings, in excess of $1 billion per year as our existing term debt
matures over the course of the next few years. The portion of these savings to
be realized by Household will depend in large part upon the amount and timing of
the proposed domestic private label credit card portfolio transfer to HSBC Bank
USA and other initiatives between Household and HSBC subsidiaries.
SECURITIES totaled $6.9 billion at June 30, 2004 and $11.1 billion at December
31, 2003. Included in the June 30, 2004 balance was $2.6 billion dedicated to
our credit card bank and $3.1 billion held by our insurance subsidiaries.
Included in the December 31, 2003 balance was $2.4 billion dedicated to our
credit card bank and $3.1 billion held by our insurance subsidiaries. Our
securities balance at December 31, 2003 was unusually high as a result of the
cash received from the $2.8 billion real estate secured loan sale to HSBC Bank
USA on December 31, 2003 as well as excess liquidity.
COMMERCIAL PAPER, BANK AND OTHER BORROWINGS totaled $10.3 billion at June 30,
2004 and $9.1 billion at December 31, 2003. Included in this total was
outstanding Euro commercial paper sold to customers of HSBC of $3.4 billion at
June 30, 2004 and $2.8 billion at December 31, 2003.
DUE TO AFFILIATES and other HSBC related funding are summarized in the following
2004 2003
Debt issued to HSBC subsidiaries:
Domestic short-term borrowings......................... $ - $ 2.6
Drawings on bank lines in the U.K. .................... 4.7 3.4
Term debt.............................................. 3.8 1.3
Preferred securities issued by Household Capital Trust
VIII.................................................. .3 .3
----- -----
Total debt issued to HSBC subsidiaries................. 8.8 7.6
----- -----
Debt issued to HSBC clients:
Euro commercial paper.................................. 3.4 2.8
Term debt.............................................. .7 .4
----- -----
Total debt issued to HSBC clients...................... 4.1 3.2
Preferred stock issued to HSBC.............................. 1.1 1.1
Real estate secured receivable activity with HSBC Bank USA:
Cash received on sales (cumulative).................... 3.7 2.8
Direct purchases from correspondents (cumulative)...... 1.5 -
----- -----
Total real estate secured receivable activity with HSBC Bank
USA....................................................... 5.2 2.8
----- -----
Total HSBC related funding.................................. $19.2 $14.7
===== =====
Proceeds from the December 2003 sale of $2.8 billion of real estate secured
loans to HSBC Bank USA, which at year-end 2003 had been temporarily held as
securities available for sale, were used to pay-down domestic short-term
borrowings in the first quarter of 2004. Proceeds from the March 2004 real
estate secured receivable sale were used to pay-down commercial paper balances
which had been used as temporary funding in the first quarter of 2004 and to
fund various debt maturities.
As of June 30, 2004, we had revolving credit facilities with HSBC of $2.5
billion domestically and $7.5 billion in the U.K. There have been no draws on
the domestic line. We also had derivative contracts with a notional value of
$58.7 billion, or approximately 83 percent of total derivative contracts,
outstanding with HSBC affiliates. In July, an additional $4.0 billion credit
facility was provided by an HSBC affiliate in Geneva to allow temporary
increases in commercial paper issuance to help give greater flexibility in
managing liquidity surrounding the contemplated private label credit card sale.
LONG TERM DEBT (with original maturities over one year) decreased to $78.3
billion at June 30, 2004 from $79.6 billion at December 31, 2003. Significant
issuances during the first six months of 2004 included the following:
- $2.3 billion of domestic medium-term notes
- $1.3 billion of foreign currency-denominated bonds (including $.3 billion
which was issued to customers of HSBC)
- $.7 billion of InterNotes(SM) (retail-oriented medium-term notes)
- $1.3 billion of global debt
- $1.7 billion of securities backed by home equity loans. For accounting
purposes, these transactions were structured as secured financings.
SELECTED CAPITAL RATIOS are summarized in the following table:
2004 2003
TETMA(1).................................................... 7.81% 7.03%
TETMA + Owned Reserves(1)................................... 10.69 9.89
Tangible common equity to tangible managed assets(1)........ 5.79 5.04
Common and preferred equity to owned assets................. 15.33 14.69
Excluding purchase accounting adjustments:
TETMA(1).................................................. 9.65 8.94
TETMA + Owned Reserves(1)................................. 12.54 11.81
Tangible common equity to tangible managed assets(1)...... 7.67 6.98
(1) TETMA, TETMA + Owned Reserves and tangible common equity to tangible managed
assets represent non-GAAP financial ratios that are used by Household
management and certain rating agencies to evaluate capital adequacy and may
differ from similarly named measures presented by other companies. See
"Basis of Reporting" for additional discussion on the use of non-GAAP
financial measures and "Reconciliations to GAAP Financial Measures" for
quantitative reconciliations to the equivalent GAAP basis financial measure.
In April 2004, Fitch Ratings revised our Rating Outlook to Positive from Stable
and raised our Support Rating to "1" from "2". In addition, Fitch affirmed our
"A" senior long-term and "F1" commercial paper ratings. We are committed to
maintaining at least a mid-single "A" rating and as part of that effort will
continue to review appropriate capital levels with our rating agencies.
SECURITIZATIONS AND SECURED FINANCINGS Securitizations (which are structured to
receive sale treatment under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.
140, "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and
Extinguishments of Liabilities, a Replacement of FASB Statement No. 125," ("SFAS
No. 140")) and secured financings (which do not receive sale treatment under
SFAS No. 140) of consumer receivables are used to limit our reliance on the
unsecured debt markets and often are more cost-effective than alternative
funding sources.
In a securitization, a designated pool of non-real estate consumer receivables
is removed from the balance sheet and transferred to an unaffiliated trust. This
unaffiliated trust is a qualifying special purpose entity ("QSPE") as defined by
SFAS No. 140 and, therefore, is not consolidated. The QSPE funds its receivable
purchase through the issuance of securities to investors, entitling them to
receive specified cash flows during the life of the securities. The receivables
transferred to the QSPE serve as collateral for the securities. At the time of
sale, an interest-only strip receivable is recorded, representing the present
value of the cash flows we expect to receive over the life of the securitized
receivables, net of estimated credit losses. Under the terms of the
securitizations, we receive annual servicing fees on the outstanding balance of
the securitized receivables and the rights to future residual cash flows on the
sold receivables after the investors receive their contractual return. Cash
flows related to the interest-only strip receivables and servicing the
receivables are collected over the life of the underlying securitized
In a secured financing, a designated pool of receivables, typically real estate
secured, are conveyed to a wholly owned limited purpose subsidiary which in turn
transfers the receivables to a trust which sells interests to investors.
Repayment of the debt issued by the trust is secured by the receivables
transferred. The transactions are structured as secured financings under SFAS
No. 140. Therefore, the receivables and the underlying debt of the trust remain
on our balance sheet. We do not recognize a gain in a secured financing
transaction. Because the receivables and the debt remain on our balance sheet,
revenues and expenses are reported consistently with our owned balance sheet
portfolio. Using this source of funding results in similar cash flows as issuing
debt through alternative funding sources.
Receivables securitized (excluding replenishments of certificateholder
interests) are summarized in the following table:
Auto finance................................................ $300 $ 596
MasterCard/Visa............................................. 500 -
Private label............................................... 190 250
Personal non-credit card.................................... - 305
---- ------
Total....................................................... $990 $1,151
==== ======
Auto finance................................................ $ 300 $1,007
MasterCard/Visa............................................. 550 320
Private label............................................... 190 250
Personal non-credit card.................................... - 815
------ ------
Total....................................................... $1,040 $2,392
====== ======
Securitization levels were much lower in the first half of 2004 as we used
funding from HSBC, including proceeds from receivable sales to HSBC Bank USA, to
assist in the funding of our operations.
Our securitized receivables totaled $22.8 billion at June 30, 2004, compared to
$26.2 billion at December 31, 2003. As of June 30, 2004, closed-end real estate
secured receivables totaling $7.9 billion secured $6.0 billion of outstanding
debt related to securitization transactions which were structured as secured
financings. At December 31, 2003, closed-end real estate secured receivables
totaling $8.0 billion secured $6.7 billion of outstanding debt related to
secured financing transactions. Securitizations structured as sales represented
19 percent of the funding associated with our managed portfolio at June 30, 2004
and 21 percent at December 31, 2003. Secured financings represented 5 percent of
the funding associated with our managed portfolio at June 30, 2004 and 5 percent
at December 31, 2003.
We believe the market for securities backed by receivables is a reliable,
efficient and cost-effective source of funds. Securitizations and secured
financings of consumer receivables have been, and will continue to be, a source
of our funding and liquidity. Under U.K. GAAP as reported by HSBC, our
securitizations are treated as secured financings. In order to align our
accounting treatment with that of HSBC under U.K. GAAP, we intend to structure
all new funding utilizing receivables as collateral as secured financings
beginning in the third quarter of 2004. However, because existing public private
label and MasterCard and Visa credit card transactions were structured as sales
to revolving trusts that require replenishments to support previously issued
securities, receivables of each of these asset types will continue to be sold to
these trusts and the resulting replenishment gains recorded until the revolving
periods end, the last of which is expected to occur in 2007. In addition, we may
continue to replenish at reduced levels, certain non-public personal non-credit
card and MasterCard/Visa securities issued to conduits and record the resulting
replenishment gains for a short period of time in order to manage liquidity.
Since our securitized receivables have varying lives, it will take several years
for these receivables to pay-off and the related interest-only strip receivables
to be reduced to zero. The termination of sale treatment on new collateralized
funding activity will reduce our reported net income under U.S. GAAP. There will
be no impact, however, on cash received from operations or on U.K. GAAP reported
2004 FUNDING STRATEGY Our current estimated domestic funding needs and sources
for 2004 are summarized in the table that follows. Because we cannot predict
with any degree of certainty the timing as to when or if approval will be
received for our proposed transfer of our domestic private label credit card
to HSBC Bank USA, such transfer is not contemplated in the following 2004
funding plan. If the proposed transfer does occur, our external funding needs
will decrease.
JUNE 30, 2004 DEC. 31, 2004 2004
Net asset growth..................................... $ 4 $ 9 - 10 $13 - 14
Commercial paper, term debt and securitization
maturities......................................... 17 11 - 12 28 - 29
Other................................................ - 2 - 3 2 - 3
--- -------- --------
Total funding needs, including growth..................... $21 $22 - 25 $43 - 46
=== ======== ========
External funding, including HSBC clients................ $18 $20 - 22 $38 - 40
HSBC and HSBC subsidiaries.............................. 3 2 - 3 5 - 6
--- -------- --------
Total funding sources................................... $21 $22 - 25 $43 - 46
=== ======== ========
LIQUIDITY RISK There have been no significant changes in our approach to
liquidity risk since December 31, 2003.
INTEREST RATE AND CURRENCY RISK HSBC has certain limits and benchmarks that
serve as guidelines in determining appropriate levels of interest rate risk. One
such limit is expressed in terms of the Present Value of a Basis Point ("PVBP"),
which reflects the change in value of the balance sheet for a one basis point
movement in all interest rates. Our PVBP limit as of June 30, 2004 was $3
million, which includes risk associated with hedging instruments. Thus, for a
one basis point change in interest rates, the policy dictates that the value of
the balance sheet shall not increase or decrease by more than $3.0 million. As
of June 30, 2004, we had a PVBP position of $.2 million reflecting the impact of
a one basis point increase in interest rates. Our total PVBP position was $.7
million at December 31, 2003 which does not change as a result of the loss of
hedge accounting.
We also monitor the impact that an immediate hypothetical 100 basis points
parallel increase or decrease in interest rates would have on our domestic net
interest income. The following table summarizes such estimated impact:
2004 2003
Decrease in net interest income following an immediate
hypothetical 100 basis points parallel rise in interest
rates..................................................... $338 $358
Increase in net interest income following an immediate
hypothetical 100 basis points parallel fall in interest
rates..................................................... $351 $369
These estimates include both the net interest income impact of the derivative
positions we have entered into which are considered to be effective hedges under
SFAS 133 and the impact of economic hedges of certain underlying debt
instruments which do not qualify for hedge accounting as previously discussed,
as if they were effective hedges under SFAS 133. These estimates also assume we
would not take any corrective actions in response to interest rate movements
and, therefore, exceed what most likely would occur if rates were to change by
the amount indicated.
This approach best reflects the economic risks inherent in our balance sheet.
Despite the loss of hedge accounting for certain underlying debt instruments as
discussed above, the interest rate derivative positions hedging specific debt
issues remain effective economic transactions. At inception, each hedge was
structured to match the critical terms of the underlying debt. The validity of
these financial structures and the effectiveness of corresponding economic
hedges has been subsequently confirmed by an independent third party. From March
29, 2003 through June 30, 2004, the daily change in price of a substantial
number of these derivative instruments which do not qualify for hedge accounting
under SFAS 133 correlated highly with the change in price of the underlying
debt. In this analysis, there is no intent to manage or otherwise alter existing
derivative contracts meaning that at maturity of the derivative and the
underlying debt instrument, no net value remains, unlike a portfolio with a
focus on trading. Thus the treatment of all hedges as if they were effective
under SFAS 133 remains the most effective way of depicting the impact of
interest rate changes. Nevertheless, we have calculated a sensitivity to a 100
basis point immediate rise and fall in interest rates at December 31, 2004 which
considers the loss of hedge accounting. See our 2004 Form 10-K for the results
of this sensitivity analysis.
COUNTERPARTY CREDIT RISK At June 30, 2004, we had derivative contracts with a
notional value of approximately $70.9 billion, including $58.7 billion
outstanding with HSBC affiliates. Most swap agreements, both with third parties
and affiliates, require that payments be made to, or received from, the
counterparty when the fair value of the agreement reaches a certain level.
Generally, third-party swap counterparties provide collateral in the form of
cash which are recorded in our balance sheet as other assets or derivative
related liabilities and totaled $.3 billion at June 30, 2004. Affiliate swap
counterparties generally provide collateral in the form of securities which are
not recorded on our balance sheet and totaled $.4 billion at June 30, 2004.
There have been no significant changes in our approach to managing counterparty
credit risk since December 31, 2003.
----------------------- -----------------------
JUNE 30, JUNE 30, JUNE 30, JUNE 30,
2004 2003 2004 2003
Net income.................................................. $ 433 $ 599 $ 903 $ 989
HSBC acquisition related costs and other merger related
items incurred by Household, after-tax.................... - - - 167
-------- -------- -------- --------
Operating net income........................................ $ 433 $ 599 $ 903 $ 1,156
======== ======== ======== ========
Average assets:
Owned basis............................................... $117,467 $110,360 $118,428 $105,399
Serviced with limited recourse............................ 23,568 24,080 24,422 24,118
-------- -------- -------- --------
Managed basis............................................. $141,035 $134,440 $142,850 $129,517
======== ======== ======== ========
Return on average owned assets.............................. 1.47% 2.17% 1.52% 1.88%
Return on average owned assets, operating basis............. 1.47 2.17 1.52 2.19
Return on average managed assets............................ 1.23 1.78 1.26 1.53
Return on average managed assets, operating basis........... 1.23 1.78 1.26 1.79
Net income.................................................. $ 433 $ 599 $ 903 $ 989
Dividends on preferred stock................................ (18) (18) (36) (40)
-------- -------- -------- --------
Net income available to common shareholders................. 415 581 867 949
HSBC acquisition related costs and other merger related
items incurred by Household............................... - - - 167
-------- -------- -------- --------
Operating net income available to common shareholders....... $ 415 $ 581 $ 867 $ 1,116
======== ======== ======== ========
Average common shareholder's equity......................... $ 17,160 $ 15,094 $ 16,903 $ 12,321
Return on average common shareholder's equity............... 9.7% 15.4% 10.3% 15.4%
Return on average common shareholder's equity, operating
basis..................................................... 9.7 15.4 10.3 18.1
Net interest income:
Owned basis............................................... $ 1,930 $ 1,814 $ 3,750 $ 3,442
Serviced with limited recourse............................ 652 720 1,406 1,446
-------- -------- -------- --------
Managed basis............................................. $ 2,582 $ 2,534 $ 5,156 $ 4,888
======== ======== ======== ========
Average interest-earning assets:
Owned basis............................................... $101,238 $ 91,396 $100,457 $ 90,480
Serviced with limited recourse............................ 23,568 24,080 24,422 24,118
-------- -------- -------- --------
Managed basis............................................. $124,806 $115,476 $124,879 $114,598
======== ======== ======== ========
Owned basis net interest margin............................. 7.63% 7.94% 7.47% 7.61%
Managed basis net interest margin........................... 8.28 8.78 8.26 8.53
Net interest income......................................... $ 2,582 $ 2,534 $ 5,156 $ 4,888
Other revenues, excluding securitization revenue............ 984 1,275 2,055 2,444
Less: Net charge-offs....................................... (1,367) (1,344) (2,809) (2,616)
-------- -------- -------- --------
Risk adjusted revenue....................................... $ 2,199 $ 2,465 $ 4,402 $ 4,716
======== ======== ======== ========
Average interest-earning assets............................. $124,806 $115,476 $124,879 $114,598
Managed basis risk adjusted revenue......................... 7.05% 8.54% 7.05% 8.23%
------------------------------------ -----------------------
JUNE 30, MARCH 31, JUNE 30, JUNE 30, JUNE 30,
2004 2004 2003 2004 2003
Consumer net charge-offs:
Owned basis......................... $ 966 $ 970 $ 931 $ 1,936 $ 1,805
Serviced with limited recourse...... 401 472 412 873 811
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Managed basis....................... $ 1,367 $ 1,442 $ 1,343 $ 2,809 $ 2,616
========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
Average consumer receivables:
Owned basis......................... $ 96,189 $ 92,974 $ 85,836 $ 94,581 $ 84,379
Serviced with limited recourse...... 23,568 25,278 24,080 24,423 24,117
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Managed basis....................... $ 119,757 $ 118,252 $ 109,916 $ 119,004 $ 108,496
========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
Owned basis consumer net charge-off
ratio............................... 4.02% 4.17% 4.34% 4.09% 4.28%
Managed basis consumer net charge-off
ratio............................... 4.57 4.88 4.89 4.72 4.82
Loss reserves:
Owned basis......................... $ 3,795 $ 3,753 $ 3,659 $ 3,795 $ 3,659
Serviced with limited recourse...... 1,904 2,159 1,980 1,904 1,980
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Managed basis....................... $ 5,699 $ 5,912 $ 5,639 $ 5,699 $ 5,639
========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
Net charge-offs:
Owned basis......................... $ 966 $ 970 $ 931 $ 1,936 $ 1,805
Serviced with limited recourse...... 401 472 412 873 811
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Managed basis....................... $ 1,367 $ 1,442 $ 1,343 $ 2,809 $ 2,616
========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
Owned basis reserves as a percent of
net charge-offs..................... 98.2% 96.7% 98.2%(1) 98.0% 101.3%(1)
Managed basis reserves as a percent of
net charge-offs..................... 104.2 102.5 104.9(1) 101.4 107.8
Total costs and expenses less
policyholders' benefits............. $ 1,228 $ 1,297 $ 1,149 $ 2,525 $ 2,476
HSBC acquisition related costs
incurred by Household............... - - - - (198)
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Total costs and expenses less
policyholders' benefits, excluding
nonrecurring items.................. $ 1,228 $ 1,297 $ 1,149 $ 2,525 $ 2,278
========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
Net interest income and other revenues
less policyholders' benefits:
Owned basis......................... $ 2,889 $ 2,930 $ 3,107 $ 5,819 $ 6,098
Serviced with limited recourse...... 148 253 617 401 1,024
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Managed basis....................... $ 3,037 $ 3,183 $ 3,724 $ 6,220 $ 7,122
========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
Owned basis efficiency ratio.......... 42.5% 44.3% 37.0% 43.4% 40.6%
Owned basis efficiency ratio,
operating basis..................... 42.5 44.3 37.0 43.4 37.4
Managed basis efficiency ratio........ 40.4 40.7 30.9 40.6 34.8
Managed basis efficiency ratio,
operating basis..................... 40.4 40.7 30.9 40.6 32.0
(1) Ratio does not recompute from dollar figures presented due to rounding.
JUNE 30, MARCH 31, JUNE 30,
2004 2004 2003
Consumer two-months-and-over-contractual delinquency:
Owned basis............................................... $ 4,534 $ 4,671 $ 4,734
Serviced with limited recourse............................ 1,194 1,280 1,211
-------- ---------- --------
Managed basis............................................. $ 5,728 $ 5,951 $ 5,945
======== ========== ========
Consumer receivables:
Owned basis............................................... $ 99,115 $ 93,299 $ 87,915
Serviced with limited recourse............................ 22,836 24,357 24,268
-------- ---------- --------
Managed basis............................................. $121,951 $ 117,656 $112,183
======== ========== ========
Consumer two-months-and-over-contractual delinquency:
Owned basis............................................... 4.57% 5.01% 5.38%
Managed basis............................................. 4.70 5.06 5.30
Loss reserves:
Owned basis............................................... $ 3,795 $ 3,753 $ 3,659
Serviced with limited recourse............................ 1,904 2,159 1,980
-------- ---------- --------
Managed basis............................................. $ 5,699 $ 5,912 $ 5,639
======== ========== ========
Owned basis............................................... $ 99,432 $ 93,650 $ 88,307
Serviced with limited recourse............................ 22,836 24,357 24,268
-------- ---------- --------
Managed basis............................................. $122,268 $ 118,007 $112,575
======== ========== ========
Reserves as a percent of receivables:
Owned basis............................................... 3.82% 4.01% 4.14%
Managed basis............................................. 4.66 5.01 5.01
Loss reserves:
Owned basis............................................... $ 3,795 $ 3,753 $ 3,659
Serviced with limited recourse............................ 1,904 2,159 1,980
-------- ---------- --------
Managed basis............................................. $ 5,699 $ 5,912 $ 5,639
======== ========== ========
Nonperforming loans:
Owned basis............................................... $ 3,684 $ 3,881 $ 3,867
Serviced with limited recourse............................ 958 1,055 978
-------- ---------- --------
Managed basis............................................. $ 4,642 $ 4,936 $ 4,845
======== ========== ========
Reserves as a percent of nonperforming loans:
Owned basis............................................... 103.0% 96.7% 94.6%
Managed basis............................................. 122.8 119.8 116.4
2004 2003
Common shareholder's equity................................. $ 17,379 $ 16,391
Unrealized gains (losses) on:
Derivatives classified as cash flow hedges.............. (97) 10
Securities available for sale and interest-only strip
receivables............................................ (163) (167)
Intangible assets, net.................................... (2,668) (2,856)
Goodwill.................................................. (6,821) (6,697)
-------- --------
Tangible common equity...................................... 7,630 6,681
Purchase accounting adjustments............................. 2,449 2,548
-------- --------
Tangible common equity, excluding purchase accounting
adjustments............................................... $ 10,079 $ 9,229
======== ========
Tangible common equity...................................... $ 7,630 $ 6,681
Preferred stock............................................. 1,100 1,100
Mandatorily redeemable preferred securities of Household
Capital Trusts............................................ 1,028 1,031
Adjustable Conversion-Rate Equity Security Units............ 525 519
-------- --------
Tangible shareholder's equity............................... 10,283 9,331
Purchase accounting adjustments............................. 2,396 2,492
-------- --------
Tangible shareholder's equity, excluding purchase accounting
adjustments............................................... $ 12,679 $ 11,823
======== ========
Tangible shareholder's equity............................... $ 10,283 $ 9,331
Owned loss reserves......................................... 3,795 3,793
-------- --------
Tangible shareholder's equity plus owned loss reserves...... 14,078 13,124
Purchase accounting adjustments............................. 2,396 2,492
-------- --------
Tangible shareholder's equity plus owned loss reserves,
excluding purchase accounting adjustments................. $ 16,474 $ 15,616
======== ========
Owned assets................................................ $120,533 $119,052
Receivables serviced with limited recourse.................. 22,836 26,201
-------- --------
Managed assets.............................................. 143,369 145,253
Intangible assets, net.................................... (2,668) (2,856)
Goodwill.................................................. (6,821) (6,697)
Derivative financial assets............................... (2,158) (3,016)
-------- --------
Tangible managed assets..................................... 131,722 132,684
Purchase accounting adjustments............................. (330) (431)
-------- --------
Tangible managed assets, excluding purchase accounting
adjustments............................................... $131,392 $132,253
======== ========
Common and preferred equity to owned assets................. 15.33% 14.69%
Tangible common equity to tangible managed assets........... 5.79 5.04
Tangible shareholder's equity to tangible managed assets
("TETMA")................................................. 7.81 7.03
Tangible shareholder's equity plus owned loss reserves to
tangible managed assets ("TETMA + Owned Reserves")........ 10.69 9.89
Excluding purchase accounting adjustments:
Tangible common equity to tangible managed assets......... 7.67 6.98
TETMA..................................................... 9.65 8.94
TETMA + Owned Reserves.................................... 12.54 11.81
DISCLOSURE CONTROLS. As of the end of the period covered by this report, with
the participation of our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, we
evaluated the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure
controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934). Based upon that evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and our
Chief Financial Officer concluded that as of the end of such period, our
disclosure controls and procedures were effective in timely alerting them to
material information relating to Household International, Inc. required to be
included in our periodic reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
As a result of a subsequent evaluation of the effectiveness of our disclosure
controls and procedures as of the end of the period covered by our Annual Report
on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2004, with the participation of our
Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, we identified a material
weakness in our internal controls over financial reporting relating to the
process of establishing and maintaining effective hedges under the "shortcut"
method of accounting pursuant to Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.
133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities." As a
result, and as set forth in Note 2 to the Consolidated Financial Statements and
the "Restatement" section included in Item 2, Management's Discussion and
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, we have restated our
unaudited consolidated financial statements for the periods covered by this
report. We have also undertaken remedial action to address and correct the
weakness in our internal controls over this process.
INTERNAL CONTROLS. In our quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the period ended
March 31, 2004, we reported that management had undertaken certain measures to
strengthen the corporation's internal controls relating to certain accounting
processes. During the second quarter, management and the Audit Committee
determined that the corporation's internal control over financial reporting
would benefit from a restructuring of responsibilities for certain functions in
the corporation's accounting department. Additional management is in the process
of being transferred from other parts of the HSBC group and is expected to
assume responsibilities in the third quarter.
GENERAL. We are parties to various legal proceedings resulting from ordinary
business activities relating to our current and/or former operations. Certain of
these actions are or purport to be class actions seeking damages in very large
amounts. These actions assert violations of laws and/or unfair treatment of
consumers. Due to the uncertainties in litigation and other factors, we cannot
be certain that we will ultimately prevail in each instance. We believe that our
defenses to these actions have merit and any adverse decision should not
materially affect our consolidated financial condition.
MERGER LITIGATION. Several lawsuits were filed alleging violations of law with
respect to the merger with HSBC. We believe that the claims lack merit and the
defendants deny the substantive allegations of the lawsuits. These lawsuits are
described below.
Between August 27, 2002 and January 15, 2003, derivative lawsuits on behalf of
the company and class actions on behalf of Household common stockholders were
filed against Household and certain of its officers and directors. See Bailey v.
Aldinger, et al., No 02 CH 16476 (Circuit Court, Cook County, Illinois, Chancery
Division); McLaughlin v. Aldinger, et al., No. 02 CH 20683 (Circuit Court, Cook
County, Illinois, Chancery Division); Pace v. Aldinger, et al., No. 02 CH 19270
(Circuit Court, Cook County, Illinois, Chancery Division); Williamson v.
Aldinger, et al., No. 03 600331 (United States District Court for the Northern
District of Illinois). The lawsuits principally asserted claims for breach of
fiduciary duty in connection with our restatement of earnings announced on
August 14, 2002, the allegedly improper lending practices by Household's
subsidiaries and the alleged failure by certain Household officers to take
appropriate steps to maximize the value of the merger transaction between
Household and HSBC
Holdings plc announced on November 14, 2002. On March 18, 2003, a memorandum of
understanding was signed by the parties containing the essential terms of the
settlement of all four lawsuits. Those settlement terms included a $55 million
reduction in the termination fee for the Household-HSBC merger, a supplemental
disclosure to Household shareholders in the supplemental Household proxy
statement, a confirmation from Goldman Sachs stating that as of the date of the
confirmation it was aware of nothing that would cause it to withdraw its
November 14, 2002 opinion about the fairness of the Household-HSBC merger to
Household's common shareholders and payment by the defendants of plaintiff's
costs relating to notice to stockholders as well as $2.0 million in attorneys
fees for plaintiffs' counsel. A stipulation reflecting the settlement was signed
by the parties on September 22, 2003 and the Circuit Court, Cook County,
Illinois, Chancery Division preliminarily approved the settlement of the Bailey,
McLaughlin and Pace lawsuits on September 29, 2003 and directed that notice be
provided to Household stockholders and class members. Following the distribution
of the notice, the Circuit Court, Cook County, Illinois, Chancery Division held
a settlement fairness hearing on December 23, 2003. The final order dismissing
the state court cases (Pace, McLaughlin and Bailey) was entered on June 7, 2004.
The final order dismissing the Williamson case was entered by the United States
District Court for the Northern District of Illinois on July 23, 2004.
CONSUMER LENDING LITIGATION. During the past several years, the press has widely
reported certain industry related concerns that may impact us. Some of these
involve the amount of litigation instituted against finance and insurance
companies operating in certain states and the large awards obtained from juries
in those states (Alabama and Mississippi are illustrative). Like other companies
in this industry, some of our subsidiaries are involved in a number of lawsuits
pending against them in these states. The Alabama and Mississippi cases, in
particular, generally allege inadequate disclosure or misrepresentation of
financing terms. In some suits, other parties are also named as defendants.
Unspecified compensatory and punitive damages are sought. Several of these suits
purport to be class actions or have multiple plaintiffs. The judicial climate in
these states is such that the outcome of all of these cases is unpredictable.
Although our subsidiaries believe they have substantive legal defenses to these
claims and are prepared to defend each case vigorously, a number of such cases
have been settled or otherwise resolved for amounts that in the aggregate are
not material to our operations. Appropriate insurance carriers have been
notified of each claim, and a number of reservations of rights letters have been
received. Certain of the financing of merchandise claims have been partially
covered by insurance.
In a case decided on March 31, 2004 and published on May 13, the Appellate Court
of Illinois, First District (Cook County), ruled in U.S. Bank National
Association v. Clark, et al., that certain lenders (which did not include any
subsidiaries of Household) violated the Illinois Interest Act by imposing
settlement fees in excess of 3% of the principal amount on loans with an
interest rate in excess of 8%. The Appellate Court held for the first time that
when the Illinois legislature made amendments to the late fee provisions of the
Interest Act in 1992, Illinois opted out of the Federal Depository Institutions
Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 ("DIDMCA") and, in "certain
instances," the Federal Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act of 1982
("AMPTA"). DIDMCA and AMPTA each contain provisions that preempt certain state
laws unless state legislatures took affirmative action to "opt-out" of the
federal preemptions within specified time frames. The Court found that as a
result of 1992 legislative action, the State's 3% restriction on points and
finance charge fees are now enforceable in Illinois. The Appellate Court's
ruling reversed the trial court's decision, which had relied on previous
opinions of the Illinois Attorney General, the Illinois Office of Banks and Real
Estate, and other courts. Should the decision stand and be applied retroactively
throughout Illinois, lenders would be required to make refunds to customers who
had a closed-end real estate secured first mortgage loan of double the interest
paid or contracted for, whichever is greater. The plaintiffs in the Clark case
have filed a notice of appeal with the Illinois Supreme Court. Three cases have
been filed against subsidiaries of Household based upon the Clark decision:
Wilkes v. Household Finance Corporation III, et al., Circuit Court of Cook
County, Illinois, Chancery Division, filed on June 18, 2004 (purported class
action); Aslam v. Accredited Home Lenders, Inc., et al., Circuit Court of Cook
County, Illinois, Chancery Division, filed on June 11, 2004 (purported class
action); and Morris, et al. v. Household Mortgage Services, Inc., U.S. District
Court for
the Northern District of Illinois, filed on June 22, 2004. At this time, we are
unable to quantify the potential impact of the Clark decision should it receive
retroactive application.
SECURITIES LITIGATION. In August 2002, we restated previously reported
consolidated financial statements. The restatement related to certain MasterCard
and Visa co-branding and affinity credit card relationships and a third party
marketing agreement, which were entered into between 1992 and 1999. All were
part of our Credit Card Services segment. In consultation with our prior
auditors, Arthur Andersen LLP, we treated payments made in connection with these
agreements as prepaid assets and amortized them in accordance with the
underlying economics of the agreements. Our current auditor, KPMG LLP, advised
us that, in its view, these payments should have either been charged against
earnings at the time they were made or amortized over a shorter period of time.
The restatement resulted in a $155.8 million, after-tax, retroactive reduction
to retained earnings at December 31, 1998. As a result of the restatement, and
other corporate events, including, e.g., the 2002 settlement with 50 states and
the District of Columbia relating to real estate lending practices, Household,
and its directors, certain officers and former auditors, have been involved in
various legal proceedings, some of which purport to be class actions. A number
of these actions allege violations of federal securities laws, were filed
between August and October 2002, and seek to recover damages in respect of
allegedly false and misleading statements about our common stock. To date, none
of the class claims has been certified. These legal actions have been
consolidated into a single purported class action, Jaffe v. Household
International, Inc., et al., No. 02 C 5893 (N.D. Ill., filed August 19, 2002),
and a consolidated and amended complaint was filed on March 7, 2003. The amended
complaint purports to assert claims under the federal securities laws, on behalf
of all persons who purchased or otherwise acquired Household securities between
October 23, 1997 and October 11, 2002, arising out of alleged false and
misleading statements in connection with Household's sales and lending
practices, the 2002 state settlement agreement referred to above, the
restatement and the HSBC merger. The amended complaint, which also names as
defendants Arthur Andersen LLP, Goldman, Sachs & Co., and Merrill Lynch, Pierce,
Fenner & Smith, Inc., fails to specify the amount of damages sought. In May
2003, we, and other defendants, filed a motion to dismiss the complaint. On
March 19, 2004, the Court granted in part, and denied in part the defendants'
motion to dismiss the complaint. The Court dismissed all claims against Merrill
Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. and Goldman Sachs & Co. The Court also
dismissed certain claims alleging strict liability for alleged misrepresentation
of material facts based on statute of limitations grounds. The claims that
remain against some or all of the defendants essentially allege the defendants
knowingly made a false statement of a material fact in conjunction with the
purchase or sale of securities, that the plaintiffs justifiably relied on such
statement, the false statement(s) caused the plaintiffs' damages, and that some
or all of the defendants should be liable for those alleged statements. The
Court has ordered that all factual discovery must be completed by January 13,
2006 and expert witness discovery must be completed by July 24, 2006.
Other actions arising out of the restatement, which purport to assert claims
under ERISA on behalf of participants in Household's Tax Reduction Investment
Plan, have been consolidated into a single purported class action, In re
Household International, Inc. ERISA Litigation, Master File No. 02 C 7921 (N.D.
Ill). A consolidated and amended complaint was filed against Household, William
Aldinger and individuals on the Administrative Investment Committee of the plan.
The consolidated complaint purports to assert claims under ERISA that are
similar to the claims in the Jaffe case. Essentially, the plaintiffs allege that
the defendants breached their fiduciary duties to the plan by investing in
Household stock and failing to disclose information to Plan participants. A
motion to dismiss the complaint was filed in June 2003. On March 30, 2004, the
Court granted in part, and denied in part, the defendants' motion to dismiss the
complaint. The Court dismissed all claims alleging that some or all of the
defendants breached their co-fiduciary obligations; misrepresented the prudence
of investing in Household stock; failed to disclose nonpublic information
regarding alleged accounting and lending improprieties; and failed to provide
other defendants with non-public information. The claims that remain essentially
allege that some or all of the defendants failed to prudently manage plan assets
by continuing to invest in, or provide matching contributions of, Household
stock. The Court has ordered that all discovery, including class certification
issues, must be completed by September 17, 2004 and dispositive motions and
responses must be filed by November 8, 2004.
On June 27, 2003, a case entitled, West Virginia Laborers Pension Trust Fund v.
Caspersen, et al., was filed in the Chancery Division of the Circuit Court of
Cook County, Illinois as case number 03CH10808. This purported class action
names as defendants the directors of Beneficial Corporation at the time of the
1998 merger of Beneficial Corporation into a subsidiary of Household, and claims
that those directors' due diligence of the Company at the time they considered
the merger was inadequate. The Complaint claims that as a result of some of the
securities law and other violations alleged in the Jaffe case, the Company's
common shares lost value. Pursuant to the merger agreement with Beneficial
Corporation, we assumed the defense of this litigation. In September of 2003,
the defendants filed a motion to dismiss which was granted on June 15, 2004
based upon a lack of personal jurisdiction over the defendants. The plaintiffs
have filed notice of their intent to appeal. In addition, on June 30, 2004, a
case entitled, Employer-Teamsters Local Nos. 175 & 505 Pension Trust Fund v.
Caspersen, et al., was filed in the Superior Court of New Jersey, Law Division,
Somerset County as Case Number L9479-04. Other than the change in plaintiff, the
suit is substantially identical to the above West Virginia Laborer's Pension
Trust Fund case, and is brought by the same principal law firm which brought
that suit.
With respect to these securities litigation matters, we believe that we have
not, and our officers and directors have not, committed any wrongdoing and in
each instance there will be no finding of improper activities that may result in
a material liability to us or any of our officers or directors.
(a) Exhibits
3.1 Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of
Household International, Inc., as amended.
10.7 Household International, Inc. Directors Non-Qualified
Deferred Compensation Plan.
10.9 Household International, Inc. Non-Qualified Deferred
Compensation Plan for Executives.
12 Statement of Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed
Charges and to Combined Fixed Charges and Preferred Stock
31 Certification of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial
Officer pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
32 Certification of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial
Officer pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
99.1 Debt and Preferred Stock Securities Ratings.
99.2 Report of KPMG LLP, independent registered public accounting
99.3 Letter of independent registered public accounting firm,
KPMG LLP, regarding unaudited interim financial information.
(b) Reports on Form 8-K
During the quarter ended June 30, 2004, the Registrant filed a Current Report on
Form 8-K on May 17, 2004 with respect to the financial supplement pertaining to
the financial results of Household International, Inc. for the quarter ended
March 31, 2004.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
(formerly known as Household
International, Inc.) (Registrant)
/s/ Simon C. Penney
Simon C. Penney
Senior Executive Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
Date: March 31, 2005
3.1 Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of
Household International, Inc., as amended.
10.7 Household International, Inc. Directors Non-Qualified
Deferred Compensation Plan.
10.9 Household International, Inc. Non-Qualified Deferred
Compensation Plan for Executives.
12 Statement of Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed
Charges and to Combined Fixed Charges and Preferred Stock
31 Certification of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial
Officer pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
32 Certification of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial
Officer pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
99.1 Debt and Preferred Stock Securities Ratings.
99.2 Report of KPMG LLP, independent registered public accounting
99.3 Letter of independent registered public accounting firm,
KPMG LLP, regarding unaudited interim financial information.
(AS AMENDED MAY 11, 2004)
---- -----------
5/11/04 Amended Certificate of Designations of Series A Cumulative
Preferred Stock of Household International, Inc.
3/28/03 Certificate of Merger of Household International, Inc. with
and into H2 Acquisition Corporation
3/27/03 Certificate of Amended and Restated Certificate of
Incorporation of H2 Acquisition Corporation
3/27/03 Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of H2
Acquisition Corporation
3/26/03 Certificate of Designations of Series A Cumulative Preferred
Stock of H2 Acquisition Corporation
Household International Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Corporation"), in
accordance with the provisions of Section 151 (g) of the Delaware General
Corporation Law, hereby certifies on June 30, 2004 as follows:
FIRST: The Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation
authorizes the issuance by the Board of Directors (the "Board") of the
Corporation of up to 1100 shares of preferred stock (the "Preferred Stock"), par
value $0.01 per share, in one or more series, and further authorizes the Board
to determine the designations, preferences, rights and qualifications,
limitations or restrictions granted to or imposed upon any such series of
Preferred Stock;
SECOND: On March 26, 2003, the Board adopted a resolution authorizing the
creation and issuance of a series of said Preferred Stock to be known as "Series
A Cumulative Preferred Stock" and the Certificate of Designations for the Series
A Cumulative Preferred Stock was filed with the Secretary of State of the State
of Delaware on March 27, 2003;
THIRD: As of May 30, 2003, the Board deemed it advisable to amend the
Certificate of Designations of the Series A Cumulative Preferred Stock and HSBC
Holdings plc, the sole owner of all outstanding shares of the Series A
Cumulative Preferred Stock and the sole shareholder of the common stock of the
Corporation approved such amendment, which was filed with the Secretary of State
of the State of Delaware on August 1, 2003;
FOURTH: As of May 11, 2004, the Board deemed it advisable to further amend the
Certificate of Designations of the Series A Cumulative Preferred Stock and
adopted a resolution as set forth below, the effectiveness of such resolution to
be subject to approval of such amendment by HSBC Holdings plc, the sole owner of
all outstanding shares of Series A Cumulative Preferred Stock and by HSBC
Investments (North America) Inc., the sole shareholder of the common stock of
the Corporation; and
FIFTH: As of May 12, 2004, HSBC Holdings plc and HSBC Investments (North
America) Inc. approved the amendment to the Certificate of Designations of the
Series A Cumulative Preferred Stock as set forth in the following resolution;
"RESOLVED, that the Board deems it advisable, subject to approval of HSBC
Holdings plc, the sole shareholder of a series of authorized preferred stock
(the "Preferred Stock") of the Corporation, and the approval of HSBC Investments
(North America) Inc., the sole shareholder of the Corporation's outstanding
common stock, that the Certificate of Designations for such series shall be
amended, and that the designation and amount thereof and the voting powers,
preferences and relative, participating, optional and other special rights of
the shares of such series, and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions
thereof (in addition to the powers, designations, preferences and relative,
participating, optional or other special rights, and the qualifications,
limitations or restrictions thereof, set forth in the Corporation's Amended and
Restated Certificate of Incorporation that are applicable to the Preferred
Stock), are as follows:
SECTION 1. Designation and Amount.
The shares of such series shall be designated as the "Series A Cumulative
Preferred Stock" ("Series A Preferred Stock") and the number of shares
constituting such series shall be one thousand one hundred (1,100), which number
may be decreased by the Board of Directors (the "Board") of the Corporation
without a vote of stockholders; provided, however, that such number may not be
decreased below the number of then currently outstanding shares of Series A
Preferred Stock.
SECTION 2. Dividends and Distributions.
(a) The holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock in preference to the
holders of shares of the Corporation's common stock (the "Common Stock") par
value $0.01 per share, and to any other capital stock of the Corporation ranking
junior to Series A Preferred Stock as to payment of dividends, shall be entitled
to receive when, as and if declared by the Board out of funds of the Corporation
legally available for the payment of dividends, cumulative dividends at, an
annual rate of 6.5% of the Redemption Price (as defined in Section 4(a)) per
share, and no more. Dividends payable in respect of the outstanding shares of
Series A Preferred Stock shall begin to accrue and be cumulative from the date
of original issue of such shares (which date is March 28, 2003, as reflected on
the certificates evidencing the same), and shall be payable in annual payments
on October 15 (or, if any such day is not a Business Day (as defined in Section
8) the Business Day preceding such day) in each year (each such date being
referred to herein as "Annual Dividend Payment Date"), commencing in respect of
each share of Series A Preferred Stock on October 15, 2004.
(b) Following the initial dividend, the amount of dividends payable shall be
determined on the basis of twelve 30-day months and a 360-day year. Dividends
paid on the shares of Series A Preferred Stock in an amount less than the total
amount of such dividends at the time accumulated and payable on such shares
shall be allocated pro rata on a share-by-share basis among all such shares at
the time outstanding. The Board may fix a record date (a "Regular Record Date")
for the determination of holders (the "Registered Holders") of shares of Series
A Preferred Stock entitled to receive payment of a dividend declared thereon,
which record date shall be no more than 75 days nor less than ten days prior to
the date fixed for the payment thereof. Any dividend declared by the Board as
payable and punctually paid on an Annual Dividend Payment Date will be paid to
Registered Holders. All cash payments shall be made in such coin or currency of
the United States of America as at the time of payment is legal tender for
payment of public and private debts.
(c) If any applicable dividend payment or redemption payment is not made on an
Annual Dividend Payment Date or the date set for such redemption, respectively,
thereafter the Series A Preferred Stock shall accrue additional dividends in
respect of all such dividend payments and redemption payments that are past due
and unpaid (such amount, the "Arrearage"). Such additional dividends in respect
of any Arrearage shall be deemed to accumulate from day to day whether or not
earned or declared until the Arrearage is paid, shall be calculated as of such
successive Annual Dividend Payment Date and shall constitute an additional
Arrearage from and after any Annual Dividend Payment Date to the extent not paid
on such Annual Dividend Payment Date. References in any Section herein to
dividends that have accumulated or that have been deemed to have accumulated
with respect to the Series A Preferred Stock shall include the amount, if any,
of any Arrearage together with any dividends accumulated or deemed to have
accumulated on such Arrearage pursuant to the immediately preceding two
sentences. Additional dividends in respect of any Arrearage may be declared and
paid at any time, in whole or in part, without reference to any regular Annual
Dividend Payment Date, to the Registered Holders as they appear on the stock
record books of the Corporation on such record date as may be fixed by the Board
of Directors (which record date shall be no more than 75 days nor less than ten
days prior to the corresponding payment date).
(d) The holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall not be entitled to
receive any dividends or other distributions in respect of such shares of Series
A Preferred Stock except as provided for hereby.
SECTION 3. Restrictive Covenants: Voting Rights.
(a) So long as any shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall be outstanding and
unless the consent or approval of a greater number of shares shall then be
required by law, without first obtaining the consent or approval of the holders
of a majority of the number of then-outstanding shares of Series A Preferred
Stock, given in person or by proxy at a meeting at which the holders of such
shares shall be entitled to vote separately as a class, or by written consent,
the Corporation shall not:
(i) (A) authorize or create any class or series, or any shares of any class
or series, of capital stock of the Corporation having any preference or priority
(either as to dividends or upon redemption, liquidation, dissolution, or winding
up) over Series A Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock") or (B) issue shares of Senior
Stock; provided however, that no such vote shall be required with respect to the
authorization or creation by the Corporation of one or more classes and/or
series of Senior Stock if the proceeds of the Corporation's issuance of such
Senior Stock are sufficient, and are used, to redeem all outstanding shares of
Series A Preferred Stock concurrently with the issuance of such Senior Stock;
(ii) (A) authorize or create any class or series, or any shares of any
class or series, of capital stock of the Corporation ranking on a parity (either
as to dividends or upon redemption, liquidation, dissolution or winding up) with
the Series A Preferred Stock ("Parity Stock") or (B) issue shares of Parity
Stock; provided, however, that no such vote shall be required with respect to
the authorization, creation or issuance by the Corporation of one or more
classes and/or series of Parity Stock if the proceeds of the Corporation's
issuance of such Parity Stock are sufficient, and are used to redeem all
outstanding shares of Series A Preferred Stock congruently with the issuance of
such Parity Stock;
(iii) reclassify, convert or exchange any shares of any capital stock of
the Corporation into shares of Senior Stock or Parity Stock;
(iv) authorize any security exchangeable for, convertible into, or
evidencing the right to purchase any shares of Senior Stock or Parity Stock; or
(v) amend alter or repeal the Corporation's Amended and Restated
Certificate of Incorporation, as it may be amended from time to time, or the
Corporation's By-Laws, as they may be amended from time to time, to alter or
change the powers, designations, preferences, rights and qualifications,
limitations or restrictions of Series A Preferred Stock or any Senior Stock or
Parity Stock so as to affect Series A Preferred Stock in any material adverse
(b) The holders of the Series A Preferred Stock shall be entitled to one vote
for each share of Series A Preferred Stock voting together with the holders of
Common Stock as a single class, at all meetings of holders of shares of Common
Stock (and written actions in lieu of meetings) (i) at which any resolution is
proposed to (A) effect the voluntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
the Corporation, or (B) the sale, lease, conveyance or exchange of all or
substantially all of the assets, property or business of the Corporation; or
(ii) if the Corporation shall have failed to pay in full all cash dividends due
and payable on an Annual Dividend Payment Date (whether or not declared by the
Board) including any Arrearage; provided in the case of clause (i) above, the
holders of the Series A Preferred Stock will be entitled to vote only on any
resolution that is proposed to effect the voluntary liquidation, dissolution or
winding up of the Corporation, or the sale, lease, conveyance or exchange of all
or substantially all of the assets, property or business of the Corporation.
(c) With respect to all matters to be voted on at meetings of holders of shares
of Common Stock (and written actions in lieu of meetings) and not specifically
covered by Section 3(b) above, the holders of Series A Preferred Stock shall be
entitled to vote with the holders of Common Stock, and shall have such vote so
that the holders of Series A Preferred Stock, in the aggregate, hold 15% of the
voting power with respect to such matters.
(d) Except as otherwise expressly provided hereby, or as required by law, the
holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall have no voting rights and
their consent shall not be required for the taking of any corporate action.
SECTION 4. Redemption.
(a) The Corporation may at its option redeem, in whole or in part, the shares of
Series A Preferred Stock on or after March 31, 2008, but only out of funds
legally available therefor, by paying therefor in cash $1,000,000 per share (the
"Redemption Price") plus an amount equal to all accumulated dividends and
any Arrearage thereon, to the date of redemption. If less than all outstanding
shares of Series A Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, the Corporation shall
redeem shares pro rata among the holders thereof in accordance with the
respective numbers of shares of Series A Preferred Stock held by each of them.
(b) In order to facilitate the redemption of shares of Series A Preferred Stock
pursuant to Section 4(a), the Board may fix a record date for the determination
of the holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock to be redeemed not more
than 60 days or less than 10 days prior to the date fixed for such redemption.
Notice of any redemption of shares of Series A Preferred Stock pursuant to
Section 4(a) shall specify a date and procedures for such redemption and shall
be mailed not less than 10 nor more than 60 days prior to such date fixed for
redemption to each holder Registered Holder at such Registered Holder's address
as it appears on the transfer books of the Corporation.
(c) From and after the date of any redemption effected by the Corporation
pursuant to sections 4(a), all dividends on shares of Series A Preferred Stock
thereby called for redemption shall cease to accrue and all rights of the
holders thereof as holders of Series A Preferred Stock shall, with respect to
shares thereby called for redemption, cease and terminate. Any interest allowed
on moneys which shall have been Set Apart for Payment (as defined in Section 8)
prior to the date of redemption for the payment of the Redemption Price (or any
accumulated dividends and any Arrearage thereon) shall be paid to the
Corporation. Any moneys so deposited which shall remain unclaimed by the holders
of such Series A Preferred Stock at the end of two years after the redemption
date shall to the fullest extent permitted by law become the property of, and be
paid by such bank or trust company to, the Corporation.
SECTION 5. Reacquired Shares.
Any shares of Series A Preferred Stock redeemed purchased or otherwise acquired
by the Corporation or any Subsidiary (as defined in Section 8) of the
Corporation in any manner whatsoever shall become authorized but unissued shares
of Preferred Stock, par value $0.01 per share, of the Corporation and may be
reissued as part of another class or series of Preferred Stock, subject to the
conditions or restrictions on authorizing or creating any class or series. or
any shares of any class or series, set forth in Section 3(a).
SECTION 6. Liquidation, Dissolution or Winding Up.
(a) If the Corporation shall liquidate, dissolve or wind up, whether pursuant to
federal bankruptcy laws, state laws or otherwise, no distribution shall be made
(i) to the holders of shares of search for term Common Stock, unless prior
thereto the holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall have received
$1,000,000 per share plus an amount equal to all accumulated dividends and any
Arrearage thereon to the date of such payment or (ii) to the holders of shares
of Parity Stock, except distributions made ratably on Series A Preferred Stock
and all such Parity Stock in proportion to the total amounts which the holders
of, all such shares are entitled upon such liquidation, dissolution or winding
up of the Corporation.
(b) Neither the consolidation, merger or other business combination of the
Corporation with or into any other Person (as defined in Section 8) or Persons,
nor the sale, lease, exchange or conveyance of all or any part of the property,
assets or business of the Corporation to a Person or Persons shall be deemed to
be a liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation for purposes of
this Section 6.
SECTION 7. Rank.
Series A Preferred Stock will rank, with respect to dividends and upon
distribution of assets in liquidation, dissolution or winding up, prior to the
Common Stock.
SECTION 8. Definitions.
As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated.
"Business Day" means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a day on which
banking institutions in the State of New York are authorized or obligated by law
or executive order to close.
"Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability
company, unincorporated organization trust or joint venture. or a governmental
agency or political subdivision thereof.
"Set Apart for Payment" means, when used with respect to funds of the
Corporation to be used to effect any redemption of shares of Series A Preferred
Stock, that funds of the Corporation sufficient to satisfy such payment of
redemption shall have been irrevocably deposited with a bank or trust company
doing business in the Borough of Manhattan in the City of New York and having a
capital and surplus of at least $50 million in trust for the exclusive benefit
of the holders of the shares of Series A Preferred Stock to be redeemed and that
such funds will be payable from and after the date of redemption to holders of
Series A Preferred Stock who surrender their certificates representing such
stock in accordance with the notice of redemption provided pursuant to Section
"Subsidiary" means, with respect to any Person, (i) any corporation, association
or other business entity of which more than 50% of the total voting power of
shares of Voting Stock (as defined below) is at the time owned or controlled
directly or indirectly by such Person or one or more of the other Subsidiaries
of that Person (or a combination thereof) and (ii) any partnership (A) the sole
general partner or the managing general partner of which is such Person or a
Subsidiary of such Person or (B) the only general partners of which are such
Person or of one or more Subsidiaries of such Person (or any combination
"Voting Stock" of any Person as of any date means the Capital Stock of such
Person that is at the time entitled to vote in the election of the board of
directors of such Person."
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused this Certificate to be signed in
its name and on its behalf and affirmed, under penalties of perjury on the date
first written above by a duly authorized officer of the Corporation.
By: /s/ Patrick D. Schwartz
Patrick D. Schwartz
Vice President, Deputy General
Counsel-Corporate and Assistant
/s/ Darcie J. Oakes
Darcie J. Oakes
Assistant Secretary
H2 Acquisition Corporation, a Delaware corporation ("H2"), does hereby certify:
FIRST: That the name and state of incorporation of each of the constituent
corporations of the merger are as follows:
---- -------------
Household International, Inc................................ Delaware
H2 Acquisition Corporation.................................. Delaware
SECOND: That an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Merger Agreement"), dated as
of November 14, 2002, by and among HSBC Holdings plc, Household International,
Inc. ("Household") and H2 has been approved, adopted, certified, executed and
acknowledged by each of the constituent corporations in accordance with the
requirements of Section 251 of the Delaware General Corporation Law.
THIRD: The name of the surviving corporation of the merger is "H2 Acquisition
Corporation" (the "Surviving Corporation"), which will change its name to
"Household International, Inc." as provided in Article FOURTH hereof.
FOURTH: Article I of the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of
H2 is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows;
"The name of the corporation is Household International, Inc.
(hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation")."
Except for such amendment, the Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the
Surviving Corporation shall be the Amended and Restated Certificate of
Incorporation of H2.
FIFTH: That the executed Merger Agreement is on file at the office of the
Surviving Corporation, the address of which is 2700 Sanders Road, Prospect
Heights, Illinois 60070.
SIXTH: That a copy of the Merger Agreement will be furnished by the Surviving
Corporation, on request and without cost, to any stockholder of any constituent
SEVENTH: This Certificate of Merger shall become effective at 5:02 p.m.,
Eastern Standard Time, on March 28, 2003.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned duly executed this Certificate of Merger as
of the 28th day of March 2003.
By: /s/ Paul L. Lee
Paul L. Lee
Vice President, Secretary and
Paul L. Lee, being the Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer of H2 Acquisition
Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the "Corporation") does hereby certify as
1. That the Corporation filed its original Certificate of Incorporation
(the "Original Certificate") with the Delaware Secretary of State of the State
on November 13, 2002, and an Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation
(the "First Amendment") with the Delaware Secretary of State of the State on
March 24, 2003 (the Original Certificate, as amended by the First Amendment,
being hereinafter referred to as the "Certificate").
2. That the Board of Directors of the Corporation, pursuant to Sections
141, 242 and 245 of the Delaware General Corporation Law (the "DGCL") adopted
resolutions authorizing the Corporation to amend and restate the Certificate and
adopt the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation (the "Restated
Certificate") attached hereto as Exhibit A.
3. That the sole holder of the Corporation's issued and outstanding capital
stock approved and adopted the Restated Certificate in accordance with Sections
228, 242 and 245 of the DGCL.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the Vice-President, Secretary and
Treasurer herein above named, for the purpose of the amending and restating the
Certificate and adopting the Restated Certificate pursuant to the DGCL, under
penalties of perjury, does hereby declare and certify that this is the act and
deed of the Corporation and the facts stated herein are true, and accordingly
has hereunto signed this certificate this 27th day of March 2003.
By: /s/ Paul L. Lee
Paul L. Lee
Vice President, Secretary and
MARCH 27, 2003
The name of the corporation is H2 Acquisition Corporation (hereinafter referred
to as the "Corporation").
The registered office of the Corporation is to be located at 1209 Orange Street,
in the City of Wilmington, in the County of New Castle, in the State of
Delaware. The name of its registered agent at that address is The Corporation
Trust Company.
The purpose of the Corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for
which a corporation may be organized under the General Corporation Law of
(1) The total number of shares of all classes of stock which the Corporation
shall have the authority to issue is 1200 shares, of which 100 shares, par value
$0.01, shall be of a class designated "common stock", and 1100 shares, par value
$0.01 per share, shall be of a class designated "preferred stock".
(2) The common stock of the Corporation shall be subject to the express terms of
the preferred stock and any series thereof. Each share of common stock shall
have the right to cast on vote for each share for the election of directors and
on all other matters upon which stockholders are entitled to vote.
(3) The Board of Directors is authorized, subject to limitations prescribed by
law and the provisions of this Article IV, to provided for the issuance from
time to time in one or more series of any number of shares of preferred stock,
and, by filing a certificate pursuant to the Delaware General Corporation Law
(the "Preferred Stock Designation"), to establish the number of shares to be
included in each series, and to fix the designations, relative rights,
preferences, qualifications and limitations of the shares of each such series.
The authority of the Board of Directors with respect to each series shall
include, but not be limited to, determination of the following:
(i) the designation of the series, which may be by distinguishing number,
letter or title;
(ii) the number of shares of the series, which number the Board of
Directors may thereafter (except where otherwise provided in the Preferred Stock
Designation) increase or decrease (but not below the number of shares thereof
them outstanding);
(iii) the voting rights, if any, of the holders of shares of the series;
(iv) shall be cumulative or noncumulative and the dividend rate of the
series, and the preferences, if any, over any other series (or of any other
series over such series) with respect to dividends;
(v) dates at which dividends, if any, shall be payable;
(vi) the redemption rights and price or prices, if any, for shares of the
(vii) the amounts payable on, and the preferences, if any, of shares of the
series in the event of any voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution,
distribution of assets or winding up of the affairs of the Corporation;
(viii) the terms and amount of any purchase, retirement or sinking fund
provided for the purchase or redemption of shares of the series;
(ix) whether the shares of the series shall be convertible into or
exchangeable for shares of any other class or series, or any other security, of
the Corporation or any other corporation, and, if so, the specification of such
other class or series of such other security, the conversion or exchange price
or prices or rate or rates, any adjustments thereof, the date or dates at which
such shares shall be convertible or exchangeable and all other terms and
conditions upon which such conversion or exchange may be made;
(x) whether the issuance of additional shares of preferred stock shall be
subject to restrictions as to issuance, or as to the powers, preferences or
other rights of any other series;
(xi) the right of the shares of such series to the benefit of conditions
and restrictions upon the creation of indebtedness of the Corporation or any
subsidiary of the Corporation, upon the issue of any additional stock (including
additional shares of such series or any other series) and upon the payment of
dividends or the making of other distributions on, and the purchase, redemption
or other acquisition by the Corporation or any subsidiary of any outstanding
stock of the Corporation; and
(xii) such other powers, preferences and relative, participating, optional
and other special rights, and the qualifications, limitations and restrictions
thereof as the Board of Directors shall determine.
The holders of preferred stock shall not have any preemptive rights except to
the extent such rights shall be specifically provided for in the resolution or
resolutions providing for the issuance thereof adopted by the Board of
The name and address of the incorporator is as follows:
Brandon W. Gardner
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton
One Liberty Plaza
New York, New York 10006
Names of the persons constituting the initial Board of Directors of the
Corporation are as follows:
Youseef A. Nasr
452 Fifth Ave., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Paul L. Lee
452 Fifth Ave., 7th Floor
New York, NY 10018
The following provisions are inserted for the management of the business and for
the conduct of the affairs of the Corporation, and for further definition,
limitation and regulation of the powers of the Corporation and of its directors
and stockholders:
(1) The number of directors of the Corporation shall be such as from time
to time shall be fixed by, or in the manner provided in, the by-laws. Election
of directors need not be by ballot unless the by-laws so provide.
(2) The Board of Directors shall have powers without the assent or vote of
the stockholders to make, alter, amend, change, add to or repeal the by-laws of
the Corporation; to fix and vary the amount to be served for any proper purpose;
to authorize and cause to be executed mortgages and liens upon all or any part
of the property of the Corporation; to determine the use and disposition of any
surplus or net profits; and to fix the times for the declaration and payment of
(3) The directors in their discretion may submit any contract or act for
approval or ratification at any annual meeting of the stockholders or at any
meeting of the stockholders called for the purpose of considering any such act
or contract, and any contract or act that shall be approved or be ratified by
the vote of the holders of a majority of the stock of the Corporation which is
represented in person or by proxy at such meeting and entitled to vote thereat
(provided that a lawful quorum of stockholders be there represented in person or
by proxy) shall be as valid and as binding upon the Corporation and upon all the
stockholders as though it had been approved or ratified by every stockholder of
the Corporation, whether or not the contract or act would otherwise be open to
legal attack because of directors' interest, or of any other reason.
(4) In addition to the powers and authorities hereinbefore or by statute
expressly conferred upon them, the directors are hereby empowered to exercise
all such powers and do all such acts and things as may be exercised or done by
the Corporation; subject, nevertheless, to the provisions of the statutes of
Delaware, of this certificate, and to any by-laws from time to time made by the
stockholders; provided, however, that no by-laws so made shall invalidate any
prior act of the directors which would have been valid if such by-law had not
been made.
The Corporation shall, to the full extend permitted by Section 145 of the
Delaware General Corporation Law, as amended from time to time, indemnify all
persons whom it may indemnify pursuant thereto.
Whenever a compromise or arrangement is proposed between the Corporation and its
creditors or any class of them and/or between the Corporation and its
stockholders or any class of them, any court of equitable jurisdiction within
the State of Delaware, may, on the application in a summary way of the
Corporation or of any creditor or stockholder thereof or on the application of
any receiver or receivers appointed for the Corporation under the provisions of
section 291 of Title 8 of the Delaware Code or on the application of trustees in
dissolution or of any receiver or receivers appointed for the Corporation under
the provisions of section 271 of Title 8 of the Delaware Code order a meeting of
the creditors or class of creditors, and/or of the stockholders or class of
stockholders of the Corporation, as the case may be, to be summoned in such
manner as the said court directs. If a majority in number representing
three-fourths in value of the creditors or class of creditors, and/or of the
stockholders or class of stockholders of the Corporation, as the case may be,
agree to any compromise or arrangement and to any reorganization of the
Corporation as consequence of such compromise or arrangement, the said
compromise or arrangement and the said reorganization shall, if sanctioned by
the court to which the said application has been made, be binding on all the
creditors or class of creditors, and/or on all the stockholders or class of
stockholders, of the Corporation, as the case may be, and also on the
The Corporation reserves the right to amend, alter, change or repeal any
provisions contained in this certificate of incorporation in the manner now or
hereafter prescribed by law, and all rights and powers conferred herein on
stockholders, directors and officers are subject to this reserved power.
The personal liability of the directors of the Corporation is hereby eliminated
to the fullest extent permitted by paragraph (7) of subsection (b) of Section
102 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, as the same may be
amended or supplemented.
H2 Acquisition Corporation a Delaware corporation (the "Corporation"), in
accordance with the provisions of Section 151 (g) of the Delaware General
Corporation Law, hereby certifies on March 26, 2003 as follows:
FIRST: The Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation
authorizes the issuance by the Board of Directors (the "Board") of the
Corporation of up to 1100 shares of preferred stock (the "Preferred Stock"), par
value $0.01 per share, in one or more series, and further authorizes the Board
to determine the designations, preferences, rights and qualifications,
limitations or restrictions granted to or imposed upon any such series of
Preferred Stock.
SECOND: On March 26, 2003, the Board adopted the following resolution
authorizing the creation and issuance of a series of said Preferred Stock to be
known as "Series A Cumulative Preferred Stock":
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the authority vested in the Board in accordance with
the provisions of its Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, a
series of the class of authorized preferred stock (the "Preferred Stock"), par
value $0.01 per share, of the Corporation be, and hereby is created, and that
the designation and amount thereof and the voting powers, preferences and
relative, participating. optional and other special rights of the shares of such
series, and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof (in addition
to the powers, designations, preferences and relative, participating. optional
or other special rights, and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions
thereof, set forth in the Corporation's Amended and Restated Certificate of
Incorporation that are applicable to the Preferred Stock), are as follows:
SECTION 1. Designation and Amount.
The shares of such series shall be designated as the "Series A Cumulative
Preferred Stock" ("Series A Preferred Stock") and the number of shares
constituting such series shall be one thousand one hundred (1,100), which number
may be decreased by the Board of Directors (the "Board") of the Corporation
without a vote of stockholders; provided, however, that such number may not be
decreased below the number of then currently outstanding shares of Series A
Preferred Stock.
SECTION 2. Dividends and Distributions.
(a) The holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock in preference to the
holders of shares of the Corporation's common stock (the "Common Stock") par
value $0.01 per share, and to any other capital stock of the Corporation ranking
junior to Series A Preferred Stock as to payment of dividends, shall be entitled
to receive, when, as and if declared by the Board out of funds of the
Corporation legally available for the payment of dividends, cumulative dividends
at, an annual rate of 6.5% of the Redemption Price (as defined in Section 4(a))
per share, and no more. Dividends payable in respect of the outstanding shares
of Series A Preferred Stock shall begin to accrue and be cumulative from the
respective dates of original issue of such shares (which dates shall be
reflected on the certificates evidencing the same), and shall be payable in
quarterly payments on January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15 Ior, if any
such day is not a Business Day (as defined in Section 8) the Business Day
preceding such day) in each year (each such date being referred to herein as a
"Quarterly Dividend Payment Date") for each of the fiscal quarters ended March
31, June 30, September 30 and December 31, respectively, commencing in respect
of each share of Series A Preferred Stock on July 15, 2003.
(b) The amount of dividends payable shall be determined on the basis of twelve
30-day months and a 36O-day year. Dividends paid on the shares of Series A
Preferred Stock in an amount less than the total amount of such dividends at the
time accumulated and payable on such shares shall be allocated pro rata on a
share-by-share basis among all such shares at the time outstanding. The Board
may fix a record date (a "Regular Record Date") for the determination of holders
(the "Registered Holders") of shares of
Series A Preferred Stock entitled to receive payment of a dividend declared
thereon, which record date shall be no more than 60 days nor less than ten days
prior to the date fixed for the payment thereof. Any dividend declared by the
Board as payable and punctually paid on a Quarterly Dividend Payment Date will
be paid to Registered Holders. All cash payments shall be made in such coin or
currency of the United States of America as at the time of payment is legal
tender for payment of public and private debts.
(c) If any applicable dividend payment or redemption payment is not made on a
Quarterly Dividend Payment Date or the date set for such redemption,
respectively, thereafter the Series A Preferred Stock shall accrue additional
dividends in respect of all such dividend payments and redemption payments that
are past due and unpaid (such amount, the "Arrearage"). Such additional
dividends in respect of any Arrearage shall be deemed to accumulate from day to
day whether or not earned or declared until the Arrearage is paid, shall be
calculated as of such successive Quarterly Dividend Payment Date and shall
constitute an additional Arrearage from and after any Quarterly Dividend Payment
Date to the extent not paid on such Quarterly Dividend Payment Date. References
in any Section herein to dividends that have accumulated or that have been
deemed to have accumulated with respect to the Series A Preferred Stock shall
include the amount, if any, of any Arrearage together with any dividends
accumulated or deemed to have accumulated on such Arrearage pursuant to the
immediately preceding two sentences. Additional dividends in respect of any
Arrearage may be declared and paid at any time, in whole or in part, without
reference to any regular Quarterly Dividend Payment Date, to the Registered
Holders as they appear on the stock record books of the Corporation "on such
record date as may be fixed by the Board of Directors (which record date shall
be no more than 60 days nor less than ten days prior to the corresponding
payment date).
(d) The holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall not be entitled to
receive any dividends or other distributions in respect of such shares of Series
A Preferred Stock except as provided for hereby.
SECTION 3. Restrictive Covenants: Voting Rights.
(a) So long as any shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall be outstanding and
unless the consent or approval of a greater number of shares shall then be
required by law, without first obtaining the consent or approval of the holders
of a majority of the number of then- outstanding shares of Series A Preferred
Stock, given in person or by proxy at a meeting at which the holders of such
shares shall be entitled to vote separately as a class, or by written consent,
the Corporation shall not:
(i) (A) authorize or create any class or series, or any shares of any class
or series, of capital stock of the Corporation having any preference or priority
(either as to dividends or upon redemption, liquidation, dissolution, or winding
up) over Series A Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock") or (B) issues shares of
Senior Stock; provided however, that no such vote shall be required with respect
to the authorization or creation by the Corporation of one or more classes
and/or series of Senior Stock if the proceeds of the Corporation's issuance of
such Senior Stock are sufficient, and are used, to redeem all outstanding shares
of Series A Preferred Stock concurrently with the issuance of such Senior Stock;
(ii) (A) authorize or create any class or series, or any shares of any
class or series, of capital stock of the Corporation ranking on a parity (either
as to dividends or upon redemption, liquidation, dissolution or winding up) with
the Series A Preferred Stock ("Parity Stock") or (B) issue shares of Parity
Stock; provided, however, that no such vote shall be required with respect to
the authorization, creation or issuance by the Corporation of one or more
classes and/or series of Parity Stock if the proceeds of the Corporation's
issuance of such Parity Stock are sufficient, and are used to redeem all
outstanding shares of Series A Preferred Stock congruently with the issuance of
such Parity Stock;
(iii) reclassify, convert or exchange any shares of any capital stock of
the Corporation into shares of Senior Stock or Parity Stock;
(iv) authorize any security exchangeable for, convertible into, or
evidencing the right to purchase any shares of Senior Stock or Parity Stock; or
(v) amend alter or repeal the Corporation's Amended and Restated
Certificate of Incorporation, as it may be amended from time to time, or the
Corporation's By-Laws, as they may be amended from time to time, to alter or
change the powers, designations, preferences, rights and qualifications,
limitations or restrictions of Series A Preferred Stock or any Senior Stock or
Parity Stock so as to affect Series A Preferred Stock in any material adverse
(b) The holders of the Series A Preferred Stock shall be entitled to one vote
for each share of Series A Preferred Stock voting together with the holders of
Common Stock as a single class, at all meetings of holders of shares of Common
Stock (and written actions in lieu of meetings) (i) at which any resolution is
proposed to (A) effect the voluntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
the Corporation; or (B) the sale, lease, conveyance or exchange of all or
substantially all of the assets, property or business of the Corporation; or
(ii) if the Corporation shall have failed to pay in full all cash dividends due
and payable on a Quarterly Dividend Payment Date (whether or not declared by the
Board) including any Arrearage; provided in the case of clause (i) above, the
holders of the Series A Preferred Stock will be entitled to vote only on any
resolution that is proposed to effect the voluntary liquidation, dissolution or
winding up of the Corporation, or the sale, lease, conveyance or exchange of all
or substantially all of the assets, property or business of the Corporation.
(c) With respect to all matters to be voted on at meetings of holders of shares
of Common Stock (and written actions in lieu of meetings) and not specifically
covered by Section 3(b) above, the holders of Series A Preferred Stock shall be
entitled to vote with the holders of Common Stock, and shall have such vote so
that the holders of Series A Preferred Stock, in the aggregate, hold 15% of the
voting power with respect to such matters.
(d) Except as otherwise expressly provided hereby, or as required by law, the
holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall have no voting rights and
their consent shall not be required for the taking of any corporate action.
SECTION 4. Redemption.
(a) The Corporation may at its option redeem, in whole or in part, the shares of
Series A Preferred Stock on or after March 31, 2008, but only out of funds
legally available therefor, by paying therefor in cash $1,000,000 per share (the
"Redemption Price") plus an amount equal to all accumulated dividends and any
Arrearage thereon, to the date of redemption. If less than all outstanding
shares of Series A Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, the Corporation shall
redeem shares pro rata among the holders thereof in accordance with the
respective numbers of shares of Series A Preferred Stock held by each of them.
(b) In order to facilitate the redemption of shares of Series A Preferred Stock
pursuant to Section 4(a), the Board may fix a record date for the determination
of the holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock to be redeemed. not more
than 60 days or less than 10 days prior to the date fixed for such redemption.
Notice of any redemption of shares of Series A Preferred Stock pursuant to
Section 4(a) shall specify a date and procedures for such redemption and shall
be mailed not less than 10 nor more than 60 days prior to such date fixed for
redemption to each holder Registered Holder at such Registered Holder's address
as it appears on the transfer books of the Corporation.
(c) From and after the date of any redemption effected by the Corporation
pursuant to Sections 4(a), all dividends on shares of Series A Preferred Stock
thereby called for redemption shall cease to accrue and all rights of the
holders thereof as holders of Series A Preferred Stock shall, with respect to
shares thereby called for redemption, cease and terminate- Any interest allowed
on moneys which shall have been Set Apart for Payment (as defined in Section 8)
prior to the date of redemption for the payment of the Redemption Price (or any
accumulated dividends and any Arrearage thereon) shall be paid to the
Corporation. Any moneys so deposited which shall remain unclaimed by the holders
of such Series A Preferred Stock at the end of two years after the redemption
date shall to the fullest extent permitted by law become the property of, and be
paid by such bank or trust company to, the Corporation.
SECTION 5. Reacquired Shares.
Any shares of Series A Preferred Stock redeemed purchased or otherwise acquired
by the Corporation or any Subsidiary (as defined in Section 8) of the
Corporation in any. manner whatsoever shall become authorized but unissued
shares of Preferred Stock, par value $0.0 I per share, of the Corporation and
may be reissued as part of another class or series of Preferred Stock, subject
to the conditions or restrictions on authorizing or creating any class or
series. or any shares of any class or series, set forth in Section 3(a).
SECTION 6. Liquidation, Dissolution or Winding Up.
(a) If the Corporation shall liquidate, dissolve or wind up, whether pursuant to
federal bankruptcy laws, state laws or otherwise, no distribution shall be made
(i) to the holders of shares of Junior Stock or Common Stock, unless prior
thereto the holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall have received
$1.000,000 per share plus an amount equal to all accumulated dividends and any
Arrearage thereon to the date of such payment or (ii) to the holders of shares
of Parity Stock. except distributions made ratably on Series A Preferred Stock
and all such Parity Stock in proportion to the total amounts which the holders
of, all such shares are entitled upon such liquidation, dissolution or Winding
up of the Corporation.
(b) Neither the consolidation, merger or other business combination of the
Corporation with or into any other Person (as defined in Section 8) or Persons,
nor the sale, lease, exchange or conveyance of all or any part of the property,
assets or business of the Corporation to a Person Or Persons other than the
holders of Junior Stock shall be deemed to be a liquidation, dissolution or
winding up of the Corporation for purposes of this Section 6.
SECTION 7. Rank.
Series A Preferred Stock will rank, with respect to dividends and upon
distribution of assets in liquidation, dissolution or winding up, prior to the
Common Stock.
SECTION 8. Definitions.
As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated.
"Business Day" means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a day on which
banking institutions in the State of New York are authorized or obligated by law
or executive order to close.
"Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability
company, unincorporated organization trust or joint venture, or a governmental
agency or political subdivision thereof.
"Set Apart for Payment" means, when used with respect to funds of the
Corporation to be used to effect any redemption of shares of Series A Preferred
Stock, that funds of the Corporation sufficient to satisfy such payment of
redemption shall have been irrevocably deposited with a bank or trust company
doing business in the Borough of Manhattan in the City of New York and having a
capital and surplus of at least $50 million in trust for the exclusive benefit
of the holders of the shares of Series A Preferred Stock to be redeemed and that
such funds will be payable from and after the date of redemption to holders of
Series A Preferred Stock who surrender their certificates representing such
stock in accordance with the notice of redemption provided pursuant to Section
"Subsidiary" means, with respect to any Person, (i) any corporation, association
or other business entity of which more than 500/0 of the total voting power of
shares of Voting Stock (as defined below) is at the time owned or controlled
directly or indirectly by such Person or one or more of the other Subsidiaries
of that Person (or a combination thereof) and (ii) any partnership (A) the sole
general partner or the managing general partner of which is such Person or a
Subsidiary of such Person or (B) the only general partners of which are such
Person or of one or more Subsidiaries of such Person (or any combination
"Voting Stock" of any Person as of any date means the Capital Stock of such
Person that is at the time entitled to vote in the election of the board of
directors of such Person.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused this Certificate to be signed in
its name and on its behalf and affirmed, under penalties of perjury on the date
first written above by a duly authorized officer of the Corporation.
By: /s/ Paul L. Lee
Paul L. Lee
Vice President, Secretary and
SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Plan is to provide non-management
directors (the "Directors") of Household International, Inc. (the "Company") the
opportunity to defer receipt of cash compensation paid by the Company to such
person in their role as Director and to provide for future savings of
compensation earned. The provision of such an opportunity is designed to aid the
Company in attracting and retaining as members of its Board of Directors,
persons whose abilities, experience and judgment can contribute to the well
being of the Company.
SECTION 2. Name, Effective Date. The Company previously maintained a deferred
compensation plan known as the Household International Deferred Fee Plan for
Directors which had an effective date of January 10, 1995 as well as a plan
known as the Household International Deferred Phantom Stock Plan for Directors
which had an effective date of July 11, 1995. These two plans are referred to
herein as the "Prior Plans." The Company now desires to substantially change the
provisions of the Prior Plans especially with respect to investment options and
deferral elections. Accordingly, this plan known as the Household International
Directors Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plan (the "Plan") is to be
effective as of May 1, 2004 (the "Effective Date").
SECTION 3. Plan Year. The initial Plan Year shall begin on May 1, 2004 and end
on December 31, 2004. Thereafter, a Plan Year shall be the calendar year.
SECTION 4. Administration of the Plan. The Plan shall be administered by the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company (the
"Committee"). The Committee shall conclusively interpret the provisions of the
Plan, decide all claims, and shall make all determinations under the Plan. The
Committee shall act by vote or written consent of a majority of its members.
However, the Committee may appoint one or more persons or an entity as its
delegate to handle various administrative matters on its behalf such as
recordkeeping and other administrative duties with respect to the Plan.
SECTION 5. Eligibility. Any Director serving on the Board of Directors of the
Company who is not deemed to be an employee of the Company or any of its
subsidiaries or affiliates is eligible to participate in the Plan.
SECTION 6. Deferred Compensation Account. An unfunded deferred compensation
account shall be established for each person who elects to participate in the
Plan. A separate account shall be established for each Plan Year's deferrals. An
amount equal to the compensation deferred will be credited to the participant's
deferred compensation account for that Plan Year within three business days of
the date such compensation would otherwise be initially payable.
SECTION 7. Amount of Deferral. For Plan Year 2004 and for each Plan Year
thereafter, a participant may elect to defer receipt of Board of Director fees
(including annual retainer and chairperson committee retainer fees) that would
otherwise be paid in that year and which have not yet been earned. The annual
aggregate deferral election made by a participant for a particular Plan Year
must be at least $5,000.
SECTION 8. Election of Deferral. An election to defer compensation for each
Plan Year shall be made on forms provided by the Committee for that purpose and
shall be effective on the date indicated, but not before the date filed with the
Committee. For the initial Plan Year of the Plan, valid elections must be filed
by April 23, 2004 and will be effective with the first pay date on or after May
1, 2004. Any deferral election made under the Prior Plans with respect to
compensation earned for 2004, shall become ineffective with respect to any
amounts that would become payable on or after May 1, 2004. For 2005 and Plan
Years thereafter, the elections must be filed by December 15 to be effective for
unearned compensation that would otherwise be paid in the following Plan Year.
In the case of newly elected Directors who first become eligible to participate
in the Plan subsequent to the first day of a Plan Year, such newly eligible
participant shall be entitled to make an election to defer compensation for
services to
be performed subsequent to the election provided such election is made within 30
days after the date such Director becomes eligible. In this case, such election
shall be effective when made with respect to any compensation to be paid during
the period beginning with the date following the date of the election through
December 31 of the same initial year of participation.
At the time that the participant makes a deferral election for a particular Plan
Year, he or she shall also select a time for distribution as well as the form of
distribution. A participant may elect to receive the deferrals for a particular
Plan Year either at termination from Board membership, or at a future specified
date while still serving on the Board. Termination from Board membership means
termination from the Board of Directors of the Company and the Boards of all of
the Company's subsidiaries and affiliates. Any future deferred distribution date
chosen by a participant must be at least two years after the end of the Plan
Year for which the election is made.
If a participant has failed to select a future deferred distribution date for a
Plan Year deferral or if he or she terminates Board membership, for a reason
other than death, prior to reaching the selected future deferred distribution
date, then distribution of such deferred compensation will be made or commence
in the calendar year following the date of the participant's termination of
Board membership.
The usual form of distribution is a lump sum. However, at the time of deferral,
a participant is eligible to select an optional form of distribution consisting
of annual or quarterly installments of up to 10 years. Quarterly installments
will be paid in January, April, July, and October. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, if at initial valuation the amount to be distributed (i.e., a common
distribution date and a common installment method) is less than $25,000, then
distribution will be in a lump sum. The method of distribution (from one form of
installments to another form of installments or to a lump sum and vice versa)
can be changed by filing a form with the Committee at least 12 months prior to
the distribution date. However, subject to Section 18, the election to receive a
Plan Year's deferrals at termination of Board membership or at some future date
while still a Board member is irrevocable.
SECTION 9. Hypothetical Investment. Each deferred compensation account for a
particular Plan Year will be credited with earnings from the date on which
deferred compensation is credited to the account until the date of payment. The
participant can elect to have the amount credited to his or her account for a
particular Plan Year invested hypothetically in various benchmark funds. The
benchmark funds that initially will be available under the Plan are as follows:
1) Van Kampen Real Estate Securities - A Shares 2) Oppenheimer Global - A Shares
3) AIM Small Cap Growth - Class A 4) HSBC Investor Small Cap Equity - Class Y 5)
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Stock - Class A 6) Dreyfus S&P 500 Index 7) HSBC
Investor Growth & Income - Class Y 8) HSBC Investor Fixed Income - Class Y 9)
HSBC Investor Money Market - Class Y. The benchmark funds may be subsequently
changed by the Committee or its delegate as it sees fit. In the absence of an
investment election for a Plan Year, the participant's deferred compensation
account balance for that Plan Year will be deemed invested in the HSBC Investor
Money Market - Class Y.
The participant can change his or her investment election as to the amount for a
particular Plan Year already credited or to be credited to his or her account in
whole percentages on a monthly basis by filing an appropriate election form with
the Committee by the 25th day of the month prior to the first day of the month
in which the election is to be effective. Each Plan Year of deferrals may have a
separate investment allocation. There is no guarantee a participant's deferred
compensation account deemed invested in a particular benchmark fund will
increase; amounts may decrease based on the performance of the benchmark fund.
SECTION 10. Prior Plan Deferrals. Amounts that were previously deferred by a
participant for a Plan Year under the Prior Plans and which have not been
distributed as of the Effective Date will be credited to the participant's
deferred compensation account under this Plan known as the Prior Plan Balance.
Amounts credited to the Prior Plan Balance for any prior plan year will be
distributed according to the participant's previous deferral election for that
plan year under the Prior Plans subject to the participant's right to change the
manner of distribution in accordance with Section 8, if eligible. The amounts
credited to the participant's account under the Prior Plans which were
hypothetically invested in the Stock
Component shall continue to be hypothetically invested in such Stock Component
until such time as the participant elects to have such amounts transferred to
one or more of the benchmark funds offered under the Plan but no deemed
dividends on such amounts nor new deferrals nor transfers from other benchmark
funds can be hypothetically invested in the Stock Component. However, any
amounts that are credited or would be credited to the participant's account
under the Prior Plans invested in the Cash Component will be invested in the
HSBC Investor Money Market - Class Y. The participant may make an election to
have amounts representing the Prior Plan Balance for each prior plan year
invested hypothetically in the benchmark investment funds offered under this
Plan and the investment election for any plan year can be changed from time to
time in accordance with Section 9.
SECTION 11. Value of Deferred Compensation Accounts. The value of each
participant's deferred compensation account shall include compensation deferred,
adjusted for any increase or decrease thereon, pursuant to Section 9 of the
SECTION 12. Payment of Deferral. Subject to Section 18, a distribution may be
made from the participant's deferred compensation account as soon as practicable
in the calendar year following the date of the termination of the participant's
Board membership unless an earlier date for distribution while serving as a
Board member is specified by the participant in his or her election to defer
compensation or in the event of the participant's death. If a participant
elected to defer any Plan Year's compensation to a specific date while serving
as a Board member, such Plan Year's deferred compensation and earnings or losses
thereon will be payable in cash in a lump sum or installments, if applicable, on
the date specified unless it is paid earlier due to termination of Board
membership or death. If a participant terminates Board membership, for a reason
other than death, before the date chosen for distribution, then distribution
will occur in the calendar year following such termination. The account balance
will be distributed in the same form of distribution elected for termination of
employment subject to the minimum requirements for installments. If a
participant terminates Board membership while receiving in-service installments,
then the remaining installments will be distributed as they fall due.
SECTION 13. Taxation. All distributions from the Plan are treated as ordinary
income subject to federal and state income taxation at the time of distribution
(with the exception of states that assess taxes at the time of deferral).
Distributions (including investment returns) are also subject to self-employment
and Medicare taxes. The participants and their beneficiaries, distributees, and
personal representatives will bear any and all federal, foreign, state, local or
other income or other taxes imposed on amounts deferred or paid under the Plan.
SECTION 14. Designation of Beneficiary. A participant may designate a
beneficiary or beneficiaries which shall be effective upon filing written notice
with the Committee on the form provided by the Committee for that purpose. If a
Participant is married and has not designated his or her spouse as the sole
primary beneficiary of his or her account, then such spouse must provide written
consent to the participant's beneficiary designation form or else the account
will be paid to such spouse, if living, upon the death of the participant. If no
beneficiary is designated, the beneficiary will be the participant's estate. If
more than one beneficiary statement has been filed, the beneficiary or
beneficiaries designated in the statement bearing the most recent date will be
deemed the valid beneficiary or beneficiaries.
SECTION 15. Death of Participant or Beneficiary. In the event of a
participant's death before he or she has received the full value of his or her
deferred compensation account, the then current value of the participant's
deferred compensation account shall be determined and such amount shall be paid
to the beneficiary or beneficiaries of the deceased participant as soon as
practicable thereafter in cash in a lump sum. If no designated beneficiary has
been named or survives the participant, the beneficiary will be the
participant's estate.
SECTION 16. Participant's Rights Unsecured. The right of any participant or
beneficiary to receive payment under the provisions of the Plan shall be an
unsecured claim against the general assets of the Company, and any successor
company in the event of a merger, consolidation, reorganization or any other
event which causes the Company's assets or business to be acquired by another
company. No provisions
contained in the Plan shall be construed to give any participant or beneficiary
at any time a security interest in the deferred compensation account or any
other assets of the Company.
SECTION 17. Statement of Account. Statements will be sent to participants
following the end of each calendar quarter reflecting the value of their
deferred compensation accounts as of the end of that quarter. The accounts will
be valued daily but recorded monthly.
SECTION 18. Hardship Withdrawals. Notwithstanding anything in this Plan to the
contrary, a participant may request a hardship withdrawal of all or a portion of
the balance of his or her deferred compensation account by filing a written
request with the Committee in a form acceptable to the Committee for that
purpose. A hardship withdrawal will be granted on a limited basis and only due
to the participant's or dependant's illness or accident, casualty loss of the
participant's property or similar circumstances arising out of events beyond the
control of the participant. A participant requesting a hardship withdrawal will
be requested to submit documentation of the hardship and proof that the loss is
not covered by other means. This request may be granted, solely in the absolute
discretion of the Committee. No member of the Committee may vote on, or
otherwise influence, a decision of the Committee concerning his or her request
for a hardship withdrawal. A hardship withdrawal by a participant shall have no
effect on any amounts remaining in the participant's account and shall not have
any effect on any current or future deferral election after the hardship
SECTION 19. Assignability. No right to receive payments hereunder shall be
transferable or assignable by a participant or a beneficiary.
SECTION 20. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed
in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois.
SECTION 21. Amendment or Termination of Plan. This Plan may at any time or
from time to time be amended, modified or terminated by the Committee. No
amendment, modification or termination shall, without the consent of a
participant, adversely affect such participant's accruals on his or her prior
elections. Rights accrued prior to termination of the Plan will not be canceled
by termination of the Plan.
SECTION 22. Payment of Certain Costs of the Participant. If a dispute arises
regarding the interpretation or enforcement of this Plan and the participant
(or, in the event of his or her death, his or her beneficiary) obtains a final
judgment in his or her favor from a court of competent jurisdiction from which
no appeal may be taken, whether because the time to do so has expired or
otherwise, or his or her claim is settled by the Company prior to the rendering
of such a judgment, all reasonable legal and other professional fees and
expenses incurred by the participant in contesting or disputing any such claim
or in seeking to obtain or enforce any right or benefit provided for in the Plan
or in otherwise pursuing his or her claim will be promptly paid by the Company
with interest thereon at the highest Illinois statutory rate for interest on
judgments against private parties from the date of payment thereof by the
participant to the date of reimbursement to him or her by the Company.
SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Plan is to provide certain executives
of Household International, Inc. (the "Company") and certain of its direct and
indirect subsidiaries (the Company and such subsidiaries being referred to as
the "Employers") the opportunity to defer receipt of compensation and provide
for future savings of compensation earned. The provision of such an opportunity
is designed to aid the Company in attracting and retaining as executives,
persons whose abilities, experience and judgment can contribute to the well
being of the Company.
SECTION 2. Name, Effective Date. The Company previously maintained a deferred
compensation plan known as the Household International Non-Qualified Deferred
Compensation Plan (the "Prior Plan") which had an effective date of December 1,
1996. The Company now desires to substantially change the provisions of the
Prior Plan especially with respect to eligibility, investment options and
deferral elections. Accordingly, this plan also known as the Household
International Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plan (the "Plan") is to be
effective as of May 1, 2004 (the "Effective Date").
SECTION 3. Plan Year. The initial Plan Year shall begin on May 1, 2004 and end
on December 31, 2004. Thereafter, a Plan Year shall be the calendar year.
SECTION 4. Administration of the Plan. The Plan shall be administered by the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company (the
"Committee"). The Committee shall conclusively interpret the provisions of the
Plan, decide all claims, and shall make all determinations under the Plan. The
Committee shall act by vote or written consent of a majority of its members.
However, the Committee may appoint one or more persons or an entity as its
delegate to handle various administrative matters on its behalf such as
recordkeeping and other administrative duties with respect to the Plan.
SECTION 5. Eligibility. Any executive of the Employers who is on the United
States payroll, other than as a secondee, and whose compensation is at least
$150,000 as of February 15, 2004 is eligible to participate in the Plan for the
initial Plan Year beginning on May 1, 2004. For Plan Years thereafter, an
executive of the Employers who is on the United States payroll, other than as a
secondee, must have compensation of at least $150,000 as of the November 1
preceding the Plan Year for which an election is made in order to be eligible to
participate in the Plan for that Plan Year. Compensation shall be determined
prior to any reduction for any salary contributions to a cafeteria plan
established pursuant to Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (the "Code") or to a plan qualified pursuant to Section 401(k) of the
Code or due to a transportation fringe under Section 132(f) of the Code. For
purposes of eligibility, compensation means annualized base salary for the
current calendar year plus annual bonus, commission, and performance based
incentive awards earned in the previous calendar year and paid by the time of
the eligibility determination date. A participant must meet the annual minimum
for each Plan Year in order to make a deferral election for that Plan Year
although the $150,000 minimum may be changed by the Committee.
SECTION 6. Deferred Compensation Account. An unfunded deferred compensation
account shall be established for each person who elects to participate in the
Plan. A separate account shall be established for each Plan Year's deferrals. An
amount equal to the compensation deferred will be credited to the participant's
deferred compensation account for that Plan Year within three business days of
the date such compensation would otherwise be initially payable.
SECTION 7. Amount of Deferral. For Plan Year 2004 and for each Plan Year
thereafter, a participant may elect to defer receipt of up to 80% of the
unearned salary, commissions and performance based incentive awards that would
otherwise be paid in that year and/or up to 80% of the annual bonus earned for
that year which generally becomes payable to the participant in the following
year. No deferral election shall reduce a participant's compensation below the
amount necessary to satisfy the amounts needed for applicable employment taxes,
benefit plan withholding requirements or income tax or other tax
withholding. The annual aggregate deferral election made by a participant for a
particular Plan Year must be at least $5,000.
SECTION 8. Election of Deferral. An election to defer compensation for each
Plan Year shall be made on forms provided by the Committee for that purpose and
shall be effective on the date indicated, but not before the date filed with the
Committee. For the initial Plan Year of the Plan, valid elections must be filed
by April 23, 2004 and will be effective with the first pay date on or after May
1, 2004. Any deferral election made under the Prior Plan with respect to
compensation earned for 2004, shall become ineffective with respect to any
amounts that would become payable on or after May 1, 2004. For 2005 and Plan
Years thereafter, the elections must be filed by December 15 to be effective for
unearned compensation that would otherwise be paid in the following Plan Year.
At the time that the participant makes a deferral election for a particular Plan
Year, he or she shall also select a time for distribution as well as the form of
distribution. A participant may elect to receive the deferrals for a particular
Plan Year either at termination of employment, including retirement due to
disability, or at a future specified date while employed. For purposes of the
Plan, termination of employment refers to termination of employment from all the
Employers and their subsidiaries and affiliates. Any future deferred
distribution date chosen by a participant must be at least two years after the
end of the Plan Year for which the election is made. If a participant has failed
to select a future deferred distribution date for a Plan Year deferral or if he
or she terminates employment, including retirement due to disability, for a
reason other than death, prior to reaching the selected future deferred
distribution date, then distribution of such deferred compensation will be made
or commence in the calendar year following the date of the participant's
termination of employment.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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